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New Britannian Calendar

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The New Britannia Calendar dates restarted with the Cataclysm (the lunar calamity that destroyed much of the Old World). Shroud of the Avatar begins many years after the Cataclysm also known as “Post Cataclysm” or “PC”.

It is currently:

Earth Date & Time New Britannian Date Full Date [Month Day, Year Time Moon (Lunar Portal)]
Today (March 26, 2025 @8:35am) 1742981754 Februa 11, 719 P.C. 1742981754 Februa 11, 719 P.C. Midday New Moon

The time and date in New Britannia is tied in a direct ratio to real Earth time. January 1st 2013 on Earth was January 1st of the NB year 400. Each Earth Hour is equal to one New Britannia Day. There are 28 days in each new Britannia Month (meaning each month is a little more than an Earth day). A full New Britannia Year of 336 days passes in 2 Earth weeks. A full year on Earth is about 26 New Britannia Years. This allows us to easily calculate dates in New Britannia.

The month and day names closely resemble their Earth counterparts, but are slightly different in pronunciation:

Earth Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
New Britannian Month Janus Februa Marse Apru Maia Juno Julius Augus Septembre Octobre Novembre Decembre
Earth Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
New Britannia Day Sunandai Moonandai Tiwesdai Wodnesdai Thuresdai Fridai Saternesdai
  • The above specific names are no longer used in Shroud of the Avatar. The game currently only uses Earth Days, Month and Season calendar names.

Time of day is broken into 8 segments, which are longer during the daylight hours than nighttime. Since each New Britannian day is one hour, the time of day is easy to calculate based on the minutes after the hour. For example, at 7 minutes and 30 seconds after the hour, the in-game time will change from Late Night to Dawn.

Earth Time (Minutes) :00 - :04 (4m) :04 - :07:30 (3.5m) :07:30 - :12:30 (5m) :12:30 - :27:25 (15m) :27:25 - :32:30 (5m) :32:30 - :46:15 (13.75m) :46:15 - :52:30 (6.25m) :52:30 - :00 (7.5m)
New Britannia Time Midnight Late Night Dawn Morning Midday Afternoon Dusk Evening

Here are some important dates. Items in white are in-game events, items in orange are external events, items in red are key dates, and items in cyan are future estimated dates. All dates are based on Central time (which is where Austin is located), and may be referred to as NBT (New Britannia Time).

