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Emote icon.png

An Emote is an animated expression that players can perform in-game. Some emotes are available to all players, some can only be learned from existing players, and some are only available to a select group of players (such as Founders).

The current list of known emotes can be accessed by pressing the "O" hotkey with default key mapping.

This page will contain all the known Emotes in the game.

Emote types[edit]

Main article: Learning



The Emote command allows you to construct their own emote/text combinations, and also embed animations into those emotes (or regular chat) via percent escape codes.

  • /em or /emote

Any emote with an animation can be used for the embedded animation.

For example, if Darkstarr types "/em jabs their finger %point% threateningly at you.", the chat window will display "Darkstarr jabs their finger threateningly at you.", and will play the animation for the /point emote.

Additionally, you can target emotes at another player using "/<emote> <playername>," which will cause the text to display as targeted at the person in chat. (targeted player must be in range of view)

For example, if Darkstarr types "/point Lord British", the chat window will display "Darkstarr jabs their finger at Lord British", and will play the animation for the /point emote.

Aeroplane Emote[edit]

  • /aeroplane

The Aeroplane emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the The Summer Telethon of the Avatar, Part 2, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[1] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.


Akimbo icon.png This new stance has the avatar standing with their hands on their hips.

  • /akimbo

It is now one of the default emotes that all players start with.


The Allemande emote is included as a Founder reward for the Edelmann pledge tier. Using it causes your avatar to dance an allemande. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /allemande

SotA Emote Edelmann Dance2.jpg

(Prior to Release 28, this emote was /dance2.)

Alms For the Poor[edit]

The Alms For the Poor emote is included as a Founder reward for the Lord of the Manor and Lord of the Manor 2 pledge tiers.

  • /almsforthepoor

SotA Emote LotM AlmsForPoor.jpg


Freely express your anger with this teachable emote! The Angry emote is included as a Game Bundle reward for the Viking Stronghold Village Home Tax Free Player Owned Town Lot Bundle pledge tier.

  • /angry

SotA Viking Emote Angry.jpg


Backflip icon.png This emote can be learned from Tobbin Tedbare in Desolis when he explains his job. This emote is teachable to others. He can be found southwest from the Outer Gate outside the walls of The Epitaph.

  • /backflip

Balancing Stick[edit]

This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /balancingstick

Bartender Clean Glass[edit]

This bartender emote allows you to clean a glass. It can be obtained from the Bartender Emote Pack Crown Shop purchase.

  • /bartendcleanglass

Bartender Stand at Bar[edit]

This bartender emote allows you to lean on a counter. It can be obtained from the Bartender Emote Pack Crown Shop purchase.

  • /bartendstandbar

Bartender Talk[edit]

This bartender emote allows you to chat while cleaning a glass. It can be obtained from the Bartender Emote Pack Crown Shop purchase.

  • /bartendtalk

Bartender Wipe Bar[edit]

This bartender emote allows you to wipe down a counter. It can be obtained from the Bartender Emote Pack Crown Shop purchase.

  • /bartendwipebar

Baton Throw[edit]

Darcy of Paxlair in Ardoris will teach you how to throw and twirl a baton if you ask her about troubador. In order to use these emotes you will need a baton which can be crafted.

  • /batonthrow

Baton Twirl[edit]

Darcy of Paxlair in Ardoris will teach you how to throw and twirl a baton if you ask her about troubador. In order to use these emotes you will need a Twirling Baton which can be crafted.

  • /batontwirl


For those times when you have to get on your knees and plead for mercy you will wish you had this! SPOILER: Ellery in Ardoris will show you how.

  • /beg

(This emote was added in Release 41.)


This emote can be learned in the Epitaph, from the Forgotten Prisoner. This emote is not teachable to others.

  • /belch

Belly Dance[edit]

This dance emote can be learned from the mighty Zangoff, feared blacksmith and master axe crafter, in Ardoris. Warning: once Zangoff performs his dance, you may not be the same.[2] This emote is teachable to others.

  • /belly

Belly Laugh[edit]

  • /bellylaugh

Edvard will teach this if asked about "Health" in Solace Bridge.

SoTA Emote bellylaugh.png

Bird Trick Emote[edit]

Make a bird fly out of a top hat! This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Lord British’s Birthday Bash Telethon, because the minimum of $65,000 was raised.[3] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /birdtrick

Blood Rain[edit]

This special emote allows the player to summon a cloud that rains blood for a short time.

  • /bloodrain

This emote is available in the Lord British and Darkstarr Blood Reliquary Bundles.

Blow Kiss[edit]

  • /blowkiss


  • /blush

Learned via asking the mighty axe crafter Zangoff in Ardoris about axes.


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /boat


Use this emote to express your displeasure at the next performance you attend! SPOILER: Speak to Kitra, a pilgrim in Etceter, about her love of fauns, learn how to jeer at people when they do something you do not like.

  • /boo

NOTE: Prior to Release 41, the name for this emote was formerly used for the emote /scare.


