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Telethon of the Avatar/Stretch Goal Rewards
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This article has extremely old and outdated information. This information will need to be updated as of Release 129. You are welcome to help in its construction by editing it as well. |
NOTE: The Not Delivered status of many items listed, is not up to date as of Release 129. This article page is NOT an accurate listing.
Previously, Portalarium the developers of Shroud of the Avatar ran periodic telethon-style events to raise funds for the development of the game. As a special bonus, they offer funding rewards to any backer that pledges a minimum of $5 during the day of the telethon (Spending Store Credit to make $5 minimum purchase does not apply).
The following stretch goal rewards have been made available:
Release 64 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 15K - Flower Hairpiece Not Delivered
- 30K - Dark Leaf Spear Not Delivered
- 45K - NOT REACHED Flower Bed
- 60K - NOT REACHED Dark Thorn Wand
- 60K - NOT REACHED Dark Thorn H Sword
- 75K - NOT REACHED Redthorn (Shardfall Plant) Decoration Pack
- 90K - NOT REACHED Dark Thorn Mace
- 90K - NOT REACHED Dark Leaf Shield
- 105K - NOT REACHED Cenote Player Dungeon Room (open to sky with water and plants)
- 125K - NOT REACHED Dark Thorn 2H Sword
- 125K - NOT REACHED Dark Thorn Staff
Release 63 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 15K - Darkstarr Wand Not Delivered
- 30K - Darkstarr Throne (Reverse Colors) Not Delivered
- 45K - Darkstarr Two handed Sword Not Delivered
- 60K - Darkstarr Clock Tower (Reverse Colors) Not Delivered
- 75K - NOT REACHED Darkstarr Coronated Leather Helm
- 75K - NOT REACHED Darkstarr Darkstarr Longbow
- 105K - NOT REACHED Darkstarr Trident
- 125K - NOT REACHED Darkstarr Black Leather Armor
Release 62 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 15K - Masquerade Mask Not Delivered
- 30K - Carnival Colors Purple Cycling Dye Replenishing Box Not Delivered
- 30K - Carnival Colors Green Cycling Dye Replenishing Box Not Delivered
- 30K - Carnival Colors Yellow Cycling Dye Replenishing Box Not Delivered
- 45K - Jester Mask Wand Not Delivered
- 45K - Jester Mask Staff Not Delivered
- 60K - Brewing Themed Basement Hatches Not Delivered
- 75K - Formal Dress Not Delivered
- 90K - Tuxedo Variant Not Delivered
- 105K - Ballroom Dungeon Room Not Delivered
- 125K - Jester Outfit Not Delivered
Release 61 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Black Ice Wings Delivered
- 25K - Black Ice Building Block Set Delivered
- 35K - Haunted Snowman Mask Delivered
- 50K - Black Ice Bow Delivered
- 50K - Black Ice Sword Delivered
- 65K - Haunted Snow Family Delivered
- 75K - Black Ice Staff Delivered
- 75K - Black Ice Wand Delivered
- 85K - Haunted Yule Tree Set Not Delivered
- 95K - Icy Dungeon Encounter Room with Fishing Spot Not Delivered
- 105K - Dark Yule Leather and Lace Ankle Boots Delivered
- 105K - Dark Yule Long Leather Gloves Delivered
- 105K - Dark Yule Short Skirted Leather Bodice Delivered
- 120K - Krampus Mask Delivered
- 120K - Black Ice Shield Delivered
- 135K - Haunted Sleigh Not Delivered
- 135K - Black Ice Elemental Statue Delivered
