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Obsidian Septagram of Dominion
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The Obsidian Septagram of Dominion is a symbol of the Obsidians, and can often be found on their architecture. Perhaps the best known use, however, is imprinted on the Crowns of the Obsidians.
This symbol features a septagram, or seven pointed star. In the center of the star is the Obsidian Eye, composed on three concentric circles, two barred lines, and two semicircles (totaling seven lines). Above the Obsidian Eye are seven rays of illumination. At least on the Crowns, the septagram is surrounded by a ring of fifty dots; it is unknown if this ring is featured in all architecture.
The reverse face of the coin features the Obsidian symbol of two upraised hands with three shards above, surrounded by seven cogs. On each cog is a Runic letter, in order from top moving clockwise "S P F T E R D". Around the outside appears to be a striped pattern of light and dark, totaling twenty seven of each (fifty four in total).
The front, of course, showcases the symbol for the former primary ruler of the order, called the Obsidian Eye, designed by Andy Cortez when creating iconography for the Tower of the Shuttered Eye, and was then used beyond that as a decorative element in the Epitaph and other Obsidian areas and objects around our world. This eye symbol, overlaying the inner portion of a larger symbol I developed later, called the Obsidian Septagram of Dominion (aka the “Obsidian Star”), represents the illuminated vigilance of the Obsidian Eye during his years of rule, during which these coins would have been originally minted.
The back of the coin is derived from further use of the Septagram of Dominion, encircling the already-established symbol of the Obsidians, created by Stephen Daniele, based on the source of their power, the magical obsidian shards which fell from the shattered moon.
The runes found in the Obsidian Septagram of Dominion, whose seven points correspond with the seven lords of the sorcerous Cabal and their thrones in the Epitaph, also represents the proactive aspects of rulership required to obtain power and command obedience, which are the core tenets of the Obsidian Order (though they were not specifically showcased in the "Sword of Midris" tale, since these were nailed down by me for the sake of game fiction expansion after that was complete). At the center of this symbol, the culminating energies of illumination and vigilance, supposedly manifest within the former ruler of the Order, who was called the Obsidian “Eye”.
A ruling body must be:
- Strategic - thus having a firm understanding of an overall plan of success.
- Tactical - thus understanding what must be done in a particular moment.
- Desirous - thus yearning for greater glories and grander achievements.
- Fierce - thus inspiring respect and fear among allies and enemies alike.
- Renowned- thus having forged a name and reputation from these traits.
- Persistent - thus reinforcing and maintaining renown with consistent acts.
- Endeavorous - thus striving to perform monumental tasks of worth.
This symbol with all its implied meaning, was used as the starting point for the Obsidian Sigil.[1]
After the fall of the Obsidian Empire, as had been foretold in the Dire Prophesy of the Obsidian Eye, the last remnants of their sorcerous Cabal made the decision that, if the world could not be theirs under Obsidian Dominion, then it should come to a "perfect" end as indicated by the Prophesy... Interestingly enough, they recognized that the edicts and might of the Obsidian Empire had not been enough to stop its fall. Instead, as the Prophesy seemed to hint at, the Sword of Midras and its link to the Principles and Virtues has something to do with this eventual "twilight of the world"... it’s important to realize that, like most prophesies, the Dire Prophesy could be interpreted in many ways… The currently known, fairly short set of verses that the prophesy consists of, are believed to be filled with meaning beyond the runes in which they are written, and could be interpreted as indicating an end to Obsidian rule, and the beginning of a new age,…OR could be interpreted as the end of the world itself… The remnant Cabalists seem to believe the latter, and seeking to bring this about, seem to think this can be achieved by twisting the Virtues, venerating the Anti-Virtues, and laying siege to those who display devotion to the pristine Virtues.... With the help of their remnant re-shaped abominations, their mindless slaves, and their undead servants, the Cabalists firmly believe that where the Obsidian Empire failed, they will succeed,...and that their terrible bloodshed will eventually bring about the end of all life and the world itself, "until only the night remains" (as it says at the end of the known portion of the Dire Prophesy)...[2]
- The symbol was named The Obsidian Septagram of Dominion in a development post by Scottie Jones.[3] It has previously appeared in Obsidian architecture, and on the Crown coins, but without being named.
- The back of the coin can be seen by placing one as a decoration and rotating the coin.
External Links[edit]
- Heptagram, redirected from Septagram on Wikipedia
- Seven Pointed Star on Shroud of the Avatar Forum