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Britannia Burns

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Britannia Burns is a series of videos interviews of Lord British done by's Noah "Spoony" Antwiler. This interview was done as part of the $1.5 Million Stretch Goal.

Note: These videos contain adult language.

Part 1[edit]

Britannia Burns - Part 1

  1. Why make another "Good" game?
  2. What is Shroud of the Avatar like?
  3. What challenges were there in making a Serious Game?
  4. Why do you hate Boss Monsters?
  5. Everybody thinks they're the hero?
  6. EA is the real world Monster!

Part 2[edit]

Britannia Burns - Part 2

  1. Ultima - Martian Dreams
  2. Why dead Babies?
  3. SotA Game Rating?
  4. Punch Children, don't kill them.
  5. "Belief" Challenge System
  6. Literature "Cracks"
  7. Situational Ethics
  8. Chicken (Mr 3-Shots) Gameplay Tease

Part 3[edit]

Britannia Burns - Part 3


  1. Post UO/EQ/WoW World
  2. Why doesn't Lord British save our dying?!
  3. The Triple Crossbow!
  4. How should Lord British be portrayed?
  5. The Alter?
  6. Placebo Weapons!
  7. SotA and Star Citizen Cross Weapon.
  8. Cheat Room?
  9. Avatar vs. Lord British