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Release Features 2024

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SotA Developers added many features and content to the SotA game in 2024 (Release 122 through 133). These enhanced the game experience for players. This page consolidates these features that were published in the individual main Release articles.

Release 122 (January 25, 2024)[edit]

Main article: Release 122

See and Don’t Be Seen in Sneak Scene[edit]

SS Sneak Scene overlay.png

A sentry with a torch and a candle helmet patrols a darkened room filled with random junk.

Barkeeps in port towns across New Britannia have made their basements available to all sorts of nefarious people who value the ability to come and go without notice. They might have a key, if you ask, to access a place where specialists in skulking hone their craft. Drunken whispers have overshared that those frequenting this ‘sneak scene’ will claim avoiding combat is more important than direct confrontation. Some people might suggest this place is neutral ground, with both assassins and spies putting aside their differences in order to make use of these elaborate training facilities. It might, perhaps, be wise to do any such training before partaking of the barkeeps’ wares, not after.

Find these training grounds under taverns in:

  • Blood Bay
  • Broochash
  • Celestis
  • Goti
  • Etceter
  • Fortus End
  • Kingsport

Release 123 (February 29, 2024)[edit]

Main article: Release 123

Build a Bazaar With the New Market Lots![edit]

SS Market Entrance compressed overlay.png

A busy market street between white castle walls with many small shops on both sides, with wagons, streetlights, pennants, a fountain, and guards, shoppers, and stray cats crowding the area. Towers, an air balloon, and a dragon can be seen in the far distance past the walls.

Sometimes you want just small space with no home for an open-air shop. A nice tent, a few stalls… portable and low-maintenence! Our new Market Lots are 10 by 8 meters: the same frontage and just a smidge over half the depth of a Row Lot.

SS Market Lots with borders compressed overlay.png

A shot looking down at a street with 14 variously-decoed Market Lots along its length, with the footprint of each lot shown in green.

Here is a sample market showing a variety of possible uses:

Player Owned Town Market Lot released!!

Youtube Video

After a few internal adjustments to some that almost fit, all but the largest tents will fit on a Market Lot, as well as all the craftable stalls and awnings, albeit with some player resizing needed for the larger ones.

  • Tent (Craftable)
  • Welcome Tent
  • Small Canvas Tent (Craftable)
  • Medium Canvas Tent
  • Small Elven Tent (Craftable)
  • Medium Elven Tent
  • Small Knight’s tent
  • Large Knight’s Tent
  • Great Knight’s Tent
  • Triangle Kobold Tent (Craftable)
  • Small Kobold Tent (Craftable)
  • Medium Kobold Tent
  • Virtue Oktoberfest Tent
  • Wide Market Tent
  • Blue Stall Awning (Craftable)
  • Green Stall Awning (Craftable)
  • Red Stall Awning (Craftable)
  • Barn Stall (Craftable)
  • Tall Barn Stall (Craftable)
  • Thin Barn Stall (Craftable)

…as well as a miscellany of sheds, gazebos, pavilions, wells, and outhouses. Some decorated lot examples are below:

SS Market Lot Greengrocer compressed overlay.png

A tan awning holding some crates and hay bales sits behind a semicircle of nice wooden counters covered with boxes of various fruits and vegetables, with a scarecrow guarding tomato plants in the far corner. I'm sure he keeps the crows off the cash register, too.

SS Market Lot Rummage Shop compressed overlay.png

A half dozen barn stalls shelter many stacked tables holding boxes, maps, fireworks, a birdcage, an aether vibration amplifier, some wax cylinders, a Xenossian shield, some small statues and glassware, and other assorted fripperies. Find neat things you don't need today!

SS Market Lot Basket Shop compressed overlay.png

A riot of baskets, box crates, handbaskets, cylindrical baskets, and a large round wooden table with flat baskets and more handbaskets fill a market lot, with an orange rug and a pair of green free-standing banners adding a splash of color. A merchant in a long brown coat stares across the street, not noticing the orange tabby cat who is clearly contemplating jumping into a handbasket. Never trust orange tabbies.

SS Market Lot Plant Shop compressed overlay.png

A Perennial Coast peasant tends a market lot holding potted an assortment of potted plants: azaleas, elder bushes, a large flowering elderberry, a few heliotropes, and a row of royal elderberries. Good thing there's a public well across the street!

SS Market Lot Art Shop compressed overlay.png

A shopkeeper in a snazzy purple vest stands in front of five wooden walls that display framed maps and paintings under a large wood awning with a kobold chandelier.

SS Market Lot Firework Shop compressed overlay.png

A pair of wooden stages keep many rustic cabinets off the bare ground. The cabinets have on them (and presumably in them) a couple dozen boxes of fireworks of all types, a cash register, and a yellow supply bundle. A red pennant draws attention to the shop from a distance.

