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Supply Bundle (Yellow)

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Supply Bundle (Yellow)
Supply Bundle (Yellow) icon.png

Weight: 1
Value: Gold 0

Yellow Supply Bundles are bags of random items of different levels, which can be found on high-tier enemies. This is an uncommon supply bundle.

Upon using this item, it will be replaced with its contents in your inventory.

Bundle Contents[edit]

Bundle Loot
Supply Bundle (Yellow) Supply Bundle (Yellow) Amethyst Amethyst (0-1), Ancient Two-Handed Sword Ancient Two-Handed Sword (0-1), Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon Ankh of Sacrifice, Uncommon (0-1), Baked Salmon Baked Salmon (0-1), Baked Trout Baked Trout (0-1), Banana Bread Banana Bread (0-1), Bark Bread Bark Bread (0-1), Belt of the Brutal Butcher Belt of the Brutal Butcher (0-1), Belt of the Ox Belt of the Ox (0-1), Book of Learning, Uncommon Book of Learning, Uncommon (0-1), Caltrops Caltrops (0-1), Citrine Citrine (0-1), Crossbow of Accuracy Crossbow of Accuracy (0-1), Cure Plague Potion Cure Plague Potion (0-1), Cure Poison Potion Cure Poison Potion (0-1), Cutlass of the Swashbuckler Cutlass of the Swashbuckler (0-1), Decorative Plant Decorative Plant (0-1), Diamond Diamond (0-1), Embry's Harp Embry's Harp (0-1), Emerald Emerald (0-1), Explosive Potion Explosive Potion (0-1), Fish Stew Fish Stew (0-1), Fleet Flute Fleet Flute (0-1), Flute of Defiance Flute of Defiance (0-1), Frozen Tear of Titans Frozen Tear of Titans (0-1), Garlic Cheese Bread Garlic Cheese Bread (0-1), Garnet Garnet (0-1), Gauntlets of Lead Gauntlets of Lead (0-1), Glowing Belt Buckle Glowing Belt Buckle (0-1), Halberd of the Sun Halberd of the Sun (0-1), Haste Potion Haste Potion (0-1), Lavalliere of the Lagomorph, Uncommon Lavalliere of the Lagomorph, Uncommon (0-1), Maple Band Maple Band (0-1), Onyx Onyx (0-1), Pax Ring Pax Ring (0-1), Piece of Apple Pie Piece of Apple Pie (0-1), Piece of Carmelized Onion Quiche Piece of Carmelized Onion Quiche (0-1), Piece of Pumpkin Pie Piece of Pumpkin Pie (0-1), Piece of White Cake Piece of White Cake (0-1), Poison Potion Poison Potion (0-1), Potion of Acumen Potion of Acumen (0-1), Potion of Cat's Grace Potion of Cat's Grace (0-1), Potion of Deftness Potion of Deftness (0-1), Potion of Focus Potion of Focus (0-1), Potion of Focus, Greater Potion of Focus, Greater (0-1), Potion of Health Potion of Health (0-1), Potion of Health, Greater Potion of Health, Greater (0-1), Potion of Might Potion of Might (0-1), Potion of Regeneration Potion of Regeneration (0-1), Potion of Resistance, Elemental Potion of Resistance, Elemental (0-1), Potion of Resistance, Magic Potion of Resistance, Magic (0-1), Potion of Restoration Potion of Restoration (0-1), Potion of Wolf Speed Potion of Wolf Speed (0-1), Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin Soup (0-1), Recall Scroll Recall Scroll (0-1), Recipe: Bolt of Carapacian Cloth Recipe: Bolt of Carapacian Cloth (0-1), Recipe: Bolt of Fustian Cloth Recipe: Bolt of Fustian Cloth (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Binding Recipe: Bronze Binding (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Dagger Blade Recipe: Bronze Dagger Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Enforced Bone Plate Recipe: Bronze Enforced Bone Plate (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Great Axe Blade Recipe: Bronze Great Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Halberd Blade Recipe: Bronze Halberd Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Hand Axe Blade Recipe: Bronze Hand Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Heavy War Hammer Head Recipe: Bronze Heavy War Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Hilt Recipe: Bronze Hilt (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Longsword Blade Recipe: Bronze Longsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Mace Head Recipe: Bronze Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Sheet Recipe: Bronze Sheet (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Shortsword Blade Recipe: Bronze Shortsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Spear Head Recipe: Bronze Spear Head (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Axe Blade Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Hammer Head Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Mace Mead Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Mace Mead (0-1), Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Sword Blade Recipe: Bronze Two-handed Sword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Bronze War Hammer Head Recipe: Bronze War Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Carapacian Bow String Recipe: Carapacian Bow String (0-1), Recipe: Carapacian Cloth Strap Recipe: Carapacian Cloth Strap (0-1), Recipe: Coil of Bronze Wire Recipe: Coil of Bronze Wire (0-1), Recipe: Coil of Constantan Wire Recipe: Coil of Constantan Wire (0-1), Recipe: Coil of Meteoric Iron Wire Recipe: Coil of Meteoric Iron Wire (0-1), Recipe: Coil