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Innkeeper (Goti)

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Location: Goti

Type: Innkeeper Vendor

First Seen: Episode 1

An NPC named Marith is located in the Tavern building in the Town Square area in Goti.


Item Name Durability Weight Price
Ale 0.3 Gold 10
Black Pearl 0.01 Gold 6
Braided Bread Loaf 0.3 Gold 8
Bread Loaf 0.3 Gold 8
Corpse Wax 0.01 Gold 6
Garlic 0.01 Gold 4
Lemon Bun 0.3 Gold 8
Mandrake Root 0.01 Gold 4
Nightshade 0.01 Gold 4
Potion of Focus, Lesser 0.3 Gold 100
Potion of Health, Lesser 0.3 Gold 100
Potion of Restoration, Lesser 0.3 Gold 100
Red Wine 0.3 Gold 10
Roll 0.3 Gold 8
Serpent Scales 0.01 Gold 6
Short Bread Loaf 0.3 Gold 8
Slim Bread Loaf 0.3 Gold 8
Spider Silk 0.01 Gold 6
Sulfurous Ash 0.01 Gold 6
Wheat Bun 0.3 Gold 8

Some item quantities may increase randomly.


Keyword Spoiler


  • key

Quest/Output Overview:


This NPC used to not have a name and hence the listing is for an unnamed Innkeeper, but when updated with the sneak scene key she was given the name Marith.