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Speak to the Instructor, Martin, to begin the quest.
WARNING: You can only turn in the 12 Books of Virtue to the Students of Virtue OR the Student of Chaos. So choose wisely on who you wish to give the set of Virtue books to!
Welcome, fellow seeker of virtue. We have established a new study here and, to be frank, are hoping for the help of you and your fellows.
My name is Martin, and I am a guide for the students of virtue here.
I am a guide for the students of virtue that study here. I greet visitors to the study, help keep things orderly and tidy, and collect books of interest for the students.
I am well. Thank you for your concern.
My students require books for their studies. I hope you can assist with this.
There are three students with us today. There was a fourth, but I am afraid she has left us for her own journey. Feel free to speak with the remaining three, Daria, Timothy, and Elizabeth, to learn about what insights they have gleaned.
I am trying to assemble works that illustrate the virtues in action for the students here, but they have proven difficult to find. Perhaps people are just not interested in their message any more. However, I am willing to reward adventurers such as yourself. If you can find the twelve books - four for each virtue - each of my students requires that have been scattered, they will give you pieces of a statue that illustrates the nature of virtue. I will assemble those pieces for you once you have all three, as a way of thanking you for your perseverance.
We hope to renew an interest in the study of the virtues that people in good character strive to live in accordance with. Many have forgotten or pay only lip service to these, and our land is suffering for it. One only needs to look no father than the rulers of our fair city, the exemplars of the virtue of Love, Siranto and Khasi, and the politics and scheming that drive them apart. Truth and Courage have fallen by the wayside for many as well.
Unfortunately, many of the books that students of virtue have found referred to in their studies have been lost through the years. This will not be a short or easy journey, I am afraid. You may want to seek the counsel of other adventurers and cooperate in finding these works.
People are more concerned with the struggles they face as part of their daily lives. This is understandable, but why one would try to fix a broken clockwork without a proper toolbox is a matter that has often brought consternation to my mind. It is, in fact, why I founded this study and sought to find other students.
Our study hall here is small, but sufficient to meet our needs. I thank you for your concern.
Daria is studying the virtue of courage. Any works you can find that express the meaning of courage would be of help to her. Feel free to discuss the nature of courage with her as well.
Timothy is studying the virtue of love. Any works you can find that express the meaning of love would be of help to him. Feel free to discuss his thoughts on the matter with him.
Elizabeth is studying the virtue of truth. Any works you can find that express the meaning of truth would be of help to her. Feel free to discuss the nature of truth with her as well.
I will not speak ill of my former student, Gina. She has gone to find her own path. I hope it leads her back to us. I fear that her view of the virtues is not a correct one and will lead her astray.
I will not lie to you and say I approve of how some make a virtue of casting aside virtue. It is an appeal to the baser nature of us all and, I would postulate, actually is a large part of why we find ourselves at the point where the Dire Prophecies actually appear to be imminent.
I believe they were intended as a warning, not a map to the future. Prophecies are meant to show us the road as it reaches the horizon, not to force us to walk down that road. You path, I hope, will prove the truth of this.
Timothy is studying on the meaning of love currently. I recommend talking to him, so that you both may learn.
Elizabeth is contemplating the nature of truth. I recommend asking her for her thoughts on the subject.
Daria is attempting to understand what courage is. Perhaps you could talk to her and help her gain some insight.
Our leaders should express the very nature of love in the personification of how they guide and lead us, yet in falling astray from love personally, they have grown apart not only from each other but in how they rule. Where once there was the implicit trust that arises from love, now there is mistrust, plotting and fear. Perhaps as you help address the problems they face, you can also help them return to remembering why they must be together and what they represent.
You can then speak to each of the students, who will provide additional information and ask you to seek books on their behalf. And not just any old (copy) of the books, either. Scouring bookshelves will not help you here. They want The Originals.
Greetings. My name is Elizabeth and I am studying the virtue of truth. I believe Martin has asked you to find books for us on the subject, but I will not assume such since I did not hear him say it to you.
As I said, my name is Elizabeth. Do you not believe me? I can understand if you do not. Just call me Elizabeth as a courtesy, then.
I study the nature of truth.
I am well at this moment.
Truth is that which we know. We do not guess, we do not fumble around at its edges. It is a firm, concrete thing. It is what one can rely on, when everything around you is a storm of uncertainty. Truth comforts me. I wish more people appreciated the nature of truth.
From everything I have witnessed, Martin is a good and fair man. i do not know what he is like when I am not around, howevre.
I will speak plainly, seeker. I have been lied to many times in my life. Truth is something that many do not take seriously. Thus I feel that only things that I have experienced for myself can truly be relied upon as a measure of truth. You have no reason to lie to me, but then do you not have any reason to tell the truth? I am quite conflicted about this.
Is something true when you take it on faith from someone else? Or are the only truths those you can personally attest to? Is truth really something to be entrusted to others?
If I cannot trust others in anything of import, than I truly must rely on myself for everything. I do not know if such a thing is even possible. I trust that the guards will not kill me when I go home, but I have only been told by others that they are here to protect us. What if that, too, is a lie. When we abandon the virtue of truth, we abandon everything. And yet so few find truth to be important. They lie casually about great things and small.
Trust is a key component of truth, I feel. Because without it you are alone with your own truths, and that way... that way is unpleasant. You will have to trust me on this.
I am still looking for the four books I need. Please return when you have them.
The books I am looking for are called "A Boiled Seed Cannot Sprout", "Truth is Rewarded", "The Monkey and the Dolphin", and "The Chains of False Beliefs".
Greetings. My name is Timothy and I am studying the virtue of love. I'm not sure why I should bother, but I am. Martin has asked you to find books for me to help with this task, I heard.