SoTA Emote bow.png

Breathe Blue Fire[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular blue fire breathing emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Blue Fire Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathebluefire

SotA Emote Breathe BlueFire.jpg

Breathe Fire[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular fire breathing emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Fire Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathefire

SotA Emote Breathe Fire.jpg

Breathe Fire Ring[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular breathe emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Fire Ring Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathefirering

SotA Emote Breathe FireRing.jpg

Breathe Fire Spiral Emote[edit]

  • /breathefirespiral

This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 58 Livestream, because the minimum of $25,000 was raised.[4] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

Breathe Flowers[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular breathe emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Flowers Emote Add-On Store.

  • /breatheflowers

SotA Emote Breathe Flowers.jpg

Breathe Hearts[edit]

The /breathehearts emote has arrived just in time for Valentine's Day, known as "Sequanna's Day" in New Britannia. This new festive emote will be added to your character's emote list for February's login reward.

  • /breathehearts


Breathe Sparkles[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular breathe emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Sparkles Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathesparkles

SotA Emote Breathe Sparkles.jpg

Breathe Snow[edit]

Heat up your next event with this spectacular breathe emote! It can be obtained from the Breathe Snow Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathesnow

SotA Emote Breathe Snow.jpg

Breathe Spiders[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /breathespiders

SotA Emote Breathe Spiders.jpg


When equipped with a Bug Sprayer, this emote makes a green cloud.

  • /bugspray


For those who wish for a more reserved release of gas than /belch, you can learn how to relieve yourself in a more refined way from Karl Rognoff in Braemar when you ask him about beer.

  • /burp


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /burpee

Calm Down[edit]

The guards in Solace Bridge Outskirts are worried about their youngest member, Private Preston. Mention Preston’s name to the guards in the bivouac to start on the path toward learning the /calmdown emote.

  • /calmdown

This emote version of the avatar animation associated with taming was added at the request of players.


  • /camera

The Camera emote comes with a Tin Type Camera, and takes tin type black and white screenshots when used. It was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the The Summer Telethon of the Avatar, Part 2, because the minimum of $100,000 was raised.[5]


  • /cheer

SoTA Emote cheer.png    Cheer1.gif

Chicken Call[edit]

The Chicken Call emote is included as a Founder reward for the Virtual Collector pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /chicken

SotA Founder VirtualCollector ChickenEmote.jpg


Billy the brat in Highvale Outskirts will teach players this violent emote.

  • /choking


  • /clap

SoTA Emote clap.png

Close Umbrella[edit]

This basic emote will close an equipped umbrella that has been opened.

  • /closeumbrella

Come Here[edit]

  • /comehere

SoTA Emote comehere.png


This emote is taught by Felicia Perdue in Aerie. This emote is not teachable to others.

  • /conduct

Courage Salute[edit]

Based on the statue of Granus, this emote can be learned by speaking to the students of virtue in Ardoris.[2]

  • /couragesalute


This emote can be learned from Joshua Hugtight the fisherman in Jaanaford. This emote is not teachable to others.

  • /cough


This emote can be learned by asking fauns in cities about their satyr antagonists. It is a re-teacheable emote.

  • /cower


  • /cringe

Learned via speaking to Dion, the faun, in Kiln about his recent injury.


  • /crouch


  • /cry

SoTA Emote cry.png


  • /curtsey


The Dance emote is included as a Founder reward for the Citizen pledge tier. Using it causes your avatar to dance a jig. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /dance

SotA Emote Citizen Dance1.jpg

Darkstarr Salute[edit]

The Darkstarr Salute is a special emote that only backers can master and teach to others. Check out this video of the Darkstarr Salute animation:

  • /darkstarr

The Darkstarr Salute was available to backers at any pledge level that pledged any amount prior to July 31, 2013.


  • /diceroll

This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 57 Livestream, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[6] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

DJ Cheer[edit]

This is a looping emote where you have one hand up egging on the crowd with one hand on a table. This emote is teachable to other Avatars and is bundled with the Ornate Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph.

  • /djcheer

DJ Listen[edit]

This is a looping emote where you hold your hand to your head with one hand on a table. This emote is teachable to other Avatars and is bundled with the Ornate Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph.

  • /djlisten

DJ Table[edit]

This is a looping emote where you have both hands moving on a table. This emote is teachable to other Avatars and is bundled with the Ornate Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph.

  • /djtable


The Drink emote causes your avatar to take a drink.

  • /drink

SoTA Emote drink.png


The Drunk emote gives your Avatar an exaggerated wobbly, idle animation. It can be obtained from the Puke & Drunk Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /drunk

Dust Off[edit]

The Dust Off emote is included as a Founder reward for the Founder pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /dustoff

SotA Founder Founder DustOffEmote.jpg


Players can now use this emote at dinner parties when they want to show that they are enjoying the food they have been served (if they are not actually eating).

  • /eat

It is now one of the default emotes that all players start with.


Cavillatus is a Fungal Enthusiast elf in Yew who’s just trying to do his job but keeps getting interrupted by outlander after outlander. After engaging in conversation with this sarcastic fellow, there’s a good chance you’ll pick up his /eyeroll emote.

