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Community Livestream/New Log Homes Revealed

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01:48 okay hold on seven
01:54 my mother was
01:58 I got the most and keep overworking okay
02:02 now see now I see input is even but
02:05 hello I think I think we're actually I
02:07 think it was I haven't show you have
02:08 this tree showing where you can see
02:09 people to chatting and stuff like that
02:11 now they're commenting that way we know
02:14 we were
02:16 oh yeah now oh look at that you know
02:18 what I did what I dig 'old the tool and
02:21 yeah if it doesn't work this is the
02:26 beginning of the year you know it's
02:27 we're actually what we're trying to do
02:29 here guys for this community livestream
02:31 and future telethon is to get better
02:35 equipment but it would be nice if our
02:37 current stuff you know what's actually
02:38 working yeah exactly so all right now
02:42 that we've got a confirmation and I am
02:44 checking the chat here guys for not only
02:46 if there's any future problems on our
02:48 live streams you guys are always great
02:49 about letting us know when things aren't
02:51 working quite right and questions that
02:55 you have you have any questions for us
02:56 throughout this live stream feel free to
02:58 ask in chapped My name is Matthew
03:01 Anderson I thought I had a really
03:04 wonderful introduction but now you know
03:05 you kind of lose it after the second
03:07 time around what do you do Matthew and
03:09 what do you go to see I go by barek in
03:11 the community and I'm a guy who talks to
03:16 the community so what that make what
03:17 does that make you a community overlord
03:20 or as someone probably say but community
03:23 manager here at portal area there you go
03:24 all right and I'm starting on I'm the
03:27 executive producer I go by Dark Star and
03:30 we're super excited to see you here in
03:32 2018 oh my god four years were another
03:37 year older we've got a ton going on
03:40 monday is another telethon we're very
03:43 excited to see you guys then but we're
03:47 gonna see you now so we thought even
03:49 though we're going to see you for four
03:50 big hours on Monday with lots of deep
03:53 dives and we got a ton of detail we
03:55 actually had a print mean today talking
03:56 about the story deep dive that we're
03:58 gonna have where we're gonna talk about
04:00 a lot of cool stuff about the truth love
04:02 and courage pass and the side quests and
04:04 the starting scenes and a whole bunch of
04:06 plot stuff there yesterday we had prep
04:09 for the combat deep dive where we're
04:12 gonna show you guys some deck building
04:13 stuff and the concept of having a
04:17 separate deck for your buffs
04:19 and we're gonna do some demos of control
04:23 points and also talk about some upcoming
04:27 combat
04:28 math changes that chris has been working
04:30 on you didn't see them
04:31 I mentioned stand ups anyway we had some
04:33 prep meetings for those for those deep
04:35 dives and so we're very excited to show
04:38 that to you and yeah that's gonna be
04:41 coming up on Monday for the telethon so
04:43 if you haven't submitted your questions
04:45 please do that on the post or you could
04:49 submit them live and we'll try and
04:50 answer those as well but we're gonna be
04:53 having a lot surprise lots of sales
04:54 there's actually a sale going on right
04:56 now we introduced a clock tower this
04:59 release actually two clock towers
05:02 there's one that you can craft in the
05:03 game and then there's one on the store
05:05 because we always like to have a
05:07 craftable version and a store version of
05:09 things and in honor of that we're having
05:12 a sale on all our clocks and Moon dials
05:14 and even the bell tower because you know
05:16 you can ring the bell tower to it so you
05:18 say what time it is tell people it's
05:22 dinner time
05:22 and so all those things are on sale
05:24 right now so that's a little warm-up for
05:28 the telephone and which will either be
05:29 lots of sales going on I crazy Phil
05:32 we've got plenty of people in Chad here
05:34 we're watching discord and we also have
05:36 twitch going we're going to be giving
05:38 away some prizes throughout the event
05:40 the live streams are always fun with
05:42 prizes and so we've got some new ones
05:44 here
05:45 well not from the last release about new
05:47 ones that we haven't given away
05:49 previously on these live streams the
05:51 ornate runic letter set there's a couple
05:54 of requests for those so I thought I'd
05:55 throw that in this time the ornate
05:57 hanging potted megapack which gives you
06:00 a variety of plants that you can hang in
06:02 in your home if you have a home and a
06:04 lot for it and we're gonna do as always
06:07 a twitter prize just a little extra for
06:09 everybody
06:10 someone gets a Twitter a someone gets in
06:14 toy drive and over the entire tile
06:17 someone gets all Twitter yeah it's very
06:21 high value now everybody who is on
06:23 Twitter and we've even seen more
06:24 community members that I have been
06:25 posting lately I think maybe it's
06:27 because of the prizes but that's okay
06:29 this is great you guys you know put some
06:31 screenshots there you post a lot of
06:33 responses to things that we announced on
06:35 Twitter we used Twitter by the way
06:37 especially for all you new community
06:39 members that
06:39 well where can you get the news and get
06:41 it on the front page as a website we
06:43 have an email newsletter it's gonna go
06:44 out shortly after this live stream but
06:46 also check the social channels and
06:49 Twitter has pretty much you know we try
06:51 to get as much information to you on
06:53 that as any other social channel
06:56 especially if there's like maintenance
06:58 modes that we need to you know patch the
07:01 patch updates for the game that those
07:02 certain things but we also give away
07:04 prizes there too so you want to watch
07:06 for that and during this next hour for
07:09 this livestream and only for this
07:10 livestream time if you at shroud of
07:14 avatar or hashtag lbs OTA stands for
07:17 Lauber Lord British or the avatar you'll
07:20 get a chance to win an ornate clock
07:21 tower now we give away that long time
07:23 but I thought I'd give is huge it tells
07:27 the time yeah it tells the time and you
07:28 know what it conveniently tells actually
07:31 does actually tell the time in-game
07:33 doesn't it it does total talk yeah
07:34 that's neat yeah so it will literally
07:38 show you a different time if well from
07:42 the one that was shown that we gave away
