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Community Livestream/Artifacts & Virtue Gear

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1:11 here we are and guess what we have
1:14 tweaked this community livestream in all
1:16 live streams moving forward with some
1:18 fancy new tools on our side to make the
1:21 transition a little bit smoother for you
1:23 guys watching when we go to unity yeah
1:26 unity and back again in the game and
1:28 back again and us just you know
1:30 full-face talking about all sorts of
1:32 cool stuff you know start this is my
1:34 favorite time of the year this is the
1:36 time where we celebrate holidays oh I
1:39 thought you were gonna say it's your
1:40 favorite time because I grow a moustache
1:41 not a child here oh no although I know
1:46 you have fans in the community so we're
1:50 giving away gifts for with family we're
1:53 giving away gifts today on the
1:55 livestream actually well we call them
1:57 prizes we have let me run through those
1:59 real quick ornate sleigh ornate sled ice
2:02 nightmare mask very cool and crisp
2:05 looking at night 2017 only the 2017
2:10 version you'll card five pack if you
2:12 want to give a nice Happy Holidays to
2:14 anybody in the game and a twitter prize
2:18 for all you Twitter fans out there a
2:20 2017 mule gift set which includes the
2:23 card pack the gift boxes that Scotty
2:27 design they live well Scotty design
2:28 always they're amazing we had Scotty on
2:30 last show and I promised our viewers
2:33 that we would give away some of that
2:34 stuff that was coming up great so today
2:36 excellent and the stockings in that gift
2:39 pack and I'm sure will give away some
2:41 more of these goodies in the next couple
2:43 of live streams but for now this is our
2:46 regular Friday community livestream we
2:48 have these almost every Friday for all
2:49 your new players and viewers that are
2:52 just joining us my name is Barrett
2:53 community manager here at portal areum
2:55 and I have with me the executive
2:58 producer who has all the things news
3:01 coming up what we've been covering
3:03 recently and everything that has gone
3:04 into release 48 that we just below see
3:08 we that's when we need the little sound
3:09 work do you know
3:13 like that soreness it seems like I need
3:15 a big stack of paper not just you who
3:17 does that kind of like I could like
3:20 stack it you know who does that well
3:22 Indian an customer really a sound
3:23 effects we need to borrow those yeah
3:25 totally
3:26 sure they loved and with the staff at
3:28 that probably sounded great yeah okay
3:30 let me check the chat well you yeah
3:32 there's no right
3:32 so as barek bitching my name is Starla
3:36 also known as darkstar I'm the executive
3:38 producer for the project and welcome to
3:40 our live stream and so yesterday we had
3:44 something happen that affected a lot of
3:48 our users some maybe all of them in fact
3:50 it was the release of our 48 monthly
3:55 release so that is 48 releases in a row
3:58 Wow so very proud of my team amazing
4:02 team I have here that they are able to
4:04 do this 48 months in a row on time every
4:07 time every Thursday this time though it
4:10 wasn't at the end of the month it was
4:11 the middle of the month and that's
4:12 because it is November and even though
4:17 I'm kind of a Scrooge not really a
4:20 screwed to all the time so I let the
4:22 team have holidays so I love them have
4:24 Thanksgiving and Christmas at least
4:27 little bits of those and so they get a
4:31 little bit of time off at the end of
4:33 November and a little bit of time off at
4:34 the end of December so we have our
4:36 November and December releases at the
4:38 middle of the month not the end so
4:40 that's why these releases come a little
4:43 bit early those of you who are maybe a
4:45 little surprised when all of a sudden
4:47 patches started happening yesterday so
4:49 welcome to release 48 is chock-full of
4:52 stuff you know I told my team I was you
4:56 know a little bit disappointed in them
4:58 because even though it was a short
4:59 release they got a you know a ton of
5:01 work done in the short amount of time
5:03 and they're gonna set false expectations
5:05 with you guys about how much work can be
5:07 done in such a short amount of time so
5:09 you know that's that's bad news
5:11 because they got so much done I mean we
5:13 got more work reducing the load times we
5:17 got a new lighting model in there that
5:19 will
5:20 be cool like all these little beams of
5:21 light with moats and stuff like that
5:22 volumetric lighting more side quests
5:26 side quests in fact that earned you the
5:28 new cool virtue gear the armors of truth
5:32 love and courage we did more story
5:34 polish more components more cool unique
5:38 components that you can salvage off gear
5:40 that you find we're gonna have beyond
5:43 later he's going to talk about that
5:45 we got audio polish and visual effects
5:50 polish and UI polish including more
5:53 assistance to help you find things in
5:55 the world now if you have an active task
5:58 seems that are you have those tasks in
6:01 on the overworld will Sparkle there's
6:03 gonna be yes
6:04 and I know those you want to play
6:05 old-school style there is going to be an
6:07 option to turn those off in the future
6:09 if you wanna play it old-school
6:10 we got holiday items in the game and the
6:14 long-awaited tree and grass roofer also
6:18 known as the lawnmower and I would
6:19 always do a an amazing impression of a
6:22 long one no it's exactly how it sounds
6:28 just like that they go real old-school
6:31 it's those motorless bladed you know and
6:36 it kind of makes a little sound is you
6:37 could just very nice very beautiful
6:40 there's people stop so peaceful anyway I
6:44 know that is actually very peaceful here
6:48 you can't see its star but I'm gonna
6:50 justice will you talk a little bit more
6:52 again so we can see if there's any
6:53 questions you guys have you have
6:54 questions for star and for everybody
6:57 else is coming on the livestream later
6:59 as we show off and talk about things
7:00 asked them in chat discord and twitch
7:02 and you know barrack was Sam's favorite
7:05 time of year
7:06 and I was mentioning being a Scrooge or
7:08 not being a Scrooge it is the holiday
7:10 season and so this release is chock-full
7:13 of holiday goodies all sorts of
7:17 stockings and mule trees and new wreaths
7:20 and gift boxes and cards this release we
7:24 have all the store versions but next
7:26 release there's going to be a bunch of
7:27 craftable versions in the game as well
7:29 so as you
7:31 no we're very committed to while there
7:35 are versions you can buy on the store we
7:37 always try to have craftable versions in
7:40 the game as well and those will be
7:41 coming up in the next release also you
7:46 know I was joking about favorite time of
7:48 year and my mustache which again it's
7:51 still a little hard to see because it's
7:52 a coming in a little gray but we can
7:56 connect it so we added a bunch of
7:58 Movember items a mustache helm and a
8:01 mustache cloak and some unique
8:03 reliquaries that go in the bundles the
8:09 reliquary bundles from when I shaved off
8:10 my moustache from last year those are in
8:13 there now in those bundles and but you
8:17 can also buy the moustache alum in the
8:18 moustache cloak and the moustache
8:20 patterns individually and we have a team
8:25 must after the avatar that you can join
8:28 or you contribute to or raising merit
8:31 earth issues Merrick dragon is saying
8:33 barrack you're breaking the rules we
8:35 don't see a mustache growing that is
8:37 true I tried this last year in it it was
8:40 it was a real disaster but I was
8:43 thinking you know maybe if I can do the
8:45 there is a beard beard oil vembur or
8:48 something I could do a beard I think
8:50 that look cool you know you can exercise
8:52 for it too you know really uh-huh
8:54 yeah you can exercise all right let's
8:58 see what else oh and another big change
9:00 is about artifacts so artifacts now can
9:03 be enchanted and master worked what you
9:07 can't gym sock in them but you can
9:09 enchant and master work them and but we
9:12 also made it so you can't repair do
9:14 minor repairs with them except by using
9:16 our essences but we're gonna have a
9:19 whole section of that later Chris is
9:22 coming in he's going to talk about that
9:24 oh and we're supporting our friends over
9:29 at bright locker these guys actually
9:32 some of the founders of that company
9:33 were my original Network guys from
9:36 Ultima Online back in the
9:37 it built our first servers our first off
9:41 that authentication stuff and they found
9:44 started a new company think of it like
9:46 Steam + crowdfunding and open
9:49 development all sort of matched up in
9:50 one kind of thing and we so we've we had
9:55 made an extra Viking house that we
9:59 didn't use a smaller one than the one we
10:01 used for our scene best and so we're
10:04 letting them use that in their campaign
