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Community Livestream/The Making of Physical Goods

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00:15 good evening avatars our top story
00:17 tonight release 50 the best release ever
00:21 has just gone live this Thursday at
00:24 10:30 a.m. you can play the game now if
00:28 you want or you can stay tuned for some
00:32 more fascinating and riveting news about
00:36 shroud of the avatar forsaken virtues
00:39 right here on this livestream I'd like
00:44 to introduce my very special guest Eric
00:54 you're supposed to be nope we got it
00:57 right the more welcome everybody thank
01:17 you Sarah for hoping to kick off this
01:19 live stream you may be in the game right
01:21 now celebrating at the release 50 dance
01:24 party in Riften
01:25 yes and I believe it was the fourth
01:28 anniversary for avatars radio Oh
01:30 congratulations avatars radios my name
01:34 is Derrick I don't go by anything else
01:36 in the world and I as you know and the
01:39 community manager here Sarah you are
01:41 what's your title
01:43 I am customer support and Quality
01:46 Assurance and anything else random that
01:50 you might need is in the forms she helps
01:52 with Oh preparing our weekly updates
01:54 reviewing them making sure all the
01:56 community stuff is ready to go and I
01:59 copied it over from your guys is
02:01 community events in the forums and on
02:03 the website we pick those we look
02:06 through those and we pick a couple of
02:07 your events every week put them in the
02:09 weekly update speaking of that we have
02:11 we have started just finishing the DJing
02:14 for the dance party and so they'll be in
02:16 here shortly and then right after he has
02:18 a few things to say about release 50
02:20 maybe a little bit on release 51 what's
02:23 coming up because you know launch few
02:26 months from now I should I should
02:27 probably say
02:28 couple months from now holy cow it's
02:30 coming out fast so what's the date today
02:32 the 26th today I have no idea what day
02:35 so today is January 26 and launch is
02:38 March 27 so that's two months I am
02:43 pulling up from discord here today ish
02:46 to make sure if anybody corrects this or
02:48 do you guys can hear us you guys are
02:49 like you know Egan's
02:50 it's not March its April which is a
02:54 month that I just made up I didn't do
02:57 that's a really good one
02:59 grateful yes my favorites I'm pulling up
03:02 the twitch chat here so we can see what
03:04 you guys are saying well last time we
03:05 did this we had a amazing beginning I
03:13 don't know if I went to them that was an
03:15 advertisement not for our game so we're
03:17 not going to
03:19 all advertisements should be for shroud
03:22 of the avatar forsaken virtues there's
03:24 probably some people in chat that they
03:25 have very brief sound bit they could
03:28 guess which platform I'm guessing all
03:32 right so don't get any prize for that
03:34 yeah
03:35 but speaking of prizes Thank You Sara we
03:37 have some prizes we've just with
03:39 releases we always put out a few new
03:42 items and we were working on that a lot
03:43 earlier this week getting a few night
03:45 items ready for the add-on store and
03:47 we've got the we're gonna give these
03:50 away throughout the livestream today the
03:52 2018 Valentine's Day gift box set yes
03:55 very beautiful no Valentine themed
03:59 wrapping paper hearts and red and pink
04:03 yes so there's three boxes rice in
04:07 different sizes yes small medium large
04:09 right
04:09 they all have hearts yeah they're
04:13 different one of them is like a heart
04:15 pattern kind of thing that's a little
04:18 more classy I think you're classy it's
04:22 very classy you can give your loved one
04:24 a nice bouquet of roses inside the gift
04:28 box that's me oh so that you can
04:30 actually put things in there yes they
04:32 are containers that you can put on your
04:34 lot or you have three you have to have a
04:37 lot or yeah or a play around town
04:40 playing on top that's okay because
04:41 there's a lot of play around towns if
04:43 you don't have a lot you can ask any of
04:45 the player on towns it's at space and
04:47 get a lot get a house and decorate it
04:51 and put some boxes in and think boxes
04:53 that you can put a bunch more things in
04:55 and so we've got two of those we're
04:58 gonna give away we also have the art one
05:01 of my favorites it's literally my
05:03 favorite art this is my favorite it is
05:08 similar to the ornate tiled hot tub
05:12 that's also in the add-on store but this
05:14 one is heart-shaped and yes you can sit
05:19 in it I have tested it many times and
05:22 it's like it's pink and a darker kind of
05:26 reddish pink it has miles yeah tiles so
05:29 has a tie leash once again this should
05:31 have been like release 50 the elegant
05:33 release or something because we just
05:35 have so many really neat things that are
05:36 just for lessons yes and you can stir
05:40 yes every which is not that worried yet
05:42 but it's coming up last
05:42 so we wanted to make sure you know you
05:44 got it in a band so you can put it I
05:46 think I saw some no I didn't see it but
05:48 I heard someone on our team was walking
05:50 around the game because the dance party
05:51 everybody wanted to join me I'm Ben and
05:53 they saw I think and riffs and somebody
05:55 had the hot tub the heart tub oh yeah
05:57 sure you can see my heart tub in my
06:01 house in Veritas sanctuary it is just to
06:06 the right of the docks it's the first
06:09 blue tile row home about sarafina's
06:16 boutique and take a look-see so but the
06:19 upstairs is adults only no cooties I
06:24 would prefer the basement by design but
06:26 anyway I like it out in the open that's
06:29 good to know
06:30 interesting more prizes so we have the
06:34 heart tub the Valentine's Day gift boxes
06:37 the obsidian obelisk yes that's really
06:42 cool
06:43 if you have kind of a darker themed town
06:48 or a darker themed lot in the obsidian
06:52 series this is a really cool Egyptian
06:55 inspired obelisk think like the
06:59 Washington Monument shape almost but it
07:03 was slack
07:06 I'll black yeah and it has been really
07:08 cool actually designs on inside and it's
07:10 huge it's like your characters like this
07:13 and it's like this pause yeah it
07:15 dominates a little thin on a village or
07:18 larger yeah and you can put I forgot
07:23 which lot I had when I took the
07:24 screenshot for it but it comfortably it
07:27 must have been bigger I think but it had
07:29 a village house and had the nice obelisk
07:31 right next to it so anyway give him one
07:34 of those away and then as always we're
07:36 doing the Twitter giveaway here where
07:38 we're gonna give you a choice again and
07:40 it's going to be the choice of one
07:43 expiring item on the front page as a
07:46 store $49 or less which basically means
07:50 there's one item that doesn't count
07:52 that's on the front page which that's
07:54 expiring the funny you should ask I
07:56 think no the Obsidian obelisk got moved
08:00 off so that's not there anymore I was
08:01 going to make a joke about that but it's
08:03 actually the
08:06 you know I forget the whole one of the
08:08 houses I think that's expiring on the
08:11 front page
08:12 no it's $50 anyway that one doesn't
08:17 count
08:20 unless we get like maybe under different
08:21 everybody in chat tweets us and that's
08:24 how you win this choice here of your one
08:28 expiring item on the front page of the
08:29 store by the way all those items are
08:30 expiring February 2nd so that's coming
08:33 up real fast
08:33 we just with a hashtag lbs OTA or at
08:38 route of avatar and then dimension the
08:42 livestream mentioned release 50 you know
08:44 give us a quote we're actually
08:45 collecting quotes from you guys really
08:47 appreciate all those great quotes in the
08:48 forums and your feedback on the release
08:50 already it's only been a day well you've
08:52 given us a lot of great things to think
08:54 about for release 51 and Beyond already
08:56 and so we're taking those clothes from
08:58 the forums Twitter wherever and if you
09:01 just you know tweet quote you know hey I
09:03 love this is this about the the game
09:05 right now great job guys any concerns
09:08 you know whatever it is and as long as
09:10 it's decent and something that similarly
09:12 yeah civil that constructive that we can
09:14 digest and look at then we will be
09:19 collecting those this is great and
09:22 that'll be one way for you to get in on
09:25 this twitter prize and this only last
09:27 during the livestream
09:28 let's kick off one of these prizes
09:30 Seraphina we have the Valentine's Day
09:33 gift boxes - mm-hmm tub or the Obsidian
09:37 on the list let's start with one of the
09:40 gift boxes gift box oh just and just set
09:44 oh this one one set of the gift yeah so
09:47 we're not gonna give away both right
09:48 away lid it up we're gonna have some
09:51 suspense on if you don't win one you get
09:53 a later chance for it oh yeah sure okay
09:55 that sounds good one 20:18 Valentine's
09:57 Day gift boxes if you're in discord or
09:59 you're in twitch doesn't matter which
10:01 one type exclamation
10:04 it or exclamation yep that's the I was
10:08 gonna say Val gasps but this exclamation
10:10 gift all right
10:11 and we'll give that a few minutes we'll
10:13 tally that up after we go through a
10:17 couple of community news items again
10:19 arts well power is going to be on
10:23 livestream to give you some news but
10:24 another star on the live stream is daddy
10:28 daddy he is one of the favorites he is
10:30 on quite often on the live streams for
10:33 the telephones especially but he comes
10:35 on here on their community live streams
10:36 talks about his work on a lot of things
10:39 in the game he actually I believe design
10:41 those Valentine's Day gift boxes - he
10:44 didn't this time oh you didn't know that
10:46 was michael hutchison
10:48 oh okay hutch who did it yeah they
10:51 collaborated because they look both