  • /eyeroll

Evileye Emote[edit]

This is a prize that will be provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 52 Postmortem Telethon, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[7] This emote is teachable to others. Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /evileye

Face Palm[edit]

The Face Palm emote is included as a Founder reward for the Royal Artisan pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /facepalm

SotA Founder RoyalArtisan FacepalmEmote.jpg

Face Slap[edit]

The Slap in the Face emote is included as a Founder reward for the Collector pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /faceslap

SotA Emote Collector FaceSlap.jpg


The Fan emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the The Summer Telethon of the Avatar, Part 1, as the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[8]

  • /fan

Fire Dance[edit]

The Fire Dance emote is a special emote that only backers can master and teach to others. Using this emote, the player dances while wielding flaming batons.

  • /fire Dance

The Fire Dance emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the The Summer Telethon of the Avatar, Part 2, as the minimum of $200,000 was raised.[9]

Fire Dance Crossover[edit]

After getting feedback about the original animation, we added a crossover move to the firedance emote that comes with the firedance stretch-goal reward from the Summer Telethon. We also made that crossover move its own emote and gave that to telethon purchasers.

  • /firedancecross

The Firedance Crossover emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the The Summer Telethon of the Avatar, Part 2.[10]

Fire Dance Spin[edit]

Watch me spin around with fire!* Oh no! I’m sorry everything is on fire now!** Quick harvest some water from the well!**

(* This is not a teachable emote) (** Lighting things on fire with fire dancing and then putting those things out with buckets of water from the well is not a currently supported feature)

  • /firedancespin

This emote can be obtained from the Fire Dance Spin Emote Add-On Store purchase.

SotA FireDance Spin.jpg

Fire Dance Wheel[edit]

Watch me wheel my arms around with fire!* Oh no! I’m sorry everything is on fire now!** Quick harvest some water from the well!**

(* This is not a teachable emote) (** Lighting things on fire with fire dancing and then putting those things out with buckets of water from the well is not a currently supported feature)

  • /firedancewheel

This emote can be obtained from the Fire Dance Wheel Emote Add-On Store purchase.

SotA FireDance Wheel.jpg


The Muscular Flex emote is included as a Founder reward for the Immortal Adventurer pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /flex

SotA Founder ImmortalAdventurer FlexEmote.jpg


This flirtatious emote, that includes a twinkle in the eye, is earned by talking to Timothea in Solace Bridge Outskirts.

  • /flirt

FloatMeditate Emote[edit]

This is a prize that was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 53 Livestream, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[11] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /floatmeditate

SS 4Elf VaultR76 3 Floatmediate A.jpg

Flourish Weapon[edit]

The Flourish Weapon emote is included as a Founder reward for the Adventurer pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /flourishweapon

SotA Emote Adventurer Flourish.jpg


The Flowers emote is a special emote that only backers can master and teach to others. This emote summon a shower of flower petals for a short time. And as an added bonus, wearing the Flower Crown increases the duration of the /flowers emote.

  • /flowers

The Flowers emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Wondrous Winter Telethon of the Avatar, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[12] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

Flower Leap[edit]

The Flower Leap emote causes the Avatar to leap into the air and throw flowers.

  • /flowerleap

SS 4Elg VaultR71Round1 FlowerLeap A.jpg

The Flower Leap emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Fall into Winter Telethon of the Avatar, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[13] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

Flowerwand Emote[edit]

Make a magic wand turn into flower bouquet! This is one of several Magic Trick like emotes.

This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Lord British’s Birthday Bash Telethon, because the minimum of $65,000 was raised.[14] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /flowerwandtrick

  • Video shows three different Magic Trick like emotes.

Formal Courage Salute[edit]

A new formal Courage stance emote can now be learned from Horatio in Highvale Outskirts. This emote loops, so you can stand at attention while showing your support for the principle of Courage.

  • /formalcourage

Formal Love Salute[edit]

Captain Kinsey in Solace Bridge Outskirts will teach the Formal Love Salute.

  • /formallove

Formal Truth Salute[edit]

See Alberic in the Elven Refugee Camp or Phineas in the Vigilante Camp of Blood River Outskirts to acquire the Formal Truth Salute emote.

  • /formaltruth


  • /frown

This basic emote was added with Release 31.


The Gaze towards Horizon emote is included as a Founder reward for the Explorer pledge tier.This emote is teachable to others.

  • /gaze

SotA Emote Explorer Gaze.jpg


This basic emote was added with Release 31.

  • /giggle


This excellent emote can ONLY be learned from Gix Vargach.

  • /gix

Golden Bird Trick[edit]

Watch me pull a bird out of my hat. This emote was provided to all players who invested at least $500 during the SeedInvest Equity Crowdfunding Campaign.

  • /GoldenBirdTrick

Golden Flower Wand Trick[edit]

Make a magic wand turn into flower bouquet! This emote was provided to all players who invested at least $500 during the SeedInvest Equity Crowdfunding Campaign.

