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Community Livestream/Exploring Longfall Woods

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00:00 hey there we are wow that camera is
00:03 close
00:03 hey everybody community livestream here
00:06 at poor Larian for shroud of the avatar
00:07 and I have with me star I thought I'd
00:09 bring them in right away because we've
00:11 got really cool scene long pole woods
00:13 which is coming up in release 45 and
00:16 just two weeks I think you're really
00:19 static two weeks yeah so we are going to
00:22 show that and we're going to have people
00:24 come back on the stream and give us a
00:27 tour of what he's done to the to the UM
00:29 clone scene but first we have just a
00:31 couple of quick news items as always and
00:34 we didn't get this to you last time but
00:36 we have a few questions that we thought
00:40 we'd highlight from the how many pages
00:43 of questions that usually 22 on page
00:45 from from their release 44 post-mortem
00:48 livestream amazing how many questions
00:49 you guys send us so we we have by the
00:52 way in the forms that answer list that
00:55 list of questions with answers I should
00:57 say from star in the forum so you can
01:00 check that out now but we picked out a
01:02 few that he'll read off for you guys in
01:05 a minute here but couple of community
01:06 things first it was just posted in the
01:11 forums community member I hope I
01:14 pronounced its right QV r was in the
01:18 hospital recently and just got back home
01:21 had some difficulties and we just wanted
01:25 to to say jubeir you're you're awesome
01:27 you are a great community member and
01:30 we're glad that you are getting through
01:32 this and recovering hopefully well and
01:35 just keep us informed the community is
01:37 there for you as well there was a post
01:39 by Liz the Wiz she was kind enough to
01:42 mention you in the community forms and
01:46 let us know how you are doing so we are
01:50 hearts call to you and we hope you were
01:54 able to post in the forum so let's know
01:56 you're doing yourself soon and speed
01:59 that we're also send out our thoughts to
02:01 a brain who is back home with these for
02:05 now she's out of the hospital and
02:07 we're thinking about you are lady chaos
02:09 as well so glad you're out of the
02:12 hospital for now and sorry game be in
02:15 the game just yet yeah so many great
02:18 community members and just you know this
02:21 is what makes the community is
02:22 supporting each other
02:23 yep so aside from that we have the
02:27 trailer contest by the way is still
02:29 going on I've extended it from the 18th
02:31 which what they do they teamed it what's
02:34 going to end today but I gave you
02:36 another weekend so that contest and now
02:39 on the 22nd next week you have this
02:41 weekend to come up with a cool trailer
02:43 and in case you haven't you know
02:46 actually read through the list of what
02:49 we are asking for the contest trailers
02:52 it's two options there's the full and a
02:56 half two minutes and there's a thirty
02:59 second kind of an advertisment trailer
03:01 you can do one or the other you can do
03:03 both if you want so it's up to you and
03:04 we've already seen some that have been
03:06 submitted there in the forms as well
03:08 it's really cool ones and we're very
03:10 excited to see which other ones come in
03:12 last minute we have a question that just
03:16 came in to chat from grimace will
03:20 long-ball woods the scene that we are
03:22 going to be showing here on the live
03:24 stream in a few minutes have fishing
03:26 spots
03:27 we will ask sea wolves that so basically
03:30 this is what because would we need our
03:32 whole a little like radio sound bang
03:35 bang you're like I want to know zibolski
03:38 corner an Ikea so you know how like I
03:40 want the two year plan know like we'll
03:42 see what Sea Wolf we need that like the
03:45 helicopter one you know seems like you
03:48 know how like they helicopter how old is
03:52 Mary is I don't know all the tool to
03:56 alright next news item moving on here
04:00 upcoming events calendar we got a couple
04:02 of new events from the community that
04:03 you guys submitted thank you for
04:05 submitting to those submitting those
04:06 directly to me when you do that I know
04:09 about them immediately and within a few
04:11 minutes usually can get them in our
04:13 community
04:13 calendar which is on the website though
04:15 the main menu right in the middle the
04:17 main menu community tab
04:18 all good things community are in that
04:20 tab that drop down community event
04:23 calendar we've got spotlights which by
04:24 the way we had a spotlight this past
04:26 Wednesday started those off again so
04:28 check that one out and if you have a
04:30 town that is have not been spotlighted
04:33 yet let us know we'd love to show it off
04:35 other than that the role players of the
04:38 avatar
04:39 August writing contest is still going on
04:41 it is still August we have couple more
04:44 weeks for that and then they'll they
04:46 have a contest every month so a lot of
04:49 September one if you don't win on the
04:51 August one but if your writer check it
04:53 out it's cool also the monthly collie
04:55 writing contest is going on as well and
04:59 this Sunday at two o'clock
05:02 welcome home roast for calves Phoenix
05:05 Fire this is a little event that's being
