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Chain Harness of Resistance

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Chain Harness of Resistance
Chain Harness icon.png
This magical chain harness provides additional physical damage resistance to a pet, but the added weight of this heavy harness causes the pet to move more slowly.
Chain Heavy Armor (Accessory)
Durability: 100/100
Weight: 0
Value: Gold 10
Item Effects
+% Companion Physical Resistance
- Companion Movement Rate
This item is craftable using the Blacksmithing recipe of
Recipe: Chain Harness of Resistance at Blacksmithing Station.

Chain Harness of Resistance is a Pet Equipment item that can be crafted with the Blacksmithing skill.


Crafting the Blacksmithing recipe Chain Harness of Resistance
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Blacksmithing 80

Not Teachable

Smithing Hammer Smithing Hammer x 1
Studded Roll of Leather Studded Roll of Leather x 3
Studded Strip of Leather Studded Strip of Leather x 1
Coil of Iron Wire Coil of Iron Wire x 5
Iron Binding Iron Binding x 1
Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal x 8

Chain Harness of Resistance Chain Harness of Resistance x 1

Lastseen: R99
Smithing Hammer
Studded Roll of LeatherStudded Strip of LeatherCoil of Iron WireIron BindingChunk of Coal

Crafting Components[edit]

You can craft a Chain Harness of Resistance using the following different Crafting Components.

  • Using a specific Crafting Component will add that Crafting Components Material Crafting Bonus to the item

Studded Roll of Leather[edit]


Icon Item Item Effects
Studded Roll of Leather icon.png Gem Studded Roll of Leather
Gem Studded Roll of Leather
Companion Critical Hit Reduction

Studded Roll of Leather icon.png Gold Studded Roll of Leather
Gold Studded Roll of Leather
Companion Combat Health Regeneration

Studded Roll of Leather icon.png Silver Studded Roll of Leather
Silver Studded Roll of Leather
Companion Magic Resistance
Companion Physical Resistance

Studded Strip of Leather[edit]


Icon Item Item Effects
Leather Strap.png Bronze Studded Strip of Leather
Bronze Studded Strip of Leather
Companion Critical Hit Damage Multiplier

Leather Strap.png Copper Studded Strip of Leather
Copper Studded Strip of Leather
Companion Critical Hit Chance

Leather Strap.png Iron Studded Strip of Leather
Iron Studded Strip of Leather
Companion Damage Bonus

Used in recipes

Currently there are no recipes that use Chain Harness of Resistance in a recipe.

See Also[edit]