- 150K - Icy Dungeon Cathedral Room Not Delivered
- 170K - Icy Dungeon Hallway Set Delivered
- 205K - NOT REACHED Second Copy of All Stretch Goals
Release 60 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Blue Dragon Mask with smoke VFX Delivered
- 10K - Green Dragon Mask with smoke VFX Delivered
- 10K - Purple Dragon Mask with smoke VFX Delivered
- 25K - Aether Axe Delivered
- 25K - Aether Spear Delivered
- 25K - Aether Two-handed Mace Delivered
- 35K - Construction Decorations (Crane, Pulley, etc) Not Delivered
- 50K - Torture Chair Delivered
- 50K - Torture Table Delivered
- 50K - Torture Rack Delivered
- 65K - Traveller Wagon Not Delivered
- 75K - Dragon Sword Not Delivered
- 75K - Dragon Polearm Not Delivered
- 85K - Ancient Stone Room Fishing Grotto Delivered
- Free - * free gift from Port HangingTorture Cage Delivered
Release 59 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Giant Rustic Fish Pavers Delivered
- 10K - Large Rustic Fish Pavers Delivered
- 10K - Small Rustic Fish Pavers Delivered
- 25K - Fish Throne Delivered
- 35K - Bass Fish Mask Delivered
- 35K - Trout Fish Mask Delivered
- 35K - Tuna Fish Mask Delivered
- 50K - Marlin Statue Delivered
- 50K - Sailfish Statue Delivered
- 50K - Tigershark Statue Delivered
- 65K - NOT REACHED Fish Shield
- 65K - NOT REACHED Swordfish Sword
- 75K - NOT REACHED Big Fish Mask Shark
- 75K - NOT REACHED Big Fish Mask Lava
- 85K - NOT REACHED Unique Dungeon Encounter Room with Fishing Spot
- 95K - NOT REACHED Fish Scale Armor
Release 58 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Dragon Egg Reward Delivered
- 25K - Breathe Fire Spiral Emote Delivered
- 35K - Dragon Skin Rugs Reward Delivered
- 50K - Eternal Pattern: Dragon Dungeon Entrance Delivered
- 65K - Dragon Longbow Delivered
- 65K - Dragon Helm Delivered
- 80K NOT REACHED Dragon Sword
- 80K NOT REACHED Dragon Polearm
- 90K NOT REACHED Dragon Mask Set (multiple color variants) with smoke VFX
- 100K NOT REACHED Unique Dungeon
Release 57 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - /diceroll Delivered
- 25K - Flame Trap Delivered
- 35K - Candle Helmet Delivered
- 50K - Spike Trap Delivered
- 50K - Arrow Trap Delivered
- 65K - Eternal Pattern:Prison Cage Dungeon Delivered
- 80K NOT REACHED - Torture Set: Torture Chair
- 80K NOT REACHED - Torture Set: Torture Table
- 80K NOT REACHED - Torture Set: Torture Rack
- 90K NOT REACHED - Key Themed Weapon Set: Sword
- 90K NOT REACHED - Key Themed Weapon Set: Mace
- 90K NOT REACHED - Key Themed Weapon Set: Polearm
- 100K NOT REACHED - Unique Dungeon Room Blueprint
Release 56 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Aether Lich Statue Delivered
- 25K - Aether Sword Delivered
- 25K - Aether Shield Delivered
- 35K - Double XP Every Weekend in August Delivered
- 50K - Aether Long Bow Delivered
- 50K - Aether Crossbow Delivered
- 65K - Replenishing Glowing Aether Dye Box Delivered
- 80K - Aether Dragon Statue Delivered
- 90K NOT REACHED - Aether Axe
- 90K NOT REACHED - Aether H Spear
- 90K NOT REACHED - Aether 2H Bludgeon
- 100K NOT REACHED - Celestial Themed Wizard Robes
Release 55 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - Replenishing Aerial Box Set Delivered
