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Community:Ring of Destiny
Guild Data | |
Name: | Ring of Destiny |
Arms: | |
Established: | 2014/06/20 |
Members: | 5 |
PvP: | Any |
Playstyle: | Unknown |
Roleplay: | None |
Location: | Unknown |

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Ring of Destiny is the manifestation of the longtime gaming team Kismet, Ring of Destiny. We are a close-knit, medium-sized, no-RP-required team. We play for fun, in a casual, teamwork based style. We want you to feel part of our team! Founder & Leader: Kismet. The team has Played: Lineage One, WOW, LOTRO, SWTOR, GW2 & soon SC & SotA spanning over 12+ years of history together. Our most important goal is to make you feel part of our team, if your a new member or long time veteran.
Guild Structure
The guild is run by Kismet & our officers. Including Ang Lobsom, Valentino, Monde. We play to have fun and never put anything above our friendships with each other. What game we play is not as important than if the team is having fun. We play all game styles including PVE, PVP, WvW including our own events we put on for members & the community.
Application Process
Contact Kismet or an officer in game or go to our join page at: Ring of Destiny Join Page. We love meeting new people and having fun in game together. Some requirements: 18+, Mature player, we do not RP. After you join you will be on a Two week trail and have a “new Member Quest” which is to simply to team up with some members and play. Once you feel like we are the right fit for you, Kismet will promote you to “Honored Member”.
Guild Activities
- PvE
- WvW
- PvP
- Crafting (You name the game and we have members who love to craft)
- Mentoring Services (Need help? Let our officers give you some tips on gameplay!)
- Teamwork Training
- Member Events
- Live Stream Events with Team on Twitch: Ring of Destiny Livestream Twitch Page
- Guides, Member update videos on YouTube: Ring of Destiny YouTube Page
- We use our own custom TS3 server for Voice chat.