10:06 along with and so there's a bundle over
10:09 there that you can buy with that and
10:11 we're selling this is the last week of
10:14 the Russian launch sales events 35
10:21 percent of home deco and outdoor deco
10:24 again this is the deepest discounts will
10:26 ever we've ever done and probably for a
10:29 while so if you want to get if there are
10:33 some home decos you want this is the
10:38 time to get to them and I see a question
10:40 on the twitch chat from cron asking of
10:43 when are we gonna get the missed
10:45 questions actually that's cooled up
10:48 already but from the last telethon so
10:52 sorry the delay on getting the missed
10:55 questions the last help on we actually
10:56 only have a few left that we that were
10:58 trying to get answers for we we hope to
11:01 get that first thing next week short
11:05 release we just didn't get time to get
11:07 them but we hope to get that answer
11:08 there was another question from Sir
11:10 Lang's is the Russian launch on a
11:13 separate server together with us they're
11:15 together all on one server are still our
11:18 plan right now is one server worldwide
11:20 for everybody that's always been the
11:22 plan we have no intent on changing that
11:26 as soon as we plan on changing that we
11:30 will announce it but there is no plan on
11:33 changing that alright a couple other
11:36 announcements and then
11:38 and want to hand it off to the next
11:40 folks to talk to do the deep dives about
11:43 components in artifacts and Burgess here
11:47 all right there is a party that the
11:51 community is throwing for us on January
11:55 12th there's a thread about it and the
11:56 forums everyone is invited it's open to
11:58 everyone so check that out
12:01 and we are doing up well not we're not
12:05 doing but we're contributing to a
12:07 fundraiser for the airy fun very fun day
12:09 is a not-for-profit volunteer group of
12:12 players that raise funds for players in
12:16 need and charities and they've raised
12:20 over 80 almost $80,000 this year so far
12:23 for either players in need or charities
12:27 they just did they just organized the
12:30 extra life Street month on they did the
12:33 breast cancer you know for Breast Cancer
12:36 Month and you know they do a lot of
12:39 really good work so a bunch of us dads
12:42 have been making some gear for that that
12:46 they'll be auctioning off and they've
12:48 started posting some of that yeah and
12:51 speaking of the items you may see a lot
12:52 of the cloaks for these initiatives that
12:55 community members who participate in
12:57 them are wearing in the game there are
12:59 clothes from the up extra life event
13:01 we've got the the Breast Cancer
13:03 Foundation
13:04 think pink cloak as well and so we help
13:07 to support these initiatives and real
13:10 life events through in-game items and
13:13 other ways to show our appreciation for
13:16 all the great work the community is
13:17 doing yeah and finally again short
13:21 release so feels like we just had
13:23 telethon and yeah that's true but we're
13:25 having another one
13:26 so our release 48 post-mortem because we
13:31 released 48 went out yesterday and so
13:33 December 1st is going to be the next
13:36 post-mortem and it's again going to be
13:39 ice themed and so submit your questions
13:41 and we're gonna bring back deep dives so
13:45 you know you guys have been giving us a
13:48 feedback and one
13:50 things that's been requested is to start
13:52 doing deep dives again so we're gonna
13:54 have a couple of deep dives one about
13:56 combat and another one about economy so
14:01 join us for that and ask and there you
14:05 go
14:06 so without further ado why don't you go
14:10 hunt down crits all right roaming the
14:12 halls all right all right be interesting
14:14 to talk about artifacts and components
14:16 all right be looking excited they're gin
14:20 runners oh yeah you're gonna working
14:23 really hard on a lot of stuff and has
14:26 been on the live stream in a while yes
14:28 there's Chris hey there's a shirt I
14:31 recognize that is the Stephen gets on
14:34 camera that is the combat SID Joel I
14:37 believe right there it is that's
14:39 actually available in game in many forms
14:41 two people have it we were just talking
14:43 about decorations and the some of the
14:46 decorations that people have been adding
14:48 to their houses a few things related to
14:50 the sigil by the way and we mentioned
14:53 that too and they're teasing me right
14:55 now because I don't have loo this easier
14:58 to you yeah that's that's all that's two
15:00 weeks worth of growth for him actually
15:02 it girls pretty fast I can grow a
15:04 serious beer I can compete I just choose
15:06 two weeks for me and this is two weeks
15:07 for me Wow that's all right so yeah a
15:12 lot of Movember mentions so we talked
15:14 about that and ooh so items we've went
15:18 over the prizes we're gonna give away
15:19 some stuff and let's do one of those
15:22 right now just get the ball rolling
15:23 let's give away ice nightmare mask we'll
15:27 give away two of these if you want a
15:31 chance to win an ice nightmare mask type
15:33 in discord or twitch exclamation mask
15:37 we'll give that a few minutes to roll
15:39 through meanwhile a couple of other
15:41 community news items we had obviously
15:45 released 48 that we mentioned star
15:47 mentioned just a few minutes ago goal ID
15:48 this week we have the are 48 welcome
15:51 quest usually this is the Welcome
15:53 cluster have been like a week out from
15:55 the release but this one I think partly
15:58 because as a short release as well
16:02 is this Saturday November 18th at 2
16:06 o'clock Central Time or nubret onion
16:08 time in game at Veritas sanctuary you
16:12 can check it out
16:13 the details in the forums and the
16:15 community events forms there's welcome
16:18 quests every single month and as the
16:21 name would suggest are for you welcome
16:22 quest and there's a whole bunch of fun
16:24 activities around that also the pirate
16:28 ship cry huh D says cry singing sorry
16:31 you know like when you in Christmas yeah
16:35 yeah christening in its relative Christ
16:41 me bit christening in dragomir Maurice
16:45 dragomir Maury Claire own town I think
16:47 on Saturday a few Saturdays from out
16:52 December 2nd 3 to 5 p.m. so that's
16:55 that's gonna be a fun event all these
16:56 are in the forms if you want details
16:58 they're also in a community tab on the
17:01 website community events and the
17:03 calendar there the memo memento mori
17:07 make a difference Christmas parties now
17:09 we're getting into Christmas parties we
17:10 were talking about our January 12th
17:12 Christmas party here at portal Aryan for
17:14 anybody who is interested in attending
17:16 but this one is a community well that
17:19 one's a community run too but this one
17:21 is a community run one on in game on
17:23 December 12 and I believe in memento
17:27 mori player town at 6 to 8 o'clock so
17:32 that we got parties we've got
17:34 christenings and all sorts of fun stuff
17:37 including contests that we just
17:39 announced this morning the avatars guide
17:43 to knowledge and virtue a video how to
17:46 walk through each kind of contest
17:50 so we've recognized a lot of the great
17:52 videos in the community trailers how-to
17:55 videos just fun little like I'm walking
17:58 through this scene today and there's a
18:01 lot of really great producers of videos
18:04 out there and people who are passionate
18:06 about players who are passionate about
18:08 what they do in the game whether you're
18:10 a crafter combat which is creating items
18:14 in
18:15 economy and some of the stuff you guys
18:17 will talk about with artifacts and
18:18 chanting artifacts and all that good
18:20 stuff there's a lot of information about
18:22 this game on how to get started in these
18:24 areas and how to play and how to win now
18:27 lose I guess you could have a how to
18:29 Lewis that'd be interesting and we want
18:33 you the community to come up with some
18:37 of these videos it's gonna like they're
18:39 like we have a limit of like one and a
18:41 half minutes to two and half minutes on
18:42 these videos very brief and it's just a
18:45 quick like here's a quick snap of how to
18:47 do however you can describe something in
18:50 two minutes we got all the details of
18:53 the contest on the forms and the main
18:55 website what recommended categories how
18:57 to create a video some suggestions there
18:59 and most importantly what you can win so
19:03 there's all of there let me know if you
19:05 have any questions and that's going on
19:08 now and it's going to be running until
19:09 January what did I say it was January
19:12 15th I think was the end of the contest
19:14 and so there's plenty of time to create
19:17 a whole bunch of videos and create more
19:19 than one if you want it's gonna be a lot
19:21 of fun I can't wait to see what you guys
19:23 put together one little note on that for
