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Community:Moongate Travelers 470
Guild Data | |
Name: | Moongate Travelers 47O |
Arms: | |
Established: | 2013/12/12 |
Members: | 115 |
PvP: | Unknown |
Playstyle: | RP-PvX |
Roleplay: | Casual |
Location: | Rift's End |

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The MGT470, or Moongate Travelers, is an in-game guild for the game 'Shroud of the Avatar'. It was founded during the Kickstarter game funding period, and maintains the positive co-operative atmosphere of those days. It is open for all players and play-styles, and focuses on networking and co-operation between the guild members, the Travelers, and their allies.
The Moongate Travelers is the premier go-to guild to finding one’s place in the SotA world. Are you a beginner? Join us, or simply ask, and we will help and guide you to your respectful place where you will find most fitting for your style of play or expertise. We are a mixture of Trainers, Craftspeople, PvP, PvE, PvM, Casual, and Hardcore players. MGT is multifaceted in terms of guilds and does not discriminate on guild type. Don’t want to be a Moongate Traveler? There are many guilds within SotA to choose from, depending on your style of play and expectations, and we would be delighted to help you find your guild home.
Guild Structure[edit]
Hierarchy of the guild is loosely structured for greater flexibility. There will be a GM, Officers, Travelers, Seekers, Scholars, and more. Each have their own levels of responsibility determined by the members themselves. We are democratic in nature, of which no major changes happen without the consent of the members, by vote. The main differences in the hierarchy are guild functionality, event planning, and authorizations.
Application Process[edit]
Anyone who is honest in their intent to join may visit the Moongate Traveler's discord server, linked from the guild web page at:
Guild Activities[edit]
- PvE (casual and hardcore)
- PvP
- Crafting
- Training
Code of Conduct[edit]
- Treat others fairly and with respect
- Be courteous to other players
- All in guild are treated as equals
- Do not beg
- Do not spam
- Do not volunteer critical guild information to the public unless verified by an officer or the GM.
- If you have a conflict with another guild member, try to work it out privately at first, before involving an officer or the GM.