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Coup de Grace

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Coup de GraceLastseen: R109
Coup de Grace icon.png
Skill: Blades Combat Glyph
Type: Active
Focus Cost: 14
Required Equipment: Bladed
Prerequisite Skills: Whirling Blades (Level 40)
Learned From: Reston

Attack that does 5X damage if target below 20% health (when blade specialization is zero). Blade Specialization will increase the minimum health to get the bonus (see below for details on how blade specialization effects Coup de Grace).


  • Range: 1.3
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • 0 - 3 Physical Damage

(effect increases with skill)

Effect of Blade Specialization on Coup de Grace[edit]

For every 20 levels that blade specialization increases, the % of the target's maximum hit points needed to obtained the 5x damage modifier will increase by 2.5%.

The calculation for the percent is:

Percent of target's maximum health = 20 + (Blade Specialization Level x 0.125)

Effect of Blade Specialization on Coup de Grace
Blade Spec level % of target's max HP to get 5x damage *
    0 20%
  80 30%
100    32.5%
120 35%
140    37.5%
160 40%
180    42.5%
* In order to get the 5x damage multiplier when using Coup de Grace, the target's hit points must be below this percentage. In other words, if your blade specialization is 80 and the opponents hit-point maximum is 1000, then your Coup de Grace would do 5x damage when the target's hit points are below 300 (1000 x 0.3).