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Alchemy Skills

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Alchemy Skills icon.png Alchemy is a series of Alchemy Production Innate skills. These skills are applied when crafting at an Alchemy Crafting Station.

Alchemy Skill Tree
Alchemy ProficiencyEnchantmentAlchemy MasteryWeapon EnchantmentArmor EnchantmentSotA Alchemy Tree.png
About this image
No active skills
Alchemy Mastery
Increases chance to Revise Effects when using Enchantment
Alchemy Proficiency
Skill in Alchemy
Armor Enchantment
Increases the power of armor enchanting effects and unlock more options
Enchantment Proficiency
Increases chance to successfully enchant an item
Weapon Enchantment
Increases the power of weapon enchanting effects and unlock more options


Main article: Alchemy recipes

Recipes for the Alchemy skill can be crafted at an Alchemy Station.