SS Market Lot Glass Shop compressed overlay.png

A city kobold has brought glassware from Grusk to display under a pair of triangular kobold tents: five bookshelves hold many empty clear bottles and flasks of various shapes lit by a water lantern atop a large stone block.

SS Market Lot Fish Shop compressed overlay.png

A fancy Perennial Coast merchant fronts a shop of goldfish; three large rectangular tanks are sheltered by barn stalls and several small tables hold tabletop fishtanks and fishbowls. A tan marble bench and some potted bamboo grace the edges.

SS Market Lot Cake Shop compressed overlay.png

A shopkeeper in a magenta dress gazes at two picnic tables covered with confection and treat platters, petit fours, cupcakes, and a sliced cake on a raised stand. A pair of tall pink banners stand behind them and the lot is closed with an ornate post and rope fence.

SS Market Lot Statue Shop compressed overlay.png

A Baron Servant looks out from a wide market tent filled with Tansu chests bearing tabletop statues. More are displayed on Celestian altar tables at the front of the tent and frosted lamps light the interior.

SS Market Lot Public Well compressed overlay.png

An open stone well has a few abandoned buckets scattered near it. A wooden bench and a large ankh make a spot for quiet contemplation. Rough stone fences bracket the lot. A poor peasant woman looks out from a weedy area in the corner.

SS Market Lot Soup Counter compressed overlay.png

A woman in a long blue coat stands in front of an awning with rows of tables and benches under it. Potted flesh flayers are on the table to keep down the bugs. A large cauldron bubbles at the corner of the lot, with a table with bowls and a ladle behind it and a dishwashing area in the corner. A good cheap bowl of soup would be a nice thing to give the poor woman at the public well.

SS Market Lot Butcher Shop compressed overlay.png

A purple awning covers some rough tables: one with an assortment of steaks and sausages on it, one with a cash register and a cloth sack, and a pair in the rear with many large haunches and a cleaver. A sketchy-looking man with a knife in his belt smiles in front of the shop.

SS Market Lots Books and Clothing compressed overlay.png

This picture shows two shops: a red stall awning with three tables of books bracketed by lion statues, an open book on a display stand, and a cash register, and a large white pavilion with a blue tile roof holding an oval display table with many pieces of clothing on it. A pair of dressed mannequins stand on small stone plinths in front of the pavilion. A brass tailor sign juts between the two shops from the ivy-covered white stone wall behind them.

SS Market Lot Unclaimed Freight Shop compressed overlay.png

Un... Claimed... Freight! A stern man in a brown coat stands at the door of an elven tent filled with unmarked crates. If he knows what's in them, he's not telling.

Market Lot decoration limits are:

  • Exterior Objects: 100
  • Exterior Lights: 4
  • Containers: 20
  • NPCs: 1
  • Basements and Dungeons: None!

A 10-pack of Market Lot Property Markers is available for Governors and Stewards in the Crown Store.

As one may always claim a lot with any deed that size or above, and as these lots will be created only by placing Property Markers in Player-Owned Towns, all existing deeds can claim these as they are the new smallest size. However, taxed deeds for Market Lots can be purchased in the Crown Store and upgraded to tax free for Crowns of the Obsidians:

  • Deed, Market (POT, Taxed): 1,100 COTOs
  • Deed, Market (POT, Tax Free): 2,100 COTOs

We hope you find this new lot size useful and inspiring!

Live Free on the Sea: POT Tax Free Water Deeds[edit]

SotA Water Lot Deed 03 City.jpg

An empty City Water Lot, highlighted in green to show its full size, is displayed next to a Baron's Galleon docked farther down the shore.

Village, Town, City, Keep, and Castle POT Tax Free Water Deeds are now available through upgrade of existing non-Founder deeds with Crowns of the Obsidians. You don’t have to be a pirate to hoodwink the tax man, though it helps!

The upgrade values for these new deeds are:

Deed COTOs
Deed, Village (POT, Tax Free, Water) 5,500 COTOs
Deed, Town (POT, Tax Free, Water) 11,000 COTOs
Deed, City (POT, Tax Free, Water) 22,000 COTOs
Deed, Keep (POT, Tax Free, Water) 44,000 COTOs
Deed, Castle (POT, Tax Free, Water) 88,000 COTOs

Note that the only Water Keep and Castle Lots currently available in Player Owned Towns are the baked-in ones; placeable Property Markers for these sizes are soon to be created but, unlike the baked-in ones, will not be toggle-able to an island for land home placement.

Release 124 (March 27, 2024)[edit]

Main article: Release 124


Release 125 (April 25, 2024)[edit]

Main article: Release 125


Release 126 (May 30, 2024)[edit]

Main article: Release 126


See Also[edit]