Earth Date & Time New Britannian Date Full Date [Month Day, Year Time Moon (Lunar Portal)]
Cataclysm (September 2, 1997 @midnight UTC/
September 1, 1997 @7:00pm NBT)
873140400 Janus 1, 0 P.C. Janus 1, 0 P.C. Midnight New/New Moons
Anniversary (September 15, 1997 @7:00pm) 874350000 Janus 1, 1 P.C. Janus 1, 1 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Centennial (July 2, 2001 @7:00pm) 994100400 Janus 1, 100 P.C. Janus 1, 100 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Centennial (May 2, 2005 @7:00pm) 1115060400 Janus 1, 200 P.C. Janus 1, 200 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Centennial (March 2, 2009 @7:00pm) 1236020400 Janus 1, 300 P.C. Janus 1, 300 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Initial Date (January 1, 2013 @12:00am UTC/
December 31, 2012 @7:00pm NBT)
1356980400 Janus 1, 400 P.C. 1356980400 Janus 1, 400 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Shroud of the Avatar Announced (March 8, 2013 @10:00am) est. 1362736800 Octobre 4, 404 P.C. est. 1362736800 Octobre 4, 404 P.C. Midnight Full Moon
Kickstarter Launch (March 8, 2013 @10:57am) est. 1362740220 Octobre 4, 404 P.C. est. 1362740220 Octobre 4, 404 P.C. Evening Waxing Gibbous Moon
Kickstarter Ends (April 7, 2013 @10:57am) est. 1365332220 Novembre 24, 406 P.C. est. 1365332220 Novembre 24, 406 P.C. Evening Full Moon
Release 1 (December 12, 2013 @10:00am) 1386842400 Septembre 8, 424 P.C. 1386842400 Septembre 8, 424 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 2 (January 23, 2014 @10:00am) 1390471200 Septembre 8, 427 P.C. 1390471200 Septembre 8, 427 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 3 (February 20, 2014 @3:45pm) 1392911100 Septembre 13, 429 P.C. 1392911100 Septembre 13, 429 P.C. Afternoon Waning Crescent Moon
Release 4 (March 27, 2014 @10:30am) 1395916200 Marse 8, 432 P.C. 1395916200 Marse 8, 432 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 5 (April 24, 2014 @10:30am) 1398335400 Marse 8, 434 P.C. 1398335400 Marse 8, 434 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 6 (May 22, 2014 @10:30am) 1400754600 Marse 8, 436 P.C. 1400754600 Marse 8, 436 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 7 (June 26, 2014 @10:30am) 1403778600 Septembre 8, 438 P.C. 1403778600 Septembre 8, 438 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 8 (July 24, 2014 @10:30am) 1406197800 Septembre 8, 440 P.C. 1406197800 Septembre 8, 440 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 9 (August 21, 2014 @10:30am) 1408617000 Septembre 8, 442 P.C. 1408617000 Septembre 8, 442 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 10 (September 25, 2014 @10:30am) 1411641000 Marse 8, 445 P.C. 1411641000 Marse 8, 445 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 11 (October 23, 2014 @10:30am) 1414060200 Marse 8, 447 P.C. 1414060200 Marse 8, 447 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 12 (November 20, 2014 @10:30am) 1416479400 Marse 8, 449 P.C. 1416479400 Marse 8, 449 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Alienware Partnership Announced (November 20, 2014 @10:30am) (est) 1416479400 Marse 8, 449 P.C. 1416479400 Marse 8, 449 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Steam Early Access (November 24, 2014 @10:30am) 1416825000 Juno 20, 449 P.C. 1416825000 Juno 20, 449 P.C. Morning Waning Gibbous Moon
Release 13 (December 18, 2014 @10:30am) 1418898600 Marse 8, 451 P.C. 1418898600 Marse 8, 451 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 14 January 29, 2015 @10:30am) 1422527400 Marse 8, 454 P.C. 1422527400 Marse 8, 454 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 15 (February 26, 2015 @10:30am) 1424946600 Marse 8, 456 P.C. 1424946600 Marse 8, 456 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 16 (March 26, 2015 @10:30am) 1427365800 Marse 8, 458 P.C. 1427365800 Marse 8, 458 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 17 (April 30, 2015 @10:30am) 1430389800 Septembre 8, 460 P.C. 1430389800 Septembre 8, 460 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 18 (May 28, 2015 @10:30am) 1432809000 Septembre 8, 462 P.C. 1432809000 Septembre 8, 462 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Razer Partnership Announced (May 28, 2015 @10:30am) (est) 1432809000 Septembre 8, 462 P.C. 1432809000 Septembre 8, 462 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 19 (June 25, 2015 @10:30am) 1435228200 Septembre 8, 464 P.C. 1435228200 Septembre 8, 464 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 20 (July 30, 2015 @10:30am) 1438252200 Marse 8, 467 P.C. 1438252200 Marse 8, 467 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 21 (August 27, 2015 @10:30am) 1440671400 Marse 8, 469 P.C. 1440671400 Marse 8, 469 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 22 (September 25, 2015 @10:30am) 1443177000 Apru 4, 471 P.C. 1443177000 Apru 4, 471 P.C. Morning New Moon
