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Damage Resistance

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Damage Resistance is a numeric value attribute that determines the amount of damage one might receive without injury. It also has a sub value of Max in a percentage. This value determines the maximum amount of damage that can be absorbed.

Detailed Explanation of Damage Resistance[edit]

Anytime you get hit by a physical attack, Damage Resistance reduces the damage you take by X points (with a maximum possible damage reduction of Y%). Example: let's say your damage resist is 25 (Max 50%)...[in this case X =25, Y=50%].

  • If an enemy attack generates 400 points of damage, you would only take 375 points of damage (400-25). The max damage reduction allowable (damage x Y%) is 200 (400 x 50%), but you got no where near the max allowable reduction, so you get the full reduction of 25 points of damage.
  • If an enemy attack generates 40 points of damage, you only take 20 points of damage (40-20). In this case, the max damage reduction allowable (damage x Y%) is 20 (40 x 50%), but your damage resist is 25 (which exceeds the allowable reduction). So, the reduction in damage will only be 20.

Since Damage Resistance applies to every physical attack you receive, it can greatly reduce the damage you take over time, and is especially helpful when you receive many attacks that are doing low damage (such as attacks doing 50 damage or less). For creatures that hit for hundreds or thousands of points of damage per attack, Damage Resistance tends to reduce the damage you take by a small fraction of the overall damage (in the first example above, the 400 point hit was only reduced by 6.25%, and you still took 375 points of damage). So, when fighting creatures that hit for a lot of damage per attack (e.g. bosses), it may be better to concentrate on raising Damage Avoidance & Dodge.


The following items will have an effect on Damage Resistance:


Icon Item Item Effects
Leather Boots icon.png Boots of Skulking
Boots of Skulking
Move Speed
+0 - 2
Magic Resistance
-0 - -100
Damage Resistance
-0 - -20

Iron Binding icon.png Bronze Heavy Belt
Bronze Heavy Belt
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Cabalist Temna Hood icon.png Cabalist Temna Hood
Cabalist Temna Hood
Damage Resistance

Mug of Beer icon.png Drach Bock Beer
Drach Bock Beer
Intoxication Level
+0.2 for 5 minutes
Damage Resistance
+7 for 1 hour

Bowl Stew icon.png Dragon Stew
Dragon Stew
Health Per Second
+6 for 12 hours
Focus Per Second
+4.5 for 12 hours
Combat Health Per Second
+2.3 for 12 hours
Combat Focus Per Second
+1.5 for 12 hours
Damage Resistance
+5 for 12 hours
Magic Resistance
+2.5 for 12 hours
Short Bowstave.png Hard Maple Crossbow Stock
Hard Maple Crossbow Stock
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Wooden Handle.png Hard Maple Handle
Hard Maple Handle
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Wooden Strip.png Hard Maple Heartwood
Hard Maple Heartwood
Basic Magic Reagent Usage Chance
Spell Damage
Damage Resistance

Long Bowstave.png Hard Maple Long Bowstave
Hard Maple Long Bowstave
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Short Bowstave.png Hard Maple Short Bowstave
Hard Maple Short Bowstave
Base Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Wand icon.png Hard Maple Wand with Cotton Cloth Strap
Hard Maple Wand with Cotton Cloth Strap
Damage Resistance
+0.1 Damage Resistance
+0.5 Focus

Bone Plate icon.png Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance

Iron Dagger Blade.png Meteoric Iron Dagger Blade
Meteoric Iron Dagger Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Bone Plate icon.png Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance

Halberd Blade.png Meteoric Iron Halberd Blade
Meteoric Iron Halberd Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Hand Axe Blade.png Meteoric Iron Hand Axe Blade
Meteoric Iron Hand Axe Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Heavy War Hammer Head.png Meteoric Iron Heavy War Hammer Head
Meteoric Iron Heavy War Hammer Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Iron Longsword Blade.png Meteoric Iron Longsword Blade
Meteoric Iron Longsword Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Mace Head.png Meteoric Iron Mace Head
Meteoric Iron Mace Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Iron Short sword Blade.png Meteoric Iron Shortsword Blade
Meteoric Iron Shortsword Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Spear Head.png Meteoric Iron Spear Head
Meteoric Iron Spear Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Spear Head.png Meteoric Iron Trident Head
Meteoric Iron Trident Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Two-handed Blade.png Meteoric Iron Two-handed Axe Blade
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Axe Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Heavy War Hammer Head.png Meteoric Iron Two-handed Hammer Head
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Hammer Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Two-handed Mace Head.png Meteoric Iron Two-handed Mace Head
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Mace Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Two-handed Sword Blade.png Meteoric Iron Two-handed Sword Blade
Meteoric Iron Two-handed Sword Blade
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

War Hammer Head.png Meteoric Iron War Hammer Head
Meteoric Iron War Hammer Head
Weapon Damage
Damage Resistance

Wooden Plate icon.png Pet Food, Bear Bites
Pet Food, Bear Bites
Combat Health Per Second
+6 for 2 hours
Health Per Second
+12 for 2 hours
Damage Resistance
+10 for 2 hours

Explosive Potion icon.png Physical Resistance Potion of the Obsidians
Physical Resistance Potion of the Obsidians
Damage Resistance
+20 for 2 minutes
Maximum Damage Resistance
+10% for 2 minutes
Magic Resistance
-20 for 2 minutes

Short Bowstave.png Rock Maple Crossbow Stock
Rock Maple Crossbow Stock
Weapon Critical Damage
Damage Resistance

Wooden Handle.png Rock Maple Handle
Rock Maple Handle
Weapon Critical Damage
Damage Resistance

Wooden Strip.png Rock Maple Heartwood
Rock Maple Heartwood
Basic Magic Reagent Usage Chance
Spell Critical Damage
Damage Resistance

Long Bowstave.png Rock Maple Long Bowstave
Rock Maple Long Bowstave
Weapon Critical Damage
Damage Resistance

Short Bowstave.png Rock Maple Short Bowstave
Rock Maple Short Bowstave
Weapon Critical Damage
Damage Resistance

Bone Plate icon.png White Iron Enforced Bone Plate
White Iron Enforced Bone Plate
Damage Resistance