The Oracle tasked me with finding 8 pages of the Book of Dire Prophecy! One of the pages could be found in the ruins of Rhun. Although the ruins are in an area outside the protection of the Oracle, rumors exist of underground passages into the ruins of the old world that can bypass this...
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Find the Page of Cruelty
To enter the Rhun Vault without entering the Rhun Ruins, you will need to enter Graff Gem Mines and go to the lower area of the mine called South Cave. To the West is an Exit to Rhun Vault.
Alternatively, you can choose to go through Rhun Ruins. To access the Rhun Vault through the ruins you go to the Castle Briar point of interest. There is a hole in the wall to the left of the locked entrance door you can use to enter the castle. Do not jump down into the hole on the floor once inside, continue upwards. You will encounter a locked door that requires a switch. Take two lefts to a small room with a pipe and jump onto the pipe, then jump again with the steam from the pipe propelling you upward. Continue up until you find a switch and return to the door. Follow the path until you find a teleporter with access to the Rhun Vault.