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Ring of Fire, Epic

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Ring of Fire, Epic
Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png
Durability: 130/130
Major Repairs: 0
Weight: 0
Value: Gold 16000
Item Effects
+15 Fire Attunement

Ring of Fire, Epic is an Artifact ring that increases Fire Attunement.

Regarding modifications to artifact rings (such as the Ring of Fire):


Crafting the Smelting recipe Ring of Fire, Epic
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Smelting 1


Stone Chisel Stone Chisel x 1
Ring of Fire, Legendary Ring of Fire, Legendary x 2
Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal x 100
Ancient Essence Ancient Essence x 6

Ring of Fire, Epic Ring of Fire, Epic x 1

Lastseen: R87
Stone ChiselRing of Fire, LegendaryChunk of CoalAncient Essence

Used in recipes

Currently there are no recipes that use Ring of Fire, Epic in a recipe.

See Also[edit]