05:08 put on by the community in Port Phoenix
05:10 home of calves so if you want to attend
05:13 that we will be there as well and of
05:16 course once again just want to remind
05:18 you guys if you're in the Chicago City
05:21 of Angels area the Mad Hatter in-person
05:28 event is going on October 6 so you have
05:31 some time to figure your plans out if
05:33 you want to fly in for that but I hear
05:34 it's going to be quite interesting other
05:37 than that that's my news I don't know
05:39 what you got I've got all sorts of stuff
05:41 and by the way yes I'm where it was
05:44 Airwolf but that's kind of what makes it
05:47 funny you know the City of Angels
05:48 it's my ongoing I get the facts wrong
05:51 kind of a running joke which says if you
05:54 did enjoy that entity
05:55 alright anyway moving on so we put out
06:00 our weekly update once again surprise
06:03 surprise it's a weekly update on a
06:05 Friday uprising there's lots of amazing
06:08 stuff through it making a cricket shank
06:12 a new mat that's going to be going live
06:14 not in release 45 we're actually we've
06:17 already started work on release 46 maps
06:21 so we show the first one cricket Shane
06:26 it's got the story really loved as Matt
06:30 the story in it is hilariously dark you
06:34 guys are gonna love it and also some
06:38 more updates on noir guard garments
06:40 including if you look closely there's a
06:43 new female hairstyle in there that's
06:46 going to go into the hairstyles
06:49 elections maybe not in movies 45 but
06:51 definitely Louise 46 and as Barrett
06:54 mentioned the 20 plus question that we
06:57 didn't have time to get to joining a
07:00 health on 20 yeah not 20 questions 20
07:03 pages of question we absolutely got to
07:07 and quick answer and post it in the
07:09 forums of which I will pick a few to
07:12 answer here those are those are posted
07:16 the forums and so if you were kind of
07:18 question that you asked that we didn't
07:20 answer her and tell on you those got
07:22 answered and I know that there's a few
07:24 that could somehow I got missus mix I'll
07:27 try and get to those as well and we're
07:30 hiring so I'm happy to announce that we
07:32 have hired a sound designer she starts
07:35 on Monday and she's going to be awesome
07:40 she's gonna love my voice yes we Todd
07:42 starts hanging guys singing you guys
07:44 have not heard me singing yet but she's
07:46 gonna she's going to help me with that
07:47 and then next we have to be awesome and
07:50 so where we've opened up our next
07:53 position which is a web developer that
07:56 posted given the update and on our
07:59 website so if you know anybody looking
08:02 for position that's willing to live in
08:03 Austin or is already here definitely
08:06 send them our way free trial is live
08:09 right now that's going to be running up
08:11 right up until the next release give
08:13 lives all with the 30th and we're going
08:16 to be at a bunch of cons in so I'm going
08:21 to be speaking at packs tab in Seattle
08:23 on the 30th right after that heading
08:26 across the United States over to Atlanta
08:29 where rich and I are going to be on 11
08:33 this one goes to 11 11 panels at Dragon
08:38 Con
08:39 all the time that all of the same bad no
08:41 not columns in it although it feels like
08:43 it
08:44 Richard is actually Richard as the
08:46 victim there you do I think on one day
08:48 yet like five different panels in like
08:50 four different hotels so dry so will be
08:54 a drank on and Oh Ann Richards at
08:58 Gamescom next week so he's on two
09:01 different panels there so we're we're
09:03 all over the place plenty of opportunity
09:04 for you guys to meet up with us and then
09:06 this weekend our sale is in celebration
09:10 of rint so ins and bulletin boards and
09:15 mail and things like that so I'm gonna
09:19 play - what is the rent play - very good
09:22 yeah it's not about the rent it's not
09:24 about to play it's good plays kind of
09:26 guards not about that yeah go check out
09:30 the sale for all things related to rent
09:33 and that's it and so up I'm gonna end
09:37 with some Q&A; five questions
09:42 see that's what I need the button like
09:43 these guys need the whole sound sound
09:46 serious questions you know it wouldn't
09:49 be a buzzer like no not a buzzer they
09:52 never get him
09:53 that's why we need weed s we decided if
09:55 you click now see wouldn't know could be
09:58 things they're SIG's question oh I get
10:01 is a P so then I wouldn't see it then I
10:04 wouldn't say it I press a button I would
10:07 say to the cool voice with right not
10:10 like not my voice a cool voice see you
10:11 around background no not a people here
10:14 no no okay all right here we go
10:19 let's see rider loot I don't oh so it be
10:23 questions that we're going to answer
10:24 today these are a selection from the
10:26 post mortem question post that blood in
10:31 the forums right now so Reiner loot as
10:35 can we expect to see different items to
10:37 salvage and hopefully get patterns from
10:39 like the lid Jackson except we need a
10:43 blade mode version to sobriety weapon
10:46 for weapons waiting below yet so we plan
10:50 to continually add
10:51 more recipes and patterns of a game
10:54 every release and forever and so just
10:59 this upcoming release there's going to
11:00 be I think at least a four different
11:04 sword patterns and four or five
