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Character Creation
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After you create your character in the Magic Mirror your character will arrive in the tutorial Battle of Solace Bridge scene. These are all the default settings and items for a new character.
Starting Stats[edit]
Health: 120 (+10 from Healthy skill)
Focus: 101 (+1 from Heightened Awareness skill)
Str: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 10
Starting Equipment[edit]
Starting Crafting Tools[edit]
Starting Skills[edit]
Adventuring Skills[edit]
You gained 1,010,000 experience needed for skill development (plus daily 10,000 xp bonus)
- Bladed Combat 10
- Bludgeon Combat 10
- Ranged Combat 10
- Polearm Combat 10
- Glancing Blow 1
- Dodge 1
- Light 1
- Flame Fist 1
- Stone Fist 1
- Tap Soul 1
- Healing Touch 1
- Gust 1
- Healthy 10
- Distract 40
- Tame Creature 1
- Summoning 1
- Heightened Awareness 1
Crafting Skills[edit]
You gained 1,010,000 experience needed for skill development (plus daily 10,000 xp bonus)
- Mining Proficiency 1
- Foraging Proficiency 1
- Forestry Proficiency 1
- Field Dressing Proficiency 1
- Butchery Proficiency 1
- Smelting Proficiency 1
- Tanning Proficiency 1
- Milling Proficiency 1
- Textiles Proficiency 1
- Blacksmithing Proficiency 1
- Cooking Proficiency 1
- Carpentry Proficiency 1
- Alchemy Proficiency 1
- Tailoring Proficiency 1
Starting Emotes[edit]
- /Akimbo
- /BlowKiss
- /Bow
- /Cheer
- /Clap
- /CloseUmbrella
- /ComeHere
- /Crouch
- /Cry
- /Curtsey
- /Drink
- /Eat
- /Frown
- /Giggle
- /Goodbye
- /Gypsy
- /Headbang
- /Kneel
- /Laugh
- /LieDown
- /Nervous
- /No
- /NodHead
- /Nohear
- /Nosee
- /NoSpeak
- /OpenUmbrella
- /Point
- /Ponder
- /RaiseHand
- /ReadBook
- /ReadPaper
- /Scowl
- /ScratchHead
- /ShakeFist
- /ShakeHead
- /Sit
- /Smellbad
- /Smellgood
- /Smile
- /Smoke
- /Talk
- /TalkAngry1
- /Toast
- /Wave
- /Welcome
- /Writebook
- /Writepaper
- /Yawn
- /Yes
Starting Recipes[edit]
- Recipe: Potion of Focus
- Recipe: Potion of Focus, Lesser
- Recipe: Potion of Health, Lesser
- Recipe: Potion of Health
- Recipe: Potion of Restoration
- Recipe: Potion of Restoration, Lesser
- Recipe: Combine Gem Fragmants
- Recipe: Fracture Gem
- Recipe: Fracture Jewel
- Recipe: Reshape Pattern Remover
- Recipe: Reshape Player Vendor
- Recipe: Leather
- Recipe: Simple Leather Strap
- Recipe: Peacock Bass Trophy
- Recipe: Spotted Bass Trophy
- Recipe: Goliath Catfish Trophy
- Recipe: Sharptooth Catfish Trophy
- Recipe: Alligator Gar Trophy
- Recipe: Amberjack Mackerel Trophy
- Recipe: Marlin Trophy
- Recipe: Pike Trophy
- Recipe: Sailfish Trophy
- Recipe: King Salmon Trophy
- Recipe: Pacu Trophy
- Recipe: Tiger Shark Trophy
- Recipe: Hanging Tiger Shark Trophy
- Recipe: Sturgeon Trophy
- Recipe: Oscar Sunfish Trophy
- Recipe: Swordfish Trophy
- Recipe: Tarpon Trophy
- Recipe: Black Trout Trophy
- Recipe: Brook Trout Trophy
- Recipe: Mounted Tuna
- Recipe: Bluefin Tuna Trophy
- Recipe: Mahi-Mahi Tuna Trophy
- Recipe: Ammonite Trophy
- Recipe: Coelacanth Trophy
- Recipe: Dunkleosteus Trophy
- Recipe: Hanging Dunkleosteus Trophy
- Recipe: Ichthyosaurus Trophy
- Recipe: Moasaurus Trophy
