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Duke Founder (City Home)

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Duke Founder (City Home)
House Deed icon.png

Duke Founder (City Home)
Duke Founder (City Home) icon.png

SotA Founder Duke Castle.jpg
Lot Size City, Keep or Castle Home or Waterfront
Availability Founder Duke pledge reward

The sprawling, three-story castle contains 15 rooms with an expansive roof-deck! It is reserved for Founders who pledge at the Duke level.



The Mad Hermit provided the following video walkthrough of this home:



Originally Duke Founders only received the island castle as their house reward and there was no house reward for Benefactors. After creating the Duke Island Castle, Portalarium realized they could take that same castle and create a land version that could be placed on any City lot (not just a water lot). Then in turn they decided to create a Benefactor version as well[1].