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Sneak Scene
Barkeeps in port towns across New Britannia have made their basements available to all sorts of nefarious people who value the ability to come and go without notice. They might have a key, if you ask, to access a place where specialists in skulking hone their craft. Drunken whispers have overshared that those frequenting this ‘sneak scene’ will claim avoiding combat is more important than direct confrontation. Some people might suggest this place is neutral ground, with both assassins and spies putting aside their differences in order to make use of these elaborate training facilities. It might, perhaps, be wise to do any such training before partaking of the barkeeps’ wares, not after.
The entrance to the sneak scene is hatch that can be found behind the Taverns in
Go to one of the towns listed above, go into the Tavern, and ask the Innkeeper (or whoever is working the bar) about "key". They will sell you a Sneak Scene Key for 1 nightshade. The key is required to enter the sneak scene's warehouse.
The entrance to the sneak scene is a hatch on the ground, located behind the Tavern.
After entering the Sneak Scene, if you have a Sneak Scene Key in your inventory, clicking on the Key Hole by the locked gate, will unlock the gate. Then click on the gate to open it, and enter the warehouse. The key will be destroyed when unlocking the gate. But, after you sneak through the warehouse, you can exit the Sneak Scene, and immediately go get another key. You try the sneak scene multiple times a day, but you can only get rewards from the Overseer once per day.
When you sneak in the warehouse, you move from room to room, and loot the chests (but these are timed events, so sneak quickly). Talk to the Overseer in Sneak Scene to get more details on the mechanics of this challenge.
- Chests in room 1 to 3 drop wooden coins.
- Chests in room 4 and 5 drop copper coins.
- Chests in room 6 and 7 drop iron coins.
After sneaking in the warehouse, you can give the coins to the Overseer for a reward as a Daily Quest. Rewards offered by the Overseer are:
- You can trade 10 wood coins for either a Commemorative Wood Coin or 16,000 XP.
- You can trade 7 copper coins for either a Commemorative Copper Coin or 53,248 XP.
- You can trade 7 iron coins for either a Commemorative Iron Coin or 65,828 XP.
- Banner of Courage is awarded for getting to the 4th room (one-time award).