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Community:Journeys End

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Town Data
Name: Journeys End
Leader: Lazarus Long
Commander: Lazarus Long
Established: 2099/12/31
Biome: Unknown
Size: 12600 m2
Avatars: 0
NPCs: Unknown
PvP: Player Select
Roleplay: Any
Location: Longfall
Coordinates: -412.8, 11.5, -148.3
Journeys End
Location: Longfall

Some people remember times when the world wasn’t this lost.

When decent, honest people lead simple easy lives. When glory was made by the strength of your steel, and the determination of your will.

When the sun shone brightly, the air was sweet, and life was paradise. Those times are gone.

That dream is broken, crushed into a thousand shards of glass by the crazed wills of a few. They tore reality apart and let the demons rampage across the world.

Some lived, most died; humanity seemed doomed. It’s back to the wall; humanity’s finest heroes struck back, and began the events we now know as Diasporia. Inch by inch, mile-by-mile, city-by-city, mankind reclaimed what it once possessed. There were no divisions, no quarrels, only unity against a determined and powerful foe. In the end, a select few sealed the wound that had caused Diasporia, at least ending humanity’s most dire threat.

And then the new reality came upon us. Children who had grown into a constant world of hate, battle, and death now found a world of destruction, sorrow and desolation. Gone was the unity, the focus, and the desire to make mankind survive. Men, who had felt the hilt of a sword in their palm for so long, now had to feel the dry grip of a scythe, axe or pick. It was not long before the first drums of war sounded.

Now humanity faces it’s greatest threat ever… itself. Now is a time simple men die for ruined farmlands, when men of power battle for the ruins of a great empire, when heroes die forgotten and alone. Britannia is dead, replaced with this distorted paradise. This is not the time of epic tales of adventure and conquest. This is the last chapter of a ceaseless saga.

Humanity lies at the brink, and what role will you play? Will you be the last of the shining stars of virtue, honor and goodness? Will you march under the banner of a distant lord, greed, hunger and the passion of battle in your eyes? Or will you dance the fine line of neutrality, answering to none but yourself?

This is not a beginning, this is an end. Your own

                                                   Journeys End

Connected towns include: Snug Harbor

External Link[edit]