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Recipe: Frost Giant's Helm Trophy

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Recipe: Frost Giant's Helm Trophy
Letter icon.png

When used, this recipe creates a rare deco item: a Frost Giant's Helm Trophy.

This recipe is given to you as a reward the first time you complete the Deliver Wymond's Marker quest in Jotungrund.

This recipe is Not-teachable.

To craft this recipe, you need your Blacksmithing skill (the top skill in the tree) at level 120 or higher.

The major components (i.e. the Frost Giant's Helm Fragments) that are used in this recipe drop as loot from the Frost Giant in Jotungrund.


Crafting the Blacksmithing recipe Recipe: Frost Giant's Helm Trophy
Hover your mouse over items or click on them for details.

Required Skill
Blacksmithing 120

Not Teachable

Chunk of Coal Chunk of Coal x 30
Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Thick Leather Strap) Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Thick Leather Strap) x 4
Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Horn) Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Horn) x 1
Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Broken Horn) Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Broken Horn) x 1
Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Helm Body) Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Helm Body) x 1
Pure Elemental Ice Pure Elemental Ice x 30

Frost Giant's Helm Trophy Frost Giant's Helm Trophy x 1

Lastseen: R
Chunk of CoalFrost Giant's Helm Fragment (Thick Leather Strap)Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Horn)Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Broken Horn)Frost Giant's Helm Fragment (Helm Body)Pure Elemental Ice

See Also[edit]