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Smalls wants Aldurite Crystal Fragments

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This is a Daily Quest in the Well of Aldur.

To obtain this quest, speak to Professor Thaddaeus Smalls. Thereafter you do not need to speak to Smalls before you collect the fragments.

Collect Aldurite Crystal Fragments by mining the Aldurite Crystals located throughout the zone. When you have at least 20 Aldurite Fragments, return to Smalls, mention "fragments" to him, and give him 20 fragments. Smalls will reward you with gold and 61,236 experience points (or 122,472 during double XP).

This quest may effect your avatar's virtue (although this has not been confirmed). It seems that giving 20 fragments to Rodney Czervik may have a positive impact on your avatar's virtue, while giving 20 fragments to Professor Thaddaeus Smalls may have a negative impact on your avatar's virtue.

Each day, you can give 20 fragments to Rodney Czervik and 20 fragments to Professor Thaddaeus Smalls (so you can get 2 rewards each day from turning in fragments).