- Recipe: Hanging Mosasaurus Trophy
- Recipe: Plesiosaurus Trophy
- Recipe: Hanging Plesiosaurus Trophy
- Recipe: Process Bear
- Recipe: Process Big Cat
- Recipe: Process Boar
- Recipe: Process Chicken
- Recipe: Process Cow
- Recipe: Process Crocodile
- Recipe: Process Deer
- Recipe: Process Dragon
- Recipe: Process Duck
- Recipe: Process Humanoid Corpse
- Recipe: Process Pig
- Recipe: Process Rabbit
- Recipe: Process Sheep
- Recipe: Process Squirrel
- Recipe: Process Stag
- Recipe: Process Turkey
- Recipe: Process Dark Unicorn
- Recipe: Process Light Unicorn
- Recipe: Process Wolf
- Recipe: Process Wyvern
- Recipe: Process Bass
- Recipe: Process Carp
- Recipe: Process Catfish
- Recipe: Process Cod
- Recipe: Process Gar
- Recipe: Process Mackerel
- Recipe: Process Marlin
- Recipe: Process Pacu
- Recipe: Process Pike
- Recipe: Process Sailfish
- Recipe: Process Salmon
- Recipe: Process Shark
- Recipe: Process Sturgeon
- Recipe: Process Sunfish
- Recipe: Process Swordfish
- Recipe: Process Tilapia
- Recipe: Process Trout
- Recipe: Process Tuna
- Recipe: Process Ammonite
- Recipe: Process Anomalocaris
- Recipe: Process Coelacanth
- Recipe: Process Dunkleosteus
- Recipe: Process Ichthyosauraus
- Recipe: Process Mosasaurus
- Recipe: Process Plesiosaurus
- Recipe: Process Trilobite
- Recipe: Process Tarpon
- Recipe: Repair Item (Major)
- Recipe: Repair Item (Minor)
- Recipe: Salvage Item
- Recipe: Dagger
- Recipe: Reshape Necklace
- Recipe: Reshape Heavy Armor Boots
- Recipe: Reshape Heavy Armor Gauntlets
- Recipe: Reshape Heavy Armor Helm
- Recipe: Reshape Heavy Armor Leggings
- Recipe: Reshape Heavy Armor Chest Armor
- Recipe: Reshape Ring
- Recipe: Reshape Shield
- Recipe: Reshape Pattern Remover
- Recipe: Reshape One-Handed Blade
- Recipe: Reshape Two-Handed Blade
- Recipe: Iron Hilt
- Recipe: Iron Dagger Blade
- Recipe: Repair Item (Major)
- Recipe: Repair Item (Minor)
- Recipe: Salvage Item
- Recipe: Cloth Boots
- Recipe: Cloth Gloves
- Recipe: Cloth Helm
- Recipe: Reshape Back Slot
- Recipe: Reshape Light Armor Boots
- Recipe: Reshape Light Armor Gauntlets
- Recipe: Reshape Light Armor Helm
- Recipe: Reshape Light Armor Leggings
- Recipe: Reshape Light Armor Chest Armor
- Recipe: Reshape Book
- Recipe: Reshape Long Banner
- Recipe: Reshape Short Banner
- Recipe: Reshape Free Standing Long Banner
- Recipe: Reshape Free Standing Short Banner
- Recipe: Reshape Pattern Remover
- Recipe: Cotton Cloth Bow String
- Recipe: Repair Item (Major)
- Recipe: Repair Item (Minor)
- Recipe: Salvage Item
- Recipe: Short Bow
- Recipe: Reshape Pattern Remover
- Recipe: Reshape Basement Entrance
- Recipe: Reshape Beek Cask
- Recipe: Reshape Spirits Cask
- Recipe: Reshape Wine Cask
- Recipe: Reshape Round Table
- Recipe: Reshape Storage Chest
- Recipe: Reshape Throne
- Recipe: Reshape One-Handed Bludgeon
- Recipe: Reshape One-Handed Polearm
- Recipe: Reshape Two-Handed Bludgeon
- Recipe: Reshape Bow
- Recipe: Reshape Crossbow
- Recipe: Reshape Two-Handed Polearm
- Recipe: Pine Short Bowstave
- Recipe: Chair
- Recipe: Table
Obsidian Forge[edit]
The following information is based on build SotA.QA.Win.64.1296.Date.02.22.22 but may not be accurate for an account made on the Live server.