10:53 great like from the holiday yaksas and
10:56 the other ones Scottie did last year but
10:58 Scottie has been completely swamped with
11:01 what he's going to be talking about
11:03 later on just like
11:07 head down working yeah yeah he's
11:10 actually been working late nights here
11:13 for you guys
11:14 yeah well what we're I was gonna stay
11:17 it's a surprise but I promoted the darn
11:19 thing and everywhere so it's not a
11:22 surprise so he's gonna be on to talk
11:24 about the physical goods that we've been
11:28 working on the manual the there's a book
11:32 and I'm icon work as well and there's a
11:38 few other things he's going to mention
11:40 too but there's a lot of you know that
11:43 that were given to backers that is part
11:46 of their original pledges and we're
11:48 starting to work on that so we wanted to
11:50 with launch notes and the new year give
11:53 you guys an opportunity to see a little
11:55 bit of that work and there are progress
11:58 on it it's not just Scottie of course
12:00 we've got a lot going on right now on
12:02 making sure while you surfing are
12:04 involved in this too as far as
12:05 organizing think about the shipping
12:09 support or you know people who
12:13 eventually get their goods or they're
12:15 they're asking about their goods please
12:16 don't rush us right now on asking about
12:18 where your physical goods are don't
12:19 worry we will have regular updates for
12:21 you guys on that as this the things
12:25 develop and are produced so we will
12:27 update you guys
12:30 as they they come about you'll know when
12:33 we know exactly and we do try to do that
12:35 actually on a serious note when we know
12:38 we as soon as possible let you guys know
12:41 and that goes for for everything
12:42 basically someone has a question yeah
12:45 questions if you guys have questions
12:48 asking twitch or discord what's the CAG
12:51 Oh Blin hooker
12:53 Oh God Oh God yes yes he's our usual
12:58 what does he guy oh yes uh uh a goblin
13:01 hugger a goblin hooker says and you
13:05 bench barrack on Sunstream probably
13:09 could I'm only 130 oh I might be able to
13:16 it's your show now you introduce you
13:19 started it come take it over all right
13:21 so a couple other quickly quick news
13:23 items we've got the community live
13:26 stream from last week on YouTube now
13:29 we'll put this one on YouTube as well
13:31 next week that one was about the wild
13:34 boars and the wolves in the game the
13:37 Lord yes it was boar well we have that
13:40 joking boring Oh anything but that
13:43 so if you want to check on that it's on
13:46 the youtube channel we also have on
13:48 YouTube channel all of your hard work on
13:51 creating those wonderful walkthrough
13:54 videos over the last few weeks there was
13:57 several of you who submitted them in
13:58 that contest we just ended a week ago
14:01 and we're gonna be as we did earlier
14:03 this week releasing them on social and
14:05 in the weekly updates give you guys a
14:07 weekly hey here's a tip or trick or or
14:11 something in the game to help you get
14:13 started especially if you're just
14:14 joining us here in shroud of the avatar
14:16 watching these alive streams looking at
14:18 the website getting into the forums
14:20 introducing yourself and wondering how
14:22 do I get started how do I complete this
14:24 quest area this storyline how do I you
14:27 know walk around and get through the
14:28 world and meet other people all that
14:30 stuff you guys have a lot of our
14:32 community leaders have created some
14:34 wonderful videos on that so we've been
14:36 putting Elms out regularly prism has
14:38 their grand master tutoring event this
14:41 is a regular ongoing event January 27th
14:43 which is tomorrow at 1 o'clock
14:46 also the virtue marathon is coming up on
14:51 February 18th that are you gonna be
14:52 running that yeah well yeah yes I'm
14:57 doing the 5k so I need a lot of people
15:00 to come and carry me across the finish
15:03 line it'd be very dramatic we have our
15:05 shirts everything was kind to Bruce and
15:09 everyone's working to manage this and
15:12 promote it this this is for charity the
15:16 Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and
15:18 we have a lot of other charities that we
15:20 contribute to on a regular basis
15:22 member and other
15:25 and those announcements are usually
15:27 posted on the main website and in the
15:29 forums you can check them out there as
15:31 you like and last but certainly not
15:33 least on my community news list and then
15:35 I believe Starr has some things to tell
15:37 you guys we have the walk the besides a
15:42 walkthrough video we have that did you
15:43 know series did you no no I did probably
15:52 don't you know that in the lives of the
15:57 alright yeah that'll be a new series
15:59 insurance did you know from Algerian he
16:02 has a series that he's been putting out
16:04 on Twitter on almost a daily basis now
16:06 this is amazing I'll Gary and thank you
16:08 for this what's out these did you know
16:10 little facts about shroud of the avatar
16:11 and this week's series had a couple of
16:14 them that it's in the weekly update so
16:15 check out the weekly update towards the
16:17 bottom in the community section and you
16:19 can see what his did you know is our
16:21 most importantly sign up for our Twitter
16:23 account sign up for his Twitter account
16:24 and get those updates direct especially
16:28 if you're new player please do that join
16:29 us on social okay well I don't know
16:32 where star is I think he was rocking it
16:34 on oh there no you can sit here star I
16:37 heard you singing earlier you were
16:39 singing on the radio I think yeah not
16:42 quite singing okay thank you thank you I
16:47 was DJ DJ Jay dark started my other my
16:51 other my alter-ego
16:53 my superhero no this is my my civilian
16:58 you know persona and I my superhero
17:02 persona which is DJ Dark Star I was just
17:05 DJing
17:05 the dance party released 50 it was
17:08 awesome it was amazing as always
17:11 former avatars radios fourth birthday
17:15 and they've celebrating their fourth
17:18 anniversary they've been around for
17:21 years so Thank You avatars radio for
17:23 sharing music and events and sermons
17:26 with the community you guys are awesome
17:28 and please support them at the patreon
17:32 slash avatars radio they that's
17:35 just like us they are basically
17:37 crowdfunding so supporting them that
17:39 helps us do things like the dance party
17:41 and I which I am now addicted to so we
17:47 announced during the dance party that
17:50 I'm gonna start DJing all of the room
17:53 dance part going forward so for that
17:58 well yeah I do I have actually have a
18:02 giant music collection I have probably
18:06 about three thousand songs in my
18:09 personal personal collection before like
18:13 this was pre like streaming so I have a
18:17 pin for the news again this is when we
18:19 have our little sound we need we need
18:24 you guys to recommend a sound effects
18:26 and then and then a big like visual
18:29 splash comes in with darkstar right
18:35 I see that does everyone see that in
18:38 their minds so everyone see it
18:39 somebody envision this sweet happen
18:47 greatness all right so that was awesome
18:51 getting to DJ that and released 50 came
18:54 out yesterday that's right
18:56 release 2050 releases in a row all on
19:00 time every time 50 releases
19:04 that's my head exploding because 15
19:08 releases on time like nobody does that
19:10 no team does that no product does that
19:14 monthly releases on time every time
19:17 full of stuff like release notes for
19:19 this release for 30 over 30 pages long I
19:23 mean ridiculous that's so like an insane
19:25 amount like my team my team is amazing
19:27 my team was amazed amazing like I'm so
19:30 proud of this team I can't get over how
19:32 amazing they are just how much work they
19:34 get done every single release it just
19:36 blows my mind that's so that's by any
19:39 clue just so many things when they
19:42 release 50 though just I mean just the
19:44 brief highlights framerate improvements
19:47 story polished more side quests starter
19:50 scene polish we like rebuilding seems
19:53 like you sunless Barron's soundtrack
19:55 called spur refining skills new recipes
19:58 and patterns like over 30 recipes and
20:01 patterns in this release more virtue
20:03 armor like we basically got all the
20:06 pieces of the virtue armor left except
20:08 the legs which are going to go in our
20:11 51-ui polish including the ability to
20:14 lock items in your inventory so you
20:17 won't accidently finally won't be able
20:18 to you know you won't accidentally
20:20 salvage or sell them target highlighting
20:23 altitude indicators in the compass comp
20:27 lots of combat balance so new like we
20:31 basically rewrote all the math
20:32 underneath combat new math for aggro
20:37 ransom polish torches are now off hand
20:40 pledge and weapons with a flame dawn on
20:43 them new boars so a new totally new
20:48 creature which are wild boars we
20:50 replaced all the wolves we placed the
20:53 female peasants and added like 9 more
20:54 new houses including water mill log
20:57 cabin a log home new decorations the
21:01 biking crafting Pavillion Doc City and
21:03 obelisk the telethon is for our 48
21:06 valentine items physical goods progress
21:09 this list is literally longer than like
21:11 every like if you gave one person here
21:14 at
21:14 poor tellurian one of these it's like
21:16 longer than that yeah how do we do that
21:18 yeah I mean it's just yeah I mean so at
21:21 least fifty not like just amazing stuff
21:24 maybe stuff but like and just getting
21:26 you know people who've gotten to try it
21:28 out just have said like having a great
21:32 time so if you haven't patched up and
21:34 try and release 50 please do give us
21:37 your feedback you know we've already
21:39 been doing a few patches already it's
21:42 games get better that's and that's the
21:45 goal to make it better it really