11:07 different cloth armor patterns and so
11:12 there's there's actually going to be
11:14 multiple patterns going this Kujo asks
11:20 with limited amount of land rattling
11:22 what's the long-term plan to ensure new
11:24 players X years down the road will be
11:26 able to housing so each episode so right
11:33 now what we're working on is episode 1
11:36 and so the land that's available right
11:38 now has a finite amount of housing and
11:42 that we're not going to expand any any
11:44 housing that's there however each
11:48 episode to support this story for that
11:51 episode will include a certain amount of
11:54 land for that story and that will have
11:58 room for a certain amount of housing as
12:01 well so each episode which will come out
12:05 approximately every you know Katie
12:09 months-ish that will put out a new story
12:13 that will include some new land as well
12:16 but that besides that the renting system
12:20 opens up a ton of new room like spaces
12:24 for players to live in and that that so
12:28 there's going to be tons and tons
12:29 there's already tons and tons of the
12:32 spaces in fact I talked to lots of
12:34 players now now that the routing system
12:35 comes online at L online that they have
12:38 rooms to rent ready for players right
12:41 now so that's that's that's already
12:45 there all right let's see DAC diddler
12:49 asks for stealing penalties what would
12:52 happen if we were naked carrying no gold
12:54 in her below level forty where with
12:57 which right now interval a level forty
13:00 there's no decay penalty so what he's
13:02 talking about is right now
13:05 in the current release when guards catch
13:07 you stealing they find you for money and
13:11 that's all that happens
13:12 but in this upcoming release they're
13:14 also going to invoke the death decay
13:18 penalty if you don't have any money on
13:21 you this is to combat people who are
13:24 like we're like haha get around system
13:26 by you know having no gold so in that
13:31 case we will invoke the decay and it's
13:35 going to ignore whatever level you are
13:37 is just gonna happen
13:39 let's see Black Knight asks we get the
13:42 questions again when replaying the past
13:44 ie no need to pick the old guitar back
13:46 yet so when you do the quest reset it
13:50 actually deletes all your quest items
13:52 and you'll get new ones when you go and
13:54 play the quest lines again let the Makah
13:58 knows a que Elena Strongbow serious
14:03 question can we get to love recognition
14:05 for those of us popping out videos for
14:06 soda lace and such yeah yes sending much
14:10 love thank you everyone making videos
14:13 and things like that I like lace like
14:15 have a hero we love you love you love
14:17 you those are awesome thank you thank
14:19 you
14:20 black bro up to that point we are always
14:24 happy to share those on social that's at
14:27 least we can do besides just giving our
14:29 love here early we will share them on
14:32 Twitter Facebook etc put them maybe in
14:35 the weekly update as a spotlight that
14:37 sort of thing so I always have to do
14:38 that that gives you more coverage and
14:42 lastly black rogue has blue how about a
14:46 pirate bundle so right now we're not we
14:51 don't have any mere firm plans to do
14:53 another bundles that we think we have
14:56 several enough bundles for now however
15:01 we have talked about another set of
15:04 bundles and if we do another set of
15:05 bundles the one number one bundle set
15:10 that comes up every time we talked about
15:12 it is to do a pirate bundle so if we do
15:14 another bundle pirates is probably going
15:17 to be the number one
15:17 are yes the only pirate talk to our
15:20 daughter yes right so there be pirate
15:22 bundle in the future look like lark but
15:26 not not for a lot of me mateys
15:29 all right on that note I will leave it
15:33 to Sea Wolf
15:35 Oh actually I think Sea Wolf with a
15:39 submarine no one in here no arrows
15:43 woodwind who either will they write what
15:46 they will but see that was the joke it
15:47 was you know terrible joke alright now
15:52 that I've filled my terrible jokes you
15:54 go I'm going to go down and everyone's
15:57 in two people yeah these workouts looks
15:59 alright okay thanks everyone thank you
16:03 alright so one of you asked where are
16:06 the prizes well I have some prizes here
16:09 where bring back a few things that we to
16:14 throw I'll just shared here but see
16:15 what's going to join us in just a second
16:17 here bring back a few things from last
16:19 couple of weeks
16:21 ornate Viking short and again or bass or
16:25 sword because I'm reeling in shorts are
16:26 some you like the bastard sword hey
16:28 what's happening hello I'm just I'm
16:31 prepping for prizes here the most
16:33 exciting part of the livestream so we'll
16:37 give away one of those I'm going to try
16:39 to stay to one each this time I think
16:42 hearing I think the same way to do it
16:46 any yeah be like a complaining are the
16:48 best
16:49 oh no no no just too many in general
16:52 good I'm just so nice so one each and
16:57 elven elite mage fighter or Archer armor
17:01 will give away your choice of 103 a
17:04 glowing mushroom pack which is the prize
17:07 we gave away on the last livestream on
17:10 Twitter speaking of Twitter we are
17:13 giving away 10 photos on Twitter now
17:16 what that means for those just tuning in
