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Community:Sanguine Wild
Guild Data | |
Name: | Sanguine Wild |
Arms: | |
Established: | 2013/12/12 |
Members: | 15 |
PvP: | Any |
Playstyle: | RP-PvX |
Roleplay: | Any |
Location: | Unknown |

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Sanguine Wild has been around since 1996, and has had a presence in many online games such as Ultima Online, Shadowbane, Lord of the Rings, Warhammer and Guild Wars 1 & 2. More often than not our background lore draws upon Were-creatures, Rangers and Druids.
Guild Structure[edit]
Sanguine Wild generally uses a traditional guild structure, having a GM, Inner Council, Members and Recruits. The most important function of the guild is to have fun. At our heart, we are a large group of friends who respect each other and enjoy each others company. We're nearly all adults(average guild age is over 30)and we strive to be mature citizens within the game world.
Application Process[edit]
If interested in joining Sanguine Wild, please stop by our forums and introduce yourself.
Guild Activities[edit]
PvX (PvP/PvE)
Merchants & Crafting
Camaraderie & Member events
Guild Ventrilo Server