My name is Timothy. My wife's name was Amber.
I study the nature of love. It seems a cruel think to do.
I am well enough, I suppose.
She was a beautiful woman. She never meant any harm to anyone. She had gone up to the market at Solace Bridge to buy me an anniversary present. I didn't really want one them. I never want one again. I never want an anniversary ever again. Ever. Ever again. leave me. LEAVE! My apologies for earlier. Yes, Amber was my wife. A beautiful woman, in body, mind and spirit. I will never love another as I do her.
Yes, I study the virtue of love. I do not know really why. It seems a cruel joke on Martin's part. You see, my wife died in the attack on Solace Bridge.
After Martin heard what happen, he bade me focus on the nature of love. Perhaps he thinks it will help.
It was a cruel attack with no warning. The entire outpost was destroyed within hours. You can still see for yourself if you like, I care not to return. I went just to bury her. I found the anniversary present she sought to buy for me on her... her... her person.
With my wife gone, why would I want to study upon what I have lost?
It was the statue which Martin is promising to give whomever returns all the books we need. It represents the virtues in their pure form. I told him that it was broken in the attack and he has promised to repair it.
The truth is that I shattered the statue. I never wanted to see it again. It was a stupid thing and I wanted my wife. I want my wife back. I can't understand why Martin keeps having me read about love. I just want our life the way it was. I just want Amber the way she was. Not lifeless in the ground.
Why would I? Why would I even want to? It seems foolish and stupid and a blight on her memory to even consider such. For me love is over. It is a dead and foolish thing.
I have no desire to discuss this further.
I am still looking for the four books I need. Please return when you have them.
The books I am looking for are called "Kindness in Giving Creates Love", "Don't Give Up Your Goodness", "The Courageous Mother", and "The Most Beautiful Heart".
Greetings. My name is Daria and I am studying the virtue of courage. I'm told you have been asked to find books to help with this study. I am glad someone has the will to do this.
As I said, my name is Daria. I am a student of the virtue of Courage.
I study the nature of courage. And let me tell you, someone has to.
I am well, I suppose. I wish I could fight.
All this TALKING! Our city is under threat and people just keep holding meetings and traveling from castle to castle to work out a strategy! Look, there's no strategy. You get out and you find the people who need to be dealt with and you deal with them. Simple. Effective. So the people in the case happen to be undead. They can still be destroyed. We need to do this, if only we were strong enough.
We live in a violent age. It requires one with the courage to act. I hope you are one of those.
Let me tell you something, seeker. Martin does not think I know enough of the nature of courage, but I daresay I know more than he. Courage is the will to act. It is the will to use the power one has, the willingness to take risks. It is knowing that actions have consequences, and the strength to choose between them.
It seems everyone is frighted of the undead attacks that started with the storming of Solace Bridge. I don't understand why people are letting their fear control them.
Is courage not the ability to take action, knowing that you could hurt someone? You could kill someone? You could change things. You could change the world.
I suppose you would know that more than most, what with the Dire Prophecies and all that.
You should ask the Oracle about this.
Yes, the undead are a threat. But have we not faced down many threats before? The Cataclysm, the wars, the Obsidian Order? All of these, we saw the need to act, and we acted.
If I could wield a sword, I would just, just go out and *do* something! This endless talk about what to do and how to do it and worrying about who might get hurt. Look. People die. People die all the time. The people of this city need to be of stronger character.
Martin promised to teach me of courage, but I have my suspicions that he knows little of the subject. Like everyone else, he just wants to talk. He needs to have the will to decide.
I am still looking for the four books I need. Please return when you have them.
The books I am looking for are called "The Mouse and the Camel", "The Lion Tattoo", "Everyone Needs Courage", and "The Fearful Rabbit".
The specific original books needed for this quest can only be found in the following locations:
Area: Braemar Loc: (-43.8, 27.1, 15.7) Inside the building next to Merchant William.
Area: East Perennial Trail Loc: (53.0, 18.5, 110.0) Inside the Abandoned House on a table.
Area: Kingsport Loc: (118.4, 29.2, -47.8) On the desk near Anton at the 3rd floor of the Warehouse at the docks.
Area: Owls Nest Mine Loc: (-62.5, -10.0, 94.2) On a table in the room to the south next to am Undead Reaver.
Area: Ardoris Loc: (-284.3, 101.6, -108.5) On a stool next to a bed on the 4th floor of the Palace of the Mountain.
Area: Owls Head Loc: (39.9, 91.0, 233.5) In the Barracks of the Owl's Head Guard building, west of Upper Merchant Pavillion, on the 2nd floor on a table next to a Guard Officer.
Area: Solania Loc: (-18.2, 17.3, 79.9) On a counter inside the Solania Town Hall and Guard Post
Area: Spectral Mines Loc: (-65.1, -17.9, 119.8)
Area: Ardoris Loc: (401.2, 96.8, -114.3) 3rd floor of the Palace of the Wind on a table.
Area: Soltown Loc: (-146.5, 27.1, -21.3) In the Soltown Graveyard on a wall next to a grave marked Judge Nichol Fysher.
Area: SolaceBridge Loc: (190.0, 72.0, -52.0) Inside the Ancient Ruins cave next to A Grave Marker.
Area: Approach to the Shuttered Eye Loc: (322.8, 6.6, 250.6) Outside on the ground Southeast from the door entrance to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye.
Return these books (not copies!) to each of the students and they will take the books from you, rewarding you with a fragmented statue.
"Thank you for finding the books that I need! Here is my part of the Statue of Virtue for you."
Item added to your inventory!
Upon returning to Martin and telling him that you have finished collecting the books, you will be rewarded.
"I will take the fragments from you now, seeker of virtue, and assemble them for you. I hope the statue has some meaning for you."