  • /GoldenFlowerWandTrick

Golden Mouth Coil Trick[edit]

Pull a long string of colored cloths from your mouth! This emote was provided to all players who invested at least $500 during the SeedInvest Equity Crowdfunding Campaign.

  • /GoldenMouthCoil

Golf Clap[edit]

When your appreciation needs to be more circumspect than a hearty clapping of hands then you need /golfclap. Aaron Denbo in Etceter teaches this when you ask him about Artifice.

  • /golfclap


  • /goodbye

This basic emote was added with Release 31.


This emote is taught by Chad the beggar in Soltown. This emote is not teachable to others

  • /grovel


This is a looping emote where the Avatar stands at attention and displays their equipped weapon. Players can learn this emote from the White Tiger corps guards in the Palace of the Mountain in Ardoris.

  • /guard


The Gypsy Dance was awarded to all backers due to the success of the Space Bard's Neon Shroud of the Telethon. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /gypsy

(Prior to Release 28, this emote was /dance4.)

Happy Dance[edit]

Dance for joy and show off your moves with the new Happy Dance emote. SPOILER: This new emote can be acquired in Soltown by speaking to Kitty near the refugee camp.

  • /happydance

(This emote was added with Release 44)


  • /headbang

Head Stand[edit]

The Stand on Head emote is included as a Founder reward for the Patron pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /headstand

SotA Emote Patron Headstand.jpg

Heart Attack[edit]

Shandy Chapman, a Wandering Merchant in the Perennial Coast, can’t really handle being pranked and if you lie to him enough he will almost have a heart attack, thus you will learn the new /heartattack emote.

  • /heartattack

(This emote was added in Release 54.)

Heavy Hopak[edit]

Outlanders from Ukraine brought this dance to Novia and have been stunning partygoers with it. SPOILER: Geof, the refugee in Soltown very excited about iron blades, will teach this unique dance.

  • /heavyhopak

(This emote was added in Release 41.)


Roper Holiday (banker) in Aerie will teach it when asked for help.

  • /hiss

Hold Hands[edit]

Learned via speaking to Cai Lau in Ardoris about love.

  • /holdhands

NOTE: The Avatars will hold their hands in front of their bodies at approximately waist height but the game will not automatically connect the two Avatars together.


Learned via speaking to Sheng Lau in Ardoris about love.

  • /hug

NOTE: The Avatars will wrap their arms around an approximately Avatar shaped object but the game will not automatically connect the two Avatars together.


  • /hula

The Hula emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 54 Telethon. This emote is Teachable.

Hustle Emote[edit]

This Disco-themed dance emote is one of the Rewards Program items for Release 66. Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /hustledance

SS 4Starr Hustle Emote.jpg


When a simple cheer is not enough you need a hearty “Huzzah!” SPOILER: Can be learned from Smelly Bob (who is by the docks in Spite).

  • /huzzah

(This emote was added in Release 41.)

I Heart You[edit]

For when your hands do your talking for you to your special someone. The /iheartyou emote can be learned by asking Khasi, the Priestess of Love in Ardoris, about love.



Dance with elegance and grace with this jambe emote! It can be obtained from the Ballet Outfit with Ballet Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jambe


Beatrice Angelica, a Maturing Dancer, found in Westend can teach you the jazzhands emote.

  • /jazzhands


Dance with elegance and grace with this jete emote! It can be obtained from the Ballet Outfit with Ballet Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jete

Judge No[edit]

Classic thumbs down in the Roman Emperor tradition, from the Viking Town Home Tax Free Player Owned Town Lot Bundle.

  • /judgeno

Judge Yes[edit]

Classic thumbs up in the Roman Emperor tradition, from the Viking Town Home Tax Free Player Owned Town Lot Bundle.

  • /judgeyes


Players can learn this emote from Vivian Deventer, the "New You" merchant in the Alchemy shop on South Portside Avenue in Brittany.

  • /juggle

Juggle Blue Torches[edit]

Light it up with this amazing Juggle Blue Torches emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Blue Torches Emote Make-A-Difference Store purchase.

  • /jugglebluetorches


Juggle Bottles[edit]

If you travel to Ardoris and ask Peladjar, the innkeeper in Sequanna Square's busiest tavern, about his job, he'll explain how difficult it is to keep so many customers happy. And thus you'll learn something as well... mainly the /jugglebottles emote![15]

  • /jugglebottles

SotA Emote Juggle Bottles.jpg

Juggle Clubs[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing club juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Clubs Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggleclubs

SotA Emote Juggle Clubs.jpg

Juggle Jack-o-Lanterns[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglejackolanters

Emote juggle jack o lanterns.jpg

Juggle Knives[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing knife juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Knives Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggleknives

SotA Emote Juggle Knives.jpg

Juggle Lights[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing light juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Lights Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglelights

SotA Emote Juggle Skulls.jpg

Juggle Oracle Eyes[edit]

This is a prize that was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 44 Postmortem Mini-Telethon, because the minimum of $60,000 is raised.[16] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /juggleoracleeyes

Juggle Pink Lights[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing pink light juggling emote! This emote is available in the Make a Difference Store.