17:18 or those who haven't seen the last few
17:20 live streams it boot scoot over here so
17:22 you can't we get equal opportunity of
17:24 visual space on that cam
17:26 so what that means is we we give away
17:29 the prizes here throughout the
17:30 livestream as normal if you're on disk
17:33 or chat or twitch chat doesn't matter
17:35 which one discourages our main we'll
17:37 give away a few prizes the ones I just
17:39 listed and then for those during this
17:41 live stream that tweet hashtag lb SOT a
17:46 Lord British shroud of the avatar or at
17:50 shroud Oh avatars
17:51 not shroud of the avatar for Twitter
17:53 because that's too long if they wouldn't
17:55 let it it's like a 15 character limited
17:57 shrouded avatar we have that old list on
18:00 our website easy to find those links
18:02 mention the live stream that you watched
18:05 it that you participated at they wanted
18:08 to win a prize that you're having fun
18:09 playing shroud avatar anything like that
18:12 at all that when we go and check we can
18:14 see oh here's the list of people that
18:16 watched what we were talking about a
18:17 live stream and will randomly select one
18:20 of those to win the ten Cotto's tanco
18:23 does Koto's being crowns of these
18:25 obsidian which our in-game coins that
18:29 you can purchase certain things in the
18:31 game for so it's all in-game stuff here
18:33 today for you guys and if you again if
18:36 you win please message barrack in
18:38 discord or show the avatar on twitch
18:40 your account name and what you want or
18:44 what choice of what you want so that we
18:46 can order to mercy Jersey says I'm not
18:51 on Twitch yes you are because you're in
18:52 the twitch chat right now okay alright
18:55 so let's move on here to rearranging our
18:59 windows just a little bit so that we can
19:01 get unity we're going to use unity right
19:03 now yeah weird and what are we showing
19:05 long fall woods oh speaking of that I
19:08 have a question for you well a community
19:10 member has a question for you okay they
19:12 said a big fisherman will along fall
19:17 would have fishing spot as of right now
19:20 no but I might talk to Dan about well
19:25 not yet does it have hi hello Sara
19:28 any Mormon enjoy I don't know who you
19:31 are are you
19:32 therapy
19:32 I what do you do here at fort alert I'm
19:35 customer support and I'm now I'm
19:38 embarrassed by your lighter okay I was
19:47 actually going to a teacher but I've
19:50 read them a blessing on ticket so this
19:52 was something back to this question this
19:54 was something I actually want our son
19:55 are there any water spots actually
19:57 there's only puddles right now it's
19:59 puddle so if we want to announce we can
20:00 fish for minnows that's sure
20:03 but I was considering adding a spot
20:05 because there were fishing spots here
20:06 before and I don't want to take those
20:08 away so I'll probably end up adding a
20:09 little pool somewhere like that song
20:12 works for toshin so there's that
20:15 possibility it's probably going to high
20:17 school
20:17 okay let's scary there you guys go no
20:19 it's not certain what if I died or
20:21 something we we are will make a digger
20:24 of that and we'll get it yeah could you
20:27 all right
20:28 so noted on that and I love fishing - so
20:31 great to bring up now speaking of
20:34 bringing up we got to get unity in here
20:37 story guys as we juggle this if I had
20:40 another personal to me it still probably
20:43 wouldn't feel much better because we
20:45 just have to do this on the fly anyway I
20:47 think I got it no I just need to do
20:49 flips right oh there it is there it is
20:52 good all right so we're going to cover
20:55 ourselves up here for just a second and
20:57 then I am going to dear okay well anyway
21:07 let's have see what while we're doing
21:10 this
21:11 listen carefully we are about to give
21:14 away the first prize so you go ahead and
21:16 pick one of those except for the Twitter
21:17 one mmm going to go with the bastard
21:22 sort the Ordnung of ISIL or did that
21:24 that's a nigga that all when they get a
21:26 target yeah or any Viking short or
21:28 bastards
21:29 all right or watch the short or the
21:32 bastard sword or innate Viking short or
21:36 the ornate bastard sword you get choice
21:39 type in exclamation so artists I think
21:43 what makes most sense here so
21:44 exclamation sort on this court and
21:46 which go go go go and we will get a nice
21:49 little wrapper around this unity window
21:52 here in just a second so that it looks
21:55 just a little bit better or all this
21:56 they know we'll move on but let's say we
22:00 do this real quick while you guys are
22:01 spinning the wheels on exclamation sword
22:06 but I cannot no you can't probably get a
22:09 programmer to rail rip they could do all
22:11 this for you right yeah you know we we
22:15 actually have oh this one the other new
22:17 thing I guess I say everybody here so
22:20 you guys just listening in we're just
22:21 we're getting our little here let me
22:23 actually rearrange that okay there we
22:28 are again all right it only lasts for a
22:30 moment don't worry our faces are not
22:32 here that long here we go here we go
22:33 here we go okay so I'm going to get a
22:36 little wrapper just to pretty this up
22:38 but now you guys can see this again good
22:40 points on that about getting a little
