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Property:Used in

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
[[Students of Virtue]], [[Student of Chaos]]  +
[[Give Note to Nena]]  +
[[Give Painting to Proper Owner]]  +
'''Deliver Medicine to Kinsey''' Quest  +
'''Get Cluster for Smalls''' Quest  +
'''Smalls wants Aldurite Crystal Fragments''' and '''Get Fragments for Aeronaut''' Quests  +
[[Bring Alpha Wolf's Head to Filmore]]  +
[[Ancient Pyramid]]  +
[[Find Loreley's Sketchbook]]  +
Retrieve Obsidian Knowledge  +
[[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Elara]] and/or [[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Wynston]]  +
[[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Elara]] and/or [[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Wynston]]  +
[[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Elara]] and/or [[Find Obsidian Logbooks for Wynston]]  +
[[Collect Arcane Catalyst]]  +
[[Kill Xavara and Take Its Ashes]]  +
[[Trade Avowal to Guild Registrar]]  +
[[Reshape Back Slot]]  +
'''Get Bag of Runestones''' Quest  +
[[Get Ballad of Bloody Bones]]  +
[[Return Vault Key to Vivienne]] Quest|  +