  • /jugglepinklight

SotA Emote Juggle PinkLight.jpg

Juggle Rings[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing ring juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Rings Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglerings

SotA Emote Juggle Rings.jpg

Juggle Severed Arms[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggleseveredarms

SotA Emote Juggle SeveredArms.jpg

Juggle Severed Heads[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggleseveredheads

SotA Emote Juggle SeveredHeads.jpg

Juggle Skulls[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing skull juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Skulls Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggleskulls

SotA Emote Juggle Skulls.jpg

Juggle Snowballs[edit]

This is a prize that will be provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 49 Postmortem Mini-Telethon, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[17]

  • /jugglesnowballs


Juggle Torches[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing torch juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Torches Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /juggletorches

SotA Emote Juggle Torches.jpg

Juggle Wisps[edit]

Be the life of the party with this amazing wisp juggling emote! It can be obtained from the Juggle Wisps Emote Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglewisps

SotA Emote Juggle Wisps.jpg

Juggle Zombie Arms[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglezombiearms

SotA Emote Juggle ZombieArms.jpg

Juggle Zombie Heads[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /jugglezombieheads

SotA Emote Juggle ZombieHeads.jpg

Jumping Jacks[edit]

The Jumping Jacks emote is included as a Founder reward for the Ancestor pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /jumpingjacks

SotA Emote Ancestor JumpingJacks.jpg


This is a sign of affection. It can be learned from Priestess Khasi in Ardoris.

  • /kiss


The Kneel emote causes your avatar to take a knee before your target.

  • /kneel

(Prior to Release 14, this emote was /gettingknighted.)

SoTA Emote kneel.png


The Knighting emote is included as a Founder reward for the Baron pledge tier.

  • /knighting

SotA Emote Baron Knighting.jpg


  • /laugh

SoTA Emote Laugh.png

Lean Back[edit]

Nob the Stableboy in Owl’s Head teaches this when asked about his job.

  • /leanback

Lean Left[edit]

Nob the Stableboy in Owl’s Head teaches this when asked about his job.

  • /leanleft

Lean Right[edit]

Nob the Stableboy in Owl’s Head teaches this when asked about his job.

  • /leanright

Lie Down[edit]

  • /liedown

SoTA Emote liedown.png

Light Hopak[edit]

Outlanders from Ukraine brought this dance to Novia and have been stunning partygoers with it. SPOILER: Geof, the refugee in Soltown very excited about iron blades, will teach this unique dance.

  • /lighthopak

(This emote was added in Release 41.)

Lord British Salute[edit]

The Lord British emote is a special emote that only backers can master and teach to others.

  • /lbsalute

The Lord British Salute Emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the End of Summer Telethon of the Avatar, because the minimum of $25,000 was raised.[18]

Love Salute[edit]

Based on the statue of Sequanna, this emote can be learned by speaking to the students of virtue in Ardoris.[2]

  • /lovesalute


Players can learn this dance from Bruno Martelli, the "New You" Salon owner in Ardoris

  • /macarena


Using the Magic emote causes your avatar to do a magic dance. Taught by Shandala Truesong the music merchant at the docks of Aerie. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /magic

(Prior to Release 28, this emote was /dance5.)


Chuck Hamilton (guard in bank) in Spite will teach this if asked about Malice.

  • /march


Take a break from your questing, slaying, and pillaging, and find your inner-ZEN with this teachable meditate emote.

  • /meditate

This emote is available in the Viking City Tax Free Bundle and Lord British Blood Reliquary Bundle.

SotA Emote Meditate.jpg

Mime Rope[edit]

Ask Quant in Vertas about humans to learn.

  • /mimerope

Mime Wall[edit]

Ask Quant in Vertas about humans to learn.

  • /mimewall


This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 51 Postmortem, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[19]

  • /mosh

SS 4Elg R75Vault2 Mosh A.jpg

Mouthcoil Emote[edit]

Pull a long string of colored cloths from your mouth! This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Lord British’s Birthday Bash Telethon, because the minimum of $65,000 was raised.[20] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /mouthcoil


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /namaste


  • /nervous

SoTA Emote nervous.png


  • /no

This basic emote was added with Release 31.

No Hear[edit]

  • /nohear

No See[edit]

  • /nosee

No Speak[edit]

  • /nospeak

Nod Head[edit]

  • /nodhead

Nose Pick[edit]

This emote can be learned from Nob the Stableboy in Owl's Head by asking about Horses

  • /nosepick

SoTA Emote nosepick.png

Old Prospector Dance[edit]

This jovial new folk dance can be obtained in Tenebris Harbor from Zan, the old prospector.

  • /oldprospector

Open Umbrella[edit]

This basic emote will open an equipped umbrella.

  • /openumbrella

Overhead Clap[edit]

This is a looping emote where you clap your hands over your head as if to the music. This emote is teachable to other Avatars and is bundled with the Ornate Dual Wax Cylinder Phonograph.

  • /overheadclap


This is a "What? What's happening?" gesture of surprise. It can be found by talking to Willem, the bar patron in Resolute. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /panic


This emote can be learned from Tobbin Tedbare in Desolis. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /paper

SoTA Emote paper.png


Show your love for the fauna of Novia with this new, unique 'pet' emote! This emote loops! It can be obtained from the Pet Emote Crown Shop purchase.

  • /pet


Dance with elegance and grace with this pirouette emote! It can be obtained from the Ballet Outfit with Ballet Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /pirouette


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /plank

Play Dead[edit]

  • /playdead

Taught by Kardan Marbane while inside the Necropolis, you must proceed to the first large room containing Guardian of Necropolis before he will teach you the emote when you ask for "advice", he will also teach it while standing outside the necropolis

SoTA Emote playdead.png


  • /point

SoTA Emote point.png


  • /ponder

SoTA Emote ponder.png


This emote can be learned from Elara Solstar in Desolis after completing her quest

  • /pontificate

SoTA Emote pontificate.png


This is a sign of quiet meditation. It can be learned from Damai, the Mother of Peace, in Khasi's Castle in Ardoris. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /pray


The Puke emote will force your Avatar to throw up in an even more spectacular fashion than normal. It can be obtained from the Puke & Drunk Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /puke

SotA Emote Puke.jpg

Puke Blood[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /pukeblood

SotA Emote Puke Blood.jpg


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /pushup


This is a teachable emote from the Lord of the Isle Episode 2 Bundle.

  • /radiate


This special emote allows the player to summon a rain cloud that rains for a short time. And as an added bonus, wearing the Water Magic Cloak increases the duration of the /rain emote. This emote is available in the Make a Difference Store.

  • /rain

SotA MakeADifference water emote rain.jpg

Rain Autumn Leaves[edit]

The Rain Autumn Leaves emote is a special emote that only backers can master and teach to others. This emote summon a shower of leaves for a short time. And, as an added bonus, wearing the Autumn Leaf Crown increases the duration of the /autumnleaves emote.

  • /autumnleaves

The Rain Autumn Leaves emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Fall into Winter Telethon of the Avatar, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[21]


  • /rainbow

The Rainbow Emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 54 Telethon. This emote is Teachable. Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

Rain Spiders[edit]

What better way to celebrate the spooky season than with this Spooky emote! It can be obtained from the 2016 Spooky Emote 8-Pack Add-On Store purchase.

  • /rainspiders

SotA Emote Rain Spiders.jpg

Raise Hand[edit]

  • /raisehand

SoTA Emote raisehand.png


A farm area in Aerie, located Northwest from the Southwest gate, has an NPC named Thrent. Speak to them to learn this emote. NOTE: This NPC will sleep at night.

  • /rake

Rant (pointing)[edit]

  • /talkangry1

Rant (fist)[edit]

This emote can be learned from Allen the barman in Solania

  • /talkangry2

Read Book[edit]

This emote is a standard emotes all characters automatically receive. It will also be triggered automatically when players read.

  • /readbook

Read Paper[edit]

This emote is a standard emotes all characters automatically receive. It will also be triggered automatically when players read.

  • /readpaper


Dance with elegance and grace with this releve emote! It can be obtained from the Ballet Outfit with Ballet Emotes Add-On Store purchase.

  • /releve

Ring Bell[edit]

Inkeri calls to the orphans in Estgard with her bell, letting them know that her home is a safe space for them. She’ll teach Outlanders the new /ringbell emote. Her home is located West of the South Gate. This was added in Release 57.

  • /ringbell


This emote can be learned from Tobbin Tedbare in Desolis. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /rock

SoTA Emote rock.png

Royal Salutation[edit]

The Royal Salutation emote is included as a Founder reward for the Baron 2 and Baron 3 pledge tiers.

  • /royalsalutation

SotA Emote Baron2.3 RoyalSalutation.jpg

Royal Wave[edit]

The Royal Wave emote is included as a Founder reward for the Duke pledge tier.

  • /royalwave

SotA Emote Duke RoyalWave.jpg

Run in Place[edit]

This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /runinplace


The offices of Lord Delbert Enmar are on the first floor of a building nearby the bank of Owl's Head. He will teach this one. Can also be learned for Captain Cugel in Ardoris

  • /salute

SoTA Emote salute.png

Samba Emote[edit]

This emote was provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 50 Postmortem, because the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[18] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

  • /samba


Use this emote to frighten your friends! SPOILER: A "Forgetful Ghost" in a haunted house in the Solace Bridge Outskirts will teach this emote to players.

  • /scare

NOTE: Prior to Release 41, this was formerly known as /boo but that is now used for jeering.


We know you are always plotting the demise of someone, now you can show it with this animation of you rubbing your hands together gleefully. To learn this emote, find the Ebon Dawn prisoner in Port Graff.

