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Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds

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Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds
Vanilla Bean icon.png
A handful of seeds that have been partially digested by a cantabrigian cat which are used by locals to make a coffee beverage.
Quest Item

Weight: 0
Value: Gold 0
Found in The Outlaws' Run.
Used in Find Seeds in Piles of Leaves Quest.

Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds are a quest item used in the Find Seeds in Piles of Leaves and Give Seeds to Mendo quests.

This item is used in 2 part series of Daily Quests in The Outlaws' Run in which you must find some Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds and return them to Mendo.

To get the Find Seeds in Piles of Leaves quest, offer to help Mendo (who is near the Southwest entrance of The Outlaws' Run).

  • Part 1: Find Seeds in Piles of Leaves - You can find Leaf Piles throughout The Outlaws' Run. The leaf piles tend to blend in with the surrounding environment, but the piles usually have a Cantabrigian Cat loitering nearby. So, if you see a Cantibrigian Cat, search the nearby area for a leaf pile. Left-click the leaf pile to "loot" it. At least one of the piles will contain the Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds. You only need to obtain one portion of Cantabrigian Coffee Seeds.
  • Part 2: Give Seeds to Mendo - Return to Mendo and give him the seeds. He will reward you with gold and 40,960 experience points (or 81,920 during double XP).

See Also[edit]