07:44 last time we gave another one last time
07:46 away and we put a little screenshot up
07:48 on Twitter of it it will not show that
07:50 same time because that's a static image
07:51 on C so it's really cool price and good
07:55 luck to anybody who gets a chance to win
07:56 that we also have two contests are
07:59 running right now one well one actually
08:02 just ended and we're announce the
08:03 winners of that contest shortly so I'm
08:06 someone do railing your news plan your I
08:08 think a little bit but we'll show some
08:11 talk about those and then show two
08:13 videos from the second contest which is
08:16 a out to slash walkthrough video contest
08:19 all the avatars guide to knowledge and
08:21 virtue that one's been running for a
08:23 while and it has two more weeks so you
08:25 have a chance to create a video yet of
08:27 something in the game or how to get into
08:30 the game for that matter on a little bit
08:32 of how to walk through style to to help
08:36 new players who are just getting this
08:37 game and we have our weekly two winners
08:40 this week and we're gonna show those off
08:42 right after news
08:45 I'm bones now oh I think I drain my New
08:48 Jersey Louis there's a spotlight last
08:54 Wednesday metropolis of moonglade I have
08:58 to mention that because I put a lot of
08:59 work into writing oh that's not part of
09:00 my news that is not first yeah we have I
09:02 knew is his news you know sort of thing
09:05 and we have looking at my news plan is
09:09 tonight at eight o'clock in white card
09:13 player town the second annual white
09:16 heart Winter Ball so you don't want to
09:17 tend that oh yes oh and I think avatars
09:22 radio is tuned music or something for
09:24 that yeah they are yeah there's a whole
09:26 buncha we're gonna have all that sort of
09:28 stuff
09:28 avatars radio I believe in fact you've
09:30 got I don't know I might be do really
09:32 new once again but I'm so excited to
09:34 hear and we'll hear your voice again on
09:38 the radio I don't know if that's
09:39 guarantee no way that has a big
09:41 government okay yeah and I will stop
09:42 there yeah he will be on the radio
09:45 it's subway in 20 yeah I'm gonna be
09:47 doing its work today as somebody you
09:49 know I got to DJ for the first time for
09:52 release 49 and it was a blast so I'm
09:56 talking to Amber about DJ's more so very
09:59 excited
10:00 stay tuned for them we don't have a
10:01 confirmation on what I'll do an expert
10:03 variously let's see where to begin
10:07 there's so much to talk about so weekly
10:10 update will be coming out right after
10:12 the live stream lots of cool stuff one
10:14 of the things that will be in there is
10:16 some of the new homes that we've been
10:18 working on that we're going to show
10:20 later here in live stream the hollow
10:23 walk home log cabin if you want to
10:26 channel your inner Abraham Lincoln will
10:28 have your own blog cabin to do so we've
10:31 been showing off the new city we haven't
10:34 unknown to city in a very long time and
10:36 Richard really wanted to have the hidden
10:39 city of you it'll actually literally
10:42 have clouds that obscure it except on
10:46 moonless nights on the overworld it's
10:49 really cool but I've already seen the
10:51 tech working it's very very cool and
10:54 we're going to be showing that on the
10:56 telethon on Monday
10:58 and you'll see screenshots in the weekly
11:01 update we showed it right before the
11:04 break it's gorgeous
11:06 sorceress steve has been doing magic and
11:09 sorcery yeah sort soul sorry even we
11:14 want burning though cuz we need him to
11:17 keep even though he's a witch and we've
11:22 been cranking out the telethon item so
11:24 more icy stuff so we'll be showing off
11:26 those the ice crown and ice wand
11:29 actually Fletcher pulled that in at the
11:31 last minute so we're going to be showing
11:32 that all too and well we've already been
11:35 talking about the telethon so be sure to
11:37 tune in at 3 o'clock central time on
11:40 Monday all sorts of fun stuff happening
11:43 mayor the new free trial is continuing
11:46 we're actually going to be making even
11:47 more changes to that we we had a big
11:51 meeting yesterday where we talked about
11:53 the new user experience including some
11:56 of the free trial and some polishes and
11:58 things we want to do with that so we
12:01 want to teach people and people work
12:02 things even some basic things like you
12:05 know hold down right mouse button to
12:06 turn the camera you'd be surprised at
12:09 how many people don't get that when they
12:12 start the game and end up quitting and
12:16 things about skills when you go first go
12:19 to a trainer so we're gonna be teaching
12:20 a lot more things in the beginning of
12:22 the game additionally one of the things
12:25 we have been doing with the free trial
12:26 is confining pretrial users to one
12:29 single path but now we're gonna give
12:31 pretrial users the option to pick any
12:33 path he'll still be confined to a single
12:36 path however they'll get to pick any
12:39 path because one of the things we
12:40 realized is we want even pretrial users
12:44 to understand that the game is about
12:45 being able to make choices even at the
12:48 beginning and we still are looking for
12:51 an office admin / executive assistant we
12:54 have actually had a lot of applications
12:56 or reviewing those now but the job is
13:00 still open if you're interested and as
13:02 Matthew mentioned next Friday is our
13:04 party that our amazing community is
13:07 throwing for us since we don't want to
13:09 be spending money on that so we're
13:11 excited about that and then I've been
13:14 working hard almost every day on South
13:17 by Southwest because that's when we will
13:20 be launching so that's where our kind of
13:24 launch event and so we're gonna have a
13:25 booth at the South by Southwest gaming
13:27 expo and that is you know March 15th
13:31 through the 17th and it's gonna be open
13:34 noon to 8:00 p.m. wristbands if you buy
13:38 them in advance it's open to the public
13:39 so anybody can come wristbands if you
13:42 buy on in advance or only 39 bucks and
13:44 that gets you all three days if you buy
13:46 just a single day I think it's only like
13:49 this is a little like less than 20
13:51 dollars yeah that's a really good deal
13:52 yeah and we'll have a booth there it's a
13:55 10 by 30 booth we'll have multiple
13:57 stations we'll be doing interviews and
14:00 showing off the game we also have
14:02 multiple sessions we'll be doing so it's
14:06 pretty exciting we're very excited about
14:07 what's having dirty side by Southwest
14:09 and of course mostly what we're doing
14:11 right now is working on release 50 which
14:14 is one of three releases leading up to
14:17 launch ah you know it's so very very
14:21 exciting and have really nice number to
14:23 kick off 2018 yeah at least 50 yeah we
14:26 planned that we totally planned to have
14:28 an even number as the first of the 2018
14:32 that was planned for the very beginning
14:34 totally
14:36 okay so release 50 is chock-full of
14:40 amazing stuff so Beezus and wizard smoke
14:44 have been working on refining skills so
14:47 you're gonna be able to get bigger
14:48 batches of things you'll be able to
14:51 speed up the making batches of boards
14:56 and things like that you'll be able to
14:58 really just refining is going to get
15:00 better so I know people are going to get
15:03 excited by that
15:03 why Bors we've been working on that so
15:06 wild boars are gonna have this awesome
15:07 charge attack where they're gonna be
15:10 able to charge into a group of players
15:12 and knock them down it does not sound
15:15 boring whatsoever there knows every
15:17 stand up it's it's really getting boring
15:20 that because every stand up they've been
15:23 using the boring joke I'm really getting
15:25 bored of the boring joke cuz every time
15:27 they talk about the words they say
15:29 blades glory really good so if you guys
15:31 have any boring questions just let us
15:32 know yeah so let's see also Oh new
15:39 wolves so the wolves were a purchased
15:43 asset that we got off view the asset
15:44 store and they're great so we are
15:51 getting our character team to actually
15:55 make our own custom wolves including all
15:58 the different wolf variants are gonna
16:00 add their own new custom meshes not just
16:02 like color swap so we're getting coyotes
16:05 and articles and eligibles and
16:06 werewolves and dipper rules and obsidian
16:08 wolves and so it's gonna be really
16:10 really awesome they're gonna they're
16:11 already looking way way way way way
16:14 better than those fools we bought down
16:17 sets very very very very excited by that
16:20 we're getting three new maps some of
16:22 those barons and you that we mentioned
16:24 before and South draw holds far spur you
16:26 guys have only gotten to see you and so
16:29 far but trust me hopefully next week
16:32 we'll be able to start closing picks of
16:34 some those barons and south chronicles
16:35 for those those are already looking cool
16:39 but they're not quite ready to start
16:40 showing you screenshots but those are
16:42 two new adventure scenes replacing some
16:44 currently clone scenes and they're
16:46 really cool someone's barons is like
16:48 this blasted volcanic space
16:50 that's right next to the rift you know
16:57 where the big column ripped through land
16:59 so it's it's all like smokey and blasted
17:01 and oh and by the way crisp allied you
17:04 asked will the new rules affect the
17:05 amount of wolf heads yes we're gonna be
17:07 upgrading that art and it's gonna be
17:09 upgrading the wolf hats as well and
17:13 probably animal fast
17:14 so all wolf related RNA is getting
17:16 upgraded with the new polish wolves same
17:19 thing is going to happen not this
17:20 release but in our 51 to the Bears Bears
17:24 were getting updated we have a lot of
17:28 excitement on those wolves that's
17:29 better'n you know the community knows I
17:31 have liked that they will troops well
17:33 you know and you know you end up
17:34 fighting a lot of wolves in the game and
17:36 with you luckily wolves sucks okay so
17:38 also a lot of new sound effects so right
17:42 now there's like we don't really have
17:44 any sound effects for any of the blood
17:45 and skills so we're getting sound
17:47 effects for the Blunden skills a bunch
17:49 of the depth skills are missing sound
17:50 effects so they're getting sound effects
17:52 almost none the taming skills have sound
17:54 effects so those are getting sound
17:55 effects so skills are getting a lot of
17:57 love for the sound effects side Oh
18:00 female peasants those were also
18:03 purchased assets and there are also some
18:05 of the first NPCs you interact with so
18:07 those are getting new custom assets
18:10 fletcher scott donna is working on those
18:13 we got to see those in our character
18:15 review meeting this week and they look
18:18 amazing and those are also going to in
18:20 turn be character wearables too and they
18:24 are amazing they look much better and oh
18:29 and hats they're good they also include
18:31 new hats too let's see uh-oh new homes
18:36 decos so there's a water mill home
18:38 that's got a new water mill oh and let's
18:41 see we'll some new tree assets yes in
18:44 r51 we are finally going to replace
18:46 those original placeholder trees that
18:50 have been in there since the prototype
18:53 we built at the very beginning of the
18:57 game
18:59 those are getting replaced finally pine
19:02 trees will look like pine trees maple
19:03 trees will look like maple trees yes
19:05 finally you get it they will look like
19:07 they're supposed to and it'll be pretty
19:09 alright
19:10 okay back to homes and echoes so a
19:12 watermill home oh we should post pics of
19:15 that I will get post pics of those next
19:18 week let's see a log cabin works for
19:24 someone to the second Viking crafting
19:26 pavilion so if you like the Viking
19:29 themed housing you're gonna get the
19:33 Viking style crafting pavilion also the
19:36 hollow log house were to show you that
19:37 later Oh a bunch of oh so we go on
19:40 through every single quest in the game
19:43 all the tasks in the game and hooked him
19:46 up to the new boat the quest the item
19:49 highlighting and the task highlighting
19:54 feature and the sparkles and all that
19:56 stuff so that should be working
19:57 throughout the game along with those of
20:00 you prefer to play old school you'll now
20:01 have an option to turn a little bat off
20:03 if you want in addition we've made it
20:07 now that quest locations and points of
20:12 interest will now appear on the maps so
20:15 when you bring up your map you'll be
20:17 able to see where quest NPCs and points
20:20 of interests are on the map
20:22 automatically so as you find things are
20:24 told where to go on a quest that'll
20:26 automatically now pop up dynamically on
20:28 your map saving you time yeah and then a
20:32 ton of polish for the new user
20:34 experience just again like I was
20:36 mentioning earlier teaching you stuff
20:38 fixing a bunch of bugs so that's that's
20:43 uh oh and then finally and we'll talk
20:45 more about this on Monday during the