  • /scheming

(This emote was added in Release 54.)


This emote can be learned from Tobbin Tedbare in Desolis. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /scissors

SoTA Emote scissors.png


  • /scowl

This basic emote was added with Release 31.

Scratch Head[edit]

All players now start with this confused emote.[22]

  • /scratchhead


  • /selling

Shadow Box[edit]

The Shadow Boxing emote is included as a Founder reward for the Developer pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /shadowboxing

SotA Emote Developer ShadowBox.jpg

Shake Fist[edit]

  • /shakefist

SoTA Emote shakefist.png

Shake Head[edit]

  • /shakehead


This emote was created to celebrate the coldness of the winter months. You can learn it from Sovok in Brightbone Pass.

  • /shiver


Earned for completing the Find Shooter quest during the in-game release party for Shooter Jennings' Countach album.

  • /shooter


  • /shrug

Learned via asking the mysterious Shish in Desolis about her past.


  • /sigh

Learned via asking Allen, the barman in Solania, what it’s like living in the midst of a swamp.


Stan Clark, a bard in Soltown Inn, will teach it. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /sing

Sing emote.png


Causes the avatar to sit

  • /sit

SoTA Emote sit.png


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /situp

Smell Bad[edit]

Phew, smell the fish! This emote was added to all avatars and some NPCs.

  • /smellbad

Smell Good[edit]

Ah, smell the bread! This emote was added to all avatars and some NPCs.

  • /smellgood


  • /smile

This basic emote was added with Release 31.


If you have a pipe equipped in your right hand and you use the /smoke emote, you will animate smoking and blow smoke into the air.

  • /smoke

This basic emote was added with Release 32.

Smoke Virtue[edit]

Smoke a pipe and blow the virtue symbol in smoke.


The /smokevirtue emote was provided to all players who pledge at least $5 during the Summer Telethon 2017 Part 1, if the minimum of $10,000 was raised.[23]


This emote is taught by Jeffrey Post in Ardoris This emote is teachable to others.

  • /sneeze


The Snow emote is a special emote made available only during the January 2016 telethon, and it is not teachable. This emote summon a storm cloud that snows for a short time. And as an added bonus, wearing the Snowflake Cloak increases the duration of the /snow emote.

  • /snow

The Snow emote was provided to all players who pledge at least $5 during the Wondrous Winter Telethon of the Avatar, because the minimum of $25,000 was raised.[24]


At the opposite end of the spectrum we have this naughty little emote that players can now learn from the Orphanage Matron in Brittany Alleys, as well as a citizen in Ardoris whose identity will remain confidential for privacy reasons.

  • /spank


Blacksmiths are strong, skilled, and often work long hours, but one such smith often escapes the hustle and bustle of work by visiting the remote hills in eastern Midmaer. Those in search of encounters that rove across Novia may accidentally run into Kurt the blacksmith and find out the secret to his happiness… and learn the /spin emote he has to teach!

  • /spin


This disgusting emote is earned by talking to Natasha in the tavern in Aerie.

  • /spit


  • /spyglass

SoTA Emote spyglass.png

With this emote, an avatar can use a Spyglass to magnify their view. This was previously a Stretch Goal item, and is now available from the Spyglass item at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Exercise Emotes.

  • /squat


This special emote, as demonstrated by Starr Long during a recent Hangout of the Avatar, can ONLY be learned from Darkstarr himself, or those he has taught it to! Are YOU willing to spread throughout the land the mystical dance of the Starrlton?

  • /starrlton


Emma the barmaid in Soltown will teach players this cleaning emote.

  • /sweep


This special emote can ONLY be learned from Atos, or those he has taught it to.

  • /tableflip


Would you believe that the ultimate meditation technique is... smacking yourself in the head with a tablet while reciting foreign languages? 'Tis true! Try it! SPOILER: You can learn it from the hermit Montgomery in Highvale Outskirts.

  • /tablet

(This emote was added with Release 46)

Tai Chi[edit]

The Tai Chi emote is included as a Founder reward for the Navigator pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /taichi

SotA Emote Navigator TaiChi.jpg


  • /tame

SotA Emote Taming Prattkeeping.jpg

Take Oath[edit]

The Take Oath emote is included as a Founder reward for the Lord pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /takeoath

SotA Emote Lord TakeOath.jpg


  • /talk

SoTA Emote talk.png

Talk Angry[edit]

  • /talkangry1
  • /talkangry2


The Taunt emote causes your avatar to do bizarre gestures.

Satyr guards, at Etceter, are freely teaching it. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /taunt

SoTA Emote Taunt01.png


Display your gratitude to others with this new grateful emote. SPOILER: You can learn it from News Hawkers in Aerie by tipping them.

  • /thank

(This emote was added with Release 44)

Throat Cut[edit]

The Throat Cut emote is included as a Founder reward for the Knight pledge tier. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /throatcut

SotA Founder Knight ThroatCutEmote.jpg

Thumbs Up[edit]

As part of the Recruit-a-Friend rewards, you and every backer you recruit will receive this unique, unteachable emote! Only recruiters and recruitees will ever have it, so if you want it then go recruit a friend!

