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Magic Resistance

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Magic Resistance

Magic Resistance is measure of the Avatar's ability to fend off all Magic effects. A higher resistance value results in the Avatar having less susceptibility to the effects of magic.

A change in magic resistance will change the resistance to every magic tree by the same amount. For example, if you equip a ring with +10 magic resistance, it will give +10 Air Resistance, +10 Earth Resistance, +10 Sun Resistance, +10 Moon Resistance, +10 Fire Resistance, +10 Water Resistance, +10 Life Resistance, +10 Death Resistance, and +10 Chaos Resistance.

Note that each magic school has its own resistance measure. Basically, Magic Resistance simply adds to the resistance value for each individual magic school.


The following items will have an effect on Magic Resistance:


Icon Item Item Effects
Ancient Staff of Anarchy icon.png Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Common
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Common
Magic Fizzle Chance
Chaos Attunement
Magic Resistance
Chaotic Feedback Skill Bonus

Ancient Staff of Anarchy icon.png Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Epic
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Epic
Magic Fizzle Chance
Chaos Attunement
Magic Resistance
Chaotic Feedback Skill Bonus

Ancient Staff of Anarchy icon.png Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Legendary
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Legendary
Magic Fizzle Chance
Chaos Attunement
Magic Resistance
Chaotic Feedback Skill Bonus

Ancient Staff of Anarchy icon.png Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Rare
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Rare
Magic Fizzle Chance
Chaos Attunement
Magic Resistance
Chaotic Feedback Skill Bonus

Ancient Staff of Anarchy icon.png Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Uncommon
Ancient Staff of Anarchy, Uncommon
Magic Fizzle Chance
Chaos Attunement
Magic Resistance
Chaotic Feedback Skill Bonus

Leather Boots icon.png Boots of Skulking
Boots of Skulking
Move Speed
+0 - 2
Magic Resistance
-0 - -100
Damage Resistance
-0 - -20

Deceitful Vile Wand icon.png Deceitful Vile Wand
Deceitful Vile Wand
Magic Resistance

Devotional of Humility icon.png Devotional of Humility
Devotional of Humility
Magic Resistance
+ for 5 days
Water Fishing Bait Recovery Chance
+% for 5 days

Bowl Stew icon.png Dragon Stew
Dragon Stew
Health Per Second
+6 for 12 hours
Focus Per Second
+4.5 for 12 hours
Combat Health Per Second
+2.3 for 12 hours
Combat Focus Per Second
+1.5 for 12 hours
Damage Resistance
+5 for 12 hours
Magic Resistance
+2.5 for 12 hours
Flute icon.png Flute of Defiance
Flute of Defiance
Magic Resistance
+30 for 30 seconds

Imbued Jewel of Magic Resistance
Imbued Jewel of Magic Resistance
Magic Resistance

Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png Obsidian Band, Common
Obsidian Band, Common
Magic Resistance
Magic Fizzle Chance

Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png Obsidian Band, Epic
Obsidian Band, Epic
Magic Resistance
Magic Fizzle Chance

Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png Obsidian Band, Legendary
Obsidian Band, Legendary
Magic Resistance
Magic Fizzle Chance

Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png Obsidian Band, Rare
Obsidian Band, Rare
Magic Resistance
Magic Fizzle Chance

Ring of the Lich Kind icon.png Obsidian Band, Uncommon
Obsidian Band, Uncommon
Magic Resistance
Magic Fizzle Chance

Bowl Stew icon.png Obsidian Bear Stew
Obsidian Bear Stew
Health Per Second
+4.5 for 4 hours
Focus Per Second
+3 for 4 hours
Combat Health Per Second
+1.5 for 4 hours
Combat Focus Per Second
+0.8 for 4 hours
+6 for 4 hours
Magic Resistance
+3 for 4 hours
Obsidian Plate Boots icon.png Obsidian Plate Boots
Obsidian Plate Boots
Magic Resistance
Chaos Attunement

Obsidian Plate Chest Armor icon.png Obsidian Plate Chest Armor
Obsidian Plate Chest Armor
Magic Resistance
Chaos Attunement
Material Crafting Bonus

Obsidian Plate Gauntlets icon.png Obsidian Plate Gauntlets
Obsidian Plate Gauntlets
Magic Resistance
Chaos Attunement

Obsidian Plate Helm icon.png Obsidian Plate Helm
Obsidian Plate Helm
Magic Resistance
Chaos Attunement

Epic Plate Leggings icon.png Obsidian Plate Leggings
Obsidian Plate Leggings
Magic Resistance
Chaos Attunement

Explosive Potion icon.png Physical Resistance Potion of the Obsidians
Physical Resistance Potion of the Obsidians
Damage Resistance
+20 for 2 minutes
Maximum Damage Resistance
+10% for 2 minutes
Magic Resistance
-20 for 2 minutes

Poison Potion icon.png Poison Potion, Chaotic Corruption
Poison Potion, Chaotic Corruption
Chance to confuse
100% for 5 seconds
Focus Damage Rate
+1 for 5 seconds
Encumbrance Capacity
-50% for 5 seconds
Poison/Chaos Damage
Magic Resistance
+100 for 15 seconds

Necklace icon.png Silver Necklace
Silver Necklace
Magic Resistance

Ring icon.png Silver Ring
Silver Ring
Magic Resistance

The Shroud of the Avatar icon.png Shroud of the Avatar
The Shroud of the Avatar
Move Speed
Attack Speed
Magic Resistance
Tin Foil Hat icon.png Tin Foil Hat
Tin Foil Hat
Magic Resistance

Also See[edit]