20:47 combat deep dive but we did a huge huge
20:50 deep dive right before the break on
20:53 where our combat map is where
20:56 resistances are where where the damage
20:59 is done that's that and found out what
21:05 found out a lot of issues with that and
21:07 so we were making a big big big upgrade
21:11 pass through
21:12 all the combat maps so it should be much
21:14 much much much much more balanced much
21:16 much easier to balance and that's going
21:19 to be going live and r50 and again we'll
21:21 be talking about that more in detail
21:22 exactly what that means in the deep dive
21:26 in combat so and and that's that's just
21:29 a high-level summary of what's going in
21:32 release 50 that's that so tons and tons
21:36 of stuff going into release 50 so very
21:39 very excited about what you guys are
21:41 gonna add is for so but that's a lot of
21:45 me talking and I'm sure you guys are
21:47 sick of that so they want even though
21:51 I'm super excited so we're gonna show
21:53 you guys some log houses but before we
21:56 do that we're gonna show you some
21:57 winners yeah I've actually decided to I
22:00 like I like to tease the community they
22:02 find it fun we're gonna give away a
22:04 prize right away to where we'll also go
22:09 right through the winners of the writing
22:11 creative writing contest that was over
22:13 the break and we're gonna wait to reveal
22:17 the two videos because there are a
22:18 couple minutes long each but very well
22:21 done and do those at the end okay guys
22:24 we want to make sure we have enough time
22:25 to show these homes off so prizes let's
22:29 get that rolling while I go through
22:30 these winners for the credit card so
22:32 we've got a couple prizes let's start
22:35 with the ornate runic letters set weird
22:38 giveaway two of those and if you want a
22:41 chance to win one on discord of art
22:43 which type exclamation ruining are you
22:47 on ru n I see I always spell it out now
22:50 he's gonna let her launch and do that
22:51 these guys all these Curt great Thank
22:54 You community all right ruining our UN I
22:57 see will give that a few minutes in the
22:59 meantime
23:01 this is not a one a first place second
23:03 place or third place this is a per
23:05 category we had romantic theme holiday
23:08 themes adventure themes character NPC
23:11 PvP combat and unexpected I toss that in
23:15 there and see what you guys would come
23:17 up with and there are some really good
23:19 stories poems Ruth Pig most unexpected
23:25 no that was a tick ticking episode sound
23:31 okay I can't help but say that when
23:34 someone says unexpected sorry I totally
23:36 derailed those are the keys and it's the
23:42 struggles okay okay so there was
23:45 multiple entries per category we thank
23:47 you for let us know which category you
23:49 submitted and again really great entries
23:52 Glee a couple videos to which was nice
23:54 aimed at so we'll just go right down the
23:57 list
23:58 the winner of their antics theme
23:59 Congrats to Moxie pilot this you
24:03 actually submitted several and in
24:05 different categories which was you know
24:07 just fine according to the rules of the
24:09 contest but this particular one its
24:12 marked as romantic theme we will by the
24:13 way so you know which ones we're talking
24:15 about here
24:16 Felicity's as a winner list in the
24:19 forums and on social sometime later
24:22 today after this livestream so you get
24:24 their chance to review one but they're
24:26 all listed in the submission thread of
24:27 the forms right now so congrats to moxie
24:29 pilot on that holiday theme went to they
24:33 actually had it this is a video by w r
24:36 FB with wolf tam who submitted it they
24:39 had a video last year they did the same
24:41 thing and the this they even made this
24:44 one better it was awesome it was a nice
24:46 holiday style no Merry Christmas hot
24:50 Happy Holidays themed video I should
24:54 have probably that would have been great
24:55 to show on here actually Adventure theme
24:58 went to Katherine Rose the character NPC
25:00 theme went to lone stranger a very nice
25:03 mix of a poem in an image that had a
25:06 also a little bit of romantic theme in
25:08 there too and the PvP combat theme went
25:11 to dart an of
25:12 Giroux and the unexpected theme
25:15 unexpectedly went to Lilu actually
25:18 leader you do a really good there
25:19 there were several that competed in that
25:21 category because of kind of a
25:23 miscellaneous one a neat little story
25:25 about a reaper sapling entering the
25:27 world for the first time so that you
25:29 know I actually brought a little tear to
25:31 my eye to be honest with you and you won
25:33 that one so congrats everybody great job
25:36 Zhou prizes are 25 kodos and
25:44 2016 winter holiday soundtrack wax
25:47 cylinder perfect for playing holiday
25:49 tunes that you want to repeat
25:51 even though holidays are now over
25:53 nothing to stop you from listening to
25:55 those tunes to you yes so there we go
25:58 with that we've got the rise of the
26:02 letter set exclamation runic our unic
26:05 we'll give that another couple of
26:06 minutes as we go get the guys who are
26:09 going to show you some really cool homes
26:11 that we've been working on they're in
26:13 the weekly update
26:14 that'll go out shortly after this live
26:16 stream you know with the email
26:18 newsletter as well you should get the
26:21 email newsletter if you're new player
26:22 just joining us your registers to the
26:24 game with the game and you're playing
26:26 the game you should be registered for
26:28 that newsletter as well but you can go
26:30 in the front page and onside sign up for
26:33 it too hey guys sorry to keep you
26:35 waiting we have a whole bunch of 2018
26:37 stuff kicking it off I'm going to kind
26:39 of take a side we've got one two three
26:42 guys here so why don't you take a seat
26:44 here Bob once once the rich air we take
26:49 the Richard awesome in view of the
26:55 camera all right so we just so you guys
26:59 know so just so you guys know it's
27:03 attached I tried to drive with my powers
27:07 - so we've got once you introduce
27:16 yourselves guys I'm Reed I'm an
27:18 environment in our spirit portal area I
27:20 work on a lot of clear homes and tons of
27:22 stuff like that little props and
27:24 everything I'm sure you all know Bob
27:26 here
27:28 HBU builder and you've been on the live
27:30 streams before maybe you'll be are you
27:32 on the telephone Monday
27:35 surprise you Manderson is my job to ask
27:41 it don't jump on you know for ptosis
27:44 yeah yeah see there yeah yeah Anderson
27:46 forgot to tell me I was gonna be on this
27:48 too like keeps it interesting so we've
27:54 got some homes I'm going to show you
27:55 guys we've got prizes that we're giving
27:57 away as usual as you guys know we like
27:58 to do that on these live streams and
28:00 I'll be selecting those shortly we'll
28:03 pull up what we got unity that we reuse
28:05 here so go ahead actually go back to the
28:08 our view and we're gonna we're gonna you
28:11 know the one on the right yep there you
28:12 go and then just go ahead and click on
28:14 unity client in the little list there
28:17 there you go there's our unity client
28:20 you guys can get to see us in a little
28:22 window in the corner so that we can work
28:24 in unity while we are navigating here so
28:30 you drive logic okay so we're gonna show
28:35 you guys three houses today so he drives
28:39 around so what what happened was Seawolf
28:45 was working on one of the long haul
28:49 wetlands and as part of that he using a
28:56 bunch of various assets that we had this
28:58 hollow log that he scaled up really big
29:02 and then fuck him like a window piece in
29:07 like a little porch and things like that
29:09 and we had a but we had some players who
29:12 were in that scene who gave us a
29:15 feedback of like oh my god you should
29:16 totally turn this into a player home and
29:18 you know this was a few releases ago and
29:21 we kind of we thought we heard we we got
29:23 the feedback we liked that
29:25 that's kind of cool idea and then and
29:27 finally this release we were able to
29:29 circle back and actually start working
29:32 on this and Bob and then read basically
29:38 have been working on that and so that's
29:40 that's what we're looking at today and
29:42 so that the first house we're looking at
29:44 is is that one which is yeah yes we'd
29:53 and so so you know the first one is a
30:07 this this one we're looking at right now
30:09 is gonna be a craftable in-game house
30:11 these are actually two of my favorite
30:13 houses so far in the game out of all of
30:15 them just because they're so fantastical
30:17 and different so basically like a star
30:22 mansion this is something that see wolf
30:24 gobbled up herself long-haul wetlands
30:25 it's a witch's Hut Pio I there and
30:28 people liked it so much and we like this
30:31 so much they wanted to make it a house
30:32 and this is the craft wall and it's
30:34 pretty small but still very cool nice
30:37 and cozy yeah
30:39 so you come in and walk careful with
30:40 that flame there you do and what is
30:44 different about this from the witch's
30:45 Hut is I added some wooden paneling here
30:47 so just uh just to give players some
30:50 extra deco space because with these
30:52 round surfaces there wouldn't be much
30:53 otherwise oh yeah these walls will be
30:58 deck Obul these walls will be deco bolt
31:00 as well as these in the front I did some
31:04 nice windows and kept kept the holes and
31:07 stuff because we wanted to keep the
31:08 whole hollow log feel and not make it
31:09 too renovated so to speak and this one
31:15 we're actually you're actually going to
31:17 have to go on a quest to get the recipe
31:21 to build this and that'll be at least 51
31:26 and Sanyo Keith Quinn is actually going
31:30 to build build the quest and yes this
31:34 fits on a village lot yeah these are
31:36 both both these whole log houses will be
31:39 yeah and so when we were and so we built
31:42 this one and then we got super excited
31:44 we're like hey you we can we can make it
31:46 more so we got the idea of hey let's
31:50 take another hollow log and align
31:54 vertically and make a basically a
31:57 two-story version with a tower and so
32:01 that's what this other one is this one
32:03 was actually working on mostly by Bob
32:05 here and Michael Hudson hutch aka our
32:08 art director and this one has a more
32:12 finished finished feel and walk around
32:17 so yeah this can get a full view of it
32:19 there's a back porch on this one as well
32:21 which the Capital One does not have but
32:23 it you got a full view from the house
32:30 now this this is larger two-story more
32:34 finished one is the one is the version
32:36 that will sell the store but again we're
32:38 like we always do we try to have you
32:41 know store versions and craftable
32:44 versions as well what I really like
32:46 about this one is it's kind of one and a
32:48 half story which gives you a lot of
32:50 extra deco space because you can come up
32:52 this little lock area and you know do
32:55 whatever you want with this and you have
32:56 the space underneath it as well all kind
33:00 of in one story but also in this house
33:04 you have a second story which is this
33:08 little room yeah this is the this is the
33:12 this is the other hollow log the tower
33:16 yeah oh yeah yeah and Maybelline
33:19 we definitely have been singing the Ren
33:21 Stimpy song it's long it's long it's
33:23 baby that's what we're seeing that this
33:25 morning yeah actually another cool
33:30 feature of this house is it actually has
33:32 a roof access inside at the top of the
33:35 vertical log which i think is really
33:38 awesome yeah yeah so you can get up to
33:41 the roof of the tower the other hollow
33:45 log that's not stuck in there and this
33:49 is the version that's in the store
33:51 and yes Ledbetter it'll be also on
33:53 Cranmer chasm so going forward now that
33:56 we've got crown merchants in the game
34:00 selling basically everything as we add
34:02 things in the game as we add things to
34:06 the store they'll also appear in the
34:08 crown merchants now they might not
34:09 appear on the crown merchants
34:11 immediately but it might that might lag
34:15 behind like one release or so but they
34:17 will eventually get on multiple yeah so
34:22 yeah I'm really happy with how these
34:24 turned out and again pull that you know
34:29 players saw an asset in a map said they
34:32 liked it and then we respond to the
34:34 feedback and so again so we have two
34:38 versions we have this the single story
34:40 one that'll be craftable in-game you'll
34:44 get the recipe from a quest that's this
34:47 one that reads looking at and then the
34:49 two story version the kind of bigger
34:51 more finished out version with the tower
34:53 that'll be sold on the store and I guess
34:57 I had two of my favorite houses we've
34:59 done so far yeah they're very you know
35:01 they feel very very magical very fun
35:08 houses and then the last one we're gonna
35:11 look at is the one yeah and do you
35:21 choose a time of day to that game but
35:26 this is the log cabin player have we met