21:46 released 51 it's gonna have a bunch of
21:49 cool stuff in it too but it's gonna be
21:51 not quite as monstrous in gigantic as
21:55 released 50 because it's gonna be a
21:57 short release because February of course
21:59 is a shorter month and the other months
22:01 of the year
22:01 so it's gonna be a little smaller so
22:04 don't you know that your expectations
22:07 properly in scope but more performance
22:10 we're going to be finally moving to a
22:12 newer version of unity that's got a lot
22:15 of stuff that's gonna unlock some CPU
22:18 upgrades for us the final pieces of the
22:21 virtue armor so now you'll have to be
22:22 able to have a complete set of those
22:24 it's gonna be the leggings the lost veil
22:27 and oh my god I can't wait for you guys
22:29 to see some of the cool stuff we're
22:31 doing waz bail so loss bail is something
22:34 we promised her in the Kickstarter and
22:35 it's going to be a scene that you can
22:38 only access during select certain
22:40 celestial alignments so kind of think
22:43 like how the sieges happen during
22:46 celestial alignments but it'll literally
22:48 only be able to turn on when things line
22:52 up and it's cool it's like in its own
22:55 sort of pocket dimension it's it's super
22:59 it's cool
23:02 we're finally everyone have a moment of
23:04 silence for the harvestable trees that
23:07 have been in since the prototype we did
23:10 for the Kickstarter is there going to go
23:13 away and we're gonna finally get
23:17 trees to chop down that actually look
23:19 like pine and maple so alright and bores
23:25 the wild boars that we put in our 50
23:27 they're gonna be tamable in our 51 and
23:30 just like we replaced the wolves in our
23:35 50 and our 51 the Bears are going to be
23:39 replaced we're gonna have new bears and
23:42 a moment of silence or the really shitty
23:46 ugly bears that we have that have
23:48 pouches and a big hole in the armpit
23:51 when they raise their arm so the Bears
23:54 ugly bears
23:57 the Bears are gonna go away so that's
24:01 what my family says when they talk about
24:03 football Doug bear is a bear sub Bears
24:05 the Bears the new bears heraldry so new
24:15 new hair alba so you'll be able to build
24:17 your family crest and you'll be able to
24:20 display it on those of you who had that
24:23 pledge award you'd be able to display it
24:24 on a kite shield and there's gonna be a
24:27 special chess a pattern for the
24:31 different types of armor for a chest
24:33 piece of armor and there'll be some
24:35 banners that you can hang up on your
24:36 wall - and everyone
24:42 I hope everyone's sitting down because
24:44 the other thing that's that we're going
24:46 to start in our 51 and we're also going
24:48 to do some work on this in our 52 is
24:50 we're going to do some
24:52 bender polish on the visuals for vendors
24:56 so they're not they don't all look the
24:58 same
25:00 and repeat that we're going to do some
25:02 vendor polish so vendors don't all look
25:05 the same
25:05 now this isn't bull customizability for
25:08 vendors is that we don't have time for
25:10 that
25:13 not by release that's going to come
25:14 later but
25:17 so so don't get your hopes up too much
25:19 but we're gonna give you some new we're
25:21 gonna give you a bunch of options so
25:23 you'll at least be able to pick like a
25:25 female vendor some different outfits and
25:29 we're also gonna make it so you can you
25:32 use a instead of like if you want
25:34 instead of a human vendor you can set up
25:37 a cash register and use that as a vendor
25:39 as well so and also continue continuous
25:44 progress on the physical goods so we'll
25:45 get all those up final production on
25:48 those which we're gonna talk about in a
25:50 minute with Scotty yes guys gonna come
25:51 in and show that so lots of stuff coming
25:54 up for r51 and reminder our telethon is
25:59 next Friday so check out that gonna be
26:04 lots of cool stuff more deep dives more
26:07 prizes more stretch goals and it's going
26:09 to be Mardi Gras themed so I grew up in
26:14 Louisiana so did you
26:16 yep and so it's gonna have to be that's
26:18 why we chose that yeah oh yeah there's
26:23 lots of stories I cannot share about my
26:26 experiences at bar speaking of the
26:27 telethon there and we're still working
26:30 on this yet we'll talk about this next
26:32 week starting our going to talk about
26:33 the next contest for you guys alright
26:35 and we may get a sneak peek a preview
26:38 for those dedicated to watching the
26:39 telethon next week or what it is so stay
26:42 tuned for that
26:43 oh okay right oh yeah we did
26:51 okay all right also if you haven't seen
26:55 it yet if you've been somewhere in under
26:58 a rock of some kind we announced our
27:01 launch event on the 14th of the week
27:05 before the actual launch during South by
27:08 Southwest were having a launch event at
27:10 the History Museum and you guys are
27:15 invited if you are a backer on the
27:17 project and you are in good standing
27:20 with the community you can come to our
27:21 party so check out the weekly update
27:26 over our website for details about that
27:29 we're very very excited by that I kind
27:31 of snuck that out surprise to Matthew
27:33 and snuck that out last week during the
27:35 livestream yeah it's official now yep
27:37 and and what a surprise
27:39 it's gonna be amazing to meet more of
27:41 you guys so I hope that you're able to
27:43 attend and we can accommodate with the
27:45 space and everything and all of that
27:47 good stuff that we'll see more of it yep
27:50 also South by Southwest in general is
27:52 just going to be amazing we're gonna
27:53 have a booth and we're gonna be showing
27:57 off the game but also we're gonna be
28:00 merits is going to be in the booth with
28:02 us that's our partner that does the
28:04 physical fitness app and airy fun is
28:08 going to be talking about the community
28:11 stuff that they do for charitable giving
28:13 and we have a bunch of panels and that's
28:17 a March 13th 15th and 17th and where our
28:19 booth is going to be the 15th through
28:20 the 17th and other announcements just a
28:26 reminder that for our 50 and 51 that
28:29 skill if you unlearned skills you'll get
28:32 a hundred percent return on your XP and
28:36 our 50 we posted the the winners for
28:41 testing and a reminder we test each
28:44 release on QA the week before the
28:47 release goes live and if you test on QA
28:50 and help us out
28:51 it all sorts of cool exclusive prizes
28:54 for that oh and just a reminder we
28:58 announced it it's in the release notes
29:00 and we also changed the landing page for
29:03 the free trial
29:03 but now free trial users get to pick
29:06 from all three paths they're locked to
29:08 that single path once they're done but
29:10 they now get to pay eighty three any of
29:12 the three paths not locked into a single
29:15 path and I think that's yeah everything
29:19 for me lots and lots of news here
29:20 there's gonna be another crazy week next
29:23 week piled on and everything and boy you
29:26 know just all this excitement on release
29:28 fifty thank you guys again your feedback
29:30 and what you mentioned about it really
29:32 is 51 we're all excited and that denied
29:35 I think that's part of why we're in you
29:37 know just 120 percent here two hundred
29:40 percent I'm you know getting this stuff
29:42 to you guys because we're so excited as
29:43 have you see it have you experienced it
29:45 have you played yeah so thank you
29:49 community you guys are awesome and I
29:51 know some people asked yes I will be
29:54 publishing my playlist from the dance
29:56 party like I do usually and thank you
29:59 community for supporting us you guys are
30:01 awesome yes all right I think we have
30:06 another prize to give away guys so we
30:08 were given away shortly before bar came
30:12 in on the 2018 Valentine's Day gift
30:17 boxes now our live streams here they're
30:20 usually every Friday and they come there
30:22 they're about an hour long since it's
30:25 already 4:30 I think we're gonna give
30:26 both of those gift boxes away so we're
30:28 so we're gonna we're gonna do two but
30:30 we'll give we're gonna give away one
30:31 right now and I'm going to let you guys
30:33 Reese pin for the next one to speed this
30:35 up a little bit so congrats to Eldrick
30:37 raccoon or one of those Valentine's Day
30:41 gift boxes
30:42 let's rescind that live exclamation gift
30:45 if you're in discord or twitch either
30:48 way we'll give that a couple more
30:49 minutes let Scotty introduce himself
30:52 again although many of you I'm sure know
30:53 him in his work and we'll get some some
30:56 things set up here on the presentation
30:59 is Scotty hello so we really just given
31:02 away some things and I just told them to
31:05 do their thing on typing if they want to
31:08 give I want to get a prize and we're
31:10 giving away some of those gift boxes
31:11 those Valentine's Day gift boxes
31:12 fantastic yeah where you going away the
31:14 ha
31:15 I would say the hot tub it is a hot tub
31:17 it's a hot pot the heart-shape yeah oh
31:18 yeah yeah which is really cool yeah so
31:20 you have some things to plug into the
31:22 computer so we'll get that set up and
31:24 I'll just gives us another we're going
31:27 to do this fast everybody 30 seconds
31:29 exclamation gift
31:33 you
31:37 all right we've got this rolling on
31:40 discord and twitch how's everybody doing
31:41 anyway I mean if you were in the dance
31:44 but we just had the dance party
31:45 Darkstar I saw everybody doing that all
31:47 around me it was amazing yeah we were a
31:49 lot of us were watching in the office
31:51 and hearing the tunes from DJ a
31:54 darkstar's list though if you were in
31:56 the game at-risk end and in the dance
32:00 party type it in chat we want to see who
32:02 was able to make it to that let's see
32:06 here at this done
32:10 one more
32:13 person there okay so we've got all right
32:18 so we've got green shots oh yeah I have