- 25K - Replenishing Aerial Silver Serpent Crackle Combo Fireworks Box Delivered
- 35K - Silver Serpent Wand Delivered
- 50K - Giant Lord British Pavers Delivered
- 50K - Large Lord British Pavers Delivered
- 50K - Small Lord British Pavers Delivered
- 65K - Lord British Round Table Delivered
- 80K - Large Lord British Telescope Delivered
- 90K NOT REACHED - Lord British Sword
- 90K NOT REACHED - Lord British Halberd
- 100K NOT REACHED - Lord British Coronated Leather Helm
- 100K NOT REACHED - Lord British Bow
Release 54 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - /rainbow Delivered
- 20K - /wardance Delivered
- 20K - /hula Delivered
- 30K - Island Backpack Delivered
- 40K - Round Palapa Delivered
- 50K - Island Dress Delivered[
- 50K - Island Flower Crown Delivered
- 65K - Island Axe Delivered
- 65K - Island Spear Delivered
- 80K - Large Tiki Statue Delivered
- 90K NOT REACHED - Polynesian Bow
- 90K NOT REACHED - Polynesian TBA Weapon
- 90K NOT REACHED - Polynesian TBA Weapon
- 100K NOT REACHED - Polynesian Daemon Themed Armor with Full Helm
Release 53 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - /floatmeditate Delivered
- 25K - Blue Electric Sword Delivered
- 35K - Cylindrical Automaton Decoration Pet Delivered
- 50K - Electric Halberd Delivered
- 50K - Electric Staff Delivered
- 65K - Large Adobe Dome Delivered
- 65K - Small Adobe Dome Delivered
- 65K - Downward Facing Burned Skeleton Delivered
- 65K - Upward Facing Burned Skeleton Delivered
- 65K - Blue Cylinder Delivered
- 65K - Small Blue Cylinder Delivered
- 80K - White Sky Navy Helmet Delivered
- 80K - Black Sky Navy Helmet Delivered
- 80K - Metal Crossbow Delivered
- 90K - Double XP for st 2 Weeks of R54 (including Crafting) Delivered
- 90K - Red Electric Sword Delivered
- 100K NOT REACHED - White Sky Navy Armor
- 110K NOT REACHED - Black Sky Navy Armor
- 110K NOT REACHED - Black Sky Navy Cloak
Release 52 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - /evileye Delivered
- 25K - Small Obsidian Obelisk Delivered
- 35K - Giant Obsidian Order Pavers Delivered
- 35K - Large Obsidian Order Pavers Delivered
- 35K - Small Obsidian Order Pavers Delivered
- 50K - Obsidian Order Throne Delivered
- 65K - Obsidian Order Wizard Boots Delivered
- 65K - Obsidian Order Wizard Gloves Delivered
- 65K - Obsidian Order Wizard Hood Delivered
- 65K - Obsidian Order Wizard Leggings Delivered
- 65K - Obsidian Order Wizard Robe Delivered
- 80K - Obsidian Order Plate Chest Armor Delivered
- 80K - Obsidian Order Plate Gauntlets Delivered
- 80K - Obsidian Order Plate Greaves Delivered
- 80K - Obsidian Order Plate Helm Delivered
- 80K - Obsidian Order Plate Leggings Delivered
Release 51 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- 10K - /mosh (The ultimate chaotic dance!) Delivered
- 25K - Darkstarr Morningstar Delivered
- 35K - Giant Darkstarr Pavers Delivered
- 35K - Large Darkstarr Pavers Delivered
- 35K - Small Darkstarr Pavers Delivered
- 50K - Darkstarr Chaos Throne Delivered
- 65K - Darkstarr Clock Tower (Darkstarr loves watches!) Delivered
- 80K - Darkstarr Black Chainmail Boots Delivered
- 80K - Darkstarr Black Chainmail Chest Armor Delivered
- 80K - Darkstarr Black Chainmail Gauntlets Delivered