  • /thumbsup

SotA Emote Referral 2ThumbsUp.jpg


Impress everyone at the next dance party with this amazing sequence of moves! SPOILER: Eugena, a new NPC added to the non-tutorial version of Solace Bridge, will teach this dance to players.

  • /timerift

(This emote was added in Release 41.)

Tip Hat[edit]

If you want to show your respect to others when greeting them then you must obtain this emote! SPOILER: Kardan Marbane in the Ardoris tavern will provide.

  • /tiphat

(This emote was added in Release 41.)


  • /toast

SoTA Emote toast.png


This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /tree

Truth Salute[edit]

Based on the statue of Boreus, this emote can be learned by speaking to the students of virtue in Ardoris.[2]

  • /truthsalute

Victory Float[edit]

You can celebrate vanquishing your foes by calling up this amazing emote in which your avatar floats up from the ground and energy flows through your body. It can be purchased with Obsidian Medallions.

  • /victoryfloat

Victory Rising[edit]

You can celebrate vanquishing your foes by calling up this amazing emote in which your avatar floats up from the ground and energy flows through your body. It can be purchased with Obsidian Medallions.

  • /victoryrising

Victorious Rise[edit]

You can celebrate vanquishing your foes by calling up this amazing emote in which your avatar floats up from the ground and energy flows through your body. It can be purchased with Obsidian Medallions.

  • /victoriousrise


Speaking to the Seer Visna in the South Boundless Forest will give you the quest you need to finish for the /viking dance emote.

  • /viking


You can learn the Wait emote by speaking to the Pilgrim Robin the Brave, who can be found in Etceter. Speak to them about Artifice.

  • /wait

Waltz (Lead)[edit]

These stately dances are a graceful statement at any noble gathering. Getting the timing right can be a challenge, just like in real life! SPOILER: Damai in Ardoris will teach.

  • /waltzlead

(This emote was added in Release 41.)

Waltz (Follow)[edit]

These stately dances are a graceful statement at any noble gathering. Getting the timing right can be a challenge, just like in real life! SPOILER: Damai in Ardoris will teach.

  • /waltzfollow

(This emote was added in Release 41.)


The Wardance Emote is a prize that will be provided to all players who pledged at least $5 during the Release 54 Livestream Telethon, because the minimum of $20,000 was raised.[25] Now available at limited times in The Vault tab, in the Crown Shop.

(This emote was added in Release 54.)

Warm Hands[edit]

This emote was created to celebrate the coldness of the winter months. You can learn it from Sovok in Brightbone Pass.

  • /warmhands

Warrior One[edit]

This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /warriorone

Warrior Two[edit]

This exercise emote is available as a reward for activity using the Meretz App. Meretz Points are exchanged for one of six in-game Yoga Emotes.

  • /warriortwo


  • /wave

SoTA Emote wave.png


  • /welcome

This basic emote was added with Release 31.


Speaking with Miss Lucille in Ardoris about punishment might teach you this emote.

  • /whisper


This animation looks like the avatar is carving a small piece of wood. SPOILER: Ennius (“Elf Whittler” until you ask his name) in Blood River Outskirts will teach this to you.

  • /whittle

(This emote was added in Release 43.)

Write Book[edit]

This emote is a standard emotes all characters automatically receive. It will also be triggered automatically when players write.

  • /writebook

Write Paper[edit]

This emote is a standard emotes all characters automatically receive. It will also be triggered automatically when players write.

  • /writepaper


  • /yawn

SoTA Emote yawn.png


  • /yes

This basic emote was added with Release 31.


Using the Zombie emote causes your avatar to do the Thriller dance.

After finish his quest, Ashton (a villager in Soltown) will teach this one. This emote is teachable to others.

  • /zombie

SoTA Emote dance3.png

(Prior to Release 28, this emote was /dance3.)

Reference Table[edit]

Emote Teachable
/em or /emote
/allemande Teachable
/angry Teachable
/backflip Teachable
/belly Teachable
/chicken Teachable
/cower Re-Teachable
/dance Teachable
/darkstarr Teachable
/dustoff Teachable
Emote Teachable
/facepalm Teachable
/faceslap Teachable
/fan Teachable
/flex Teachable
/flourishweapon Teachable
/flowers Teachable
/gaze Teachable
/gypsy Teachable
/headstand Teachable
/hula Teachable
/jumpingjacks Teachable
Emote Teachable
/lbsalute Teachable
/magic Teachable
/oldprospector Teachable
/panic Teachable
/paper Teachable
/pray Teachable
/rainbow Teachable
/rock Teachable
/samba Teachable
Emote Teachable
/scissors Teachable
/shadowbox Teachable
/sing Teachable
/sneeze Teachable
/taichi Teachable
/takeoath Teachable
/taunt Teachable
/throatcut Teachable
/zombie Teachable


Miganarchine's Emotes In Release 3 Pre Alpha video:
