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Guild Data
Name: Woodsmen
Woodsmen Arms
Established: 2020/10/01
Members: 16
PvP: None
Playstyle: PvE
Roleplay: Casual
Location: Solace Bridge Outskirts

First and foremost, this is considered a guild for new players, so it's considered an entry-level guild. We hope that our members move on to other guilds, once they get enough experience under their belt.

The Woodsmen guild, as the name implies, comprises of people who live in the woods. However, the main goal of the guild is to connect those just starting their journey with others just starting their journey, to have fun, and to learn together. Our symbol is the black rose, not in connection with its meaning of death, but rather it's meaning of new beginnings and major change. In the arms we see a wooden circle with a decorative rose burned into the wood. This wood is fixtured onto a shield.

Other symbols: The upward growing chart, upper center, represents positivity towards reaching our personal in-game goals, noting that we must start in a low place and grow to reach what it is we want. The top bar reaches the edge of the shield, indicating rising past the ceiling we place on ourselves, moving past our own restraints to succeed. The heads have gears inside, turning, indicating a new awareness of the game and the learning that takes place to reach an understanding of the game dynamics.

Currently, the Woodsmen recruit around Solace Bridge Outskirts, with the vast majority of our incoming recruits in the beginning phase of their journey. This is an open invite group, meaning anyone that is a Woodsmen can invite you to be a Woodsmen. Just ask one of us!

The guild is on the forum at The Cozy Wood Cabin

The guild is centered in the Solace Bridge Outskirts, has no current buildings, and social structure is diffused and lax...

Contacts on Forum: @Woodsmen​