22:44 bit more help here on the live stream
22:45 the community you guys actually help our
22:48 regular live streams the post-mortems
22:50 and the lives of the telethon which now
22:53 are the combined post-mortem mini
22:55 telephones for hours once a month where
22:58 we answer your questions about the
23:01 previous release or that pretty much
23:04 crews released but any future questions
23:06 on what's coming up as well and we have
23:09 a few community members that come in and
23:11 help with the live stream managing
23:14 social posting updates for you guys on
23:16 Twitter watching the cat for questions
23:20 all that sort of stuff and we have a
23:23 document that we're tracking right now
23:26 on those who have helped in the past but
23:28 also you guys who are you have to be
23:31 here in Austin so I know it's only a few
23:32 you guys that want to you know help out
23:36 but there's some online opportunities as
23:38 well so potentially if you want help
23:39 with one of these live streams in some
23:41 way even putting on any cool fun event
23:44 in the game for everybody in game while
23:46 the live stream is running let me know
23:48 or just if it's in-game right
23:50 we're always happy to to make a mention
23:53 of those on social as I mentioned
23:54 earlier
23:57 all right so where was I okay mean your
24:00 files okay so I'm going to just get this
24:04 little wrapper there it is there it is
24:06 okay
24:07 I forgot we we just updated our pizza
24:10 program here we want to have it I think
24:14 so I'm on the right doesn't it so
24:18 they're fresh it all nice together we
24:24 updated our live stream your program
24:27 tearing to reset a few things that I
24:28 didn't realize until I started okay how
24:31 about that
24:32 swords so exclamation Barrett very nice
24:35 of you fools and cron of adept that it's
24:41 not going to work on the spin here why
24:44 don't you it's going to be a little slow
24:49 here so let's start with the scene here
24:51 we'll get to that sword in just a second
24:53 guys take it away short actually I mean
24:58 it can't be more than right about this
25:01 and this is we're showing long fall
25:04 woods right that is true it looks like
25:07 the edges of seen at the moment here and
25:09 we're going into play mode right now
25:11 unity has design mode which is what you
25:13 see here with all of the directory and
25:16 then options along the outside of the
25:20 theme and then we're just about snapping
25:23 into play mode at the moment which
25:25 allows us to see the scene as you would
25:28 in the game yeah
25:31 maybe jiggles it actually you know the
25:35 music let us know guys when you think of
25:37 music I set the audio on our art
25:40 streaming program a little bit
25:42 differently this time that should allow
25:44 you to hear the music just a bit in the
25:46 background so you have a little bit more
25:48 than just our voices if it's a
25:50 distraction no let us know
25:52 yeah we're hope we get the same helps
25:54 with the baby it will I lowered it up
25:56 there so I think it'll be fine actually
25:59 so let's just leave it for a second so
26:00 everybody says all right so long haul
26:03 woods is kind of near Blood River
26:04 outskirts or Blood River and in that
26:08 area where elves are getting decimated
26:09 and vigilantes are hunting them down so
26:12 that's kind of except that theme is
26:14 extending into this map and here we have
26:17 well technically four different factions
26:20 if you want to call them faction we have
26:23 a family of elves a group of spiders
26:27 spiders in some undead and then
26:30 vigilantes that are searching and trying
26:32 to hunt down this family of else so I'll
26:37 show off the spiders first this is just
26:41 a - - I think it's tier two scene yeah
26:43 to get to two scenes these are you know
26:47 pretty low tiered spiders we're all tier
26:52 two and then as you come through here
26:55 I'll show you where the spider Dan is
26:59 really I wish I knew where the spider
27:02 Dan wasn't in my apartment but that yeah
27:07 well hopefully it's not as big as this
27:09 one so this is a very heavily forested
27:14 you know for arcade right he had this
27:16 sort of crack to the serene where light
27:19 noise she can come Zuri but this is a
27:21 cool spider day I actually would maybe
27:23 with some armor
27:25 go to an adventure yeah there's no
27:29 spiders in here right now because Dan
27:31 still has to do a spawning pass where
27:34 we're gonna have some actual spider eggs
27:35 they pop out of it we have a someone on
27:39 discourage those move the camera zoom
27:40 back you there you link showing stuff
27:48 off all right okay can you turn the see
27:53 if we can turn go up there to the speed
27:56 see okay you see the mic i'm doing i'm
27:59 doing direction for just the audio is we
28:01 got a couple people here officer like a
28:04 very odd yeah yeah i'm going to try to
28:07 turn down here to a little and i'll see
28:10 that's off I think oh wait there it is
28:12 okay you may still be able to hear it
28:13 I've got it about as low as it can go
28:16 that's not turning up Sentinel right I
28:18 just don't know just the I can turn it
28:20 down in the game well every time we have
28:22 to reset the darn thing so I'm you know
28:24 we have it up there it'll be good yeah
28:25 okay down here you'll find a bigger
28:27 spider you know mama spider that aspire
