Obsidian Forge is a Crafting Station located at the very bottom of the Hilt Fortress. Obsidian Forge is the only Crafting Station that will allow you to make the Vermillion Lens or Obsidian Refined Materials, Crafting Components and Obsidian Armor and Weapons.
- You can only craft Obsidian Refined Materials and Crafting Components, Obsidian Armor and Obsidian Weapons when you enter the door to Hilt Fortress that is labeled [This door cannot be used for "Reassemble the Vermillion Lens" quest] in Nightshade Pass. You cannot craft the Vermillion Lens on the Obsidian Forge.
- While in this scene, each time you click on the Obsidian Forge and open the Crafting Window, a Wave Battle will spawn consisting of Fire Elemental and Obsidian Golem creatures.
Selecting and Using the Obsidian Forge[edit]
You will need to walk into the circular area around the Obsidian Forge. Upon doing so you will take a large hit of focus and health damage. You will now have to wait several seconds, and then you will be able to click on an object named Obsidian Forge. Clicking on that will now open a Crafting Window and you can now use the Obsidian Forge.
Crafting the Blacksmithing recipe Vermillion Lens
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.
Lastseen: R49
Crafting the Blacksmithing recipe Obsidian Ingot
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.
Lastseen: R47
Used in recipes
- These Crafting Components can be crafted at the Obsidian Forge using Obsidian Ingot.
Used in recipes
- This armor can be crafted at the Obsidian Forge using Obsidian Sheet.
Used in recipes
Used in recipes
Used in recipes
Used in recipes
Hilt Fortress: The Obsidian Forge is now functioning but beware; for not only does it drain the user’s life and focus, but it also draws the attention of ever increasing waves of enemies (much like a Control Point).[1]
See also[edit]