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Bone Armor

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Bone Armor
Bone Chest Armor icon.png
Equipping a Bone Chest Armor piece will allow you to use Light Armor skills.
Leather Light Armor 

Bone Armor are a number of armor pieces that comprise a set of armor crafted with the Tailoring Skill.

Bone Plate Crafting Component items are used to assemble each piece. Each Crafting Component used, will add it's inherent Material Crafting Bonus to the crafted item. A Spool of Cotton Thread Refined Material is also used. Each specific piece, requires a specific creature related Raw Material item.

Bone Armor uses the Light Armor Skill.

Bone Armor, a new type of armor, is crafted at a Tailoring table from bones refined at a Carpentry station (the first armor to involve Carpentry). It has the attributes of Heavy Armor (high Damage Avoidance) but it is actually classified as Light Armor, so when Masterworked, your modifiers will be Light Armor modifiers and your skills used with it will be Light Armor skills. It also has very high durability, making it ideal for Enchanting and Masterworking. However, the bones needed to craft it are exceedingly difficult to acquire. In addition to the normal Tailoring, Carpentry, and Smithing ingredients (leather, cloth, thread, wax, metal etc.) Bone Armor requires parts from Dragons, Phoenixes, Demons, and Tier 5 Skeletons.[1]

Bone Armor Set Pieces[edit]

Equipment Slot Crafting Component Refined Material Creature Raw Material
Bone Chest ArmorBone Chest Armor Torso Slot 7 Bone Plate 7 Spool of Cotton Thread* 1 Troll Pelvic Bones, 1 Troll Rib Cage
Bone LeggingsBone Leggings Legs Slot 5 Bone Plate 5 Spool of Cotton Thread* 1 Dragon Neck Bone
Bone HelmBone Helm Head Slot 4 Bone Plate 4 Spool of Cotton Thread* 1 Lich Skull
Bone GauntletsBone Gauntlets Hands Slot 1 Bone Plate 1 Spool of Cotton Thread* 1 Phoenix Talon
Bone BootsBone Boots Feet Slot 2 Bone Plate 2 Spool of Cotton Thread* 1 Daemon Hoof

∗ The spool must be a standard cotton thread (i.e. not carapacian thread and not fustian thread).

Components for Bone Armor[edit]

Bone Armor uses Bone Plate and Spool of Cotton Thread to craft each Bone Armor piece.

The spool must be a standard cotton thread (i.e. not carapacian thread and not fustian thread).

Bone Plate[edit]

  • This specific disambiguation item in the game currently is two different items that use the same name. Bone Plate is a crafted item used to craft Enforced Bone Plate, and Bone Plate is also a category name for Enforced Bone Plate items used to craft Bone Armor.


Icon Item Item Effects
Bone Plate icon.png Bronze Enforced Bone Plate
Bronze Enforced Bone Plate
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Avoidance

Bone Plate icon.png Constantan Enforced Bone Plate
Constantan Enforced Bone Plate
Base Weapon Damage

Bone Plate icon.png Copper Enforced Bone Plate
Copper Enforced Bone Plate
Base Weapon Damage

Bone Plate icon.png Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance

Bone Plate icon.png Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance

Bone Plate icon.png White Iron Enforced Bone Plate
White Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance

Refined Material[edit]

  • Refined Materials do not display any Material Crafting Bonuses.
Spool of Cotton Thread

See Also[edit]