19:26 any of you who happen to be eager to get
19:27 started on that right away there is one
19:29 piece of the puzzle actually it's not a
19:31 puzzle but it sounds good
19:33 one piece of the contest that's not in
19:37 place yet if you read through the whole
19:38 contest there's the slides on how to put
19:41 together a video you've got like the
19:43 opening slide and you seem really in
19:45 trance Chris with the chatter they said
19:47 okay good let me know if they have any
19:49 questions alright so there's like these
19:51 seams in the beginning scene and then
19:53 the meat potatoes of what you're
19:55 describing the how-to stuff and then the
19:57 end scene we're providing the rapper the
19:59 beginning and the end for you we got the
20:01 end that's ready to go
20:04 the beginning there's a few things that
20:06 we wanted just kind of like adjust there
20:08 on the slide that we would provide you
20:09 so that's not quite available yet go
20:11 ahead and start you know come up with a
20:13 script play the game do all of that
20:16 start putting together your videos and
20:19 worry about that beginning slide next
20:21 week when we provide it all right enough
20:23 of that let's see let's give another
20:25 round in case they forgot what we were
20:27 giving away
20:29 and then although you guys roll into
20:30 some stuff here we're giving away at the
20:32 moment an ice nightmare mask two of
20:34 those so type in exclamation mask
20:37 dear want a chance to win one of those
20:39 will we talk about today mister
20:43 artifacts
20:43 I guess we're talking about a chance at
20:45 artifacts right I believe yeah so
20:48 changes to artifacts and just artifacts
20:50 in general and where they fall in this
20:52 is kind of the our discussion all along
20:56 about the gear and games we didn't want
20:58 to make the game game super super gear
21:01 heavy what it's all about I must get
21:03 this gear so that I can then grind and
21:06 grind and grind then get tier 1 gear
21:08 with a get a rating deal together and we
21:11 go do the exact same instance 97 times
21:13 and then with that tier 1 gear now we
21:15 can get here to gear and then with
21:17 grinding and grinding grain we can
21:19 finally get them and like we won't not
21:21 have that whole progression I think also
21:23 it's the case since we don't have stat
21:25 requirements you know you can pretty
21:27 much use an item
21:29 there's nothing sort of forbidding you
21:30 from using an item on the acquisition of
21:32 it you know so that sort of goes into it
21:34 - as far as the progression yeah so
21:36 we're looking we knew everything in the
21:38 game is going to be heavy on the
21:40 crafting side of things that's really
21:41 important to us that's a big part of the
21:43 game as making sure crafters are happy
21:45 and that you can kind of play is you
21:47 know a third of the community is
21:49 crafters you know in reality it's really
21:51 a lot of people craft on the side to
21:54 craft their own gear speaking of weight
21:56 but they're still thinking which your
21:58 crap I think you both are crafting did
22:00 we mention this I always have paying
22:02 attention I was looking at the map
22:03 because oh okay you want to mention it I
22:05 will as soon as I get done with my train
22:07 of thought that you just interrupted oh
22:08 damn
22:09 okay well go for it but anyways we won
22:12 had something that felt different from
22:14 the crafted stuff where it's purely in
22:16 the players hands and so artifacts were
22:19 the stab at that and also just add some
22:20 interest to the game interesting items
22:24 that are kind of like have unique
22:25 abilities don't really fit into any
22:26 category and those are just all things
22:29 that I do started inserting into the
22:30 game as very rare drops a lot of them
22:34 have become popular but the general idea
22:36 behind them is almost always they are
22:40 some cool benefit and then some not so
22:44 cool disadvantage of thing originally
22:48 they were kind of a net zero sum they
22:50 weren't even like you know forget about
22:52 comparing them to crafted items that
22:53 weren't even as good as just some normal
22:55 items if you wait in the bad side of
22:57 things but as we've moved along they've
23:01 got a little more powerful so that they
23:03 kind of compete with low-end craft and
23:05 if you look at the absolute stats on so
23:07 this releases we after talking about we
23:09 actually are doing something different
23:10 which is I mean the whole point of not
23:14 making artifacts the coolest most
23:16 awesome things in the game was we didn't
23:20 want to you know stomp on the crafters
23:22 and make it so crafters couldn't compete
23:23 so after talking about one things we
23:26 realized was we can still have crafters
23:28 competing and have artifacts that they
23:31 can enchant because those things don't
23:34 enchant themselves and that's actually
23:35 one things basically the only step is
23:37 replaces instead of you craft this
23:39 crappy plus is here a sword that you can
23:42 craft a hundred of in an hour
23:45 you know has there's no challenge crack
23:47 in it a you know a level zero person can
23:50 go craft one of these it takes no skill
23:52 at all
23:52 like that's the only step that's
23:54 replacing something that we would let
23:55 you serve an artifact and all that work
23:57 from there on out is the hard part where
23:59 you spend tons and tons of resources
24:01 quite often break multiple versions
24:04 where you get what you want and then in
24:07 them so really all we're replacing by
24:09 letting artifacts being enchanted
24:10 masterwork is replacing that initial
24:13 step where you make the initial thing so
24:14 something that we do realize that is
24:17 different about that that goes beyond
24:19 the whole like you know I can claim this
24:22 as mine I enchanted it but it doesn't
24:24 have any type of tags on that's one of
24:26 those things also like some could craft
24:28 a meal sword and then this other guy
24:30 does the hard work and but gets to a +13
24:34 sword or something it still has the name
24:37 of the first guy and it's kind of the
24:39 same problem with artifacts is the
24:41 artifact starts with no vein so nobody
24:43 made it and then you can't tell really
24:44 who would enchant and that is one of
24:46 those things is it's kind of a trophy
24:47 thing I'd have people out there using
24:49 your gear and then knowing
24:51 you made it so there's something we'll
24:54 look at how to best fix it
24:57 whether that is whoever put the last
24:59 enchant on something gets the name on
25:01 the the item or maybe there's an extra
25:03 feel that is you know enhanced by blah
25:06 yeah it's just that I mean if you
25:08 thought our tooltips are bigger before
25:10 anything yeah hold down control yeah
25:13 well as I understand it you can get
25:18 there's a thing called ancient essences
25:21 you can get so that are salvaged from
25:24 other artifacts to to this kind of your
25:28 thing I suppose yeah this so that's the
25:32 change when in this releases we continue
25:34 to try to right now artifact drop rates
25:37 or crazy rares I see people saying that
25:39 they work for you know like twelve hours
25:41 on an area then you hide artifacts and I
25:44 got like one drop so right now they're
25:46 crazier that is intentional we want to
25:47 be able to turn that up a little bit and
25:49 also keep pushing artifacts through the
25:52 economy and also add a value to the
25:57 lesser artifacts because they're some
25:58 semi junk artifacts a drop in fact a lot
26:01 of the artifacts a drop or semi junk are
26:03 very limited use and we want to give
26:06 those some extra value so we basically
26:08 did all of it by making it so artifacts
26:11 can't be repaired by normal means they
26:14 basically can only be repaired by taking
26:16 an artifacts breaking it down to get the
26:18 essence out of it and then using that on
26:20 the New York or on the damage start
26:22 event we're getting reports this just in
26:27 a devastating instability earthquake to
26:31 discord not a real one
26:33 don't scare anybody to discord there's
26:35 some problems with discord right now
26:37 it's going some people can't access it
26:39 sometimes it's accessible so if you're
26:41 in discord chat well if you're in you're
26:44 fine otherwise jump into twitch and tell
26:47 their friends jump into twitch which
26:49 were taking questions and giving away
26:50 prizes on both of them right now
26:52 speaking of which let's give away those
26:54 two ice nightmare masks Congrats to Emmy
26:58 Lou and akin akan ma for winning one of
27:03 those please message Barry
27:04 in discord if you can your account name
27:08 and what you want and if you're in
27:10 twitch shroud of the avatar message that
27:13 name and what you want and we'll get
27:15 those to you as soon as we can let's uh
27:17 let's roll into another prize here we
27:20 got a whole bunch today let's give away
27:22 you know sleighs and sleds that that
