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Stephanie Broadmeadow

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Stephanie Broadmeadow
Location: Ardoris

Continent: Novia

Title: Shady Art Dealer
First Seen: Release 78

Stephanie Broadmeadow is a Shady Art Dealer that can be found in an alley west of Deng Zhou, the Public Vendor in Ardoris.

  • Hail, friend. I'm Stephanie Broadmeadow. Let me know if you'd like to help with my job. I buy and sell works of art. People pay lots of coin for whatever I sell them. Could be originals, could be unauthorized copies. Could even be forgeries, but you didn't hear that from me.


Keyword Spoiler


  • job, forgery

Quest/Output Overview:


Easter Egg[edit]

  • This character is named after Stéphane Breitwieser, a famous art thief. [1]

See also[edit]


External Links[edit]