of White Iron Wire Recipe: Coil of White Iron Wire (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Binding Recipe: Constantan Binding (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Dagger Blade Recipe: Constantan Dagger Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Enforced Bone Plate Recipe: Constantan Enforced Bone Plate (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Halberd Blade Recipe: Constantan Halberd Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Hand Axe Blade Recipe: Constantan Hand Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Hilt Recipe: Constantan Hilt (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Longsword Blade Recipe: Constantan Longsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Mace Head Recipe: Constantan Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Sheet Recipe: Constantan Sheet (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Shortsword Blade Recipe: Constantan Shortsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Spear Head Recipe: Constantan Spear Head (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Axe Blade Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Hammer Head Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Mace Head Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Sword Blade Recipe: Constantan Two-handed Sword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Constantan War Hammer Head Recipe: Constantan War Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Crimson Pine Crossbow Stock Recipe: Crimson Pine Crossbow Stock (0-1), Recipe: Crimson Pine Handle Recipe: Crimson Pine Handle (0-1), Recipe: Crimson Pine Heartwood Recipe: Crimson Pine Heartwood (0-1), Recipe: Crimson Pine Long Bowstave Recipe: Crimson Pine Long Bowstave (0-1), Recipe: Fustian Bow String Recipe: Fustian Bow String (0-1), Recipe: Fustian Cloth Strap Recipe: Fustian Cloth Strap (0-1), Recipe: Grey Pine Crossbow Stock Recipe: Grey Pine Crossbow Stock (0-1), Recipe: Grey Pine Handle Recipe: Grey Pine Handle (0-1), Recipe: Grey Pine Heartwood Recipe: Grey Pine Heartwood (0-1), Recipe: Grey Pine Long Bowstave Recipe: Grey Pine Long Bowstave (0-1), Recipe: Hard Maple Crossbow Stock Recipe: Hard Maple Crossbow Stock (0-1), Recipe: Hard Maple Handle Recipe: Hard Maple Handle (0-1), Recipe: Hard Maple Heartwood Recipe: Hard Maple Heartwood (0-1), Recipe: Hard Maple Long Bowstave Recipe: Hard Maple Long Bowstave (0-1), Recipe: Hardened Leather Bow String Recipe: Hardened Leather Bow String (0-1), Recipe: Hardened Leather Strap Recipe: Hardened Leather Strap (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Binding Recipe: Meteoric Iron Binding (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Dagger Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Dagger Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate Recipe: Meteoric Iron Enforced Bone Plate (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Great Axe Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Great Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Halberd Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Halberd Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Hand Axe Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Hand Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Hilt Recipe: Meteoric Iron Hilt (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Longsword Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Longsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Mace Head Recipe: Meteoric Iron Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Necklace Recipe: Meteoric Iron Necklace (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Ring Recipe: Meteoric Iron Ring (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Sheet Recipe: Meteoric Iron Sheet (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Shortsword Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Shortsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Spear Head Recipe: Meteoric Iron Spear Head (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Trident Head Recipe: Meteoric Iron Trident Head (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Axe Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Hammer Head Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Mace Head Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Sword Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron Two-handed Sword Blade (0-1), Recipe: Meteoric Iron War Hammer Blade Recipe: Meteoric Iron War Hammer Blade (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Acumen Recipe: Potion of Acumen (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Cat's Grace Recipe: Potion of Cat's Grace (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Deftness Recipe: Potion of Deftness (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Focus, Greater Recipe: Potion of Focus, Greater (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Focus, Imbued Recipe: Potion of Focus, Imbued (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Focus, Lesser