Release 23 (October 29, 2015 @10:30am) 1446114600 Septembre 8, 473 P.C. 1446114600 Septembre 8, 473 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 24 (November 19, 2015 @10:30am) 1447929000 Marse 8, 475 P.C. 1447929000 Marse 8, 475 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 25 (December 17, 2015 @10:30am) 1450348200 Marse 8, 477 P.C. 1450348200 Marse 8, 477 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 26 (January 28, 2016 @10:30am) 1453977000 Marse 8, 480 P.C. 1453977000 Marse 8, 480 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 27 (February 25, 2016 @10:30am) 1456396200 Marse 8, 482 P.C. 1456396200 Marse 8, 482 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 28 (March 16, 2016 @10:30am) 1458124200 Augus 12, 483 P.C. 1458124200 Augus 12, 483 P.C. Morning Third Quarter Moon
Release 29 (April 29, 2016 @10:30am) 1461925800 Octobre 4, 486 P.C. 1461925800 Octobre 4, 486 P.C. Morning New Moon
Release 30 (May 27, 2016 @10:30am) 1464604200 Decembre 20, 488 P.C. 1464604200 Decembre 20, 488 P.C. Morning Waning Gibbous Moon
Release 31 (June 30, 2016 @10:30am) 1467282600 Marse 8, 491 P.C. 1467282600 Marse 8, 491 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Persistence (July 28, 2016 @midnight) 1469664000 Februa 26, 493 P.C. 1469664000 Februa 26, 493 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 32 (July 28, 2016 @9:30am) 1469698200 Marse 7, 493 P.C. 1469698200 Marse 7, 493 P.C. Morning Full Moon
Release 33 (August 25, 2016 @10:30am) 1472121000 Marse 8, 495 P.C. 1472121000 Marse 8, 495 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 34 (September 29, 2016 @10:30am) 1475145000 Septembre 8, 497 P.C. 1475145000 Septembre 8, 497 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 35 (October 27, 2016 @10:30am) 1477564200 Septembre 8, 499 P.C. 1477564200 Septembre 8, 499 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Centennial (October 31, 2016 @7:00pm) 1477940400 Janus 1, 500 P.C. 1477940400 Janus 1, 500 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 36 (November 24, 2016 @10:30am) 1479983400 Septembre 8, 501 P.C. 1479983400 Septembre 8, 501 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 37 (December 29, 2016 @10:30am) 1483007400 Marse 8, 504 P.C. 1483007400 Marse 8, 504 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 38 (January 26, 2017 @10:30am) 1485426600 Marse 8, 506 P.C. 1485426600 Marse 8, 506 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 39 (February 23, 2017 @10:30am) 1487845800 Marse 8, 508 P.C. 1487845800 Marse 8, 508 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #1 Begins (March 3, 2017 @midnight) 1488499200 Septembre 22, 508 P.C. 1488499200 Septembre 22, 508 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Free Trial #1 Ends (March 9, 2017 @midnight) 1489017600 Februa 26, 509 P.C. 1489017600 Februa 26, 509 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 40 (March 30, 2017 @10:30am) 1490869800 Septembre 8, 510 P.C. 1490869800 Septembre 8, 510 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #2 Begins (April 6, 2017 @midnight) 1491436800 Februa 26, 511 P.C. 1491436800 Februa 26, 511 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #2 Ends (April 10, 2017 @midnight) 1491782400 Juno 10, 511 P.C. 1491782400 Juno 10, 511 P.C. Midnight Waning Gibbous Moon
Release 41 (April 27, 2017 @10:30am) 1493289000 Septembre 8, 512 P.C. 1493289000 Septembre 8, 512 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #3 Begins (May 10, 2017 @midnight) 1494374400 Augus 2, 513 P.C. 1494374400 Augus 2, 513 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Black Sun Game Publishing Partnership Announced (May 10, 2017 @10:00am) (est) 1494410400 Augus 12, 513 P.C. 1494410400 Augus 12, 513 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 42 (May 25, 2017 @10:30am) 1495708200 Septembre 8, 514 P.C. 1495708200 Septembre 8, 514 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #3 Ends (May 31, 2017 @midnight) 1496188800 Februa 2, 515 P.C. 1496188800 Februa 2, 515 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Equity Crowdfunding Announced (May 31, 2017 @12:00pm) est 1496232000 Februa 14, 515 P.C. est 1496232000 Februa 14, 515 P.C. Midnight Waxing Crescent Moon
SeedInvest Begins (June 7, 2017 @11:00pm) est 1496876400 Augus 25, 515 P.C. est 1496876400 Augus 25, 515 P.C. Midnight Full Moon