28:30 we're going to call it with that I don't
28:32 know you'll have to check them out later
28:33 you can play the map I'll give you a
28:37 hint though it's obviously it's one of
28:39 the vigilantes but he is important to a
28:41 sort of puzzle there blue monkeys has a
28:45 gorgeous level design
28:46 thank you well notice I'm jumping over
28:49 these ferns right now because they don't
28:50 they stop collision on them or for this
28:53 release we're going to we're going to
28:54 get rid of that collision
28:55 you're jumping him over you're jumping
28:57 over them because they applied in Heidi
28:59 even though the net ID well looks good
29:04 way that prize that sword is out there
29:06 right now will give a 10 more seconds
29:10 exclamations over ten more seconds oh
29:12 it's raining now - I guess that makes
29:15 sense is a pretty force not a jumble
29:18 regular it's a forest so this is kind of
29:21 loosely based off flood Fangorn forest
29:23 from Lord of the Rings like it's
29:25 supposed to be the sort of dark sort of
29:27 jury forest the weather data we have
29:28 right now is probably going to get
29:29 updated hutches working on weather data
29:32 for another scene that will
29:33 bring in the fog distance a bit closer
29:37 to make it a little darker in here right
29:39 now I just have it constantly raining
29:41 but that'll probably change to a foggy
29:44 year there's a spider you know I want to
29:46 be able to see far enough because this
29:48 place can get really you know it's kind
29:50 of a labyrinth it can be difficult to
29:51 navigate with lots of fog so I'm waiting
29:57 for that sort of it intermittent like
29:59 intermediary fog that's not so intense
30:03 which is something that which is working
30:05 that's not all right we've got a winner
30:07 here for the sword Congrats to old new
30:10 gamer on discord you get a choice of the
30:14 ornate where's my notes here it gives us
30:18 backwards horny Mike in short sort or
30:20 the ornate bastard sword go ahead and
30:22 check these out in the add-on store on
30:25 the main website if you're curious to
30:27 know what they look like in which one
30:28 you want all these items they actually
30:30 are listed in the add-on store and let
30:34 us know message barrack let's let's spin
30:39 another one here right away we have the
30:41 choice of the elven elite mage spider or
30:44 Archer Armour and going rusher pack
30:45 which one should we give away Richards
30:47 all right mushrooms exclamation
30:49 mushrooms so some people in that area
30:53 leaders
30:53 I added some into my two-story Viking
30:57 dual balcony library in hometown you
31:02 guys are interested in checking out the
31:03 library I could use some more books in
31:05 it actually I'm running low on books and
31:09 ever all the books are on the shelves
31:11 and I have like three times this self
31:12 state so I need more books for that
31:14 library but I've put some mushrooms in
31:16 there as well so this is the home of the
31:20 elves family those that live here and
31:23 they're kind of survivalists which is
31:25 why they've survived for so long
31:27 also known as Preppers right people that
31:29 sort of prepare for catastrophes Arnab
31:33 meshes and banquette so these guys are
31:35 going to walk around in strange places
31:38 so you come down here there's actually a
31:43 kind of like a fallout shelter
31:45 technically not a fallout children
31:46 because it's not designed to withstand
31:48 like an atomic blast or anyone dad but
31:50 but the place where they can hide away
31:52 looks like it's good from people like
31:54 the vigilantes yeah they have you know
31:58 basically just a second home down here
32:00 right they got a kitchen bedroom two
32:03 bedrooms and then they also have kind of
32:05 like a weapon salute sort of small
32:07 Arsenal you know I'm not lame and then a
32:09 huge supply closet you know you've got
32:12 that in here what's that you know what's
32:14 not in any okay trivia question everyone
32:17 trivia question has nothing to do with
32:19 this scene I'm totally derail in the
32:21 live show your work what room in as far
32:26 as I can tell every single sci-fi show
32:29 or any fantasy non-reality based show is
32:35 not there is not shown it's not talked
32:40 about and it's not missing either you
32:44 have a few minutes for everybody think
32:45 about that while you're talking about
32:46 which room which which room of a an
32:50 abode a living space is not there oh
32:54 yeah
32:56 I know a couple yeah everybody's yes
33:00 that was an easy one I actually grimace
33:02 very good I didn't think of that one
33:05 guess what he said
33:07 what did he say well everybody guessed
33:08 for the most part correct bathroom of
33:10 water closet etc a toilet right grim had
33:14 said laundry room there you go well
33:17 that's another room yeah a lot of people
33:19 did kind of like their lot may didn't
33:22 necessarily have a room for laundry same
33:23 with like they all they often had
33:24 outhouses too because you know unless
33:27 you're like in a city which is pretty
33:28 sinks and you don't want to be near it
33:30 which we have in our n8 how we move in
33:32 the game it's very nice which pick that
33:34 one so here we have a one of the riddle
33:37 doors you have to solve the riddle to
33:41 open it I'm not going to solve the
33:42 riddle and show you the solution you're
33:43 going to figure it out and say it again
