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Hardened Leather.png
Refined Material 
Weight: 0.4
Value: Gold 10
This item is craftable using the Tanning recipe of
Recipe: Leather.

Leather is a Refined Material using the Tanning skill, and used for crafting various items.


Crafting the Tanning recipe Leather
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Tanning 1


Tanning Knife Tanning Knife x 1
Animal Hide Animal Hide x 2
Curing Salt Curing Salt x 1

Leather Leather x 2

Lastseen: R90
Tanning Knife
Animal HideCuring Salt
Crafting the Tanning recipe Leather from Scraps
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Tanning 1


Tanning Knife Tanning Knife x 1
Curing Salt Curing Salt x 1
Leather Scrap Leather Scrap x 12
Animal Hide Animal Hide x 1

Leather Leather x 2

Lastseen: R90
Tanning Knife
Curing SaltLeather ScrapAnimal Hide

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Backpack icon.pngBackpack Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 1 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 3
Leather Strap.pngSimple Leather Strap x 1
Bag Pipe Bag icon.pngBag Pipe Bag Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 20 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 4
Spool of Thread.pngSpool of Cotton Thread x 2
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 4
Kiln Book icon.pngBlank Book Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 0 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Wooden Strip.pngWood Pulp x 20
Spool of Thread.pngSpool of Cotton Thread x 5
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 4
Leather Strap.pngBronze Studded Strip of Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 80 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 1
Bronze Ingot icon.pngBronze Ingot x 2
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 8
Leather Strap.pngCopper Studded Strip of Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 80 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 1
Copper Ingot icon.pngCopper Ingot x 2
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 8
Studded Roll of Leather icon.pngGem Studded Roll of Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 80 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 2
Diamond Fragment icon.pngGem Fragment x 25
Coil of Iron Wire.pngCoil of Copper Wire x 3
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 8
Studded Roll of Leather icon.pngGold Studded Roll of Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 80 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 2
Gold Ingot icon.pngGold Ingot x 1
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 8
Hardened Leather.pngHardened Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 30 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 4
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 4
Beetle Carapace icon.pngBeetle Carapace x 1
Leather Strap.pngIron Studded Strip of Leather Tanning icon.pngTanning 80 Tanning Knife icon.pngTanning Knife x 1
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 1
Iron Ingot.pngIron Ingot x 2
Chunk of Salt icon.pngCuring Salt x 8
Leather quiver.pngLeather Quiver Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 1 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Leather Strap.pngLeather Strap x 2
Hardened Leather.pngLeather x 2

... further results

See also[edit]