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Coconut Mount

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Coconut Mount
SotA Coconut Mount.png
Availability Adventurer pledge reward

One of the features we all wished we had enough time and budget for was the addition of mounts in Episode 1, but it just isn’t in the cards. However, we have raised enough funds to give all backers the next best thing: coconuts that sound like horses when banged together! You even get to pantomime trotting around like a horse while you bang them!

This package contains the following items:


This item was developed by Portalarium as an April Fool's Day joke[1] that spun out to an incredibly fun and elaborate “not” prank where we made real stuff then pretended it was real, but fake at the same time. They wanted everyone to wonder for several days if they were pranking us for April Fool’s or if the items were real. It was meant to be the ultimate head fake, where they could reveal that it was in fact all real, and not a prank. They went so far as to create a new movement mode in the game that is activated by equipping items. In this case it was coconuts that would trigger a skipping animation. This is a real system that they can expand later. In the Update of the Avatar, it was revealed that added the Coconut Horse was real, and included as a basic reward for all SotA backers[2]!