35:31 oh look we made a lot of jokes about
35:33 Lincoln oh yeah all all these are
35:38 village size every house you're looking
35:39 at is built and so this was actually
35:45 also a player suggestion so players
35:47 asked for a log cabin style house and so
35:52 we so this was the same kind of I so
35:57 this is you know the idea you go out to
36:00 the frontier chop down a bunch of trees
36:03 if all the branches off the log cabin
36:07 and this one is also craftable so so two
36:13 out of the three houses we're showing
36:15 you today are craftable maybe a little
36:17 brighter on this court here about these
36:25 homes eventually make it in their
36:27 hometown no it's just there's something
36:40 something is blocking getting on so this
36:49 has a big you know this has kind of got
36:50 the same layout as the biking house so
36:53 it's got a big open layout you know open
36:56 plan on the on the bottom floor and then
36:59 it's got a law a second-story loft
37:01 opening now these are both still in
37:05 progress so but then there's a little
37:07 balcony out front we can't get down to
37:09 that right now
37:11 why yeah I got a bunch of last-minute
37:16 changes today yeah it's got a little
37:21 balcony out front so also really super
37:27 happy about about how this one turned
37:29 out to Bob really really did a great job
37:33 you got that really great rustic look
37:35 and it's it's inspired us to like we
37:36 want to now like this one's a pretty big
37:39 one it feels basically the whole lot
37:41 we're actually talking hunch and I were
37:44 talking about now making like one that's
37:47 a little like about half this size and
37:50 only like a single-story that's the
37:52 world like the hut and then also maybe
37:56 making a more ornate version of this
37:58 like with maybe more finished inside
38:04 like we looked at we saw some shots
38:06 inside I mean we saw some shots online
38:09 were like they have fancy log cabins
38:12 where they like they they strip off the
38:15 bark on the interior
38:17 sides and they probably kind of polish
38:19 them finished yeah and then and then
38:22 maybe like they we could do some
38:23 carvings on these outside columns or
38:26 something like that to make a more
38:27 ornate version that we put on the store
38:29 but again right now this version that
38:32 this version of the log cabin will be a
38:33 recipe and release 50
38:35 that'll be crap yeah but because we
38:42 wanted to tie the hollow log house to a
38:45 quest is probably not going to be
38:46 available perfect but this one will be
38:49 in just a regular recipe and the hollow
38:51 log houses will be are 50 well the
38:54 two-story one will but the single one
38:56 because it's going to be a quest will be
38:58 oh yeah well so can I tell you what's
39:07 coming yeah yeah okay I took my
39:12 Christmas break and by artistic
39:14 batteries have been recharged and I'm
39:17 working on Observatory a steampunk style
39:22 thing I think it's gonna be the best
39:25 house I've ever done I've just got a lot
39:29 of cool plans for it so that's coming
39:32 also there's an ornate kind of Celtic
39:36 looking bar with the also the
39:40 little show that we're actually in but I
39:44 don't think it's it I seen I saw him on
39:47 hutches machine we can I think nice
39:49 review what you guys can handle a little
39:51 downtime if it's in the game I play yeah
39:53 we get it we can do that over I can show
39:56 those videos actually you guys need yes
40:01 can I say one thing yeah yeah while
40:03 you're done yeah happy Anniversary to
40:05 start long 10 long years well short
40:09 years that's why well thank you very
40:10 much it's a great couple
40:13 thank you uh yeah the observatory's
40:16 gonna be cool so there's a bunch of cool
40:18 stuff we want to do we can't show these
40:19 Observatory oh I see people saying
40:20 please Joey please show yeah he's just
40:23 our little too started yeah we just
40:25 heard no sir so but it's gonna be cool
40:28 like we like it's gonna have a big giant
40:30 telescope in
40:31 we're even gonna try and make the dome
40:33 rotate so you can see the whole sky yeah
40:37 just one shot yeah
40:39 so we're working on that and a
40:41 functioning telescope yeah and the
40:42 telescope will be a telescope don't work
40:44 that's already built yes oh yeah but a
40:48 lot of kind of polish goes into it so
40:52 yeah it's gonna be good zoomy but we'll
40:56 try and we'll try net maybe not next
40:58 week but the week after that maybe not a
41:00 live stream there two weeks from oh cool
41:04 well thanks guys thanks for showing off
41:06 the log homes this is cool and maybe
41:08 we'll set a bar next week okay what's a
41:10 bar next week oh by the way if justin is
41:14 watching Dustin you sat down with me the
41:18 last time you were here and you said
41:20 that I showed you some things on my
41:22 computer that not never made it into the
41:25 game well we don't have a full list of
41:28 everything that ever went into the game
41:30 so I had nothing to compare my inventory
41:33 to so if you could contact me or contact
41:36 star and if you can remember what you
41:39 saw that you want offered yes she there
41:44 Eclipse maiden is saved the artwork
41:47 being like the paintings yeah okay I
41:52 can't get crap it was like one day a
41:57 crap-ton apparently so crappy not crappy
42:02 eclipse made the size of the observatory
42:05 I think it's gonna be town you know it's
42:07 are you gonna fit in on a village yeah
42:09 but it's gonna be three stories tall
42:11 okay cool all right I didn't think we're
42:14 gonna be able to fit on a village cool
42:15 all right thanks guys all right guys
42:19 thanks our YouTube video yes prizes okay
42:26 have a great weekend guys all right I'm
42:33 gonna go okay okay bye thanks everybody
42:36 you guys Rock
42:39 all right we've got two of the where's
42:43 my list runic letters sets so those go -
42:46 congrats Minerva
42:48 for winning one of those I've just been
42:50 a long time since you actually want
42:52 something - congrats on that and also -
42:54 rhinos are y and OS or winning a ruining
42:59 slider set please message me if you're
43:01 on discord barrack and what you won in
43:04 your your character name and then if
43:07 you're on Twitch I think both of you are
43:08 actually in discord but if you're on
43:10 Twitch message shroud of the avatar
43:12 necklace for anybody who gets to win
43:13 something
43:14 let's roll into the next one this is
43:17 actually our last one besides a twitter
43:18 prize remember if you tweet us at route
43:20 of avatar or hashtag lbs OTA anything
43:24 about the live stream at all like hey
