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Daemon Hoof

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Daemon Hoof
Daemon Hoof icon.png
Raw Material 
Weight: 2
Value: Gold 5

Daemon Hoof is a Raw Material.


Greater Daemon

Used in recipes

Item Skill Lvl Tool Recipe
Bone Boots icon.pngBone Boots Tailoring icon.pngTailoring 70 Tailoring Scissors icon.pngTailoring Scissors x 1
Daemon Hoof icon.pngDaemon Hoof x 1
Bone Plate icon.pngBone Plate x 2
Wax icon.pngWax x 3
Sack of Salt icon.pngGround Daemon Hoof Alchemy icon.pngAlchemy 70 Mortar and Pestle icon.pngMortar and Pestle x 1
Daemon Hoof icon.pngDaemon Hoof x 1
Mandrake Root icon.pngMandrake Root x 5
Nightshade icon.pngNightshade x 5
Potion of Resistance, Magic icon.pngPotion of Resistance, Magic Alchemy icon.pngAlchemy 50 Mortar and Pestle icon.pngMortar and Pestle x 1
Nightshade icon.pngNightshade x 5
Spider Silk icon.pngSpider Silk x 10
Serpent Scales icon.pngSerpent Scales x 10
Daemon Hoof icon.pngDaemon Hoof x 1
Empty Flask icon.pngEmpty Flask x 3
Garlic icon.pngGarlic x 5