A steward of a satyr-run mining company said his people in the Broken Echoes Silver Mine have revolted, spurred on by an agitated foreman. He wants me to go into the mine and stop the foreman "at any cost," so everyone will calm down and production can start again. The steward mentioned there will be a reward at the end.
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Stop the Broken Echoes Foreman
After you unlock the door, enter and several Satyr cretures will attack you. After killing all of them, a Broken Echoes Foreman will enter. This NPC is a neutral NPC and can be killed at any time, but will remain neutral until damaged. Make sure to be out of combat mode and do not have any damaging AOE spells on your character that will damage him. Speak to the Broken Echoes Foreman.
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Stop the Broken Echoes Foreman
Click the legitimate gripe and Seriously? Are you as frail as a human? keywords to advance the quest to Ask Foreman About Other Gripes.