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Acara's Plate Greaves of Defiance, Common

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Acara's Plate Greaves of Defiance, Common
Acara's Plate Greaves of Defiance icon.png
Plate Heavy Armor (Legs)
Durability: 175/175
Weight: 3.5
Value: Gold 125
Damage Resistance: 3 (Max 8.8%)
Damage Avoidance: 3
Durability Multiplier: 270%
Item Effects
+6% Magic Fizzle Chance

+50% Acara Armor Set Bonus
+2% Air Damage

Acara's Plate Greaves of Defiance, Common is an artifact legging armor equipment item.


Shock Monkey Beta


  • Acaran gear now drops more readily. The legs have small chances to drop from clockwork monkeys Tier 5 and above. Higher tier creatures provide greater chances for the items to drop.[1]

See Also[edit]
