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Catnip Games Weekly Fishing Tourney
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A weekly fishing tournament is held by Catnip Games and awards prizes.
These contests run for 1 week intervals, Friday Noon to Friday Noon CT. We'll announce the winners every Friday during the livestream.
Town Registration[edit]
Each week, the contest takes place in 3 Player Owned Towns, 1 Random PvP location and 1 Random Lava or NPC Town Location. Please register your Player Owned Town of choice in a reply to this thread, 1 entry per player, and these entries will be added into the town registry. The contest will cycle through the towns in the sequence they entered the town registry, then loop back again to the beginning. The town registry will be reset/wiped for new entries periodically to ensure only active/interested towns are within the registry.
Fishing Prizes & Objectives[edit]
All prizes will be no-trade. Players may donate additional prizes in the name of their guilds or towns to sweeten the pot. This event is live as of Friday the 12th at Noon CT to Friday the 19th at Noon CT, and this is this week's prizes and goals:
Largest FRESH WATER Fish (Town)
-- Rules: Must be caught from one of these towns
-- Prizes: Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy
RECOMMENDED: Please put a mailbox for your anglers to use by the water. For salt or fetid water contests, town owners can receive a loaner statue to convert the water type of their town to that of the contest, if required.
Largest Fish (PvP):
-- Rules: Must be caught in Paladis Shardfall (accessible via boat from Kingsport docks)
-- Prizes: 2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy
Largest Lava Fish:
-- Rules: Must be caught in Sunless Barrens
-- Prizes: Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy
Participation Prizes:
-- Rules: Everyone who submitted an entry that did not win an above prize
-- Prizes: Small Silver Fishing Trophy
Cross-Over Events[edit]
Prizes provided by the Community Manager will be available for attendees of the PvP and Fishing events, but governors, guild leaders and players are welcome to sweeten the pot by providing additional prizes based on objective criteria entirely of their own design. In fact, please consider planning events to overlap the duration and chosen weekly locations of the PvP and Fishing developer events. Please post these events in the in-game events forums and the Community Manager will promote accordingly. After the first week of these events, likely there will be a pause for planning before additional weeks start rolling in, but after that point? Expect a constant stream of weekly events, each to feature new locations and new objectives. Please submit links to event threads which take place in the spotlighted towns, PvP zone or PvE zone.
Here's some guidelines to consider for this contest.
- One fish entry... per player... per prize category... can be submitted. Once you've sent in an entry for that category, no other entries will be accepted for that category from the same player.
- Send the fish to Elgarion or ElgarionGM using the in-game mail system.
- You'll always receive your fish back -- no worries! I have to send you participation trophies anyway, even if you aren't a winner.
Contest Winner History[edit]
Week 1
:Engel, Large Tiger Shark, 5.28 (New Britannian Market)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- PeachPitt, King Salmon, 2.39 (Paladis Shardfall)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Brighton Rock, Large Mosasaurus, 7.79 (Sunless Barrens)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 2
:Dexter Steele, Large King Salmon, 2.61 (Rinzai)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- devilcult, Marlin, 3.43 (Rhun Ruins)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Engel, Large Mosasaurus, 7.55 (Oracle Colossus)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 3
- Fiero Steele, Tiger Shark, 4.64 (PaxLair)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- Net, Marlin, 3.54 (Verdantis Shardfall)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- scar face, Mosasaurus, 7.00 (Blackblade Foothills)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 4
- Irishize, Alligator Gar, 2.53 (Novia Market)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- Peach Pitt, Large King Salmon, 2.42 (Libris Ruins)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Irishize, Large Dunkleosteus, 5.56 (Sunless Barrens)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 5
- Smegatron, Large King Salmon, 2.74 (Riptown Creek)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- Serenia Mellorian, Small Tiger Shark, 3.49 (Dysborg Ruins)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Engel, Mosasaurus, 5.88 (Bunker C)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 6
- Astor Cerberus, Tiger Shark, 4.8 (Knight's Watch)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- Peach Pitt, King Salmon, 2.35 (Kas Ruins)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Peach Pitt, Mosasurus, 6.85 (Oracle Colossus)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)
Week 7
- Hodor, Sturgeon, 2.7 (Dragomir Mori)
POT Towns (Player Owned Town Row Lot Deed, Large Gold Fishing Trophy)
- D'Laein Lachlan, Large Tiger Shark, 5.11 (The Brave Coast)
PvP (2 Chained Obsidian Shard 3-Packs, Large Silver Fishing Trophy)
- Zeek Latreck, Mosasurus, 6.09 (Blackblade Foothills)
Lava (Fishing Rod of Prosperity, Large Bronze Fishing Trophy)