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Collect Right Toenail

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Collect Right Toenail
Location: Tenebris Harbor
NPCs: Tarian
Creatures: Troll Twin
Quest Items: Right Troll Toenail
Description: I'm supposed to get a right troll toenail.
Related Quests: Collect Left Toenail, Bring Both Toenails to Ritualist

This is the first part of two sequential Daily Quests.

The first time you do this quest you must speak to Tarian in Tenebris Harbor to get the Collect Right Toenail and Collect Left Toenail quests before you can get the toenails. Thereafter, you do not need to speak to Tarian before you collect the toenails.


After completing the quests above (i.e. both part 1 and part 2), you will be given gold, experience points, Kobold Spirits, and a Pax Ring, Common.


A drunken ritualist in Tenebris Harbor is apparently turning against his (former) allies that are currently sacking the town. For some reason, he said I can help him by bringing him a left toenail and a right toenail from the troll twins near the western tip of the Brightbone Mountains. At any rate, he'll reward me after I give him both toenails.