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Belt of the Ox, Legendary

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Belt of the Ox, Legendary
Coil of Rope icon.png
This belt grants additional carry capacity. The move speed penalty is variable, and increases as the avatar's "movement" number increases. Tier level does not effect the move speed penalty (e.g. common & epic have the same move speed penalty).
Durability: 100/100
Weight: 2
Item Effects
+ Encumbrance Capacity
Variable debuff Move Speed

Belt of the Ox, Legendary is an Artifact item. This belt grants additional Encumbrance Capacity, but it inflicts a Move Speed penalty. Tier level does not effect the move speed penalty (e.g. common & epic have the same move speed penalty). The Encumbrance Capacity buff is applied to your base carry capacity (i.e. the amount you can carry when all other non-strength encumbrance buffs are excluded).


Crafting the Smelting recipe Belt of the Ox, Legendary
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Smelting 1


Stone Chisel Stone Chisel x 1
Belt of the Ox, Rare Belt of the Ox, Rare x 4
Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence Ancient Essence x 4

Belt of the Ox, Legendary Belt of the Ox, Legendary x 1

Lastseen: R88
Stone ChiselBelt of the Ox, RareChunk of CoalAncient Essence

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Coil of Rope icon.pngBelt of the Ox, Epic Smelting icon.pngSmelting 1 Chisel icon.pngStone Chisel x 1
Coil of Rope icon.pngBelt of the Ox, Legendary x 2
Chunk of Coal icon.pngChunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence icon.pngAncient Essence x 6

See Also[edit]