33:44 sorry about that I'm - look guys your
33:46 attack excellent ghosts real quick
33:51 you can't fight him you're not strong
33:54 enough that what you're saying I'm
33:55 saying that I'm not here to fight them
33:57 I'm here to show off a little this will
34:01 have a some sort of loot I'm going to
34:03 let Dan decide what to put in here the
34:05 enemies may also change lives the
34:11 Whitsett nursery yeah that's another one
34:13 there's a lot of different rooms like
34:14 that Star Trek laundry is replicated
34:17 good point I mean some people literally
34:22 just do their laundry like in the river
34:23 like go and they wash it in the river
34:25 and then hang it out to dry
34:26 yes I do well I don't mean I didn't mean
34:30 like anymore I made like back in the day
34:31 really then you do that cool okay or if
34:34 you live in a third-world country they
34:36 do that develop short developing country
34:40 unless they decided not to develop maybe
34:42 they don't window so what else we got
34:46 here who is that these are some of the
34:48 vigilant vigilantes actually I'm not
34:51 going to go there because there's not
34:52 much to show over there instead on top
34:54 the the vigilante camp cool yeah this is
34:57 really neat see let's know guys if you
35:01 have any questions or see will appear on
35:04 all his work that we're showing off
35:06 today for long fall woods and we have a
35:10 winner for the mushroom the mushroom
35:13 pack by the way the mushroom pack is the
35:15 entire mushroom pack so this is blowing
35:19 mushroom pack has the blue green and
35:22 orange mushrooms in both the potted and
35:25 non potted forms so you'll have plenty
35:27 to decorate a mana sized home with that
35:32 it goes to shows and our sh o
35:37 exclamation thinned our congrats chosen
35:41 dark pointing that mushroom pack and
35:43 let's go ahead and spin right away on
35:45 the third and final we have well not
35:51 there quite final don't forget everybody
35:53 the ten Koto's is also being given away
35:56 on twitter right now so you just have -
35:57 take lb sot a lord great show - the
36:00 avatar
36:01 or apps relative avatar on Twitter
36:03 something about this livestream that you
36:05 watched it that sort of thing you're
36:07 having fun playing the game and
36:09 hopefully anyway and that will enter you
36:14 in for a chance to win those Koto's but
36:15 the last immediate item to win for the
36:18 lottery is the elven elite mage fighter
36:21 or Archer armor set and that is a choice
36:29 for you guys so let's do exclamation not
36:33 exclamation bathroom X connection armor
36:37 for a chance to win that will give that
36:39 away at the end of the livestream cool
36:44 so here's the the vigilante can't see
36:47 they've got some places to hang some
36:50 elves when they find them you know
36:51 there's they're like hunting for this
36:53 family they know they're in this area in
36:56 fact you can probably encounter some of
36:58 these guys that have been killed by the
37:01 family's traps the family has a whole
37:02 series of traps that kind of prevent
37:05 these guys from taunting them so the
37:08 family's hiding out they know that these
37:11 vigilantes are after them and the
37:14 vigilantes are prepping for the capture
37:18 of the family if they can get it yeah
37:21 which sounds like the family knows what
37:23 they're doing to a point here yeah I
37:26 mean there they've been able to survive
37:27 the song for a reason
37:33 that's pretty much it for the PIO eyes I
37:36 do have this really excited add a couple
37:39 of new rooms for the hour rune stone or
37:43 standing stone set
37:46 well while you're finding that we have a
37:48 question from this synthetic ask see
37:53 will to put a min box in the scene for
37:56 effort we'll probably have one behind
38:02 that riddle door I would guess there
38:05 you're going to be up to Dan Dan's doing
38:06 a kind of the more advanced spine
38:09 for this scene I've already moved on to
38:12 doing a couple of the things well there
38:14 are a few tweaks I still have to do in
38:16 this one here we go is you're interested
38:23 so I've added both the Sun and the moon
38:27 rings to this oh that's that's cool
38:31 that's a moon I expected to do that I'll
38:34 slow over to the Sun and these are just
38:37 used for puzzles and some things they're
38:42 just they don't work at all they're just
38:43 there for art so you'll have to interact
38:46 with them to find out how many stones
38:48 are there it's like in that entire
38:51 projects like how many varieties in the
38:54 scene in this scene there's six it feels
38:57 like this is like the seventh
38:59 element which would have been cool to
39:02 make I bet if you know the guy you know
39:05 the fifth element scene of the movie
39:07 yeah so each of these actually do
39:09 correspond to the an element of magic in
39:12 the game and I have two more to make I
39:14 have air and I have a Kaos one for you
39:16 but I'm going to make in case where you
39:17 ever find use for it just means we have
39:19 the texture space you must and if you're
39:21 old love peace well we do have the
39:24 generic magic rune stone already I don't
39:27 it's not love but you know this isn't if
39:30 adela which was a great movie
39:34 I don't think that well that's what
39:36 we're making right so what else you got
39:41 the show that's it as far as a few eyes
