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5 Paintings for Stephanie Broadmeadow

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5 Paintings for Stephanie Broadmeadow
Location: Ardoris
NPCs: Stephanie Broadmeadow
Quest Items: Painting (Butcher Shop), Painting (Ladies In Waiting), Painting (Pastoral Village), Painting (Portrait Of A Gentleman), Painting (Portrait Of A Lady)
Description: Stephanie Broadmeadow wants to buy 5 different paintings.

This is a Daily Quest in Ardoris. If you give 5 specific paintings (one of each painting) to Stephanie Broadmeadow, he will give you a reward (which includes XP, gold, and a Ring of the Mouse, Common).

The 5 paintings can be found as loot throughout the world from chests, killed creatures, supply bundles, etc. The 5 specific paintings are:

Make sure you have all 5 of the exact specific paintings listed above. You can only complete this quest when you have these 5 specific paintings in your inventory. This quest once completed can be done once a day for a reward.

Easter Egg[edit]

Stephanie Broadmeadow is an Easter Egg that refers to a real world person: see this post for details.


Stephanie Broadmeadow in Ardoris wants me to pay me for a full set of famous paintings: Butcher Shop, Ladies in Waiting, Pastoral Village, Portrait of a Gentleman, and Portrait of a Lady. She doesn't care if they're authorized copies or even blatant forgeries... she thinks she can sell them to art lovers who apparently don't know any better. She'll reward me handsomely every day I bring her a new full set.