$125 (120 without the physical rewards)
Honorific Title:
Royal Cartographer and Explorer
House Items:
- Framed Map (Digital) - You will receive the new world map as a digital, uniquely framed, in-game decoration for your house.

- Framed Cover Art - You will receive the box cover art as a digital, uniquely framed, in-game decoration for your house.

- The Darkstarr Metronome! For those of you planning to play virtual instruments this mechanical metronome could be very useful! Set this in-game decoration next to your instrument and turn it on! See Source for Details: [1]
In-Game Items:
- Additional Clockwork Pet - Your choice of one of three non-combat, clockwork pets: Cat, Dog, or Raven!
- Indestructible Crafting Tool - You will receive one (1) starter-level, indestructible, crafting tool for the skill of your choice.

- Starter Founder Armor - Four (4) complete sets of starter armor, uniquely identifiable as Founder armor, for both male and female: Cloth, Leather, Chain, and Plate.

- Your choice of one of these three non-combat pets: Greyhound, Raven, or Siamese Cat.
- Iolo's Lute - A unique, in-game, musical lute specially designed by David "Iolo" Watson!
- Puzzle Box - Once per week, this box presents the player with a puzzle to solve. If you can master the puzzle, you will be rewarded with a prize!
- Founders Bow - Starter ranged weapon, uniquely identifiable as a Founder weapon.

- Iolo's Crossbow - Starter ranged weapon, uniquely identifiable as a Founder weapon, based on a unique design by David "Iolo" Watson!.

- Royal Founder Starter Bow - Starter ranged weapon, uniquely identifiable as a Royal Founder weapon.

- Royal Founder Starter Crossbow - Starter ranged weapon, uniquely identifiable as a Royal Founder weapon.

- Creature Taming Call - Unique ability to tame an elusive monster that an ordinary player could never tame!

- Creature Taming Call - Unique ability to tame an elusive monster that an ordinary player could never tame!

- Indestructible Artisan Tool - You will receive one (1) starter-level, indestructible, artisan's tool for the skill of your choice.
- Artisan's Box of Plenty - This unique box will generate a random resource or reagent once per week.
- Supply Cache - As a practicing artisan, you will start with enough supplies to craft four of each of the starting recipes in your crafting book.
- Your choice of one of three non-combat, clockwork pets: Cat, Dog, or Raven!
- Crystal Sword - Kill almost any enemy you encounter with a single blow using your Crystal Sword! (Lord British is impervious to the Crystal Sword!)

- Starter Melee Weapons - Start the game with 2 starter melee weapons, uniquely identifiable as Founder weapons.

- Founders Tunic - Special tunic for your in-game avatar to wear, proudly displaying unique symbology identifying you as an early Founder of the game.

- Benefactor Tunic - Special tunic for your in-game avatar to wear, proudly displaying unique symbology identifying you as a Benefactor.
- Your choice of one of these three non-combat pets: Greyhound, Raven, or Siamese Cat.
- Darkstarr Cloak - A special cloak for your in-game avatar to wear, proudly displaying the unique Darkstarr symbol, identifying you as a backer of the game. See Source for Details: [1]
- Royal Elderberry seed - lanting the Royal Elderberry seed will yield a Royal Elderberry which is necessary for crafting the unique, Royal Purple Founder's Dye. There will be no other source, ever, for creating the Royal Purple Founder's Dye.

- Special cloak for your in-game avatar to wear, proudly displaying unique symbology identifying you as an early Founder of the game.

- Immortality Fruit seed - With the Farming Craft you can plant the Immortality Fruit seed, which will bear a single fruit. When eaten, this fruit will fully heal you, and leave you with a single seed which can be planted and harvested, over and over, for all eternity.
- Geoff Mellon's beautifully crafted in-game version of the Benefactor Cloak.
- Ankh of Virtue Necklace - The mystical Ankh has been the symbol of spiritual rebirth and eternal life in many cultures.
- Founder Shield - One starter shield, uniquely identifiable as a Founder Shield.

- Royal Founder Shield - One starter shield, uniquely identifiable as a Royal Founder Shield

- Replenishing Snowball Box - In the spirit of the season, the Replenishing Snowball Box was added as a basic pledge reward on December 25, 2013.
- Coconuts! They sound like horses when banged together!
- SteamPunk Top Hat - Added as a thank you for reaching $5 million dollars raised!
Digital Rewards:
- All Shroud of the Avatar Episodes - In addition to Episodes 1, 2, and 3, you will receive DRM-free, digital download versions of the final TWO, full-length, standalone games, Shroud of the Avatar Episode 4 and Episode 5 (including Beta access to Episodes 4 & 5)!
- Custom Crest In Game - Get your own Family Crest or display on your shield, tabard and house flag, made from a customized image uploaded by YOU! (Submitted Art subject to Developer Approval).

- Digital download Runic Language Translation
- Digital download PDF Art Book
- Digital download Shroud of the Avatar Soundtrack
- In addition to Episode 1, DRM-free, full digital content of the future Episodes 2 & 3 including Beta access
- High quality scanned images of Richard "Lord British" Garriott's The Story of Mondain in the World of Sosaria
- Richard "Lord British" Garriott’s, original handwritten notes for the Akallabeth!
- Digital download, serialized, Shroud of the Avatar novel by Tracy Hickman.

- DRM-free, digital download of the game
- Exclusive Early Bird Alpha and Beta Access
Physical Rewards:
- Cloth Map - Full size cloth map of the new world (Current image is an artist's concept only)
- Collector's Box
- Tangible Game Media - Get the game on a recorded media game (format of recorded media TBD)
- Soundtrack - Recorded media game soundtrack (format of recorded media TBD)
- Game Manual - Old-school style, illustrated, printed manual.
- Teachable Emote: Gaze - Get ready to show off (and teach) your unique Explorer emote!

- Teachable Emote: Chicken Taunt - Is your opponent too cowardly to accept your challenge? Taunt them with this teachable emote!

- Second Character Slot - You will be able to have an additional character, marked as Kindred, which shares reputation and last name with your first character.
- Teachable Emote: Facepalm - Be ready when someone does something truly cringe worthy with this teachable facepalm emote.

- Double Starting Recipes - You will start with twice as many known recipes as other players!
- Teachable Emote: Dust Off - Hard day's adventuring? That's nothing. Show off how easy it is with this teachable emote.

- Developer Blog Access - Access to the private Developer's Blog
Last Name - Experience in battle leads to Notoriety, but unlike ordinary adventurers, Immortal Adventurers will have the right to select and display both a first and last name right from the get-go!  [2]
- Vanduul Polearm See Source for Details: [3]

- Teachable Emote: Flex - Show off those biceps and impress the crowd!

Early Skill Access - Be the envy of all the other players when they see you wielding new skills they don't have access to! You will have 2-weeks, Early Skill Access to some new skills as they are added to the game.[4]
- Teachable Emote - Flourish Weapon - Get ready to show off (and teach) your unique Adventurer emote!

- Darkstarr Salute - A special emote that only backers can master and teach to others. See Source for Details: [1]