Recipe: Potion of Focus, Lesser (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Health, Greater Recipe: Potion of Health, Greater (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Health, Imbued Recipe: Potion of Health, Imbued (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Health, Lesser Recipe: Potion of Health, Lesser (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Regeneration Recipe: Potion of Regeneration (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Regeneration, Imbued Recipe: Potion of Regeneration, Imbued (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Resistance, Elemental Recipe: Potion of Resistance, Elemental (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Resistance, Magic Recipe: Potion of Resistance, Magic (0-1), Recipe: Potion of Restoration Recipe: Potion of Restoration (0-1), Recipe: Rock Maple Crossbow Stock Recipe: Rock Maple Crossbow Stock (0-1), Recipe: Rock Maple Handle Recipe: Rock Maple Handle (0-1), Recipe: Rock Maple Heartwood Recipe: Rock Maple Heartwood (0-1), Recipe: Rock Maple Long Bowstave Recipe: Rock Maple Long Bowstave (0-1), Recipe: Supple Leather Bow String Recipe: Supple Leather Bow String (0-1), Recipe: Supple Leather Strap Recipe: Supple Leather Strap (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Binding Recipe: White Iron Binding (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Dagger Blade Recipe: White Iron Dagger Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Enforced Bone Plate Recipe: White Iron Enforced Bone Plate (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Halberd Blade Recipe: White Iron Halberd Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Hand Axe Blade Recipe: White Iron Hand Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Hilt Recipe: White Iron Hilt (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Longsword Blade Recipe: White Iron Longsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Mace Head Recipe: White Iron Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Sheet Recipe: White Iron Sheet (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Shortsword Blade Recipe: White Iron Shortsword Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Spear Head Recipe: White Iron Spear Head (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Axe Blade Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Axe Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Hammer Head Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Mace Head Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Mace Head (0-1), Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Sword Blade Recipe: White Iron Two-handed Sword Blade (0-1), Recipe: White Iron War Hammer Head Recipe: White Iron War Hammer Head (0-1), Recipe: Yard of Hardened Leather Recipe: Yard of Hardened Leather (0-1), Recipe: Yard of Supple Leather Recipe: Yard of Supple Leather (0-1), Repair Kit - Blacksmithing Repair Kit - Blacksmithing (0-1), Repair Kit - Carpentry Repair Kit - Carpentry (0-1), Repair Kit - Tailoring Repair Kit - Tailoring (0-1), Repair Kit - Tool Repair Kit - Tool (0-1), Ring (Adhar) Ring (Adhar) (0-1), Ring (Beatha) Ring (Beatha) (0-1), Ring (Grian) Ring (Grian) (0-1), Ring (Teine) Ring (Teine) (0-1), Ring (Uir) Ring (Uir) (0-1), Ring (Uisge) Ring (Uisge) (0-1), Ring of Cat's Grace Ring of Cat's Grace (0-1), Ring of Luck Ring of Luck (0-1), Ring of Greater Luck Ring of Greater Luck (0-1), Ring of the Gambler Ring of the Gambler (0-1), Ring of the Mouse Ring of the Mouse (0-1), Ruby Ruby (0-1), Sapphire Sapphire (0-1), Sauteed Bass Sauteed Bass (0-1), Shard of Night Shard of Night (0-1), Shield of Attraction Shield of Attraction (0-1), Shield of the Wicked King Shield of the Wicked King (0-1), Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, bottom Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, bottom (0-1), Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, middle Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, middle (0-1), Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, top Short Glowing Blue Cylinder, top (0-1), Short Glowing Cylinder, bottom Short Glowing Cylinder, bottom (0-1), Short Glowing Cylinder, middle Short Glowing Cylinder, middle (0-1), Short Glowing Cylinder, top Short Glowing Cylinder, top (0-1), Smelling Salts Smelling Salts (0-1), Strip of Thick Troll Skin Strip of Thick Troll Skin (0-1), Sword of Speed Sword of Speed (0-1), Taming Collar Taming Collar (0-1), Teleport Scroll Teleport Scroll (0-1), Two-handed Mace of Unsummoning Two-handed Mace of Unsummoning (0-1), Vexlyns Ember of Conflagration Vexlyns Ember of Conflagration (0-1), Wand of Static Discharge Wand of Static Discharge (0-1), Wand of Undying Embers Wand of Undying Embers (0-1), Wand of Wild Lightning, Uncommon Wand of Wild Lightning, Uncommon (0-1)


Ebon Cultist Wizard
Elven Archer
Hardened Skeleton Archer
Hardened Skeleton Footman
Kobold Fighter
Logging Camp Foreman
Meat Maximum
Obsidian Elf Archmage
Pumpkin Head Footsoldier
Satyr Marksman
The Iron Jarl

See also[edit]