Release 43 (June 29, 2017 @10:30am) 1498732200 Marse 8, 517 P.C. 1498732200 Marse 8, 517 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #4 Begins (July 3, 2017 @midnight) 1499040000 Juno 10, 517 P.C. 1499040000 Juno 10, 517 P.C. Midnight Waning Gibbous Moon
Neverdie Studios Partnership Announced (July 20, 2017 @10:00am) (est) 1500544800 Septembre 8, 518 P.C. 1500544800 Septembre 8, 518 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Free Trial #4 Ends (July 26, 2017 @midnight) 1501027200 Februa 2, 519 P.C. 1501027200 Februa 2, 519 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Release 44 (July 27, 2017 @10:30am) 1501151400 Marse 8, 519 P.C. 1501151400 Marse 8, 519 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Travian Games Partnership Announced (July 31, 2017 @8:00am) (est) 1501488000 Juno 18, 519 P.C. 1501488000 Juno 18, 519 P.C. Midnight Full Moon
SeedInvest Ends (August 7, 2017 @11:00pm) 1502146800 Janus 5, 520 P.C. 1502146800 Janus 5, 520 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #5 Begins (August 9, 2017 @midnight) 1502236800 Februa 2, 520 P.C. 1502236800 Februa 2, 520 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Free Trial #5 Ends (August 30, 2017 @midnight) 1504051200 Augus 2, 521 P.C. 1504051200 Augus 2, 521 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Release 45 (August 31, 2017 @10:30am) 1504175400 Septembre 8, 521 P.C. 1504175400 Septembre 8, 521 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #6 Begins (September 7, 2017 @midnight) 1504742400 Februa 26, 522 P.C. 1504742400 Februa 26, 522 P.C. Midnight Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #6 Ends (September 27, 2017 @midnight) 1506470400 Augus 2, 523 P.C. 1506470400 Augus 2, 523 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Release 46 (September 28, 2017 @10:30am) 1506594600 Septembre 8, 523 P.C. 1506594600 Septembre 8, 523 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Free Trial #7 Begins (October 4, 2017 @midnight) 1507075200 Februa 2, 524 P.C. 1507075200 Februa 2, 524 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Free Trial #7 Ends (October 25, 2017 @midnight) 1508889600 Augus 2, 525 P.C. 1508889600 Augus 2, 525 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Release 47 (October 26, 2017 @10:30am) 1509013800 Septembre 8, 525 P.C. 1509013800 Septembre 8, 525 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Black Sun Russian Localization Launch (October 30, 2017) 1509336000 Decembre 14, 525 P.C. 1509336000 Decembre 14, 525 P.C. Midnight Waxing Crescent Moon
Free Trial #8 Begins (November 1, 2017 @midnight) 1509494400 Februa 2, 526 P.C. 1509494400 Februa 2, 526 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Meretz Partnership Announced (November 7, 2017 @1:36pm) 1510061760 Julius 19, 526 P.C. 1510061760 Julius 19, 526 P.C. Midday Waning Crescent Moon
BrightLocker StartEngine Begins (November 13, 2017 @10:00am) est 1510567200 Decembre 20, 526 P.C. est 1510567200 Decembre 20, 526 P.C. Midnight First Quarter Moon
Free Trial #8 Ends (November 15, 2017 @midnight) 1510704000 Februa 2, 527 P.C. 1510704000 Februa 2, 527 P.C. Midnight Third Quarter Moon
Release 48 (November 16, 2017 @10:30am) 1510828200 Marse 8, 527 P.C. 1510828200 Marse 8, 527 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 49 (December 14, 2017 @10:30am) 1513247400 Marse 8, 529 P.C. 1513247400 Marse 8, 529 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 50 (January 25, 2018 @10:30am) 1516876200 Marse 8, 532 P.C. 1516876200 Marse 8, 532 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
BrightLocker StartEngine Ends (January 26, 2018 @midnight PT/
January 27, 2018 @2:00am CT)
est 1517018400 Apru 20, 532 P.C. est 1517018400 Apru 20, 532 P.C. Midnight First Quarter Moon
Release 51 (February 22, 2018 @10:30am) 1519295400 Marse 8, 534 P.C. 1519295400 Marse 8, 534 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Shroud of the Avatar Launch Event (March 14, 2018 @6:30pm) 1521052200 Augus 20, 535 P.C. 1521052200 Augus 20, 535 P.C. Morning Waning Gibbous Moon
Release 52 (March 27, 2018 @10:30am) 1522146600 Julius 16, 536 P.C. 1522146600 Julius 16, 536 P.C. Morning First Quarter Moon
Forsaken Virtues Launch (March 27, 2018 @10:30am) 1522146600 Julius 16, 536 P.C. 1522146600 Julius 16, 536 P.C. Morning First Quarter Moon
Release 53 (April 26, 2018 @10:30am) 1524738600 Septembre 8, 538 P.C. 1524738600 Septembre 8, 538 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Charge of the Dragons Kick-Off (May 4, 2018 @7:30pm) 1525462200 Apru 13, 539 P.C. 1525462200 Apru 13, 539 P.C. Morning Waning Gibbous Moon