43:25 this you know it's great love the log
43:27 homes looking forward to the telethon
43:29 next week whatever it is even a
43:31 screenshot of your adventures in the
43:33 game would be it would actually be the
43:35 best you know don't you you can say
43:37 thanks for the livestream but it's
43:38 showing off what you guys are doing in
43:40 the game we love seeing that and we have
43:42 the ornate clock tower one of those that
43:44 were giving away to someone after this
43:47 live stream will randomly select anybody
43:49 who messages us there and a friend of
43:52 the channel right away as well made sure
43:55 following it and so the last prize here
43:58 will give this way after we showed these
43:59 videos they were Nate hanging potted
44:02 megapack and we give away two of those
44:04 just like we did with the letter sets so
44:06 the last thing we have is the two weekly
44:09 winners for the how to flash walkthrough
44:13 contest the avatars Guide to virtue
44:16 knowledge and virtue and we've had
44:18 dozens of videos submitted by you guys
44:22 on this contest on everything from how
44:25 to get started in the game how to play
44:27 in combat how to craft it'll get around
44:30 and on the the map and go from town to
44:34 town and we've seen really great videos
44:37 of a variety that just blows my mind to
44:40 be honest with you guys that I didn't
44:42 expect so many talent of you of creators
44:45 and the contest is still going on for
44:47 two weeks so you still have a chance at
44:49 your entry and we're gonna put these all
44:51 in a play
44:52 on our short of the avatar YouTube
44:54 channel this live stream is actually
44:57 going to be going on our YouTube channel
44:59 as it always does Monday - probably
45:01 Tuesday next week along with the
45:03 telethon that'll go on YouTube as well
45:06 eventually but we collect and share your
45:08 videos as well so even if it's even if
45:11 you don't submit something this time and
45:12 you have a really cool gameplay
45:14 experience that you were on twitch
45:16 live-streaming or on YouTube and record
45:19 it and you wanted to share it you can
45:21 post in the forums you can share it on
45:23 social will will probably retweet that
45:25 and also just let us know in that regard
45:28 or directly by messaging me barrack in
45:30 the forms that we run discord that you
45:33 have something you want to share and we
45:36 put it in a playlist on our youtube
45:39 channel alright so I have the first
45:45 video here its Brom Congrats to dot and
45:49 rock or the crafting complete episode
45:53 number two is number two and you have a
45:56 series of these crafting videos and
45:59 we're gonna show episode number two this
46:01 time oh yeah wait got ahead of myself
46:04 thank you everybody for guessing what
46:09 the exclamation is for this next prize
46:11 exclamation plants the type and
46:18 explanation plants on disc or torch
46:19 which if you actually want to win one of
46:21 those will give that a few minutes while
46:22 we watch these brief videos okay so
46:25 Dondre crafting complete episode two and
46:28 a swing here over to our video channel
46:30 now I admit that volume may be just
46:33 slightly a bit different than what we
46:35 tried to even it out but you know just
46:37 brace yourselves it shouldn't blow your
46:39 eardrums here we go
46:46 you
46:51 crafters that are new to shroud of the
46:53 avatar may find the crafting system
46:55 complicated but it is actually quite
46:57 simple there is a cycle to crafting
46:59 where materials are collected and
47:01 refined then produced into Goods those
47:04 Goods can be enhanced repaired when
47:05 broken and salvaged for components when
47:08 no longer needed
47:09 the material gathering process is simple
47:11 it uses the player skill level tools and
47:13 a resource node like a tree to produce
47:16 raw materials such as wood tools are
47:20 unique to each crafting skill for
47:22 gathering tools are a pickaxe for mining
47:24 harvesting axe for forestry fishing pole
47:28 for fishing skinning knife for field
47:30 dressing and sickle for foraging the
47:33 refining process also involves the
47:35 player skills tools raw materials and a
47:38 fuel which is a general term for a
47:40 material used for refining the result is
47:43 refined materials such as timber or
47:45 wooden boards for refining the tools are
47:49 smelting tongues for smelting cubit
47:51 measure for milling loom shuttle for
47:53 textiles hoe for agriculture tanning
47:56 knife for tanning and cleaver for
47:59 butchery the production process is
48:01 similar to the refining process player
48:04 skills tools in a combination of
48:06 materials is used to create an item the
48:11 production tools are smithing hammer for
48:13 blacksmithing
48:14 carpentry hammer for carpentry tailoring
48:17 scissors for tailoring mortar and pestle
48:19 for alchemy and cooking pot for cooking
48:24 enchanting requires the player skill a
48:27 precious gem or gold ingots Mandrake
48:29 root and an item to enchant it's
48:32 successful the item gains magical
48:34 abilities for master work the process is
48:38 even simpler player skill silver ingots
48:41 and an item create a master work item
48:43 with additional abilities the process of
48:46 preparing an item requires a damaged
48:48 item in a repair kit and adds durability
48:51 back to the repaired item the salvage
48:53 process requires player skill an item
48:56 and the proper tool a salvaged item is
48:59 destroyed but may yield parts this has
49:01 been crafting complete next
49:03 episode we will cover skills and
49:05 leveling all right there you go folks
49:09 Dondre well done on that video crafting
49:12 complete episode 2 if you want to see
49:13 other episodes all of these videos are
49:16 in the list on the forums now there was
49:20 some confusion apologies it's community
49:23 for some of the overlap of these two
49:26 videos here I'm gonna swap over to let
49:31 me go back to my screen here just for a
49:32 moment to explain this so we got two
49:34 contests that recently were running one
49:36 just concluded that just announced the
49:38 winners of the creative writing contest
49:40 well done everybody there those will be
49:42 listed shortly in the forum's but there
49:43 was also this contest with the
49:45 walkthroughs and the how-tos and what we
49:47 normally do is we like to give you guys
49:49 a focused viewing list of submissions as
49:51 they come in and so those are posted in
49:54 separate forum posts all of these posts
49:57 are in the announcements section of the
49:58 forums and each contest always has two