32:22 a bunch of stuff to show you guys and
32:24 most of it is weird kind of behind the
32:26 scenes stuff to give you all a
32:27 perspective of sort of what I go through
32:30 as I begin to create things because a
32:32 lot of the stuff that you all see just
32:33 appear magically oh that feels better
32:35 and oh that's nice especially when it
32:37 comes to things like icons stuff like
32:40 that just you you have no idea what what
32:44 you know I have to go through to make
32:46 sure that all those things are accurate
32:47 and that they all sort of correctly
32:49 reflect things that are going on in the
32:50 game oh but you will you will see that
32:52 today you know the theme is nobody knows
32:55 the troubles I've seen well you're gonna
32:59 get to see them in just a few moments
33:01 let's see if we can find that stall
33:03 right so we've got I think it popped up
33:04 here so we have your folder the
33:06 removable disk you plugged in yes
33:08 telephone and livestream images and look
33:11 behold the new folder 2018 go and just
33:15 pop one up and then I'll give this prize
33:17 away and then we'll plug it in so
33:18 everybody can see it here okay okay
33:20 we've got we've got our winner here
33:22 Congrats to elusive underscore illusion
33:25 ALL u.s. I owe an elusive illusion like
33:29 the name is very nice Lucia Lucia
33:31 Congrats to winning a 2018 Valentine's
33:33 Day gift boxes we explained those gift
33:35 boxes are containers so you can place
33:37 them in your home or in your town as
33:39 actual containers which is very nice
33:41 which by the way I'll have to say that
33:43 it was either read rollover or Hutch who
33:46 ended up creating these versions this
33:49 year for the Valentine stuff normally
33:51 I'm always the one that touches the gift
33:52 boxes but the reason why I didn't this
33:55 time is because of all the stuff you're
33:56 about to see I've been so under the gun
33:59 with this kind of stuff that there's
34:00 been no chance for me to actually
34:02 produce those physical in-game objects
34:04 so hutch was kind enough and so is Reed
34:06 I believe to jump in and grab all the
34:08 stuff that I'm in for the past gift
34:10 boxes to create these new versions
34:12 actually so thank you very much to hutch
34:14 and Reed for that this will work here is
34:17 let's see if we can maximize this I have
34:19 to keep myself from looking up yeah so
34:21 once you get to controlling this
34:24 now also we should be able to do for
34:26 that folder alesis right click to the
34:29 next of your screenshots oh good and
34:32 they get to see what's there so Oh
34:33 fantastic um again congrats to Eldrick
34:36 Bret raccoon and elusive underscore
34:38 illusion let's we have we do Twitter
34:41 prides every time and I explained to
34:43 them that we're expediting this a little
34:44 bit because as usual Starr and I talk
34:47 forever and make you wait and apologies
34:50 for that it's okay and so now we're
34:52 rolling on this and we're gonna be
34:53 showing you some of this stuff but let's
34:55 say I actually start the process for
34:56 giving away that hard tub I love it
34:59 whoever wins it hard tub here it comes
35:01 everybody exclamation art type in HEA RT
35:05 I don't know why I had to spell that but
35:07 just in case there you go discord into
35:10 which and we'll let Scotty take it away
35:12 okay so what you're seeing we're gonna
35:15 start off we're gonna start off with
35:17 just some of the basics as some of you
35:19 will leave noted as you've been playing
35:20 recently some of the potions have been
35:23 updating now there are certain ones that
35:25 you won't necessarily see update because
35:27 the decision was made we can't make an
35:29 individual icons for every single thing
35:30 because literally there are so many
35:33 icons that if we made something for
35:35 every little bit of food or every you
35:37 know a unique one for all the food and
35:38 unique ones for every single obsidian
35:40 potion or unique ones for every single
35:42 of opposing poison poison potions
35:47 forgive me then it would just fill up to
35:51 capacity our ability to actually you
35:54 know
35:56 wasn't the game in a way that was
35:57 actually fast I mean seriously memory
36:00 issues are concerned so even icons add
36:02 up over time but what I did try to do is
36:05 to make sure that we made very careful
36:07 choices in a variety of different
36:08 situations to determine what you know
36:11 what what players might most be confused
36:14 by if they don't have a graphic for it
36:16 that has sort of individualized and so
36:18 for the potions what you see here are
36:20 very distinct choices these these are
36:23 the results of those choices and those
36:25 distinct choices help to kind of
36:27 determine oh I see this is the potion
36:30 that I put in there there's four
36:31 different kinds of heels let's say well
36:33 you want to know what you're going to
36:34 use the the healing potion that gives
36:37 you everything back or or gives you just
36:39 a little back over the top over time or
36:41 gives you a small amount or a lot at
36:45 once all these different choices had to
36:47 be sort of made and of course the
36:49 characters are making these choices your
36:50 players are as they're playing the game
36:51 so to not know which suddenly out of the
36:54 four that you have on your bar which of
36:56 the one is going to do what you wanted
36:57 to do at that moment it's not so nice
36:59 it's not so happy making and so that
37:01 seemed kind of same concern was shown
37:03 for all these so let's see there we go
37:06 so you can see all these here if you
37:07 look through you'll notice a lot of the
37:09 new art that is that is appeared in game
37:11 to let you see in your hotbar what
37:14 potion you have and and you know you'll
37:17 see though that that exact same kind of
37:19 thing translated over to the icon that
37:21 you'll see in your inventory so you'll
37:23 be able to see if the heat if a potion
37:25 of healing is imbued which you can see
37:27 that kind of mystical glow blue glow
37:29 around it or whether it fuck is one of
37:32 the other three tiers of potions which
37:33 does a little bit of heals a little bit
37:35 of damage a middling amount of damage or
37:37 a lot of damage and so it's really good
37:40 to be able to see these now I kind of
37:41 played with the idea of the shape of the
37:43 bottles as well so it wasn't just all
37:45 same exact shape now you'll see brown
37:46 bottom say the triangle and I think I
37:51 see a little bit of different one the
37:53 blue glowing the red and the purple seem
37:56 to be oh maybe it's because of oh
37:58 because they're glowing yeah they're
38:00 glowing they're imbued but you'll also
38:02 see that on some of the bottles they'll
38:03 be little symbols on the side too that
38:05 indicate what those specifically
38:07 why'd you go ahead and expand that a
38:09 little bit just hit the plus sign there
38:11 see you then you it'll come up with the
38:12 crank though oh yeah okay it'll give
38:14 them a little bit more yeah hopefully
38:16 that's a little bit easier for you guys
38:18 to see yeah now of course you are
38:19 looking at very tiny little icons right
38:21 and so so we couldn't really go too much
38:24 closer to it without it just kind of
38:26 falling apart and becoming sort of
38:28 digitized looking but nonetheless it
38:30 gives you a little bit of a visual cue
38:32 and that's what we were going for over
38:33 over time your eyeballs will get used to
38:35 those visual cues and you'll be able to
38:36 you know detect what's going on with
38:38 these things we've got we've got the
38:40 discussion about the potions in chat
38:41 here we've got P Bo soda I don't use any
38:44 of the lesser potions I only sell them
38:46 to vendors so you can save on those but
38:48 wait we have a goblin hooker who was
38:50 talking stare earlier I use a lesser
38:52 focus every day so you got to make sure
38:55 it covers our room it does need to cover
38:56 everybody and Plus you know if you're
38:58 looking in the inventory and you you
38:59 know you're uh let's say you're one of
39:01 those folks who loves to use the actual
39:03 what we call the dump inventory or the
39:05 bag mode inventory where you literally
39:07 love to just place the little icons
39:09 around doing it by visual means that
39:12 you're you know kind of more easily able
39:14 to see the bunch of the ones you want to
39:16 sell to a vendor or the ones you want to
39:17 throw away or whatever anyway so that's
39:20 some of the smaller changes you may have
39:22 noticed recently but to give you an idea
39:24 and we're going to go now into some
39:26 other icons that have changed you also
39:29 see that you may have noticed the
39:30 changes in some of the crafting icons
39:33 now for a while they're here let me go
39:35 ahead and make that thing bigger yeah
39:36 sorry about that way out there we have
39:38 to do this each time that's yeah that's
39:40 kind of a bummer
39:42 another plus and yeah I fear I fear
39:44 hitting buttons to make it happen so so
39:46 you can see there that's in my little
39:48 test screen area I've brought up my
39:50 skills and you can kind of see that the
39:52 skill tree has started to be filled out
39:53 now with more you with individual and
39:55 unique icons for each of the different
39:57 skills and of course you can see this if
40:00 I flip through a couple of these screen
40:02 and you can see a couple examples of
40:03 these and you know of course the goal in
40:07 this case is just to let people kind of
40:10 again have a nice visual differentiation
40:13 between them not necessarily these will
40:14 appear on your hotbar most these are
40:17 innate so you'll never drag them over
40:18 but when you're looking at the tree it's
40:20 it's nice to kind of see different icons
40:22 to represent sort of a different
40:23 understanding of what each of power does
40:24 you know just so it doesn't look like me
40:26 just pasted the same thing over and over
40:28 again I haven't gotten to the mall yet