- 80K - Darkstarr Black Chainmail Leggings Delivered
- 90K - Darkstarr Coronated Black Chainmail Helm Delivered
- 90K - Darkstarr Crossbow Delivered
- 100K - Darkstarr Chaos Shield Delivered
- 100K - Darkstarr Spear Delivered
- 100K - Darkstarr Dagger Delivered
- 110K - Darkstarr Two handed Sword Delivered
- 110K - Darkstarr Staff Delivered
- 125K NOT REACHED Darkstarr Statue
Release 50 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- $10K - /samba
- $25K - Mardi Gras Garlands
- $35K - lambeaux (equippable 2 handed open flame gas lamp)
- $50K - Mardi Gras Mask Fountain
- NOT REACHED $65K - Feather Outfit including Feather Back and Head Piece (like Rio Carnival)
- NOT REACHED $80K - Mardi Gras Jester Outfit
Release 49 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- $10K - /jugglesnowballs
- $25K - Frost Pipe
- $35K - Snowdragon
- NOT REACHED $50K - Ice Chess Set
- NOT REACHED $65K - Ice Halberd, Ice Spear, Ice Axe
- NOT REACHED $80K - Ice Dragon Statue with icy effects
Release 48 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Virtue Icicle Cloak
- $25K - Ice Hot Tub
- $35K - Ice Elemental Statue
- $50K - Virtue Ice Sword
- $50K - Virtue Ice Shield
- $65K - Virtue Ice Crown
- $65K - Virtue Ice Corset
- $65K - Virtue Ice Skirt
- $65K - Virtue Ice Gloves
- $65K - Virtue Ice Wand
- NOT REACHED $80K - Ice Dragon Statue with icy effects
Release 47 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Snowflake Pattern Cloak
- $25K - Virtue Fur Hat
- $35K - Winter Pattern Glass Table Lamp (3 Pack)
- $50K - Virtue Ice Staff
- $50K - Virtue Ice Bow
- NOT REACHED $65K - Ice Elemental Statue with icy effects
- NOT REACHED $80K - Ice Dragon Statue with icy effects
Release 46 Postmortem Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Skull Cloak
- $25K - Prisoner's Mask
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Veil
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Dress Blouse
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Dress Skirt
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Tuxedo Shirt
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Tuxedo Pants
- $35K - Torn and Tattered Wedding Tuxedo Shoes
- $50K - Large Spooky Fountain
- $65K - Long Dead Hedge Fence
- $65K - Medium Dead Hedge Fence
- $65K - Corner Dead Hedge Fence
- $65K - Gated Dead Hedge Fence
- $80K - Large Nightmare Statue
Release 45 Postmortem Mini-Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Silver Virtuekrug
- $25K - Virtue Oktoberfest Banner
- $35K - Virtue Oktoberfest Tent
- $50K - Virtue Dirndl Corset
- $50K - Virtue Dirndl Skirt
- $50K - Virtue Dirndl Shoes
- NOT REACHED $65K - Virtue Lederhosen
- NOT REACHED $80K - Virtue Flaming Tuba
Release 44 Postmortem Mini-Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Replenishing Oracle Eye Sparkler Box
- $25K - Oracle Eye Mirror
- $35K - Oracle Eye Helmet
- $50K - Oracle Eye Throne
- $65K - Oracle Cable Wings
- $65K - /juggleoracleeyes
Lord British’s Birthday Bash Telethon[edit]
- $10K - Replenishing Silver Fireworks Box
- $25K - /flowerwandtrick
- $35K - Lord British Helmet
- $50K - Lord British Throne
- $65K - Virtue Tuxedo Jacket
- $65K - Virtue Tuxedo Pants
- $65K - Virtue Tuxedo Shoes
- $65K - /birdtrick
- $65K -