27:25 were created or really I don't know if
27:26 you've seen like I'll screenshots and
27:28 items and network around it yeah it's
27:30 just amazing all the we were talking
27:31 about this with straw earlier on some of
27:34 the items that we showed actually on the
27:36 live stream last week which is now on
27:39 YouTube by the way guys we put that up
27:40 just a little bit ago slash
27:43 portal Aryan for all of the archive live
27:45 streams you know if you want to see you
27:47 know what is what a Kris look like a few
27:49 weeks ago that's on YouTube so let's
27:53 give away your choice two of these
27:57 ornate slay or an ornate sled are you
28:00 slate kind of person are you a sled kind
28:01 of person let us know type exclamation
28:03 ornate ORN a te in discord or twitch and
28:08 we'll give that a few minutes to see who
28:10 wins I did want the whole story I stuff
28:14 I do talk about my daughter entirely too
28:16 much on live air when we have limited
28:17 I'm sure how I'm supposed to shave off
28:21 this beard part here which doesn't show
28:23 up that well on camera but it's actually
28:25 pretty noticeable but my daughter has
28:28 never seen me with a beard before it
28:30 never noticed me with a beard or
28:31 mustache before and she absolutely loves
28:33 it in fact I told you the other day and
28:36 striking home talking to the wife on the
28:37 phone in the car and told her yeah I got
28:40 to shave off the beard thing so that
28:42 because it's mustache of the avatar it's
28:44 not you know it's not goatee of the EFT
28:46 or anything and I told her yes I got
28:49 shaved it off I'm sorry it's gonna look
28:51 crummy it'll probably be crummy at
28:52 Thanksgiving which she really hates but
28:54 Maxine my daughter's starting screaming
28:56 for the back seat so this morning on the
29:02 way to school I came up with the
29:04 solution which is I told make Cena had
29:06 to shave it off and she said oh love
29:08 your beard actually she's been saying I
29:09 don't want to grow a beard so I have the
29:12 head the solution part which was the I
29:14 told her this morning that I was
29:16 to shave it off and put it in a plastic
29:18 bag for her and then she can have a
29:20 beard there you go and she thought that
29:23 was a great idea Oh to be three well
29:29 there you are
29:29 thanks for me don't give to my Movember
29:32 fun fun and that's the livestream thanks
29:34 guys for coming on by five dollar
29:42 molecular reliquary or whatever yeah I
29:44 thought you didn't want those around
29:45 anymore
29:46 didn't we sell the last one but did we I
29:50 thought so I might be mistaken
29:52 isn't that around the corner but anyways
29:57 artefacts again unique different they in
30:01 our opinion do not really compete
30:03 directly with crafters because really
30:06 they're not as good as crafted items but
30:08 you can enchant them and guess what you
30:10 the crafters are the ones who enchant
30:12 enhance them if you're daring enough
30:15 because of course then it's like it's
30:16 not like you're you crafts a hundred
30:18 swords and then you try to improve them
30:19 and you get like you know eighty of them
30:21 two plus three and then you get like 40
30:24 of them two plus five and need like 20
30:26 of them two plus seven with an artifact
30:28 that's like you farmed for 12 hours to
30:30 get one or two of them and then you get
30:32 like some now we got to try them I mean
30:33 level she can't go so they will be the
30:36 enchanted ones will be extra rare well
30:39 somebody let's backtrack for a moment
30:40 here I saw a question for my phone
30:42 turned off they asked how do you know
30:46 it's an artifact that's a good question
30:48 previous layers so honestly the artifact
30:51 thing just kind of evolved in parallel
30:55 with the existing items it was not super
30:58 well thought out but we wanted to add
31:00 some interest to the loot and just
31:04 knowing how things work like adding
31:06 crafting stuff and enhancing the
31:07 crafting system stuff and there's a lot
31:09 of systems whereas this was just it was
31:11 easy to go and like add they come up
31:14 with a cool idea for a thing you know a
31:15 both/and my Dungeon Master's guide what
31:17 the magic happens in there or something
31:19 I didn't do that I thought about doing
31:21 that but look at those and they come up
31:25 and then just set stats on the things
31:28 so doing that was easy I forget where I
31:31 was going down this route well the
31:34 question was describing artifacts and
31:36 how you identify yes I was just talking
31:39 about yeah
31:40 so that's they kind of evolved
31:42 separately we have not fully flushed
31:43 them out we need to do more in terms of
31:45 making them more unique in terms of how
31:47 they behave but actually now they are
31:49 taking on some they have attributes of a
31:51 normal crafting gear because you can
31:53 pull chant them in master so somebody I
31:55 bet bet you one person here is watching
31:58 right now doesn't have the game yet and
32:00 is wondering what the hell is Chris
32:03 talking about here describe it for me in
32:05 pictograms if you could well don't do
32:07 that but this if you could describe like
32:09 is there a is there a color of the item
32:12 or a word of the item that when I see it
32:15 it's like oh it says artifact yes I
32:17 added that to the tooltip there yeah
32:19 there's a yeah yeah I sort of added the
32:25 flag that we can tag stuff you know
32:27 independently because you know
32:29 previously we were calling some
32:30 artifacts just because of where they
32:31 were in kind of the assets and so it
32:34 wasn't really defined what an artifact
32:36 was so as we started to formalize that
32:38 and start to have these different
32:40 behaviors like as far as repair
32:42 mechanics and things like that then
32:44 became necessary to have a way to call
32:46 those out specifically so we have a
32:47 specific flag that whenever we flip then
32:50 it shows up on the tooltip and then we
32:53 look at that flag for all the other
32:54 stuff that you know unique abilities of
32:57 artifacts so certainly that became
32:58 obvious as we started to get these
33:00 things in there that you know it's not
33:02 just you know buttons are artifacts from
33:05 the players that we use the sorta don't
33:08 show up in the tooltip but I've been
33:09 doing some work to kind of make sure
33:10 that that data bubbles up to the players
33:13 because honestly if we have flags on
33:15 items that the players can't see but we
33:17 still you know change the behavior of it
33:20 it tends to be buggy and unless we kind
33:22 of elevate that flag because if players
33:24 can't see it they can't put it bugs on
33:25 it then we can't fix stuff related to
33:27 that so certainly as we move forward you
33:30 know I try hard to make sure that if
33:32 there is any
33:34 attribute of an item that means that it
33:37 has certain behaviors that that shows up
33:39 in the toolkit so nice oh yeah before we
33:42 move on we actually have two winners
33:44 here for the slay or sled the by the way
33:48 for the an exclamation explanation
33:52 the slay is something you can sit in the
33:55 the sled is like more of a flat not is
33:59 ornate if you will although still ornate
34:02 a sleigh is well Santa would use a sled
34:04 is what it he would not so there you go
34:08 Congrats to engineer SOTA and love the
34:12 name by the way and Mak ma si Mack I'm
34:17 getting hungry I could use a Big Mac
34:18 right now actually look at that
34:21 effortless I did see a question go by
34:23 though I should answer which is people
34:24 are asking about the troll belt which is
34:26 an artifact I added last time that has
34:28 to be crafted from a couple of different
34:30 pieces and getting there Zoomer
34:32 wondering how to craft it there's
34:34 actually a recipe it didn't drop in the
34:38 game I'm sorry I forgot to add the
34:40 recipe but you got the parts they're not
34:42 going bad the recipe is now out there
34:45 I've added it to at least to supply
34:47 bundles it will drop in beer air drop in
34:51 stone supply pond this it's actually not
34:52 that rare and the I think the yellow
34:54 wins in higher there you go
34:57 anyways so sorry there is one player I
35:00 think that has the recipe because once I
35:04 discovered that I didn't add I made the
35:06 recipe and didn't have attained live
35:07 bundles somebody was screaming at me so
35:10 if you want to go harass him his name is
35:12 sky o s KY sky oh yeah so go get the sky
35:22 oh and sky old craft one for you for
35:26 those who are wondering what the belt is
35:27 the belt of the troll is it's a couple
35:32 pieces put together but makes a belt
35:34 that increases your aggro capability
35:36 this was the result of me doing a lot of
35:39 testing and yeah it's really hard to
35:41 hold a grow as a tank and be a good tank
35:43 which kind of defines a good tank is
35:45 whether one
35:47 obviously stay alive and then to is any
35:49 old aggro and while other people are