40:30 there are still some refining skills or
40:33 I should say some yeah some refining
40:36 skills that need to have new icons for
40:37 their tree - that's the last task I have
40:40 for these particular icons before we end
40:42 up calling you know sticking a fork in
40:45 it and calling it done now if anybody
40:47 has any questions for Scottie here we're
40:49 talking about the the icons right now
40:51 all the work is done on that we've got
40:53 some more things to show you as we
40:55 mentioned earlier in the live screen so
40:57 if you're just tuning in this is Scotty
40:59 and Scotty what we didn't actually
41:01 really do an introduction of your title
41:04 oh I'm just kind of a general artist I'm
41:06 I'm one of the senior artists at portal
41:08 areum I've worked with Richard for years
41:10 and years even long before tellurian was
41:12 formed I used to work back in the old
41:14 days back when I was doing the same kind
41:16 of work and and interface worked for
41:18 Ultima Online so so yeah I've been kind
41:21 of I'm an old dog in the industry man
41:23 been doing I as you were talking I was
41:26 tempted to press these - implements -
41:29 see what happens here yeah diddling with
41:35 that little slider I was annoying but
41:38 but anyway so so this is just example of
41:40 what you see as the tree begins to fill
41:42 itself out with the new icons I've made
41:44 you'll be able to take advantage of
41:46 those in the game so these are just
41:47 little things but here's the funny part
41:49 that I will explain as I show you what I
41:52 mean by that and here here's some better
41:53 better example you feel free
41:55 yeah feel free to do it as we go through
41:57 here so now you can look kind of a
42:00 little more closely these things as I
42:02 said as you get closer you can start
42:03 seeing a little you know non raster I
42:06 sort of looking edges to these they're
42:09 never meant to be seen this huge but you
42:11 can kind of look through them and see
42:12 some of the old ones that are already
42:13 there mixing with some of the new ones
42:15 that were made to allow you to recognize
42:17 that oh I'm making plate male versus
42:19 chainmail and you know these have been
42:21 endowed with certain properties and all
42:22 that kind of good stuff now all of these
42:26 icons are wonderful jewel like little
42:28 colorful things and they they seem very
42:30 simplistic on the outset you can look at
42:32 them the reality is they're made of
42:34 files that have multiple layers in
42:36 Photoshop to allow for glow effects and
42:39 other things that I decided upon since
42:41 long ago we made the decision for me to
42:43 not hand paint these things in other
42:45 words they weren't going to be these
42:45 little paintings they were instead going
42:47 to be some icons that were sort of
42:49 generated through the use of symbols and
42:52 and such again and again to make sure
42:55 that the sort of the family
42:56 quote-unquote of these icons I was
42:59 recognizable and that includes things
43:00 like you know the the same school of
43:03 crafting say for instance has the same
43:05 kind of color in the background so if
43:07 you look down here at this butchery icon
43:08 all the icons pertaining to butcher meat
43:11 will have the same kind of color and
43:13 we'll have a variance on the same sort
43:15 of theme also all the crafting icons are
43:18 different from the magic and the combat
43:19 icons and that these things have sort of
43:22 a silhouette of the icon in the center
43:25 as opposed to the stuff that looks like
43:26 either gold when you're dealing with
43:28 magic icons or silver when you're
43:30 dealing with the combat icons you know
43:32 so a different treatment for all the
43:33 different types of icons so if we go to
43:35 the next page here you'll see more of
43:37 these icons right you know the odd these
43:41 obviously this one obviously it has to
43:43 do with tailoring and even though this
43:45 has a hammer anvil this is talking about
43:47 a repair this is a repair icon so you
43:49 get a family of repair having to do with
43:51 the hammer you know the the different
43:54 work hammers on the gear in the
43:55 background but it's color identifies it
43:57 as dealing with tailoring so you know
44:00 this kind of thing is it deals with sort
44:02 of pinpointing accuracy when you're
44:03 dealing with these different things so
44:05 again the same kind of symbol used in
44:07 relation to
44:07 different symbols for the different
44:08 schools means specific things I stare at
44:11 that scissors and now all I can think of
44:12 is don't run with scissors
44:13 yeah otherwise that happens you break
44:15 whatever you're doing your body but yeah
44:17 so you see kind of the way I'm kind of
44:19 handling all this stuff right now all
44:22 this seems very simple until you begin
44:24 to realize what it takes for me to be
44:27 able to make these icons accurately and
44:29 properly every time because you see I
44:31 get handed a list of icons and this list
44:33 of icons doesn't necessarily indicate
44:35 things like the school so now you get to
44:37 see where the woh behind the scenes is
44:39 this is a spreadsheet it's a spreadsheet
44:41 that I made to keep track of every kind
44:43 of icon that I do and all the different
44:46 icon changes that I've made recently to
44:47 just the crafting icons alone you can
44:50 see on page after page
44:55 age of painstakingly you know written
45:01 down ideologies about how these icons
45:04 must be made everything from an
45:05 indication to what kind of icon will be
45:08 in the center of it what kind of little
45:09 symbol to the color background of the
45:12 individual school itself to the category
45:14 that it falls into meaning that it's an
45:17 eight so it has a gray sort of cast to
45:20 the icon itself the border of the icon
45:22 and all of these things are color-coded
45:25 to indicate how I have to build these
45:27 icons including the proper name that
45:30 it's saved under including what the icon
45:32 does so I don't get them confused with
45:33 an icon with a different property or
45:35 what it indicates all of this has to be
45:38 done before I can really start working
45:40 on the icons to make sure I don't make
45:41 mistakes and I have to manage this this
45:45 table and believe me if you look down
45:47 here see down here at the bottom all
45:49 those numbers those are numbers
45:51 representing every release with any
45:53 icons I've ever made for all the way
45:55 back to the very beginning or at least
45:58 as far back until I started touching
45:59 these icons and realize they need to be
46:01 ordered in a certain way for me to not
46:03 go insane while creating them yeah that
46:07 is a big someone someone said that's a
46:10 big spreadsheet yes yes it is and and
46:14 and and so within the realm of that kind
46:17 of pain just so you can understand let's
46:19 move to a different spreadsheet because
46:20 now let's jump to a different topic you
46:23 saw what I did for the icons that's the
46:25 only thing I've been able to work on
46:26 that's actually in-game content recently
46:28 because I've also been preoccupied by a
46:31 whole new slew of things I'm working on
46:33 which is the physical goods the physical
46:37 goods that go to our Kickstarter backers
46:40 in the form of the collectors box that
46:43 those who were involved in the
46:44 Kickstarter get and you can see that we
46:47 have eight thousand three hundred and
46:49 ninety two such game boxes that we have
46:51 to make filled with all manner of these
46:55 let's see what are the 18 different
46:57 items that may have to go in there
46:59 depending upon what level of backer you
47:01 were and what rewards
47:03 got and all of this has to be managed
47:05 individually both on-site with me and
47:08 then me you know talking with all the
47:09 managers and then off-site with a fella
47:11 by the name of Ben Richards Richard who
47:13 you know of from perhaps relics by will
47:16 who handles a lot of our goods and
47:19 salesmen who and he's also - yeah we
47:22 actually just retweeted him I retweet
47:24 him a an hour before this livestream
47:27 because he was proposing and he wanted
47:29 to reach out to the community on a new
47:30 design for some particular item yeah and
47:32 so I thought it helped yeah that's
47:34 awesome so we work very closely with
47:36 ruled and then in addition we also work
47:38 with people like Dennis lebay and Sir
47:40 Frank who end up providing this with
47:42 cool designs for things including art
47:44 for the interior or something like the
47:45 manual coming up which I'll show you in
47:47 a few moments as well as the Queen's
47:49 that we're producing which again the
47:51 coin that will come in this box for
47:52 those who get the coin is that one
47:53 designed by Sir Frank and so we're
47:55 honoring him by you know kind of making
47:58 sure that we we interface with him as we
48:00 make changes or mean we make additions
48:02 so you can see it starts with this this
48:04 is the simple spreadsheet now now we go
48:08 to what I had to do to make sure that I
48:10 could see the interdependencies between
48:12 all of these tasks before we even began
48:15 them and all my little notations that
48:17 this shows you the level of complexity
48:19 before we can even begin the process of
48:21 creating the physical goods now a lot of
48:24 you for instance I've heard like you
48:25 know you're chomping for your champ a
48:27 bit you really want the goods and we
48:28 want to give them to you but it's not as
48:31 easy as just producing them and sending
48:32 them to printer so many eyes have to be
48:35 dotted so many T's have to be crossed
48:37 before we can even get to the point of
48:39 properly sending anything to the printer
48:41 and then of course we have to wait for
48:43 the production process to occur in the
48:44 manufacturers to do their job but this
48:46 right here gives you an idea of just
48:48 what I have to go through to help
48:50 arrange and manage the process before we
