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Focus Skills

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This specific disambiguation name in the game currently is two different terms that use the name Focus. Focus is a Magic Tree Skill named Focus, and Focus is also a player stat Focus[1]
This specific magic skill tree in the game is specifically named Focus. This specific named page was created to list Focus magic tree skills.

Focus Skills icon.png Focus Skills: Modify deck mechanics[2]. In lore and dialogue, this magic school may be referred to as Omnipotence.

"The leading student of magical focus, Deborah, is in the Hidden Vale, in the city of Owl's Head there. She is known to be fond of moon towers..."

Focus Skill Tree
Heightened AwarenessMind WipeTrain IntelligenceQuick SwappingTrain Summoned Pet HealthElixir ReceptiveMind LockSpellbinder StanceFocus SpecializationInner CalmTrain Summoned Pet ResistanceTrain Summoned Pet DamageAetheric FeedbackFollow ThroughTranquilitySotA Focus Tree.png
About this image
Aetheric Feedback
Increases Max Focus. When used immediately after landing a critical hit with a spell on a target, it also adds a large amount of focus regeneration. Focus Specialization increases the window of opportunity after a critical hit to gain the additional bonus.
Mind Lock
Extends the life of all glyphs that are currently in your hand. This spell cannot fizzle. Focus Specialization increases the duration of the locked glyph.
Mind Wipe
Discards all of your glyphs and deals you a full hand. This spell cannot fizzle. Focus Specialization grants reduced cooldown.
Spellbinder Stance
Increases the casters magic casting abilities resulting in reduced casting times, increased spell critical hit chance and increased focus recovery at the expense of physical defense. The stance is broken by movement. Focus Specialization grants a small combat focus regen buff.
Elixir Receptive
Slightly increases the effectiveness/power of consumables. NOTE: Learning this skill will untrain the Tactics skill Elixir Extension. To train this skill you must set Elixir Extension to untrain.
Focus Specialization
Focus Specialization is the devotion of one's self to learning how to focus the mind. It increases all aspects of active skills within the focus tree. NOTE: Only one Specialization skill may be trained and one additional skill maintained at any given time or two may be set to maintain. Enabling training for a different specialization skill may set a specialization skill currently set to maintain to unlearn.
Follow Through
Decreases the fizzle chance of all glyphs
Heightened Awareness
Increases your maximum focus
Inner Calm
Decreases the focus cost of all glyphs
Quick Swapping
Decreases the focus cost of swapping decks during combat
Train Intelligence
Increases Intelligence
Train Summoned Pet Damage
Increases the damage done by summoned pets from the magic trees
Train Summoned Pet Health
Increases the health of summoned pets from the magic trees
Train Summoned Pet Resistance
Increases the physical and magic resistance of summoned pets from the magic trees
Increases the player's ability to remain calm and continue casting even when hit

External Reference[edit]