35:51 doing their you know not having to think
35:52 about how they they fight so that they
35:54 don't pellagra off abuse but it actually
35:57 makes that significantly easier and it
35:59 quite a bit of testing with it and it
36:01 was rare that I couldn't hold a group
36:03 again he's kin messes 33% a girl yeah so
36:07 it gets thirty three percent extra Agra
36:09 I may end up turning that up but in the
36:12 parties I've been in playing without
36:14 cheating
36:15 well I cheat a little bit but not
36:18 cheating with my stats or my dear
36:19 anything I'll usually resurrect myself
36:21 that was those people who played have
36:23 played with the Meno as I get killed a
36:24 lot and there was rank myself so
36:27 cheating a little bit not too much
36:29 though but anyways I was able to hold
36:30 aggro even from silly Archer types doing
36:35 the Rapid Shots and all the other stuff
36:37 and we got people in surf a sanae
36:39 tavella now it gives a ring of I don't
36:43 know if that makes sense negative thirty
36:45 but someone was asking for items to
36:47 reduce a crow and so I actually had some
36:51 oh this is also my sad story through
36:54 today I have my notes on a paper towel I
36:56 forgot my phone I feel disoriented and
37:00 confused and naked when I do not have my
37:03 phone with me I left it at home
37:06 yeah I know it's I don't think I've done
37:09 that probably a year but anyways I
37:11 actually went and I've got spoilers I
37:13 promise spoilers so I will be giving
37:15 telling people where some cool items
37:17 drawn boil alert there is a may yeah
37:21 somebody call to that ring of the mouse
37:22 decreases Agra by 33% I think the ring
37:27 of the mouse drops mostly there's not a
37:30 special thing that drops it it really
37:32 drops as supply bundles they're
37:34 literally waiver it doesn't drop from a
37:36 mouse we don't have them this I that's
37:39 not my problem
37:40 make so anyways I'll call out a few more
37:45 that these are rare I'm not sure if
37:46 anybody that your network somebody's
37:47 drop from there's a crossbow of accuracy
37:51 which is actually a weapon I'm using
37:53 right now people duel me which is giving
37:55 ideas I try to do things unique and
37:58 interest
37:59 to make them feel different the crossbow
38:01 of accuracy is basically a normal
38:03 damaged crossbow but it has a if you
38:08 don't auto attack if you free attack you
38:10 can charge up your weapon
38:11 so the crossbow goes not to like six
38:15 where a normal one might go but goes to
38:17 twelve so you basically can spend a lot
38:19 of time charging it up and then shoot it
38:21 so it's good for two things it's one
38:23 that's good for starting the combat like
38:25 after that it's not any more damage and
38:27 other weapon you know normal crossbow
38:29 but for the starting so it's a crossbow
38:32 of accuracy is what I named of it but
38:34 it's good for PvP one because like you
38:37 ambush someone you start with you know
38:39 fully loaded crossbow from behind gonna
38:40 crit for six hundred points of damage
38:42 it's pretty good way to start a PvP
38:44 fight but it's also good for the guys
38:46 who are pulling like you're ready from
38:47 one you know imagine train from one cam
38:49 to another's like your first shot is
38:50 you're running up between them shooting
38:52 oh and oh right now I should point out
38:54 that there is a bug in charging the
38:58 attacks and charged attacks for for
39:03 three combat but what kind of racism so
39:06 that you're using skeletal interrupts it
39:08 so it's hard to charge right now which I
39:09 was just in the game playing and cursing
39:11 screaming that should be fixed in the
39:13 patch that will be out trouble you see
39:14 what's happening here they're asking for
39:16 a mouse now it's on the list it's on the
39:21 it will be on the list
39:23 it's everything's on the list is very
39:25 long who's involved with making
39:29 artifacts Chris makes them and I fixed
39:31 them that's exactly right
39:34 well you make them you fix them and I
39:36 have noted down here we talked about
39:38 this a little bit I don't know if you
39:39 want to go into it a little more the
39:41 this I love searching for stuff I love
39:45 finding things harvesting things you
39:49 know I'm crafting them or crafting
39:51 something out of them and salvaging you
39:53 know items as well from previous broken
39:57 elements or whatever is fun too so you
39:59 do there were some things that didn't
40:02 initial release more abilities to
40:07 salvage components is that right yeah so
40:09 basically you know the way it works
40:12 now that Chris mentioned you know your
40:13 artifacts parallel with crafting items
40:15 as far as the where you can chance them
40:18 in masterwork the Matthew after that but
40:20 you know the bass creation of a crafted
40:22 item involves components now you can
40:24 create those components through crafting
40:26 like for example to make a long sword
40:28 it's got the long sword blade with the
40:29 hilt so you can make like an iron long
40:32 sword blade that you use to make an iron
40:34 sword what we started to do is to have
40:36 certain creatures drop weapons that have
40:39 components inside of them or have
40:41 components built into them that are
40:42 unique but you can't craft so the only
40:45 way you can acquire these is by
40:46 salvaging the item and then when you
40:48 salvage the item you have a chance to
40:50 get one of those components back so
40:52 really we look at items as an extension
40:55 of a loot bundle like effectively there
40:57 are some items like you know perhaps
40:59 there's a pattern and some of them or
41:00 these certain components that aren't
41:02 actually hidden inside of the item so
41:04 when you're salvaged it it's it's
41:06 basically like a glue troll for you to
41:08 get something out of it okay so you I
41:09 won't know until I actually what do you
41:14 call the process again break apart these
41:16 cells and salvage the item and then I
41:19 make it I may know roughly what I might
41:23 get um if you're if there is a component
41:25 in the tooltip then it has a chance to
41:27 drop so for example like on torque dog
41:31 there's a couple of weapons drop on him
41:33 that have unique components that we add
41:35 in so really getting the weapon to drop
41:38 with the component is the first
41:39 difficulty and the second difficulty is
41:42 getting that component out of the item
41:44 now you can just use that base item like
41:46 you used to use torque pulse weapon but
41:48 the idea is that if you if you get the
41:50 right one and salvage it that there's
41:51 for example there's some unique handles
41:54 that he that that weapon has that then
41:56 you can take and then build a separate
41:58 weapon with it so those components
42:00 funnel back in the crafting system and
42:02 we're definitely do more of those
42:03 because the idea is that you know we
42:05 want these weapons to drop don't at
42:07 least have some use in the game but
42:09 really the advanced person is trying to
42:10 break these things down to get the
42:12 things inside of them to reforge it into
42:14 a different weapon that is potentially
42:16 more powerful than the other so there's
42:18 a lot of opportunity for players to well
42:20 I'm not experienced enough or I don't
42:22 want to sell is something I'll put it on
42:24 my vendor
42:25 town and sell it sure I mean at least
42:27 adds more value to it because
42:28 effectively it's like a there's loot
42:30 that's hidden inside on it that it's
42:31 it's potential right yeah I mean it's
42:33 kind of like a affect it was like a loot
42:35 crate or a new box anyway is the fact
42:37 that when you decide to salvage it then
42:39 you're trying to roll the dice to see if
42:41 you can get these certain unique
42:42 elements out of it and that's the thing
42:44 is you know once those elements are the
42:47 only way to acquire them is through
42:49 these weapons that's when they become
42:50 really valuable and what is the skill
42:52 for maximizing your chance to get the
42:54 best possible scenario or best possible
42:57 items out of that yeah in each you know
43:00 you salvaged items associated with the
43:03 skill associated with repairing them
43:05 right so you know your leather and cloth
43:07 armor is soft at the tailoring table you
43:09 know metal armor and some swords bladed
43:12 weapons as that blacksmithing and then
43:14 your budgeting weapons pose and full
43:17 arms is that the Carpenters table so the
43:19 same table you repair them at the same
43:21 table you master work them out it's the
43:22 same table you salvage them at and then
43:24 as your Salvage skill goes up then you
43:26 have a greater chance of getting some of
43:28 these components to drop so it's really
43:30 just trying to set this secondary loop
43:33 you know sort of component drop path
43:36 through through the actual breaking down
43:39 on the weapons right very nice well one
43:43 thing I was up in this is Beezus by the