48:52 can even begin creating the files that
48:55 produce the digital goods that the
48:58 manufacturers then turn into physical
49:00 goods
49:02 so what are these physical goods we've
49:04 been working on well the cloth map is
49:06 one of them the cloth map is really
49:08 important to Richard and obviously so
49:09 all the past products he's worked on
49:11 have had cloth maps and he really really
49:14 loves engaging in the idea of creating
49:15 these little relic and artifacts that
49:17 people can actually hold in their hand
49:19 and look at and enjoy or maybe hang on
49:21 their wall we you know we'll be
49:24 providing this not really in a digital
49:25 form but also in a physical form too
49:27 which is really cool so by the way uh
49:30 hello to everybody who's just now
49:31 joining hopefully you're enjoying seeing
49:33 this we're actually in the physical
49:34 goods part of this little discussion
49:35 showing you the kind of stuff that we're
49:36 making and by the way this map is really
49:38 cool it's cool for several reasons not
49:42 only does it go back from you know to
49:43 the earliest days of us planning out
49:44 what this game was going to be and then
49:46 how slowly being iterated until it is
49:48 what it is now just recently we went
49:50 through a pass where we released the
49:52 information to uh to some of our backers
49:54 and our fans members of the community
49:57 who are interested in seeing the map be
49:58 a perfect success and from them we got
50:01 all kinds of awesome feedback which
50:03 allowed me to go in and make all these
50:04 little final map tweaks and such now we
50:06 could incorporate everything I believe
50:08 some fellow wanted us to you know said
50:10 oh you left out the little degree marker
50:11 in this corner for this 25 degree marker
50:13 here well I just couldn't put it in
50:15 there it's just too close to the other
50:16 number of wentest it'll totally but but
50:19 then there are loads of things I was
50:21 able to fix including into the
50:22 indications of like the ruins being on
50:24 the wrong side of the river does this
50:25 map went through an iterative process
50:27 long before we started to build the
50:28 world and then we built the world
50:30 certain decision to remain to change
50:32 where things were and you know we didn't
50:35 always catch when we had to make changes
50:37 on the map to to account for that but
50:40 there are so many great areas on this
50:42 map now that look even better because
50:44 we've got me input from me know you so
50:46 for all those who were responsible for
50:49 that thank you so much for giving us
50:51 your feedback now but that's not all
50:53 that had to be done this is what the
50:54 digital file looks like if you're
50:56 looking at the coolness of the map
50:57 itself but for the manufacturers to be
50:59 able to print it I had to go in and out
51:01 a whole bunch of other stuff including
51:02 what's called bleed and slug edges /
51:04 bleed to allow people to cut this stuff
51:06 down you can see printers marks up here
51:08 which are like the little color-coded
51:10 things that make sure that the printer
51:11 when they actually print the
51:13 always print in consistent color of
51:15 course it had to be switched to CMYK if
51:20 you explain real quick for those who you
51:23 know don't understand that that one and
51:26 honestly I'm not sure I quite understand
51:29 still to this day is the print colors
51:31 are different than they're your regular
51:33 Photoshop online web image colors and if
51:36 you cross them they could look very bad
51:38 in print
51:39 yeah they you know you have something
51:40 that looks wonderful in RGB and then you
51:43 convert it to CMYK which is the CMYK
51:45 reverts to cyan magenta yellow and K
51:49 meaning black and the CMYK colors are
51:53 specifically referring to the colors
51:55 used in the ink for print and so RGB
51:59 usually is it's red green blue but it's
52:02 really referring to essentially the
52:04 colors used to project color from a
52:07 screen using using light whereas CMYK is
52:11 referring to the colors that are you
52:13 know essentially varying degrees of
52:14 opaque or not on layered on top of white
52:17 paper to create the colors with ink so
52:20 those two those two thin systems are
52:23 very different so for instance I had to
52:25 go in and normalize colors that changed
52:29 in their value to the eye the moment it
52:31 went to the CMYK and then same goes not
52:34 just with this but with nemesis dennis
52:35 lebay is painting the need to digitally
52:37 for the cover of the box itself which
52:39 we'll be seeing in a few minutes
52:41 well the the vibrant blues that were
52:43 used in that but when I turn them to
52:45 CMYK turned weird and drab and strange
52:48 they weren't the same whereas vibrant
52:50 beautiful like the color believe that
52:52 you look right this yeah it does pop
52:55 when it's digital but what I wanted to
52:56 see him wake hey I had to go in and
52:58 actually turn Dennis's physical painting
53:01 into a multi layered Photoshop file so I
53:03 can take all the colors individually and
53:05 tweak them in CMYK until they can became
53:08 as close as they could the RGB values to
53:11 my eye
53:11 we've got element in discord chat he
53:14 says don't cross the color streams
53:17 that's right well you'll get you'll get
53:20 found this happen in fact I mean even
53:23 computers sometimes freak out when you
53:24 try to share CMYK
53:26 as it blows the mountain some kind of
53:29 crazy ungodly colors if you try to mix
53:31 media there so because it wants RGB but
53:34 printers want CMYK and that's what
53:35 you're seeing right there those others
53:37 printers marks
53:38 now the next one of the next objects
53:40 like I said was Sir Frank wing design
53:43 which he helped to provide us with sort
53:45 of a visual sample of what it might look
53:47 like once it was changed to the specific
53:50 one that we promised for ours which
53:51 contains Lord British's forsaken virtues
53:53 and then says founders Edition on the
53:55 bottom this is a Photoshop mock-up but
53:57 to make this possible I had to then
54:00 create a word with Frank to take the
54:02 actual design used for the printer and
54:04 then change the words because that had
54:07 not been done yet
54:08 change the words to allow for the
54:09 printer themselves or I should say the
54:11 coin manufacturer to then create the
54:14 upraised bits of the design which are
54:15 represented in black here when they
54:18 actually produced the coins themselves
54:19 and so Frank actually just sent me
54:22 recently a little mock-up that they did
54:24 showing that oh you might want to change
54:26 a little bit on the lettering just to
54:28 make sure that all these little parallel
54:30 lines on the letters have a little bit
54:32 more space to them so they don't manage
54:33 together when they get essentially 3d
54:35 created and metal so I'm about to go in
54:38 and do that maybe later on today but you
54:40 see the process that kind of goes behind
54:42 all this to make sure that these things
54:44 work out when they're turned into real
54:45 physical goods now the next thing I'm
54:48 going to show you is the manual work on
54:50 the manual that we're doing so you're
54:51 actually seeing me in a screenshot from
54:53 an interface in InDesign where I'm kind
54:56 of showing you the individual pages and
54:59 then spreads of the manual itself I'm
55:01 only going to show you a few of them
55:02 because it's still in process there's no
55:04 reason to go through the whole thing but
55:05 what you see right there by the way is
55:07 the cover page of it and the little kind
55:10 of dark area around the edge
55:11 that's the bleed that I'm kind of
55:14 blacking out there using a thing called
55:16 over print preview that just shows you
55:18 what you'll really see on the cover so
55:19 you ignore the little dark line right
55:21 there that's the part called bleed or
55:24 over bleed that gets cut off by the
55:25 manufacturer we have a couple of
55:27 questions from the community I think
55:28 going back to the other things real
55:29 quick huh
55:30 will these be available to others or at
55:33 price as well I think he's referring
55:35 ohlike the cloth map and some of the
55:37 other object points
55:38 yeah yes oh so the answer to that in
55:40 general is yes for many things for
55:45 instance Dennis obey is is you know
55:49 potentially going to be providing us
55:50 with a design that we may end up using
55:52 for the for the ankh but that will go
55:56 inside of the of the game you know our
55:58 little our little trinket and we're
56:00 still kind of throwing around ideas
56:02 about whether it will be that trinket or
56:04 whether it will be a little obsidian
56:05 rock or whatever we're playing around
56:07 with that still but if we go with Dennis
56:09 lebay the Dennis obeys even though the
56:13 people can get the box we'll have for
56:14 free that little trinket included in it
56:16 that are of that proper backer level
56:20 anyone who did not get one that has it
56:22 you know from inside the box and still
56:25 if they wish
56:25 buy one from Dennis labayda's own son
56:27 and have that same design themselves
56:30 just you know essentially for free in
56:33 the box and we also a question from
56:35 Tebow soda who asks what will the
56:37 dimensions be I believe it's referring
56:39 to the cloth mat perhaps Oh the possibly
56:43 so well the dimensions of the cloth map
56:45 are going to be 18 inches wide by 15.3
56:50 six inches tall I believe if I'm with my
56:52 memories are threating good size yes
56:54 it's a really nice big cloth map it'll
56:56 be really great and of course for those
56:58 of for those of you all who will be
57:00 getting a PDF copy of it as well if you
57:02 wanted to print your own on paper you'd
57:04 be able to take it directly to a place
57:06 and print it out for yourself as well I
57:07 think so uh so yeah so this is the first
57:11 page of it and then here now you can see