39:43 we are going to walk around for a bit
39:45 well this is great I can't wait to see
39:48 what you guys in the community think of
39:49 the scene when you get a chance to walk
39:51 around it this is long fall woods and it
39:54 will be they will with next release pub
39:56 leaks right yep all right that last
40:00 prize then I guess is coming up here
40:01 also let me read a couple of questions
40:04 for you guys
40:04 that are coming in now Behrend rockets
40:09 asks can we please he puts please in
40:13 there that's very good can we please get
40:15 these stones for use by players
40:17 these are profitable or purchased and
40:19 every cool really cool art to talk about
40:21 that possibility its possibility if I'm
40:23 going to if I'm going to do the work of
40:24 adding the rest of the rings to them it
40:26 would be kind of cool yeah yeah we we
40:29 will we will discuss it for sure good
40:32 question there barring rockets okay we
40:36 have a few minutes left of the
40:39 livestream so one more chance to win
40:41 that choice is the armor set type in
40:44 exclamation armor and you'll get a
40:46 chance to win your choice of the elven
40:48 elite mage fighter or archer armor
41:14 any traps oh yeah most of them are are
41:19 by the family I did alright yeah you
41:21 mentioned the bylaw yeah I showed her a
41:23 couple of Amelia but I can walk through
41:24 there I must been talking okay I can
41:28 show off some of those 10 seconds or
41:32 exclamation Harbor like down here we got
41:37 this is a trout that estimate made I end
41:40 up remaking it to fix a couple of things
41:43 but this is his trap you can stand on
41:47 this like this wall comes in and there
41:49 are also bear traps down there that I
41:50 wasn't in ghost mode they could
41:54 basically hold on to me and permit me
41:57 from being able to run through this
41:59 change alright we got a winner for the
42:03 armor armor goes to congrats to thunder
42:08 beard you'll appreciate that one let me
42:10 to re-render appear ok fuck with one
42:13 word thunder beard or two word excuse me
42:17 thunder beard Congrats thunder beard for
42:19 winning that armor piece don't forget
42:22 guys we have that 10 kodos if you want a
42:25 little bit of in-game Queen for the
42:28 Twitter prize I will respond on Twitter
42:31 a few minutes after this livestream with
42:34 the winner from that prize and that's
42:37 the only house today for Manas the very
42:40 cool items and if you guys get one of
42:44 these and play have you know like the
42:47 mushrooms anyway or the are they well
42:49 any of these would work except for the
42:50 cold exactly take a screenshot with them
42:53 and share that on social that would be
42:56 cool too I shared like you know want
43:00 people to folks cream shots or just
43:01 throw it in the screenshot form we have
43:03 our point for screenshot form you look
43:06 the screenshot section in the forum and
43:09 we'll put it forward 5 up there when our
43:12 45 phones are we just on fire it was on
43:14 fire yeah there's a couple of fire traps
43:16 you see the the dead vigilante that was
43:18 stuck through
43:19 but ran fortunately he was not paying
43:21 attention yeah well he's one of the
43:23 vigilantes in ER that's cutting down
43:24 this you know this family he got he got
43:27 killed I nocturnal llama yes that is
43:32 true those winners well they could have
43:34 been on Twitch as well as far as I know
43:36 but for the chat anyway they were looks
43:40 like all on discord they're all kind of
43:42 combined together but that doesn't look
43:44 to be the case that's what happens when
43:46 we use something completely random
43:48 sometimes it doesn't look random I guess
43:54 we'll have to get away more guys in next
43:56 time all of that I promise
43:58 one at least one additional prize next
44:01 time because the left I may not be
44:10 loaded up alright well that is the end
44:14 of the live stream I guess unless you
44:16 want to show more trucks I think we're
44:18 good I think I showed all of them
44:20 alright thank you guys for tuning in
44:22 here
44:23 we'll be watching Twitter in the next
44:25 couple minutes for you guys to win that
44:27 last prize if you have any other
44:28 questions for Seawolf ear that we didn't
44:31 get to you can always post in I think C
44:35 well if you have a couple of one blog
44:38 from last week's weekly update on long
44:41 fall woods yes but I spawned two that
44:43 ask any questions you want from a live
44:45 stream we respond to the next week's
44:48 youtubers and the live stream when we
44:50 get it up on YouTube and the twitch
44:54 version or you can message us on Twitter
44:58 or whatever give any questions on that
45:02 thank you guys thank you Kate storm
45:05 appreciate it Thank You spry one lift
45:09 Kimber and all the rest arm shafts for
45:12 tuning in today or to show you alright
45:15 actually I have a fancy shutdown way now
45:18 here we have always had kind of a rough
45:22 cut as I understand for you guys when
45:24 I'm talking and saying goodbye I cut off
45:27 in the middle of one of the words so I
45:30 have a nice cool endings
45:32 slide thingamajig here that I will toss
45:35 up now and that will allows moment to in
45:42 the livestream properly hopefully
45:44 alright have a good weekend everybody
45:46 and share with us your screenshots in
45:48 the game over this weekend looking
45:50 forward to those trailers to
46:00 you