43:45 way there are people who say who is that
43:47 guy I see him occasionally I don't know
43:49 what he does so be is as he mentioned
43:53 he's the guy that fixes a lot of the
43:55 mistakes I make as I jump around from
43:56 thing to thing to thing to thing in fact
43:58 I am pretty sure my record is about oh
44:02 and 10 for adding new skills to the game
44:04 and remembering to put them on a trainer
44:07 and so people always read like a there's
44:09 a new skill in the game where do I find
44:11 it a batch one the attitude for me
44:14 because I forgot about it but also to
44:16 all the craft almost all the crafting
44:18 stuff is B and tons of other stuff like
44:22 new creature hookups so he's actually
44:25 one of the guys this is another little
44:27 topic I'm going he's actually guys that
44:29 when we do our our telethon long hangout
44:32 whatever we call them these days tell I
44:34 mentioned that we have some people like
44:36 oh there's you know this new
44:37 to get them that needs to get done but
44:38 we've got a bottleneck because one of
44:40 the guys I call it is the bottleneck I
44:42 think I call that a start a and I think
44:44 I've called that wizard smoke as
44:46 bottlenecks so I actually saw a post in
44:49 the forums I had to jump on because and
44:52 I guess this is true for a lot of people
44:54 they were taking that as a negative
44:55 thing in flight
44:57 you're the bottleneck you're the problem
44:58 so if you're in a government job and
45:01 you're the bottleneck it probably means
45:05 you're crappy at your job
45:07 here in a small start-up where it is
45:09 like people here don't last if they are
45:13 not absolute top-notch performers at
45:15 this company if you're a bottleneck and
45:17 we call you as a bottleneck and one of
45:18 those things it's because you're
45:20 indispensable no one else can do jump so
45:22 that is one of those things bees want
45:24 those guys that it's a bottleneck but
45:26 that is a compliment not a bad thing
45:28 yeah a lot of things where you know
45:30 would you've done kind of game
45:32 development and definitely our kind of
45:33 process long enough you know you just
45:35 can't get beaten down by having
45:37 unlimited amounts of work you know you
45:39 just have to kind of roll with it give
45:40 as much stuff as you can do be able to
45:42 prioritize stuff and you know certainly
45:44 there's things like you know more
45:46 recipes for rugs that you know people
45:49 been asking for for six or eight months
45:51 and work on every once in a while but
45:53 just other stuff gets kind of put on top
45:55 of it so you know then you get a pretty
45:56 good process for addressing the most the
45:59 stuff that the game needs the most so a
46:01 lot of times that's really kind of like
46:02 me and Chris focus on is you know what
46:04 are the areas of the game that are
46:06 suffering most and that's why we've done
46:08 a lot of focus on loot lately
46:10 because there's a lot of kind of
46:11 untapped potential that we have we
46:13 develop the systems we everything you
46:15 know most of the bugs rather things so
46:16 we're not worried about extending it
46:18 it's more about you know us spending
46:20 time to focus on it and I think that's
46:22 the great thing about our game is that
46:23 it's since we've been doing unity in the
46:26 way we've been developing stuff it's
46:28 real flexible there's lots of stuff we
46:29 can do it's not necessarily what can we
46:32 do it's what should we do because we can
46:34 do you know almost unlimited amount of
46:37 work but it's really prioritizing and
46:38 figuring out you know what we're going
46:40 to do to kind of make address the kind
46:42 of current issues that we think are most
46:44 important so you know we're certainly
46:45 doing that every day is every morning
46:47 stand up you know every meeting I hear
46:49 we are considering
46:50 well can we do this does this make sense
46:53 is there enough time etc yeah and I mean
46:57 that's the thing we basically it all
46:58 boils down to one calculation how much
47:03 fun is it gonna add to how many players
47:05 in the game for how much time is it cost
47:07 us and we try to maximize that
47:09 calculation to make sure we're hitting
47:11 stuff that's gonna make add fun to the
47:12 game and for a lot of players or not a
47:15 lot of work that's we Cajun we have
47:16 people who are like talking about some
47:18 things like you know complain about the
47:20 mail system really needs some polishing
47:22 it's like okay yes there are a lot of
47:23 people who use that but it works as
47:26 expected now but it is a lot of work to
47:28 make a change to that type system
47:30 whereas other things like we can go and
47:31 add with a little work we can add
47:32 something adds a lot of fun to a ton of
47:34 players yeah certainly bang for book is
47:36 you know the word all the time that you
47:38 know we use or at least that's kind of a
47:41 philosophy for getting things done it's
47:43 you know there are some things that we
47:45 really want to do that are difficult but
47:46 it's you know you'd rather do three
47:48 things that are easy that help the game
47:49 than you know one that's difficult so
47:52 certainly it's a lot of prioritization
47:53 we know what it kind of comes to that
47:55 speaking of prioritization we are out of
47:58 time guys we all know that's not orders
48:00 do you okay let's go through this quick
48:02 and then we're gonna bring on Fletcher
48:03 to show some items so there's a swash
48:07 lit or swatch list of the cuff I got
48:10 burger got list of this swash burger we
48:14 don't drink on these by the way cutlass
48:16 of the swashbuckler that is a new that's
48:20 a weapon that drops I forget the
48:21 specifics of it I think an action might
48:23 help your pickpocket and I forget what
48:25 else it may help some of the things but
48:28 the crying place for those to drop
48:31 clockwork monkey boss mob types so the
48:35 higher level clockwork monkeys if you
48:37 haven't figured that one out yet they
48:38 want to know where the crossbow drops I
48:40 guess to just uh the crossbow oh I did I
48:42 don't know if I did say so the crossbow
48:44 accuracy may read my paper tailor across
48:47 both accuracy control point the bolds
48:51 the high tier ones so the later bold
48:53 there's really difficult yeah they're
48:55 tough and so those guys actually drop
48:58 and all these I put a little thought
49:00 into try and figure out like what makes
49:02 sense
49:03 we will be in the future we'll be
49:05 getting more name to boss type stuff and
49:06 name creatures that have more unique
49:09 aspects to them we'll start making sure
49:10 those guys have some unique drops of
49:12 their own but these are really more
49:13 trying to match up new artifacts with
49:15 existing stuff so that's that's why
49:17 those ended up on the crossbows because
49:19 they're like high-tech and crossbows
49:20 wriggles technique so those the rage
49:22 guys so sword and speed is another cool
49:26 artifact that went in I've seen a few of
49:28 them drop already and a few people
49:29 talking about it it actually gives you
49:31 the only thing it's kind of a normal
49:32 sword step but of course it can be
49:35 enchanted masterwork but it gives you on
49:38 double slash it gives you an extra slash
49:40 so basically double slash turns into
49:43 triple slashes per minute which is a big
49:45 deal for sword guys on a VPS that drops
49:49 there's a couple places the ghost
49:51 scorpion and also the elf captain in the
49:54 rise that is a guy in the there's a room
49:57 with a bunch of dogs in the bottom
49:59 there's an exit to that on the top where
50:02 there's one mean elf there I think I
50:04 might have noticed last time that his
50:06 name wasn't showing up correctly and
50:07 just shows like elf look like everyone
50:09 else
50:10 except that he's much tougher than the
50:11 other guys but anyways he will drop that
50:15 the halberd of the Sun is I think most
50:18 people are gonna bet out that it's a
50:19 higher drop rate on the Phoenix that's
50:22 all the room damn for it game in here
50:24 right maybe tell Raymond room well thank
50:26 you for spoiler alert everybody this
50:28 shows a spoiler I don't know what that
50:31 means but I need somebody to go fetch me
50:34 Fletcher nice fetch the Fletch all right
50:38 thank you and also just on the current
50:40 state of the release we've got some we
50:42 introduced some new crash bugs we
50:44 believe some of those will be going away
50:45 shortly we introduced him purpose we
50:47 know there's a couple of features in
50:50 unity that we've always tried to turn on
50:52 because it adds a little bit to
50:53 performance for some people and then
50:55 every release we end up by about patch 1
50:56 or 2 we see the crash rate has gone up
50:58 and we end up turning them on so this
51:00 release we've got turned off until I'd
51:01 like just what the crash rate storms
51:03 like I got the triple the crash rate
