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Elixir Receptive

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Elixir ReceptiveLastseen: R109
Quick Swapping icon.png
Skill: Focus Strategy Innate Skill
Type: Innate
Prerequisite Skills: Heightened Awareness (Level 10)
Learned From: Deborah

Slightly increases the effectiveness/power of consumables. NOTE: Learning this skill will untrain the Tactics skill Elixir Extension. To train this skill you must set Elixir Extension to untrain.

To use this skill, you must train both Elixir Receptive AND Elixir Extension, and set one to training and one to unlearn.


  • +0.3% Consumable Power Bonus

Trained to level 100

  • +33% Consumable Power Bonus

(effects increase with skill level)

Also See[edit]

Elixir of Potency