50:02 of their own post the instructions and
50:04 the prizes and all of that that you can
50:07 respond to and ask us questions about
50:09 how the contest runs and you know
50:12 anything else and then the submissions
50:14 one where we like to keep it just to the
50:16 submissions so there was two for this
50:19 contest and two for the creative writing
50:21 contest and in the future if you ever
50:24 are one of your warriors you know how do
50:25 I submit this look for the submission
50:27 form thread it's not there then I didn't
50:32 both it we got to post it okie-doke
50:34 we've got one more video here and this
50:36 one congrats to cal adorn this is a this
50:40 is a really important one for everybody
50:41 old making tips want to know how to make
50:43 gold entrada they have attire well
50:45 here's a good start Ocala Doran has a
50:47 good two minute video here we'll fire
50:49 this up and see what he has to say
51:02 greetings and salutations this is Cal
51:05 adorned when starting out in shroud of
51:07 the avatar building a financial nest egg
51:09 is an early hurdle to overcome one of
51:12 the mistakes I made was taking all the
51:14 weapons I collected and scrapping them
51:16 now it's a great way to get your
51:18 crafting skill up it should also be said
51:20 you will want to have a good supply of
51:22 wood and metal scrap for training
51:24 someday you shouldn't though be in a
51:26 rush to become a master crafter building
51:29 that nest egg of cash is just as
51:31 important selling your found weapons can
51:34 build you a tidy profit if you go about
51:36 it in the right way now when you start
51:39 your strength will be low and the amount
51:41 that you can carry won't seem like much
51:44 but don't be disheartened in time your
51:47 increased capacity to carry from
51:49 strength gains or capacity potions will
51:51 kick in the more you can carry away from
51:54 each area the better also it helps to
51:57 pick the area carefully since the easier
51:59 it is for you the more you can collect
52:02 I myself tended to focus on fighters the
52:05 more mages are archers since they were
52:07 easy pickins for me
52:09 the faster I took them out the more I
52:12 gained you will also be building your
52:14 skill and your adventure level at the
52:16 same time I would keep going until I was
52:19 at the max that I could carry and then I
52:21 would go back to town to cash in not
52:23 every vendor is going to pay you the
52:27 same amount if you go to a magic
52:29 merchant or a deco merchant you will not
52:31 get your full value for your weapon my
52:34 mama told me you better shop around
52:36 works in shroud two blacksmiths of
52:40 course are the best but some actually
52:43 pay more than others find the one who
52:46 pays the most for you and make the trek
52:49 back and forth to him every time and it
52:51 will be worth it to your bottom line
52:53 still to this day I go to that zone fill
52:57 up on my bags with weapons and sell them
52:59 off you cannot argue with consistent
53:02 results this has been Cala Dorne
53:04 wishing you well and informed bye-bye
53:52 I had to jiggle this Micha looks like
53:55 it's a little bit loose today apologies
53:57 about that everybody but congrats again
53:58 to DA and rock and kal adorned for
54:00 winning those prizes for the weekly
54:03 entries into our how to walk through
54:05 contest hopefully everybody can view me
54:07 now just give me a shout-out guys when
54:09 you yeah thank you it looks like it's
54:11 coming in now is a little bit of delay
54:12 there from receiving when you guys post
54:17 because of the delay on through twitch
54:19 but looks like we're okay now the net in
54:22 case this is a live stream thank you My
54:24 name is Matthew Anderson I go by Derrick
54:25 in the community and I appreciate you
54:27 joining us for our fair 1st 2018
54:29 community livestream we're gonna have
54:30 these regularly on Fridays with the
54:33 exception of next week because next week
54:34 we have our Monday oh and right after
54:39 that on Friday is our community holiday
54:42 party it's gonna be right here at portal
54:44 areum and also we have in-game events
54:47 that the community is kicking off too so
54:49 we're gonna be like we're gonna Doug's
54:50 here hanging out with community members
54:52 we're gonna have Deb's hanging out in
54:53 game with you guys we're gonna have that
54:56 live streamed it's gonna just gonna be
54:58 really fun it's gonna be a lot a lot fun
54:59 join that planning is going on really
55:03 well and we had a great one last year so
55:07 we have one more bit of news that I just
55:10 wanted to pass along real quick we have
55:12 a growing team here and we also have the
55:16 new community manager that is for the
55:20 European my counterpart for the European
55:23 areas he's going to help us build the
55:25 chart of the avatars community into a
55:26 global community and he posted in the
55:29 general discussion forum section on the
55:33 regular official forums and he it's
55:37 right it's right pinned at the top so go
55:39 in there check out see what his name is
55:41 who you know what he's about his
55:43 introduction welcoming to the community
55:46 and you know respond to him saying hi
55:48 and you're gonna see a lot more of him
55:50 in the forums and in everywhere in the
55:53 game as well so just got started and I'm
55:57 excited to be working with training
55:58 games and their team on everything for
56:01 you guys it'll be amazing
56:02 alright prizes for the
56:05 a Hanged potted megapack this is a mega
56:09 pack of the Azealia IV and sword plants
56:12 and you get three of each of those
56:15 though that should be pretty good for
56:17 decorating your home and that goes to
56:21 night wolf and notable Joe the congrats
56:24 night wolf node with Joe on those the
56:26 Twitter prize which goes will go to
56:29 someone who tweets us short of avatar or
56:32 hashtag lbs OTA on Twitter there in a
56:35 clock tower you'll get that once we
56:38 select one shortly after this live
56:40 screen so if you post on Twitter just
56:43 give us you know a few minutes to be
56:45 able to hand that out all right if you
56:47 guys have news in future live streams
56:49 that you want us to share on those live
56:51 streams message me let me know community
56:54 events are kicking off interesting
56:55 things you want to share that's just
56:57 going on in the community we want to
56:59 share that that's what the part of the
57:00 point of these live streams are until
57:03 then have a great weekend everybody on
57:04 your first weekend here in 2018 and
57:07 we'll see you on the telethon this
57:09 coming Monday