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Dead Body, Commoner Male 2

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Dead Body, Commoner Male 2
Dead Body, Commoner Male 2 icon.png
This container features Public Cache permission settings, meaning any player can remove items from this container.
Weight: 5
Value: Gold 10
Used in Give Another Dead Body to Davropos.

Dead Body, Commoner Male 2 is a Corpse decoration item and is a Public Cache chest item.

This public cache chest operates just like other containers on your lot, only this one allows any player to take items from it, or put items in it (but they cannot move or take the chest). Fill it with any items that you want to make available to visitors. Great for player created quests where you may want to leave quest clues or loot for questors to discover.

Right click on the Burial Coffin and select the Lock option to make this container private.

This item can be used for the Give Another Dead Body to Davropos Daily Quest.


Black Wyvern
Blue Wyvern
Green Wyvern
Massive Crocodile
Orange Wyvern
Purple Wyvern
Red Wyvern
Redthorn Flower
White Wyvern
Yellow Wyvern

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Burial Coffin icon.pngBurial Coffin Carpentry icon.pngCarpentry 50 Carpentry Hammer.pngCarpentry Hammer x 1
Red Rose icon.pngFlower x 5
Wooden Board.pngWooden Board x 10
Dead Body, Commoner Male 1 icon.pngHumanoid Corpse x 1
Process AnimalProcess Animal Butchery icon.pngButchery 30 Cleaver icon.pngCleaver x 1
Dead Body, Commoner Male 1 icon.pngHumanoid Corpse x 1
Letter icon.pngRecipe: Burial Coffin Carpentry icon.pngCarpentry 50 Dead Body, Commoner Male 1 icon.pngHumanoid Corpse x 1
Red Rose icon.pngFlower x 5
Wooden Board.pngWooden Board x 10