Charge of the Dragons Event (May 7, 2018 @2:00pm) 1525701600 Juno 24, 539 P.C. 1525701600 Juno 24, 539 P.C. Midnight Waning Gibbous Moon
Charge of the Dragons Event (May 9, 2018 @7:00pm) 1525892400 Augus 21, 539 P.C. 1525892400 Augus 21, 539 P.C. Midnight Waxing Crescent Moon
Charge of the Dragons Finale (May 11, 2018 @2:00pm) 1526047200 Octobre 8, 539 P.C. 1526047200 Octobre 8, 539 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 54 (May 31, 2018 @10:30am) 1527762600 Marse 8, 541 P.C. 1527762600 Marse 8, 541 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 55 (June 28, 2018 @10:30am) 1530181800 Marse 8, 543 P.C. 1530181800 Marse 8, 543 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 56 (July 26, 2018 @10:30am) 1532601000 Marse 8, 545 P.C. 1532601000 Marse 8, 545 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 57 (August 30, 2018 @10:30am) 1535625000 Septembre 8, 547 P.C. 1535625000 Septembre 8, 547 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 58 (September 27, 2018 @10:30am) 1538044200 Septembre 8, 549 P.C. 1538044200 Septembre 8, 549 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 59 (October 25, 2018 @10:30am) 1540463400 Septembre 8, 551 P.C. 1540463400 Septembre 8, 551 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 60 (November 15, 2018 @10:30am) 1542277800 Marse 8, 553 P.C. 1542277800 Marse 8, 553 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 61 (December 13, 2018 @10:30am) 1544697000 Marse 8, 555 P.C. 1544697000 Marse 8, 555 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 62 (January 31, 2019 @10:30am) 1548930600 Septembre 8, 558 P.C. 1548930600 Septembre 8, 558 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 63 (February 28, 2019 @10:30am) 1551349800 Septembre 8, 560 P.C. 1551436200 Octobre 4, 560 P.C. Morning New Moon
Release 64 (March 28, 2019 @10:30am) 1553769000 Septembre 8, 562 P.C. 1553769000 Septembre 8, 562 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 65 (April 25, 2019 @10:30am) 1556188200 Septembre 8, 564 P.C. 1556188200 Septembre 8, 564 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 66 (May 30, 2019 @10:30am) 1559212200 Marse 8, 567 P.C. 1559212200 Marse 8, 567 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 67 (June 27, 2019 @10:30am) 1561631400 Marse 8, 569 P.C. 1561631400 Marse 8, 569 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 68 (July 25, 2019 @10:30am) 1564050600 Marse 8, 571 P.C. 1564050600 Marse 8, 571 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 69 (August 29, 2019 @10:30am) 1567074600 Septembre 8, 573 P.C. 1567074600 Septembre 8, 573 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 70 (September 26, 2019 @10:30am) 1569493800 Septembre 8, 575 P.C. 1569493800 Septembre 8, 575 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Catnip Games Acquires Shroud of the Avatar (October 1, 2019 @12:01am) (est) 1569888060 Janus 6, 576 P.C. 1569888060 Janus 6, 576 P.C. Midnight First Quarter Moon
Release 71 (October 30, 2019 @10:30am) 1572431400 Februa 12, 578 P.C. 1572431400 Februa 12, 578 P.C. Morning Third Quarter Moon
Release 72 (November 21, 2019 @10:30am) 1574332200 Septembre 8, 579 P.C. 1574332200 Septembre 8, 579 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 73 (December 12, 2019 @10:30am) 1576146600 Marse 8, 581 P.C. 1576146600 Marse 8, 581 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 74 (January 30, 2020 @10:30am) 1580380200 Septembre 8, 584 P.C. 1580380200 Septembre 8, 584 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 75 (February 27, 2020 @10:30am) 1582799400 Septembre 8, 586 P.C. 1582799400 Septembre 8, 586 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 76 (March 26, 2020 @10:30am) 1585218600 Septembre 8, 588 P.C. 1585218600 Septembre 8, 588 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 77 (April 30, 2020 @10:30am) 1588242600 Marse 8, 591 P.C. 1588242600 Marse 8, 591 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 78 (May 28, 2020 @10:30am) 1590661800 Marse 8, 593 P.C. 1590661800 Marse 8, 593 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 79 (June 25, 2020 @10:30am) 1593081000 Marse 8, 595 P.C. 1593081000 Marse 8, 595 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 80 (July 30, 2020 @10:30am) 1596105000 Septembre 8, 597 P.C. 1596105000 Septembre 8, 597 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 81 (August 27, 2020 @10:30am) 1598524200 Septembre 8, 599 P.C. 1598524200 Septembre 8, 599 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Centennial (August 31, 2020 @7:00pm) (est) 1598900400 Janus 1, 600 P.C. 1598900400 Janus 1, 600 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 82 (September 24, 2020 @10:30am) 1600943400 Septembre 8, 601 P.C. 1600943400 Septembre 8, 601 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 83 (October 29, 2020 @10:30am) 1603967400 Marse 8, 604 P.C. 1603967400 Marse 8, 604 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 84 (November 19, 2020 @10:30am) 1605781800 Septembre 8, 605 P.C. 1605781800 Septembre 8, 605 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 85 (December 17, 2020 @10:30am) 1608201000 Septembre 8, 607 P.C. 1608201000 Septembre 8, 607 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 86 (January 28, 2021 @10:30am) 1611829800 Septembre 8, 610 P.C. 1611829800 Septembre 8, 610 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 87 (February 25, 2021 @10:30am) 1614249000 Septembre 8, 612 P.C. 1614249000 Septembre 8, 612 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 88 (March 25, 2021 @10:30am) 1616668200 Septembre 8, 614 P.C. 1616668200 Septembre 8, 614 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 89 (April 29, 2021 @10:30am) 1619692200 Marse 8, 617 P.C. 1619692200 Marse 8, 617 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 90 (May 27, 2021 @10:30am) 1622111400 Marse 8, 619 P.C. 1622111400 Marse 8, 619 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 91 (June 24, 2021 @10:30am) 1624530600 Marse 8, 621 P.C. 1624530600 Marse 8, 621 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 92 (July 29, 2021 @10:30am) 1627554600 Septembre 8, 623 P.C. 1627554600 Septembre 8, 623 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 93 (August 26, 2021 @10:30am) 1629973800 Septembre 8, 625 P.C. 1629973800 Septembre 8, 625 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 94 (September 30, 2021 @10:30am) 1632997800 Marse 8, 628 P.C. 1632997800 Marse 8, 628 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 95 (October 28, 2021 @10:30am) 1635417000 Marse 8, 630 P.C. 1635417000 Marse 8, 630 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 96 (November 18, 2021 @10:30am) 1637231400 Septembre 8, 631 P.C. 1637231400 Septembre 8, 631 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 97 (December 16, 2021 @10:30am) 1639650600 Septembre 8, 633 P.C. 1639650600 Septembre 8, 633 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 98 (January 27, 2022 @10:30am) 1643279400 Septembre 8, 636 P.C. 1643279400 Septembre 8, 636 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 99 (February 24, 2022 @10:30am) 1645698600 Septembre 8, 638 P.C. 1645698600 Septembre 8, 638 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 100 (March 31, 2022 @10:30am) 1648722600 Marse 8, 641 P.C. 1648722600 Marse 8, 641 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 101 (April 28, 2022 @10:30am) 1651141800 Marse 8, 643 P.C. 1651141800 Marse 8, 643 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 102 (May 26, 2022 @10:30am) 1653561000 Marse 8, 645 P.C. 1653561000 Marse 8, 645 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 103 (June 30, 2022 @10:30am) 1656585000 Septembre 8, 647 P.C. 1656585000 Septembre 8, 647 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 104 (July 28, 2022 @10:30am) 1659004200 Septembre 8, 649 P.C. 1659004200 Septembre 8, 649 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 105 (August 25, 2022 @10:30am) 1661423400 Septembre 8, 651 P.C. 1661423400 Septembre 8, 651 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 106 (September 29, 2022 @10:30am) 1664447400 Marse 8, 654 P.C. 1664447400 Marse 8, 654 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 107 (October 28, 2022 @10:30am) 1666953000 Apru 4, 656 P.C. 1666953000 Apru 4, 656 P.C. Morning New Moon
Release 108 (November 17, 2022 @10:30am) 1668681000 Septembre 8, 657 P.C. 1668681000 Septembre 8, 657 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 109 (December 15, 2022 @10:30am) 1671100200 Septembre 8, 659 P.C. 1671100200 Septembre 8, 659 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 110 (January 26, 2023 @10:30am) 1674729000 Septembre 8, 662 P.C. 1674729000 Septembre 8, 662 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 111 (February 23, 2023 @10:30am) 1677148200 Septembre 8, 664 P.C. 1677148200 Septembre 8, 664 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 112 (March 30, 2023 @10:30am) 1680172200 Marse 8, 667 P.C. 1680172200 Marse 8, 667 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 113 (April 27, 2023 @10:30am) 1682591400 Marse 8, 669 