/endlessclothtrick/mouthcoil - $80K - Lord British Moondial
- $100K - Broom Decoration Pet
Summer Telethon 2017 Part 1[edit]
- $10K - /smokevirtue
- $25K - Virtue Balloons
- $35K - Virtue Miner's Helmet
- $50K - Flame Stained Glass Table Lamp (3pack)
- $65K - Fire Elemental Statue
- $80K - Flame Shield
- $80K - Flame Scimitar
- $100K - Virtue Flame Helm
- $100K - Virtue Flame Chest Armor
- $100K - Virtue Flame Leggings
- $100K - Virtue Flame Gloves
- $100K - Virtue Flame Boots
Spring Telethon of the Avatar[edit]
- $10K - /flowerleap
- $25K - Butterfly Mask
- $35K - Floral Stained Glass Hand Lantern
- $50K - Floral Stained Glass Table Lamp (3pack)
- $65K - White Flowered Topiary Dragon Statue
- $65K - White Flowered Topiary Bear Statue
- $65K - White Flowered Topiary Satyr Statue
- $80K - Leaf Shield
- $80K - Leaf Spear
- $100K - Spring Fountain w/ Floating Candles
- $130K - Thorn Bow
- $130K - Thorn Sword
- $140K - Thorn Wand
- $140K - Thorn Staff
- $140K - Thorn Mace
- $140K - Thorn Two-Handed Sword
- BONUS - Wooden Duck
Fall into Winter Telethon of the Avatar[edit]
- $10K - /rainautumnleaves
- $25K - Autumn Fairy Crown
- $35K - Autumn Fairy Dress
- $35K - Autumn Fairy Legs
- $35K - Autumn Fairy Hands
- $35K - Autumn Fairy Wings
- $50K - Red Squirrel Decoration Pet
- $65K - 2016 Ornate Snowball Box
- $85K - Frozen Bagpipes
- $100K - Fountain of Frozen Waters
- NOT REACHED $130,000K - Ice Titan Statues
Summer Telethon of the Avatar Part 2[edit]
- $10K - /aeroplane
- $25K - Question Stovepipe Hat
- $25K - Exclamation Stovepipe Hat
- $35K - Virtue Aeronaut Jacket
- $35K - Virtue Aeronaut Leggings
- $35K - Virtue Aeronaut Gloves
- $35K - Virtue Aeronaut Boots
- $50K - Virtue Accordion
- $65K - Brass Mini Automaton Decoration Pet
- $80K - Baby Copper Clockwork Dragon Decoration Pet
- $100K - Camera
- $100K - /camera
- $130K - Copper Clockwork Armor Helm
- $130K - Copper Clockwork Armor Chestpiece
- $130K - Copper Clockwork Armor Gauntlets
- $130K - Copper Clockwork Armor Leggings
- $130K - Copper Clockwork Armor Boots
- $150K - Flaming Bagpipes
- $150K - Metal and Leather Kilt
- $175K - Weather Changing Clockwork Umbrella
- $200K - /firedance
- $200K - Firedancer Gloves
- $200K - Firedancer Leggings
- $200K - Firedancer Shoes
- $200K - Firedancer Top
Summer Telethon of the Avatar Part 1[edit]
- $10K - /fan
- $10K - Ornate Fan
- $25K - Virtue Aeronaut Helmet
- $35K - Hacked Oracle Crawler Decoration Pet
- $50K - Clockwork Wings
- $65K - Hacked Oracle Flyer Decoration Pet
- $80K - Tiny Airship Decoration Pet
- $100K - 4-Piece One-Man Band
- $130K - Street Organ
- $130K - Brass Clockwork Monkey Decoration Pet
- NOT REACHED $150,000K - Baby Clockwork Dragon Pet
The Spring Festival of the Avatar Telethon![edit]
- $10K - /Flowers
- $25K - Flower Crown
- $50K - Giant Butterfly Decoration Pet
- $60K - Giant Dragonfly Decoration Pet
The Wondrous Winter Telethon of the Avatar![edit]
- $10K - /snow
- $25K - Snowflake Cloak
- NOT REACHED $50,000 – Ice Nightmare Mount (frozen coconuts with icy mist
- NOT REACHED $50,000 – White horse head with icy, misting eyes
End of Summer Telethon of the Avatar![edit]
- $10K - Gossamer Cloak
- $25K - /lbsalute
- $25k - Darklamp
- $50K - Nightmare Mount
- $50K - Nightmare Mask