57:14 a two-page spread the two page spread
57:16 kind of shows you how I'm sort of laying
57:17 it out we don't have a table of contents
57:19 yet because the interior of it isn't
57:21 isn't complete we haven't you know we
57:23 haven't signed off on the final text yet
57:25 JoEllen well mystery of what came before
57:29 me tell you a story well and that's the
57:32 cool part about this is at first I was
57:34 like oh so it's just gonna be like a
57:35 manual to show you how to operate the
57:37 game but but eventually it was assigned
57:39 upon to have a little bit of nice Lord
57:42 and fiction beginning as well it talks
57:43 about a little bit of the history of the
57:45 game and such which I always loved and
57:46 of course which always suits like
57:48 drawings and Dennis low base artwork
57:51 so so if we look at another page for
57:54 instance this kind of shows a we have
58:00 other folders to show things to write
58:02 well this is this is the folder and
58:03 we're almost to the end but we do
58:05 surprise okay short so we have a winner
58:09 for our heart tub Congrats to dark swirl
58:14 SWE are no no swer el darks world
58:18 virtually I really don't know where they
58:20 come up with these names but it's
58:21 amazing some of them that's awesome yeah
58:23 awesome name their world there you go
58:26 heart tub one for you and oh by the way
58:30 everybody who wins something please
58:31 message me Derek in discord if you're in
58:35 discord if you're in twitch chat message
58:37 shroud of the avatar with your character
58:40 name and a reminder of what you won our
58:43 last item of the day
58:46 besides the twitter prize you can tweet
58:48 this livestream or anything about the
58:51 release hashtag lbs OTA and or app
58:54 shroud up avatar on twitter
58:56 join our charter they have a tard footer
58:58 page and mention something about
59:00 anything in the game anything with us on
59:03 livestream the release and you'll get a
59:06 chance to win that choice of a front
59:08 page item that is expiring we have the
59:12 storefront and they're mostly items on
59:13 the front page of the store are expiring
59:16 at the end of the telethon next Friday
59:19 and so we're giving everybody an
59:20 opportunity to jump in and a chance to
59:22 you know pick something you know it's
59:24 nice to win you know the things that we
59:27 determine but it's even better if
59:28 they're like oh I get a choice Wow there
59:30 you go I'm sure when I give them a
59:32 choice on that but you have to do this
59:34 on Twitter meanwhile and that by the way
59:36 that'll be awarded about a half hour so
59:40 after this livestream we will will share
59:43 it on Twitter look for the reply in the
59:45 reply section of our Twitter account if
59:48 if you didn't win obviously you won't
59:50 you won't get a direct message and then
59:52 right now we'll give out that up city
59:55 and obelisk one of the new items we put
59:57 into the game
59:58 Foley's 50 and Washington yeah really
60:00 nice tall obelisk for your
60:02 I don't Tom or your property and this
60:06 let's see
60:07 discordant which if you want to win they
60:09 have sending an obelisk type in
60:12 obelisk that's explanation Oh the e Li
60:16 SK and we'll give that until the in the
60:18 livestream but there's the ones I take
60:19 it that are based on the obelisks I made
60:21 for the decorating the obsidian areas in
60:23 the game for it is oh that's cool you
60:26 know they're really intricate design and
60:28 we already saw one actually somebody
60:29 bought it there's like new members who
60:32 will watch the storefront on Thursday
60:35 mornings of releases and see when at the
60:38 moment of popping things you know think
60:40 that things could become available don't
60:42 go and grab them because they know about
60:43 these things in our release instructions
60:45 on Wednesday they totally get a little
60:48 sneak peek you guys get a sneak peek of
60:49 what's uh what's being put into the game
60:51 on Wednesdays with our release
60:52 instructions of contestant fantastic
60:55 okay well here we'll go through a few of
60:57 these final items then and then my tasks
60:59 will be done so so you're looking at
61:02 here for instance another page spread
61:04 inside of the manual that we're thinking
61:05 about to make sure that people can see
61:07 what the user interface and the hotkeys
61:08 are and things like that and so that you
61:11 can kind of I chose this page simply
61:12 because it shows how like some of the
61:14 tables and charts kind of look like in
61:16 the in the manual itself or at least our
61:18 ended up right now the next page I
61:21 wanted to show simply because the fact
61:23 that it shows you I have a lot of
61:25 placeholder art in here and you'll
61:26 notice if you're familiar with with with
61:29 Dennis labayda art this placeholder art
61:31 is art that he made for for the the sort
61:36 of interest book and I took it and just
61:39 kind of recraft it for the purposes of
61:41 showing where art may exist inside the
61:43 the manual it allows the text that I'm
61:47 placing it to flow around that artwork
61:48 and it enables me once the text is in
61:51 place to know that okay here's what I
61:53 want to let Dennis know to draw for us
61:56 based on the theme of whatever text is
61:58 surrounding the the particular image on
62:00 that particular page and it's in fact
62:02 I'm going to be doing that today because
62:03 we're hopefully did hoping to nail down
62:04 the last bit of text for the manual
62:06 today and then get Dennis for working on
62:08 these Richard really wanted Dennis
62:10 lebesgue to be involved in this and so
62:12 did I because I mean his illustrations
62:14 like this honestly helped define the
62:17 look and feel of the books of all the
62:19 you know the old manuals and users
62:21 guides from all the old Ultima games and
62:23 in this particular case
62:24 since this is you know when to kind of
62:26 live on in spirit of those old days
62:28 Denis LePage just had to be involved in
62:31 the artwork for the for the new manual a
62:33 good one there where to purchase where
62:35 to find purchase items yeah that's a
62:38 good section yeah we added that section
62:40 to simply to make sure you know a lot of
62:42 people don't know where do I find my
62:43 stuff when I buy it
62:44 speaking of that we actually I think you
62:47 don't about to Scottie we've worked on
62:48 over the last couple of months
62:50 if we created and then ran a contest
62:53 that asks the community come up with
62:57 some videos that show new players and
62:59 existing players where to find things
63:02 Tomica started and tips and tricks on
63:04 combat and and harvesting and everything
63:08 in the game you went through a bunch of
63:09 those regional agent all 200-plus oh wow
63:12 your eyeballs looked at them all that's
63:14 great for 200 videos we went through
63:16 every single one there was a lot of them
63:19 that were created by an individual so an
63:22 individual of several created ten or
63:25 more as a series and gave it like a step
63:29 one step to kind of process because we
63:32 limited the time form so they're nice
63:34 little sound bit or video bits for you
63:36 guys two minutes long at most
63:38 that's all most of them in regards to
63:41 you know finding things in the game and
63:43 so you know that's just one of the
63:46 community things that I was seeing and
63:48 in just one of those that we we look at
63:52 to find out what do you guys really want
63:55 to know and what do you think new
63:57 players want to know and then you know
63:59 in part at least take a little bit of
64:00 that and or perhaps a lot I don't know
64:03 on you know making these physical goods
64:06 really be as informative and useful for
64:10 you as possible
64:11 yes absolutely and in fact by the way in
64:14 spirit of that here you could see more
64:17 of Dennis's placeholder art but as we go
64:19 through this whole process and start
64:22 filling in these blanks one of the
64:24 things we definitely wanted to do and we
64:26 had an excellent opportunity to do this
64:27 when a bunch of our guests were here
64:29 during our holiday party I'll tell you
64:32 this you know a little story Richard
64:35 ended up introducing
64:37 to one of the one of our one of our
64:41 backers and a longtime fan who is
64:44 producing a website or has produced I
64:46 should say already already authored it
64:48 and is now continuously filling it with
64:50 more and more data and information about
64:52 pertaining to the the crafting system
64:54 really really great useful stuff now I
64:57 didn't even know about this I wasn't
64:58 even aware of this I don't play the game
65:00 enough to be able to actually know a lot
65:01 about the crafting system other than of
65:03 course what I designed interface for and
65:04 things like that but if you if you'll
65:07 notice down here at the bottom of this
65:09 image right here and I can there we go
65:13 you see a little image presented by
65:17 oaken hammer and for those of you all
65:19 who don't necessarily know who he is
65:21 he produced a site called soda Smith
65:24 calm and soda Smith calm just gives
65:29 great love to the crafting system he
65:33 provides all kinds of amazing
65:34 information on that site and up to and
65:37 including like where to find things and
65:39 how to craft things and what materials
65:41 are used to do all that and one of the
65:43 newest things he's beginning to implant
65:45 is essentially a flow chart an assembly
65:49 train that shows how you put together
65:52 these items for all the different
65:54 recipes in a wonderful visual context
65:57 and Richard was so impressed by this
65:59 that he's like me we really need to
66:01 include this an image of that in our
66:04 manual to show the process of doing it
66:07 and so in addition to like you know all
66:09 the icons you can see here to talk about
66:11 the different categories of crafting
66:13 right here we see a wonderful paragraph
66:16 that I added to indicate what this image
66:20 is all about the cropping part the
66:22 crafting process follows a series of
66:23 steps as illustrated in the above
66:24 example raw materials Deen by harvesting
66:27 or individually worked using recipes
66:28 tools and other expendable resources to
66:31 craft them into more refined items but
66:33 like the base raw materials these
66:35 refined items may be bought sold or
66:37 traded individually or be combined using
66:39 further recipes tools and Expendables to
66:42 create a final item of even better and
66:44 workmanship and so we really don't have
66:48 any place in our own game where we show
66:50 this process so clearly as oaken hammer
66:53 has done for his site and so there is no
66:55 reason not to include this in the manual
66:57 because you know and and most likely
67:00 eventually it will end up in the online
67:02 even more expanded players you know
67:05 guide as well to help people understand
67:07 how the process works this is just
67:10 beautiful elegantly done very well done
67:12 oaken hammer and as a result of that
67:14 we're putting it right in the manual for
67:16 everybody to take advantage of and so
67:17 fun to sight yeah very well done and I
67:20 was impressed when I first saw your site
67:21 open hammering and there's a we have
67:23 sodas mint calm and there's a few other
67:27 crafting sites and services that the
67:29 community has listed in our resources
67:32 tab on the website of the website if you
67:35 go to the community tab right in the
67:37 middle of the main menu and drop that
67:39 down there is the event calendar and the
67:44 resources and a bunch of other things
67:45 but the resources tab you go there beau
67:47 Smith comm is listed there right next to
67:50 several other crafting resources and
67:52 there's a bunch of other general
67:54 resources as well that we've listed and
67:56 speaking of that page we do update that
67:59 when we get a notice from you guys the
68:00 community if there's anything we need to
68:02 update to those outdated information or
68:05 any new sites that you are creating any
68:08 new fan sites and he new crafting
68:10 resources things like soda wiki dotnet
68:12 if you have you're managing a section or
68:15 a page in there on crafting or combat or
68:17 anything else housing whatnot everything
68:20 in the game is useful for the community
68:21 on these sort of website interfaces and
68:25 so let us know and we'll be happy to add
68:27 it yes and and so here let me then move
68:31 forward with the next element here and
68:34 that is the box itself now I haven't
68:37 done the back of the box it's going to
68:39 have screenshots and a few other things
68:40 on it that I haven't had a chance to
68:41 compile but the all of these wonderful
68:45 things that I've shown you up to and
68:47 including the
68:50 the lonely manual that I just got
68:52 finished showcasing are going to go into
68:54 the collector's box and so this is my
68:57 mock-up for the box itself now what
68:59 you're seeing really is only the exact
69:01 top of the box and you even see a little
69:03 sort of an embossed gold seal on it that
69:06 identifies it as a collector's boxed
69:08 edition but what I wanted to show you is
69:12 a little bit more of the
69:13 behind-the-scenes stuff in that the
69:15 image we're giving to the printer though
69:17 has to look like this and the reason why
69:19 is literally it becomes a folded cover
69:22 it's called a case wrap that goes around
69:25 the cardboard box top itself and has to
69:28 be cut in special ways so that it will
69:29 fold nicely and go in and create the
69:32 corners of the box the top bottom left
69:34 and right sides of the box as seen from
69:37 the Shelf that it may be sitting on or
69:39 on your own shelf once you get it and
69:41 then wraps around and underneath in the
69:43 side of the cover itself I've heard that
69:45 and that we have the option of using
69:47 most games I've seen didn't have this
69:49 option before to have an actual the
69:52 cardboard itself that you will be able
69:53 to see underneath when you turn the box
69:55 lid over will be black which is cool
69:58 very stylish and awesome but you can see
70:01 here we have Dennis's art I actually had
70:03 to with Dennis's permission kind of
70:05 repaint and expand the art because
70:08 beyond the edges of the actual box lid
70:10 itself that there is no art that existed
70:12 and I wanted to carry it over into the
70:14 sides nicely and so to do that I ended
70:16 up painting a little bit extra on the
70:17 sides and Dennis was yeah he was very
70:20 congressional to her he's like oh it
70:22 looks like I did it but so I'm very
70:23 happy because I didn't want to look like
70:26 anything but Dennis is lovely art so you
70:29 see how that works
70:30 and now we can go ahead and get a
70:32 close-up now to see that that will that
70:35 foil stamp that foil collector's edition
70:37 box edition stamp or or I should say
70:40 sticker they get placed on on all of
70:41 these had to be designed in the same way
70:45 the Queen does because essentially it
70:47 produces a thing that you've got a
70:48 really lovely roll full of these
70:50 stickers that are also embossed and like
70:52 the coin it's embossed using this sort
70:54 of black and white design to show what's
70:55 ray up raised and what's not so this is
70:58 the what you all are getting to see
71:00 through all of this is the effort that
71:01 it takes to make all of these
71:04 so many so many have so many hours and
71:09 you know be able to fully appreciate it
71:12 you have to kind of get this quick look
71:13 behind the curtain and hopefully this is
71:16 something that has taught you all a
71:17 little bit about the process that we go
71:18 through and in the end that's what the
71:21 actual seal will look like assuming that
71:23 it comes back nicely from the from the
71:26 people who will actually process the
71:28 gold leaf sort of foiled embossed image
71:32 yeah look it looks really impressive
71:33 this is amazing and we use this as part
71:35 of the promotion for the livestream this
71:38 week and you know I'm good I'm glad that
71:41 you know you were able to come on and
71:43 share with this all of this with the
71:45 community because it's difficult for us
71:47 to sometimes reveal to you the community
71:50 the process for the development of all
71:53 these things especially when it becomes
71:55 a especially when it becomes something
71:58 that's going to be handed to you and in
72:02 a physical format there's extra special
72:04 considerations like the printing colors
72:06 the shipping and the process for there
72:08 making sure it's cost-effective because
72:11 you know we're crowdfunding game and
72:12 this is all made possible by you guys
72:15 and I'm personally impressed with
72:18 everything you've revealed today but I
72:20 think you I do I make it a point to you
72:24 know not really review everything that
72:27 body and others present on here because
72:29 I want to be surprised too and I'm
72:31 definitely oh great and we had a few
72:33 questions about it mm is real quick so
72:35 it looks like the black knight a squire
72:37 the top or a right side upside down the
72:39 reason why is you have to think about
72:41 how they will be seen if they're sitting
72:43 on a shelf so if they're sitting on a
72:45 shelf and you're looking at that top of
72:47 that right side or it's sitting like a
72:50 book in your shelf they need to read
72:52 consistently so so if you're seeing it
72:54 you know top on the on it on its bottom
72:57 then the top up is upside down but it's
73:00 right side up when you see it that way
73:02 likewise a few of the other people are
73:05 saying that the the box looks amazing
73:07 these things look amazing and and I just
73:10 want to say thank you very much I really
73:11 appreciate that you know I'd love to
73:15 spend more time talk
73:16 that stuff but I actually need to get
73:17 back to producing it yeah yeah you have
73:20 a lot of tasks and those spreadsheets oh
73:22 my goodness oh my god and only like a
73:24 handful so far have been addressed most
73:26 of it's been you know a large part of
73:28 this kind of process is communication
73:30 that has to happen between myself by
73:32 people like Ben with the managers here
73:33 who have to help make decisions cuz I
73:35 can't make all them nor shit and when
73:37 they something is printed it's printed
73:39 yeah because we want to make sure you
73:41 guys get you know that everything's
73:44 perfect for it if there's a whole
73:45 measure twice cut once kind of rule
73:47 because once it's out there it's that's
73:49 it it's set in stone so to speak and you
73:52 can't take it back so all of this has to
73:54 be correct and then we have to make sure
73:55 that we get everything correct with the
73:57 manufacturers themselves and sometimes
73:59 there's a language barrier
74:00 you know you know some of these things
74:02 you know people in Germany are helping
74:04 selfless so some of the stuff may be
74:05 manufactured in Germany yeah we got it
74:07 we got a great partners though we've got
74:09 a lot of people that are working on it
74:10 and it is going really well especially
74:12 for the timing straight constraints that
74:14 were under oh yeah launched coming up
74:16 and you know the interesting getting
74:18 these to you as soon as possible
74:19 etc so maybe have you on again as things
74:23 progressed and there's more things you
74:24 want to show sure we have our telethon
74:26 like the next week's telethon on
74:28 February 2nd from 3 7 o'clock Central
74:31 Time and and more that is coming up in
74:34 the next couple of months so stay tuned
74:36 for that
74:36 unless there's other questions that you
74:39 see Scotty I think we'll wrap it up yeah
74:41 I'm not seeing much more but again thank
74:42 you all for checking all the stuff out
74:44 hopefully you enjoyed it and we'll catch
74:46 you again on the flip side once we get a
74:48 little bit more stuff done all right
74:49 Thank You Scotty thank you everybody
74:50 take care everyone
74:59 you