P.C. 1682591400 Marse 8, 669 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 114 (May 25, 2023 @10:30am) 1685010600 Marse 8, 671 P.C. 1685010600 Marse 8, 671 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 115 (June 29, 2023 @10:30am) 1688034600 Septembre 8, 673 P.C. 1688034600 Septembre 8, 673 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 116 (July 27, 2023 @10:30am) 1690453800 Septembre 8, 675 P.C. 1690453800 Septembre 8, 675 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 117 (August 31, 2023 @10:30am) 1693477800 Marse 8, 678 P.C. 1693477800 Marse 8, 678 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 118 (September 28, 2023 @10:30am) 1695897000 Marse 8, 680 P.C. 1695897000 Marse 8, 680 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 119 (October 26, 2023 @10:30am) 1698316200 Marse 8, 682 P.C. 1698316200 Marse 8, 682 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 120 (November 16, 2023 @10:30am) 1700130600 Septembre 8, 683 P.C. 1700130600 Septembre 8, 683 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 121 (December 14, 2023 @10:30am) 1702549800 Septembre 8, 685 P.C. 1702549800 Septembre 8, 685 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 122 (January 25, 2024 @10:30am) (Content) 1706178600 Septembre 8, 688 P.C. 1706178600 Septembre 8, 688 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 123 (February 29, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1709202600 Marse 8, 691 P.C. 1709202600 Marse 8, 691 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 124 (March 28, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1711621800 Marse 8, 693 P.C. 1711621800 Marse 8, 693 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 125 (April 25, 2024 @10:30am) (Content) 1714041000 Marse 8, 695 P.C. 1714041000 Marse 8, 695 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 126 (May 30, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1717065000 Septembre 8, 697 P.C. 1717065000 Septembre 8, 697 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 127 (June 27, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1719484200 Septembre 8, 699 P.C. 1719484200 Septembre 8, 699 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Centennial (July 1, 2024 @7:00pm) (est) 1719860400 Janus 1, 700 P.C. 1719860400 Janus 1, 700 P.C. Midnight New Moon
Release 128 (July 25, 2024 @10:30am) (Content) 1721903400 Septembre 8, 701 P.C. 1721903400 Septembre 8, 701 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 129 (August 29, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1724927400 Marse 8, 704 P.C. 1724927400 Marse 8, 704 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Today (March 26, 2025 @8:35am) 1742981754 Februa 11, 719 P.C. 1742981754 Februa 11, 719 P.C. Midday New Moon
Release 130 (September 26, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1727346600 Marse 8, 706 P.C. 1727346600 Marse 8, 706 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 131 (October 30, 2024 @10:30am) (Content) 1730284200 Augus 12, 708 P.C. 1730284200 Augus 12, 708 P.C. Morning Third Quarter Moon
Release 132 (November 28, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1732789800 Septembre 8, 710 P.C. 1732789800 Septembre 8, 710 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon
Release 133 (December 26, 2024 @10:30am) (Quality of Life) 1735209000 Septembre 8, 712 P.C. 1735209000 Septembre 8, 712 P.C. Morning Waxing Gibbous Moon


  • In the Release 17 Postmortem[1], it was stated that New Britannian time counts from midnight on Jan 1, 2013, and each Earth hour is one New Britannia day.
  • The calendar was first implemented in Release 18.
  • New Britannia shares the same 28-day month, 336-day year calendar as the Ultima series.
  • On the date of the Cataclysm (September 2, 1997) there was a solar eclipse. This was a total eclipse in the UK, but only a partial eclipse in the USA.
  • September 1997 was also the end of the beta for (and subsequent launch of) Ultima Online. The beta ended with a bang, as players were treated to an "end of the world" scenario with Shadowlords, demons, and other evil creatures slaughtering every character in sight.
  • Originally, each of the eight Time of Day segments was an even 7.5 minutes. This was changed in Release 54 to favor daylight hours for improved playability.

See Also

  • Release Features: 2023 - summarized list of features/content in the Releases.
  • The Talk Page contains a number of dates for related events.
  • The Community Page contains a number of dates for community events.
  • Back to Main Page
