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Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor

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Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor
Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor icon.png
Cloth Light Armor (Torso)
Durability: 150/150
Salvage Yields: Eternal Pattern: Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor
Weight: 1.5
Value: Gold 120
Damage Resistance: 1 (Max 8%)
Damage Avoidance: 0%
SotA StretchGoal Boats AdmiralsOutfit.jpg
Available in Ladies' Admiral Outfit.

Your avatar will have a commanding presence with this striking Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor.


By destroying this item using a Tailoring Station and the Salvage Item recipe, you have a chance to obtain the following. If an item states specifically it has a pattern in the item description, the stated pattern will always be obtained:

Salvage Item
Eternal Pattern: Ladies' Admiral Chest ArmorEternal Pattern: Ladies' Admiral Chest Armor (1)"ladies' admiral chest armor salvage" contains a listed "#" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid.