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Community:Pathfinder Society

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Guild Data
Name: Pathfinder Society
Pathfinder Society Arms
Established: 2014/12/12
Members: 9
PvP: Casual
Playstyle: RP-PvX
Roleplay: Casual
Location: Owl's Head
   Pleas NOTE that we are fans of the table top RPG known as Pathfinder. We Tend to RP as Characters from the world of Golarian as Pathfinder Society members.

Pathfinder Society is a organization From the world Golarian, based out of Absalom, Our world's largest city. Our members consists primarily of adventurers who travel throughout the Vale, usually inconspicuously, and explore, delve, and otherwise experience the lesser-seen parts of the world. Our job as members of the Pathfinder Society is to document and record are finding to take back to out Ventur-Captain in Owl's Head. (city in witch our Organization is stationed)

some of our members have faint memories of what they wear doing before they awoke in this foreign world but most do not recall how OR why we are here.

Although a new world, some of what we have seen is similar to are own. For the time being Callous Black has brought us together and has taken upon himself to set up base in Owl's Head on the East side of town in a small row home hidden from most. He has also taken up the roll as Temporary Venture-Captain as he was one of the first to arrive and explore the area. We seek out More people like our selves who shared the same fate as us, in hopes that one day we will see home ones more.....But Until then we do like any member of the society does and adventure into the unknown documenting our exploits and adventure.


The day to day running of the Pathfinder Society is managed by the venture-captains. These are usually older or accomplished Pathfinders, or long-time allies of the organization, who have settled down, and claimed a Pathfinder lodge for themselves. They direct Pathfinders in the field towards new and interesting locales, and receive the regular reports that will eventually become part of the Chronicles.


Venture-captain is a position of regional authority within the Pathfinder Society. After surviving long, esteemed careers as Pathfinders, members of the Society who choose not to retire are honored with their own lodge, and a handful of Pathfinders who report to them.


The Pathfinder Society is willing to accept members of all backgrounds, creeds and morals. Any applicant who does well enough overall on the initial tests is allowed to take the oath and become an initiate. Training is overseen by three deans, the Master of Swords, the Master of Spells and the Master of Scrolls. The final test, Confirmation, is taken after some time as an initiate (although ambitious or gifted initiates may persuade the deans to allow them to take the test earlier). The test is effectively the initiate's first mission; those who pass become Pathfinders and those who fail are discharged from the Society (but often remain on good terms with us afterwards).

   Master of Swords

The Master of Swords, oversees the martial training of new Society initiates.

   Master of Spells

The Master of Spells is responsible for training Pathfinder Society initiates, focusing on magical studies.

   Master of Scrolls

The Master of Scrolls is responsible for academic training of Pathfinder Society initiates.


Members of the Society are loosely affiliated adventurers, who are not required to interact. However, they are forbidden direct conflict against each other, but this does not stop the more unscrupulous from leading rival parties into dangerous situations and dead ends. Other than that, they are largely free to be and do what they please. This allows for a very varied membership.

For more information on the Pathfinder Society and the world that its apart of see the link below.

Pathfinder Society