51:06 right now there's also an issue with
51:08 entering into a scene where basically
51:10 you just lock up or exit insane you lock
51:13 that happened at the dance party so that
51:15 is actually there's a
51:17 Str expand going on we may have a fix
51:19 for that miss patch that's going out
51:21 right now but I'm not entirely sure if
51:24 not that'll probably wait until Monday
51:26 to get it fixed so hopefully remember in
51:31 the old days the load times are really
51:32 long and you could have like exited the
51:35 game come back in and connect it again
51:37 so you can do that now it's just like
51:39 playing in the old days it's the same
51:40 amount of time to like restart the game
51:43 is that alright anyways two steps
51:46 forward one step back but that we will
51:49 be trying to get that fixed for the
51:50 hopefully if not in this release if it
51:53 still shows up we'll try to get that
51:54 fixed for Monday release all right good
51:57 to know yep more uh well patch right
52:00 Monday patch yeah and thanks to
52:03 everybody thanks for all the support and
52:06 looking forward to seeing you in the we
52:13 have a short week next week because of
52:16 Thanksgiving holiday and then the week
52:18 after that summer first yes on Friday
52:22 thank God for Friday's on a Friday which
52:24 is today Friday this is why I'm so
52:26 excited if it doesn't show on my face
52:28 I'm excited Friday December 1st is our
52:31 next title time for this release
52:33 see you then alright let's uh let's get
52:38 bleep you my fruits you the mouse you're
52:42 gonna fire up unity right okay well
52:44 actually I keep the work for you uni I
52:47 don't know what's update it to what you
52:48 need but you'll do what you have to do
52:51 there and I think they could still see
52:53 me we're covering the screen to be okay
52:55 Fletcher is going to fire up some really
52:57 cool things we're gonna show we only
52:58 have a few minutes left but you know
52:59 just a couple of you know the highlights
53:01 yeah while I give away our last fries
53:04 here and remember we have Twitter
53:07 available Twitter available we have a
53:09 prize available on Twitter we don't know
53:11 in Twitter that because we can sell
53:12 Twitter yeah we have so here for this
53:17 hour only for while this live stream is
53:20 going on if you tweet shroud of avatar
53:23 after art of avatar exits which way am I
53:26 going down Oh
53:27 chart of the avatar shroud avatar knows
53:29 up
53:30 Twitter only has 15 characters live -
53:32 explains every time 15 characters and
53:34 there's no room for there's like one
53:36 character too many a crowd of the avatar
53:38 so we just took out num anyway that's
53:41 not on Twitter or hashtag lbs OTA which
53:44 stands for Lord British shroud of the
53:47 mtar and will let us know hey you watch
53:50 this live stream say something you know
53:51 nice and cool about it and bonus because
53:55 bonus now anyway because now you have
53:58 twice as many Twitter characters if
54:00 you're not a heavy Twitter user that was
54:02 like three weeks ago or something where
54:05 they went from 140 characters which is
54:07 you know you got to work with that to
280 characters which is like a book so
54:13 way too many characters in my opinion
54:14 now just doing like 190 or 60 or
54:17 something like that anyway lots of
54:20 characters for you to say stuff to let
54:22 us know that you watch the live stream
54:23 we're given away to a random person who
54:26 does that this hour a 20-17 you'll get
54:29 upset the yoga set has cards look like
54:32 like holiday kind of cards you can give
54:35 people in the game and you can actually
54:36 sign it in the game you press a button
54:38 to sign it type some stuff in there and
54:40 then you can give it to whoever you have
54:43 five those gift boxes so you get like a
54:47 three pack I think it is up gift boxes
54:49 and these are all things Scotty created
54:50 and the stockings you hang those on your
54:54 wall wherever in your house those are
54:56 decorative items that's on Twitter so do
54:59 that now guys and meanwhile we'll give
55:01 away the last item here on the live
55:05 stream the 2017 you'll card yeah 2017 I
55:10 was afraid I already gave this away 2017
55:14 you'll card buy pack so we are given
55:16 that the cards on the live stream type
55:19 exclamation if you're on discord or
55:22 twitch type exclamation card see ard
55:25 will give that a few minutes to work and
55:28 good luck to those winners as a reminder
55:32 for the previous winners the the ice
55:35 nightmare mask we gave away to those
55:37 went to Emmy Lou and akin ma and the
55:39 Slayer slut of your choice went to
55:41 engineer soda and Mac
55:44 we're looking on unity hang on there we
55:47 go okay
55:50 Oh we're gonna show screenshots sure oh
55:52 yeah okay yes let me there's a little
55:55 fancy dancy way i do not anticipate
55:57 screen shots but that's okay
55:58 we are going to make this work first of
56:01 all we're gonna get our faces off the
56:03 screen here if I can find me there we
56:05 are there we are
56:06 they're like what is going on here okay
56:08 I promised them a smooth line or
56:10 streamlined a live stream today and
56:13 we're getting there so we're gonna add
56:16 no this is all good we're gonna add some
56:19 screenshots and I haven't seen the
56:21 screenshots so I don't know what we're
56:22 about to see here but it's gonna be
56:24 awesome I bet where's our screen shots
56:27 can you bring up spring up one like this
56:31 one right yeah that one good okay oh
56:33 that's cool I like this this looks good
56:36 so yeah hold on a second let me they
56:39 don't they have not seen you yet I'm
56:40 teasing them they can't see anything but
56:42 us at the moment here until like it just
56:44 actually to work whoop sounds deleted us
56:46 but that's okay I didn't do that all
56:48 right
56:50 window capture aha
57:04 there it is there it is all right you
57:06 guys can see the snow let me do a little
57:08 adjustment I'm gonna make it as big as I
57:13 can here so you can get to see the
57:15 central image there we go
57:18 and alright that that will have to do
57:23 Walla let me actually back this out to
57:27 here so we get a nice little border let
57:30 me do it let me actually you know what
57:33 hold on this is what I was afraid of cuz
57:37 I they want to see us a little bit so
57:40 let's just do that what are we looking
57:42 at here Fletcher wait to bomb screen to
57:47 the left window not that one do you want
57:50 oh this one yeah oh yeah if you want to
57:52 you know easier to see and you can still
57:53 see what
57:54 we're showing there okay so as a lot of
57:58 guys know we're coming up on our linear
58:00 telethon so we have been tasked to
58:03 create winter themed items this this guy
58:07 looks like he's dressed in I think a
58:09 hospital gown - is that right yeah
58:14 so they a little bit of a mix here in
58:17 case you guys didn't know we have make a
58:19 different store where we are adding a
58:22 variety of other items to the game -
58:24 some crap don't do that because I'm in
58:26 yes I just just leave in a window
58:28 there's a gown that is a hospital
58:32 related charity item and so this guy you
58:36 know actually is kind of an interesting
58:37 choice a different style you know maybe
58:40 you do want it I don't know if you want
58:41 to go to a party yeah you definitely
58:42 want to go to a party with that sort of
58:44 thing on with the wings and that you
58:45 know it completes the set anyway
58:47 although you talk about your own items
58:48 well I mean these were pretty simple to
58:51 do basically we wanted to match the
58:54 aesthetic of the eye swings
58:57 so the concept process for these was not
59:02 like quite as you know sophisticated as
59:04 others we just wanted to make okay let's
59:07 make a really cool bow
59:08 made out of ice and it took me a while
59:12 to settle on the right kind of
59:14 specularity and the effect of the light
59:18 reflecting off of this is the the what
59:21 do you call the bow string all right I
59:23 guess is that is that ice as well oh yes
59:27 and that's that's kind of the whole
59:32 interesting thing about this bow is
59:34 because I mean it's made of solid ice so
59:37 we just kind of rationalize it as magic
59:39 magic exactly flex and Bend like a real
59:42 by ice convent - sort of yes sort of
59:46 it'll probably like crackle a little all
59:49 right what else we got here we got eye
59:50 staff so this is definitely a party oh
59:54 yeah definitely so we got us some
59:57 magical staff which is just like the ice
59:59 beau but it's a staff with a little blue
60:01 crystal on the in there so yeah that's
60:04 gonna be a nice little item um
60:07 and then I also have concept for the
60:11 completion of the robe of truth is there
60:13 a way to shift that one screen so they
60:16 can see that the head I can almost see
60:18 if you can can you make it smaller like
60:20 the no I can't
60:25 well they can only see it it's there's a
60:27 little bit of a hood top there you guys
60:29 can imagine it yeah and that's already
60:31 in game uh so so yeah we got the the
60:34 robes of truth here and as you guys
60:39 probably know hang on we have completed
60:44 the armors of courage and the armor of
60:46 love I believe so yeah we have some of
60:49 the one thing we didn't mention we have
60:52 the weekly update that's out now on the
60:54 website Oh God and social shortly but
60:56 there's some items that I think you
60:58 created fletcher's some of the stuff
60:59 you're talking about recent weekly
61:02 updates and included virtue item whether
61:05 you're mentioning for sure so just look
61:07 back at this today's and last week's for
61:11 sure can you toggle the audio to where
61:16 it escaped and oh oh you know just wait
61:21 a little the master just a little wheel
61:22 yeah there's okay cool um alright so we
61:26 want to show this to everybody
61:27 yeah all right let me throw this up on
61:31 the screen so we're gonna we're gonna
61:32 move all the screens out there sure
61:34 we're doing yeah okay so there's some
61:36 screenshot guys and now we're gonna move
61:38 over real quick back to unity and I
61:42 think I have this one actually working
61:44 properly there it is alright alright
61:54 okay um so armor of courage I'm trying
61:58 to find all of the different pieces now
62:04 where we're in what is this called
62:05 developer hub right yeah it's just so
62:08 you guys know this is an area for our
62:09 ability to spawn items test items show
62:13 off them like bring you guys for example
62:15 a very easy quick way to do it we're in
62:17 unity right now too so this is
62:20 I you know we can't show some stuff some
62:22 of this really cool super-secret stuff
62:24 well it's not some of this in a secret
62:25 but some of these really amazing things
62:27 that we're still developing in unity
62:29 only sometimes because it's not the game
62:31 yet yeah exactly
62:32 um so here is the full set of armor
62:36 courage so this is based off of so this
62:43 is based off of like 15 16th century Elm
62:47 Street German armor it's kind of the
62:50 very typical look of the the medieval
62:54 knight and so we've got grieves and
62:57 pauldrons and the full set but it's
62:59 themed after the armor or the the symbol
63:03 of courage with a little bell
63:10 it likes to jerk around but yeah so so
63:15 yeah most of you have seen that chest
63:17 plate but legs are a new addition as are
63:20 the gauntlets yeah so like I said this
63:23 is named after the armor of courage so
63:26 each piece features the little bell of
63:30 courage on it and that's going to be
63:32 kind of the the way the other two armor
63:35 sorry I love how it's in various
63:37 strategic areas like you have it on the
63:39 thigh you have it on the chest plate
63:41 I believe the back of it yeah the back
63:43 of the boots the back of the chest plate
63:45 as well right there show the bat I'm
63:48 curious to go up and show the helm in
63:50 the bat see it's on the is it on the
63:53 back of it oh it's not that I saw I
63:54 thought I saw one that had one in peace
63:56 oh you know what I bid I think it was a
63:58 she no no it was it was a back plate
64:01 that looked like a shield you know not
64:04 sure okay it's in the weekly update
64:05 anyway but yeah so that's it and I also
64:07 kind of like how this helmet is
64:09 conveniently shaped like a bell a little
64:12 bit okay all right what else we got
64:19 let's show ya like one or two more the
64:21 rich Corinthian leather armor of love so
64:28 [Music]
64:29 so you spawn these items as they're in
64:33 the inventory spawn and then you can use
64:34 them on your character here ever seen
64:40 well we have what we're waiting to spawn
64:43 these extra items here to show you guys
64:45 we are given away the last items of the
64:48 day the 2017 you'll card five pack we're
64:51 giving away two set to those one last
64:54 chance to win those by typing
64:55 exclamation card
65:07 now is this something oh yeah yeah I
65:10 said we took screenshots of this and
65:12 show people in the weekly update is are
65:13 these in the game now I believe so I'm
65:17 not entirely sure I'm pretty sure we put
65:19 him in the game in the game okay but
65:21 yeah this was a this was really
65:22 interesting because the way 3d modeling
65:27 works every piece of the 3d model has to
65:30 occupy a certain space on a texture map
65:33 but the problem is when you have faces
65:36 in the 3d model overlapping the same
65:38 area of the texture map where you got
65:40 symbol it can be kind of tricky so for
65:44 example with these boots or these legs
65:46 they are mirrored so the geometry is
65:50 mirrored but the stem the symbol still
65:52 has to flow in the same direction so
65:54 getting that candle to a point you know
65:57 left to right rather than right to left
66:00 well this a little bit of a time oh yeah
66:02 I see yeah that looks great yeah yeah I
66:04 mean uh there's a really not a whole lot
66:08 to say about it it's just you know the
66:10 very typical medieval leather armor but
66:15 yeah it's it's really it's beautiful
66:18 it's really great and yeah I think it
66:19 looks it's amazing it's definitely not
66:23 based on any historical thing so with
66:25 this one I kind of want a little more
66:26 fantasy and more abstract but uh yeah it
66:30 uh it works and hope you guys like it so
66:33 these are done now you guys can get
66:36 these in the game and what's next on
66:38 your plate you don't the show us with
66:40 like what are you working on right now
66:41 for our 49 well for our 49 I'm mainly
66:43 working on and if there's no spoilers
66:45 here of course well everything I've just
66:47 shown pretty much is royal or alerts
66:49 aren't there going okay so yeah
66:51 basically I've got to finish up the
66:54 robes of truth and be winner weapons oh
67:00 there you go that's maybe something for
67:04 another light ring coming up in a maybe
67:06 a few weeks here before the end of the
67:07 year which is fast approaching
67:09 we'll get Fletcher back on this live
67:11 stream I am going to flip back over to
67:15 our full camera here really appreciate
67:18 you Fletcher
67:19 being on and showing us these
67:23 screenshots showing us everything on
67:25 unity and really really appreciate all
67:30 the some of these dead bugs that you
67:33 create - so you write about a lot of
67:35 this stuff yeah screenshots that you
67:38 show in the weekly updates and there's a
67:40 lot of things this weekly update that we
67:42 put out on some items and a few things
67:47 about the telethon items that we would
67:49 be working on - for the r-47 cap on
67:51 creating those items getting them ready
67:53 but also just these general items in the
67:55 game and last week's update had even
67:59 more so if you guys are checking out
68:01 this week's update go back to last
68:02 week's - to see some of these items that
68:04 we just showed ya on the livestream
68:06 appreciate you guys watching this
68:09 Friday's stay tuned not next week but
68:12 the week after we've got the are 48
68:16 post-mortem telethon on December 1st
68:18 it's going to be fun it's gonna be our
68:20 last telethon this year for the end of
68:23 the year that we're gonna get I don't
68:25 know if you're gonna be on Fletcher but
68:26 we're gonna have some world builders on
68:28 talking about some things in deep dives
68:30 a little bit of a different structure
68:31 kind of going back to the 12-hour
68:33 although it's not 12 hours so flowers
68:35 structure of these telephones make them
68:37 look you know a little more meat and
68:39 potatoes of what we're showing so we're
68:40 excited about that
68:42 announcements out and we're working on
68:44 the back end the internal like what we
68:47 are preparing for that including prize
68:50 giveaways and all the other fun stuff
68:52 you've come to expect from those events
68:54 now before I forget like I did last week
68:57 actually did this I I said oh hey we're
69:00 giving away one more prize here and we
69:02 got into talking about something and
69:04 guess what I did I ended the livestream
69:06 but don't worry I didn't do that this
69:07 time the cards that we just gave away
69:10 are going to congrats Atilla Tenderfoot
69:14 and john Benwick for winning a five pack
69:18 of those cards you can write in you know
69:21 custom messages in the cards send them
69:24 to anybody else in the game they're
69:25 really fun to have and similar to the
69:28 Valentine's cards if you happen to have
69:30 seen those in the game earlier lat
69:33 earlier this year we create some
69:35 Valentine's cards for everybody yes and
69:37 that's our prizes we'll give away the
69:39 Twitter prize in a moment after this
69:42 livestream you'll see the message of
69:44 your account name at if you win so it'll
69:47 go directly to you and I think we are
69:50 you were definitely out of time
69:52 everybody have a great weekend and we'll
69:54 see you in two weeks
70:07 you